

荆楚理工学院学报 2014年1期


(荆楚理工学院外国语学院,湖北荆门 448000)


亚里士多德在《修辞学》中认为修辞是逻辑和政治的对等物,把它称作是一种调动一切可以调动的劝说手段[1]。他提出了演讲中劝说的三要素即逻辑诉诸、情感诉诸和人格诉诸(Logos,pathos and ethos)。在肯尼思·伯克的修辞体系中,“同一”的概念是其核心理论,根据伯克的观点,修辞是用符号(即语言)去诱发合作的行为,即修辞者要达到劝说的目的,必须与受众者实现“同一”(Identification)。一个人要么试图通过论辩来劝说其听众,他必须根据他们的思维方式来进行;通过情感,就必须具有在某种程度上指望听众能有的感情。“同一”在交际中的作用已经得到实验证明[2],无论是诉诸逻辑、情感还是人格,其最终目的都是为了达到“同一”。这个概念的提出把古典修辞学(其核心是劝说)和新修辞学有机地结合起来并对劝说进行了补充,把在顺从和诉诸修辞中整个自觉的和不自觉的动机语言范围都包括了进去,成为新修辞学的关键词之一。从认知心理学来看,人在同一维度上的心理因素是:价值、态度、需要、信念、认知、情感、知识等等[3],劝说的“认同”导致心理领域的这些因素的同一性,才能达到形成观点(态度),改变观点(态度)或加强观点(态度)的目的。在伯克看来,这种“同一”一共有三种策略:同情同一(identification by sympathy)、对立同一(identification by antithesis)和无意识同一(identification by inaccuracy)。所谓“同情同一”,是指在思想、态度、情感、价值、等方面的相同或相似。所谓“对立同一”,是指修辞者与受众因为具有共同的问题、挑战、敌人而达到认同。所谓“无意识同一”是指修辞者使用某些手段如图片、或如类似“我们”的词语使受众无意识或潜意识地认同修辞者,想象自己成为修辞者或如修辞所描绘的那样。法庭是原告代理律师(或公诉人)和辩护律师展示自己的演说和辩论才能的舞台,是控辩双方律师的战场,而法庭辩论和演说是为了进一步阐述和巩固自己的观点和立场,驳斥和削弱对方的观点和立场,与陪审团和法官在以上提到的各个心理因素在心理维度上达到“同一”,最终达到说服陪审团和法官的目的。








Now,I had a great summation all worked out,full of some sharp lawyering,but I’m not doing it.I’m here to apologize.I am young,and I am inexperienced.But you cannot hold Carl Lee Hailey responsible for my shortcomings.You see,in all this legal maneuvering,something’s got lost.That something is the truth.What is it in us that seeks the truth?Is it our minds or is it our hearts?…… But we don’t know better.I want to tell you a story.I want to ask you to close your eyes while I tell you the story.I want you to listen to me.I want you to listen to yourselves.Go ahead.Close your eyes please.This is a story about a little girl,walking home from the grocery store one sunny afternoon.I want you to picture this girl.Suddenly a truck races up.Two men jump out and grab her.They drag her to a nearby field,and they tie her up.They rip her clothes from her body.And they climb on.First one,then the other,raping her,shattering everything innocent and pure,with a vicious thrust,in a fog of drunken breath and sweat,and when they’re done,after they’ve killed her tiny womb,murdered any chance for her to bear children,to have life beyond her own,they start to use her for target practice.So they start throwing full beer cans at her.They throw them so hard,that it tears the flesh all the way to her bones,then they urinate on her.Now comes the hanging.They have a rope.They tie a noose.Imagine the noose coiling tight around her neck,and a sudden blinding jerk,she’s pulled into the air and her feet go kicking.They don’t find the ground.The hanging branch isn’t strong enough.It snaps and she falls back to the earth.So they pick her up,throw her in the back of the truck,drive out to Foggy Creek Bridge,pitch her over the edge.And she drops some 30 feet,down to the creek bottom below.Can you see her?Her raped?Her beaten?Broken body?Soaked in their urine?Soaked in their semen,soaked in her blood,left to die.Can you see her?I want you to picture that little girl.Now imagine she is white.The defense rests.

