张江国1 龚凤云2 李 玲1 宋建新1
1.华中科技大学附属同济医院感染科,湖北武汉 430030;2.武汉市普爱医院,湖北武汉 430030
[摘要] 目的 观察肝硬化模型中肾脏中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)表达与肾功能受损之间的关系。 方法 选择60只SD雄性大鼠,其中27大鼠在建模过程中死亡,5只SD雄性大鼠作为空白对照,28只SD雄性大鼠经持续服用四氯化碳诱导形成肝硬化腹水模型,按照免疫组化检测肾脏表达NGAL的强度和阳性细胞数建立不同级别组:低度表达组,中度表达组,高度表达组,极高表达组。Western blot测定各组NGAL的表达,并通过检测蛋白条带的光密度值进行半定量分析。通过全自动生化分析仪测定肌酐(Cr)及尿素氮(BUN)。 结果 28只大鼠出现肝硬化腹水,Western blot半定量检测发现各组之间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),极高表达组表达量最高,而高度表达组、中度表达组、低度表达组表达量依次降低;肾脏NGAL的表达越强,大鼠血中BUN、Cr升高的越多,且差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。肾脏NGAL表达主要分布在近曲肾小管及远端肾单位。 结论 在肝硬化腹水肾脏功能损伤时,肾脏NGAL 主要分布于近曲肾小管及远端肾单位,且其表达提示肾脏损伤程度。
[关键词] 肝硬化模型;肾功能受损;中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白;肾脏
[中图分类号] R446.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)03(c)-0017-04
Correlation between kidney expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and renal function impairment in liver cirrhosis
ZHANG Jiangguo1 GONG Fengyun2 LI Ling1 SONG Jianxin1
1.Department of Infectious Diseases, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430030, China; 2.Department of Infectious Diseases, Pu′ai Hospital of Wuhan, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430030, China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the relationship between kidney expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and renal function in a rat liver cirrhosis model. Methods A total of 60 male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were included in this experiment. 27 rats were died during the process of model building, 5 male SD rats were used as control, 28 male SD rats were induced into liver cirrhosis with ascites through periodic carbon tetrachloride intragastric administration. Different groups such as slight staining group, moderate staining group, intense staining group, highly intense staining group were divided according to the NGAL expression intensity and NGAL positive cell number detected by immunohistochemistry. Then the protein expression of NGAL was further examined by Western blot and semi-quantified by densitometry. Automatic biochemistry analyzer was employed to measure blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum Creatinine (Cr). Results 28 animals with cirrhosis developed ascites. Western blot analysis revealed that there were significant differences among those different groups (P < 0.05). The expression of NGAL in highly intense staining group was highest. The expression of NGAL was stepwise decreased from intense staining group to moderate staining group and slight staining group. BUN, Cr levels in blood elevated as NGAL expression in kidney increased (P < 0.05). Furthermore, NGAL distributed primarily in proximal tubules and distal nephron segments in these groups. Conclusion In the rat liver cirrhosis model with impaired renal function, NGAL primarily distributes in proximal tubules and distal nephron segments. The NGAL staining intensity is correlated with the degree of renal function impairment.
