于熙滢,周大亮,郭 颖,吕 建,魏 林,曹海利
于熙滢1,周大亮1,郭 颖1,吕 建1,魏 林1,曹海利2*
(1哈尔滨市第一医院心内一科,哈尔滨 150001;2哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院介入科,哈尔滨 150086)
在动脉粥样硬化的发生发展过程中,胆固醇逆向转运的紊乱,血管壁巨噬细胞黏附,平滑肌细胞移行增殖并蓄积脂质形成泡沫细胞是一个重要的环节[1−5]。能有效抑制这一环节并促进细胞内胆固醇逆向转运的药物研发一直是动脉粥样硬化研究关注的热点。依折麦布辛伐他汀(ES)片作为一种新型选择性胆固醇吸收抑制剂与他汀类药物的合剂,在临床应用中因其可有效弥补单独应用他汀类药物的不足而倍受青睐[3,6−9]。但ES片明显降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)水平能否逆转动脉粥样硬化的进程仍未有定论。本研究拟通过建立家兔动脉粥样硬化模型,观察腹主动脉粥样斑块内炎性巨噬细胞和平滑肌细胞的表达情况,从而探索依折麦布联合他汀类药物在逆转动脉斑块中的作用及机制。
1 材料与方法
1.1 动物模型的建立及分组
雄性新西兰大白兔24只,体质量2.0~2.5kg。将兔单笼喂养普通饲料1周。24只兔随机分为对照组(8只)和高胆固醇血症组(16只)。对照组给予普通饲料。高胆固醇血症组供给致动脉粥样硬化饲料(由普通颗粒饲料+15g/L胆固醇+100g/L猪油+150g/L蛋黄粉组成)。喂养2周后,参照文献[10]的方法进行腹主动脉内膜球囊损伤术。术后再随机分为模型亚组(=8)和ES亚组(=8)。模型亚组继续喂饲致动脉粥样硬化饲料10周。ES亚组除喂饲致动脉粥样硬化饲料加用ES片5/10mg/(kg·d)。喂养第12周时进行腹主动脉造影。并留取腹主动脉左肾动脉水平以下5cm的血管作为标本。所有动物均于实验开始和结束前空腹取每只兔耳缘静脉血测定血清总胆固醇(total cholesterol,TC)、甘油三酯(triglycerides,TG)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、LDL-C,进行血液学检查。
1.2 实验材料及试剂
1.3 给药剂量、途径及时间
1.4 实验方法
1.4.1 药物触发 3组白兔均给予中国斑点蝰蛇毒0.15mg/kg腹膜下注射,30min后,经耳缘静脉注射组胺0.02mg/kg,于活杀动物前24和48h给予两次药物触发斑块破裂。
1.4.2 腹主动脉造影检查 对照组、模型亚组、ES亚组3组动物分别于12周行腹主动脉造影检查,手术切开暴露右股动脉,穿刺针直视下穿刺,留置管鞘,行腹主动脉造影。以Image-Pro Plus6.0软件精确测量每根腹主动脉狭窄区的最小残腔直径(diameter of minimum cavity,DMC)和狭窄远端腹主动脉直径(diameter of distal abdominal,DDA)。狭窄率=(DDA-DMC)/DDA×100%。狭窄程度的判定标准:狭窄率<30%为轻度狭窄,30%~69%为中度狭窄,70%~99%为重度狭窄,100%为完全闭塞。
1.5 病理标本的留取
1.5.1 标本大体形态观察 动物活杀后取出腹主动脉全长,纵行切开,生理盐水冲洗干净后,观察斑块形成情况。然后以4%甲醛固定,同时用HE染色整条主动脉,进行病理切片后经Image-Pro Plus6.0分析系统处理,计算斑块直径、斑块厚度、内/中膜厚度。
1.5.2 免疫组织化学检查 选取邻近主动脉弓部的降主动脉,置于4%甲醛固定48h,常规石蜡包埋,血管横断面作4μm连续切片,分别做HE染色及巨噬细胞和平滑肌肌动蛋白的免疫化学染色。应用RAM11抗体和α-肌动蛋白(actin)抗体分别测定斑块破裂与未破裂部位的巨噬细胞和平滑肌肌动蛋白的局部表达。
1.6 统计学处理
2 结 果
2.1 各组兔血脂变化情况
2.2 腹主动脉狭窄程度
2.3 病理形态学观察
2.4 斑块直径、厚度及内/中膜厚度
2.5 免疫组织化学分析
经Image-Pro Plus6.0分析系统处理,对照组缺乏巨噬细胞表达,可见中层平滑肌细胞着色,无内膜增生(图2A,3A)。以斑块纤维帽500μm×100μm的面积区域计数细胞数。结果显示与ES亚组相比,模型亚组巨噬细胞的数量较之明显增多(46.4±5.638.6±6.4),差异具有统计学意义(<0.05;图2B,2C);模型亚组平滑肌细胞较ES亚组明显减少(57.6±6.371.2±4.9),差异有统计学意义(<0.01;图3B,3C)。
3 讨 论
表1 兔实验前后血脂水平
TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; LDL-C: low density lipoprotein cholesterol; ES: ezetimibe/simvastatin. Compared with control group,**<0.01; compared with model subgroup,##<0.01; compared with the beginning of the experiment in the same group,△△<0.01
图1 兔腹主动脉HE染色结果
Figure 1 Hematoxylin-eosin staining results of rabbits abdominal aorta (×40) A: control group; B: model subgroup; C: ES subgroup
图2 巨噬细胞免疫组化染色结果
Figure 2 Results of immunohistochemical staining in macrophages(×400) A: control group; B: model subgroup; C: ES subgroup
图3 平滑肌肌动蛋白免疫组化染色结果
Figure 3 Results of immunohistochemical staining in smooth muscle actin (×400) A: control group; B: model subgroup; C: ES subgroup
表2 两亚组斑块直径、厚度、内-中膜厚度比较
Compared with model subgroup,**<0.01