在这一段演说中,律师首先用朴素的语言、坦诚的态度、真挚的情感打动人,所以最后当他要在场所有人都闭上眼睛听他讲故事的请求虽然令人感到意外,但大家都心甘情愿地闭上眼睛,听他发自肺腑地讲诉一个十一岁的黑人少女是如何被两个白人青年残忍地强暴和杀害的过程。在故事结尾处,他在长时间的因哽咽和泣不成声的停顿之后,突然话锋一转,要在场的所有人想象受害者如果是一个白人女孩的情形,“I want you to picture that little girl.Now imagine she is white.”这句话如平地一声惊雷,让所有沉浸在悲痛中的陪审团成员和旁听者都猛然睁开了眼睛,其中很多人已经泪流满面,低声抽泣。这一句话起到了运用“同情同一”所达到的最佳效果,也为原告律师赢得官司起到了关键的作用,修辞者真正像修辞受众那样所言、所思、所感、所为。另外,演讲中还很好地运用了“无意识同一”策略。按照伯克的观点,无意识同一让“观众受到修辞文本的感染,感受到自己拥有同样的权利和力量,赋予了同样的特质和好处”[7]。演讲中使用“We”,“our minds”,“our hearts”这样的词汇,要求“我们”追求真理是用“我们的心灵”而不是“我们的大脑”,体现了演讲者与受众者在认知心理、普世价值观和情感价值观的同一。因此,这两种同一策略共同作用,使得结案陈词演说充满了人性的力量,为最终赢得官司起了决定性的作用。


October,two years ago,at 8:45 a.m.on a Monday morning,a man by the name of Kevin Peltier casually walks into the brokerage house from which he was fired the previous Friday morning.He walks into the elevator,he loads a 36-round magazine into his Performa 990 semiautomatic,and when he reaches the third floor,he opens fire on his former coworkers,killing 11 and critically wounding five before turning the gun on himself.Now they never had a chance.This was all less than two minutes.They couldn’t stop him.Eleven lives ended.That’s all you jurors minus one.And among them was Jacob Wood,the husband of my client,Celeste Wood,and the father of their son Henry,6 years old.Now I don’t know about you,but I’m angry at the tragic and senseless loss of life.Why does the Vicksburg Firearms Company make it so easy to buy these guns on the underground market?Because they care more about making money than they do about your life,or my life or the life of that woman’s husband.A very courageous former executive of Vicksburg Firearms,he is gonna come here.He is gonna testify that this Performa 990 semiautomatic was manufactured for,principally,criminals,and all those others poised for violence,turning it into a very efficient mass murderer.Yes,it was Mr.Peltier that squeezed the trigger that awful morning,but it was the Vicksburg Firearms Company through a deliberate,negligent distribution policy,that put that assault-type weapon into the hands of Mr.Peltier.As such,they were complicit in those murders.This I’ll prove to you during the course of the trial.Thank you very much.

律师在此段演讲中利用了“对立同一”的修辞策略。按认知心理学解释,“对立同一”的基础就是“公敌”,即修辞者和受众拥有共同讨厌、仇恨和反对的问题、人和事物,而在价值观、利益、情感、信仰、认知等方面达到认同,正如契诃夫所说:爱、友谊和尊重都不能像某种共同的仇恨那样把人团结在一起。演说者以讲故事的方式开始开庭陈词:一个被公司开除后的员工为发泄怨恨,荷枪实弹地来到公司,面对人群提枪扫射,瞬间11人殒命。为了描述事件的惨状,演说者把11人这个数据跟陪审团12人数据进行对比:Eleven lives ended.That’s all you jurors minus one.这种手法很高明,因为原告律师的目的很清楚,陪审团才是最终决定官司输赢的关键因素,如果陪审团被说服和打动了,产生对枪支泛滥的共同仇恨,案情审判就会朝有利于自己的方向发展而最终赢得官司。因此,这一句对比看似漫不经心,实则很有份量,体现了律师精明敏锐的职业素养,符合伯克“对立同一”的修辞策略。



Andrew Marsh made,what turned out to be,the fatal mistake:he fell in love.He fell in love with a ruthless,calculating woman who went after an elderly man with a bad heart and a big bank account.You all can see the defendant Rebecca Carlson.But as this trial proceeds,you will see she is not only the defendant,she is the murder weapon herself.If I hit you and you die,I am the cause of your death,but can I be called a weapon?The answer is yes.And what kind of weapon Rebecca Carlson has made of it?The State will prove that she seduced Andrew Marsh and manipulated his affections until he rewrote his will,leaving her 8 million dollars,that she insisted on increasingly strangling sex,knowing he had severe heart condition.And when that didn’t work faster enough for her,she secretly doped him with cocaine.His heart couldn’t take the combination,and she got what she wanted.

She is a beautiful woman,but when this trial is over,you will see her no differently than a gun or a knife or any other instruments used as a weapon.She is a killer,and the worst kind,a killer who disguised herself as a loving partner.

