

安徽农业科学 2014年28期


摘要[目的] 研究SH9进料含水率对干燥后烟丝综合质量的影响。[方法] 研究了SH9在线高速膨胀系统对烟丝进行干燥时不同进料含水率条件下烟丝综合质量变化情况。[结果]研究显示,不同的进料含水率对烟丝、填充值以及感官质量均有较显著影响,对整丝率、碎丝率影响不显著。[结论] 研究可为卷烟企业在用SH9在线高速膨胀系统对烟草加工时选择合适的控制参数提供依据。



Effects of SH9 Online Expansion Equipment Feed Moisture on Tobacco Comprehensive Quality

WANG Zhiqi, GU Chaolin, DI Xiaoya et al

(Jilin Tobacoo Industrial Co. Ltd, Changchun, Jilin 130033)

Abstract[Objective] To study effects of SH9 feed moisture content on tobacco comprehensive quality after drying. [Method] The change of tobacco comprehensive quality under different feed moisture content was studied. [Result] The results showed that, different feed moisture content has significant effects on tobacco, filling value and sensory quality, while has no significant effects on whole tobacco rate and broken tobacco rate. [Conclusion] The study can provide reference basis for adopting proper control parameters in tobacco processing with SHP online expansion equipment.

Key wordsSH9 online expansion equipment; Feed moisture content; Tobacco comprehensive quality









依据试验要求,对所选批次烟丝在贮丝时间满足工艺标准(4 h)后,在贮丝柜取样(取样时避开柜头、柜尾300 kg,剥去表层10 cm),每批次取样1 500 g。检测烟丝整丝率、碎丝率、填充值,整丝率、碎丝率检测1次,填充值检测3次取平均值,每个水平取9批次。另每个水平选1个批次按上述方法取样15 kg,制作品吸样品。



2.2进料含水率对烟丝碎丝率的影响4个进料含水率水平9个批次烟丝碎丝率见表2。对表2中试验数据进行单因素方差分析,得每个含水率水平9个批次的烟丝碎丝率平均数与标准差,Levene检验显示方差不齐,事后多重比较Dunnett T3检验显示处理间差异不显著。









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