依折麦布是一种选择性胆固醇吸收抑制剂,其作用机制主要是阻断胆固醇的外源性吸收途径。其口服后被迅速吸收且广泛结合成依折麦布-葡萄糖苷酸,作用于小肠细胞的刷状缘,通过抑制C型1类尼曼匹克−C1样蛋白l(Niemann-Pick C1 like 1,NPC1L1),选择性地抑制膳食和胆汁中的胆固醇跨小肠壁转运,有效地阻止胆固醇和植物固醇的吸收。一项单药治疗的研究[16]显示,10mg依折麦布单药治疗2周后,LDL-C较基线水平降低了20.4%,安慰剂组则升高了1.9%;组间相比,LDL-C降幅相差22.3%。辛伐他汀作为一种羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶抑制剂,能特异性地降低肝细胞中胆固醇的合成,进而发挥降低血脂的作用。两者联合应用可分别从胆固醇的内、外源性途径对血脂水平进行调节以达到最佳调脂效果[17]。本研究动物实验显示,连续12周5/10mg/(kg·d)的ES片可有效减轻新西兰兔主动脉粥样硬化的病变程度,内/中膜变薄,内皮下间隙脂质以及坏死物质减少,血管壁结构得到了有效的改善。本研究中ES亚组显著降低高胆固醇血症家兔血清TC、TG和LDL-C浓度,同时,还显著抑制了腹主动脉粥样斑块的形成,该亚组斑块近心端巨噬细胞和表达的数目较模型组明显减少,减轻了斑块近心端细胞外基质的降解,使斑块趋向稳定。
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(编辑: 周宇红)
Effects of ezetimibe/simvastatin tablets on atherosclerotic plaque regression of abdominal arteries in rabbits
YU Xi-Ying1, ZHOU Da-Liang1, GUO-Ying1, LYU- Jian1, WEI-Lin1, CAO Hai-Li2*
(1Department No.1 of Cardiology, Harbin First Hospital, Harbin 150010, China;2Department of Interventional Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086, China)
To observe the efficiency of ezetimibe/simvastatin (ES) tablets on the regression of atherosclerotic plaque of abdominal arteries in rabbits.Twenty-four healthy male New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups: control group (=8) and hypercholesterolemia group (=16). Control group was fed with normal diet for 12 weeks. The other group animals were given a cholesterol-supplemented diet (normal diet+15g/Lcholesterol+100g/Llard+150g/Legg yolk powder) for 2 weeks, and underwent catheter-induced arterial wall injury. These rabbits were then randomized to model subgroup (=8, for another 10 weeks of hypercholesterol diet) and ES treatment subgroup [=8, 5/10mg/(kg·d) for another 10 weeks]. Chinese russell’s viper venom was intra-peritoneally injected to trigger plaque rupture. Abdominal aortagraphy was carried out to measure the aorta stenosis. After 12 weeks’ feeding, all rabbits were sacrificed, and their abdominal arteries were isolated, paraffin-embedded and then sectioned. Blood lipid and lipoproteins were detected. The development of the atherosclerotic plaques was evaluated through the light microscopy. Finally, the expression of macrophage and smooth muscle actin in the abdominal arteries was measured by immunohistochemical analysis.The serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) were significantly lower in the ES treatment subgroup than in the hypercholesterolemia model group (<0.01). One-way analysis of variance indicated that significant differences were found in the plaque diameter, plaque thickness and the intimal-medial thickness between the ES subgroup and hypercholesterolemia model subgroup by morphological observation (<0.05). Immunohistochemical analysis showed that lesser macrophages (<0.05) but more smooth muscle cells (<0.01) were found in the ES treatment subgroup than in the model group.It may be through reducing the deposition of extracellular lipids that ES treatment decreases macrophage number and cholesterol level, increases the collagen and smooth muscle cells in the arterial intima and media, and thus exerts effect on plaque reversing.
rabbits; aorta, abdominal; macrophage; myocyte, smooth muscle; ezetimibe/simvastatin tablets
曹海利, E-mail: 18746013637@163.com