在这段演说中,公诉人控诉被告以恋爱为名谋杀他人,让受害者更改遗嘱以非法手段获取巨额遗产。为了加强控诉的说服力,律师在两处用了暗喻:“She is the murder weapon herself.”“no differently than a gun or a knife or any other instruments used as a weapon.”这两句都带有开庭陈述的总结性质,使结论更加坚定果断。按照认知心理原理,这里的比喻实施了“对立同一”的策略,起到了煽动受众对被告共同的恨和怨的效果。



“Ladies and gentlemen,the State has charged these three men with a crime.And they supported that charge with the testimony of two witnesses.Sarah Tobias,who told you how three men raped her,and she heard other men shouting encouragement to her attackers.Did she name these other men?No.Did she describe these other men?No.Could she tell you what these other men shouted?No.Her sworn testimony--her poignant,heart-rending sworn testimony--was an appeal to your pity.And if her story is true,you should pity her.But even if her story is true and you do pity her that has nothing to do with this case,because those three men did not rape her.Her sworn testimony is nothing,and you must treat it as nothing.Now if you wish,you can also treat as nothing the testimony of her lover,Larry,who told you what kind of woman she is.And you can treat as nothing the testimony of the bartender,Jesse,who told you that she was so drunk,she could barely stand.And you can treat as nothing the testimony of her friend,Sally,who told you what Miss Tobia’s intentions were when she first saw our clients.Our case does not depend on those witnesses,just as the People’s case does not depend on Sarah Tobias’.The People’s case depends on Kenneth Joyce.If you believe him,you’ll convict those three men.And if you don’t,you’ll acquit them.Do you believe him?Why did Kenneth Joyce testify?Every day for months,he said to himself,“I’m guilty.”,“I’m guilty.”Finally he was offered a way to purge that guilt,and he took it.Kenneth Joyce told you he watched a rape and everyone else in that room watched a rape.How did he know that?Did he read their minds?To solicit a crime,you must first know that it is a crime.Who knew it?Kenneth Joyce.Do you think it matters to Kenneth Joyce who shouted? In his mind,every person in that room was guilty.He told you that.And Kenneth Joyce--who is guilty,who did watch a rape and do nothing,will purge himself by bringing down anyone who was in that room.And of course,at no legal cost to himself,while those three men face prison.Do you believe him?If you do,convict him.And if you don’t,and I know you don’t,acquit.”




“Ladies and gentlemen,Mr.Paulsen has told you the testimony of Sarah Tobias is nothing.Sarah Tobias was raped,but that is nothing.She was cut and bruised and terrorized,but that is nothing.All of it happened in front of a howling crowd,and that is nothing.Well,it may be nothing to Mr.Paulsen,but it is not nothing to Sarah Tobias.And I don’t believe it’s nothing to you.Next Mr.Paulsen tried to convince you Kenneth Joyce was the only person in that room who knew that Sarah Tobias was being raped,the only one.Now,you watched Kenneth Joyce,how did he strike you?Did he seem especially sensitive? Especially observant?Did he seem so remarkable that you immediately said to yourself,“Of course,this man would notice things other people wouldn’t.”Do you believe that Kenneth Joyce saw something those three men didn’t see?In all the time that Sarah Tobias was held down on that pinball machine,the others didn’t know?Kenneth Joyce confessed to you that he watched a rape and did nothing.He told you that everyone in that bar behaved badly,and he’s right.But no matter how immoral it may be,it is not the crime of criminal solicitation to walk away for a rape.It is not the crime of criminal solicitation to silently watch a rape.But it is the crime of criminal solicitation to induce,or entreat,or encourage or persuade another person to commit a rape.“Hold her down”,“stick it to her”,“make her moan”these three men did worse than nothing,they cheered,and they clapped,and they rooted the others on.They made sure that Sarah Tobias was raped,and raped,and raped.Now,you tell me,is that nothing?”



本文结合法庭演说的实例,阐释了伯克的“同一”修辞理论及其三个策略,描述了该策略在演说中的表现形式,揭示了法庭演说作为一种符合目的原则的言语行为,其语言的修辞策略的选择和手段带有强烈的认同目的。有效的同一修辞策略的最高境界是语言形式和内容完美的和谐统一。而在法庭演说中,为达到同一修辞策略目的而使用的各种修辞手段可以表现丰富的内涵和情感,增强描述的生动性、论说的力度和可信度,同时让受众者认同其思维、情感和表达方式,在伯克看来,这是进行成功说服的必要条件。不过,正如高悬于美国法庭外墙上的一句话所说的:It is the spirit not the form of law that keeps justice alive.(捍卫正义的是法律的精神而不是法律的形式。)也正如美国著名律师克莱伦斯·丹诺所说:大多数律师所做的事情并不都是崇高的,只有当他们的正义感得到充分发挥的时候,才能使他的职业变得崇高。苏格拉底也说过:除非把说明纯粹真理叫做雄辩,我根本就不会雄辩。法庭绝非律师个人表现的讲台,一个律师使用的语言技巧无论多么炫目和感人,最后还是要靠事实和证据来昭示一切。

[1]XU,Q.G.The Use of Eloquence:the ConfucianPerspective[M]//Carol S.Lipson,Roberta A.Binkley.Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks.New York:State University of New York Press,2004:214.



[4]Burk,Kenneth.A Rhetoric of Motives[M].New York: George Braziller,Inc.,1950:22




[8]林正.辩护的艺术[M].北京:中国商业出版社,2009: 209.