[Key words] Liver cirrhosis model; Renal function impairment; Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; Kidney
中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL)是脂质运载蛋白家族中的一个新成员,最初被发现能结合细菌铁载体进而阻止铁元素吸收入细菌从而抑制细菌活性[1]。近几年,有学者发现高剂量腹腔内注射能引起肾小管坏死的顺铂,能快速诱导肾脏NGAL的表达及从肾小管细胞释放[2]。也有学者报道指出肾小管在短时间缺血损伤后肾小管会高表达NGAL[3]。肾脏NGAL的表达是肾移植时肾脏缺血损伤的早期指标[4]。肝硬化时肾功能受损及肝肾综合征时,血和尿中NGAL表达增多是肾功能受损的敏感指标[5-6]。但是在肝硬化肾功能受损时,NGAL在肾脏的表达及与肾功能受损之间的关系还不是很清楚,因此本研究初步研究了大鼠肝硬化模型中肾脏NGAL的表达与肾功能损害之间的关系。这将为肾脏NGAL 表达变化与肝硬化肾脏损伤之间的关系提供直接的证据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料及试剂
雄性SD大鼠60只,SPF级,体重150~200 g,购于自湖北省实验动物中心,饲养于同济医院实验动物中心SPF级屏障环境。四氯化碳购自天津德恩化学试剂有限公司,免疫组化及Western blot NGAL一抗购自美国Abnova公司,免疫组化二抗试剂盒购自上海基因科技有限公司,Western blot二抗及配胶、转膜、显影试剂购自武汉谷歌生物科技有限公司。
1.2 模型制作
重量大于200 g的SD大鼠,标准饲料喂养,其中5只SD雄性大鼠作为空白对照,55只SD雄性大鼠持续使用无菌无热原灌胃针经胃给四氯化碳,首次剂量为20 μL,后续计量根据上次剂量灌胃后48 h体重变化调整。等腹水出现后,四氯化碳剂量减至20 μL,12~16周后,肝硬化腹水模型建立[7]。
1.3 免疫组化法测定肾脏NGAL表达
收集的大鼠肾脏标本首先经过10%的甲醛固定、脱水、透明、浸蜡、包埋、切片、烤片、脱蜡、水化、抗原修复、NGAL一抗4℃冰箱过夜、二抗37℃孵育10 min、DAB显色、PBS终止染色、封片等。按照文献[8]所示方法进行分级,NGAL的染色强度分为0~3分,0分为无染色,1分为弱染色,2分为中等程度染色,3分为强染色。NGAL染色百分比分为0~3分,其中0分为阳性细胞数所占百分比为0,1分为<25%,2分为25%~50%,3分为>50%。综合上述两者得分,其中低度表达组得分为0,1,2分,中度表达组得分为3,4分,高度表达组得分为6分,NGAL极高度表达组得分为9分。
1.4 Western blot测定肾脏NGAL表达
取肝硬化大鼠肾脏组织称重,液氮、研钵磨碎组织块,每克组织加3 mL含PMSF的RIPA裂解液,4℃下玻璃匀浆器匀浆,冰上孵育30 min;4℃,15 000 r/min离心15 min,Bradford比色法测定上清液蛋白质浓度,蛋白质煮沸变性,等量上样,电泳,电转膜仪转膜,显色,分析比较记录。
1.5 肾功能测定
采集大鼠血液,分离出血清,采用Olympus AU21000型全自动生化分析仪测定尿素氮(BUN)及肌酐(Cr)。
1.6 统计学方法
采用统计软件SPSS 13.0对实验数据进行分析,计量资料数据以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用方差分析,组间两两比较采用LSD-t检验。计数资料以率表示,采用χ2检验。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 模型建立
2.2 分组及NGAL在肝硬化肾功能损伤时肾脏表达的部位情况
图1 大鼠肝硬化模型肾脏NGAL表达免疫组化结果
2.3 不同组别NGAL的相对表达量
进一步进行Western blot 检测了不同组之间的NGAL相对表达量,和上述结果相似,极高表达组的NGAL相对表达量(NGAL/β-actin)为1.0063±0.0159,高度表达组NGAL相对表达量为0.8543±0.0054,中度表达组NGAL相对表达量为0.7074±0.0191,低度表达组NGAL相对表达量为0.4535±0.0143;肾脏NGAL在极高度表达组明显高于其他三组,而高度表达组明显高于中低度表达组,中度表达组又高于低度表达组且上述差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。见图2。
A为低度表达组,B为中度表达组,C为高度表达组,D为极高度表达组;与A组比较,*P < 0.05
图2 大鼠肝硬化模型肾脏NGAL表达Western blot结果及蛋白条带的半定量分析
2.4 肾脏NGAL表达强度与大鼠血中BUN、Cr的关系
从低度、中度表达组到高度、极高度表达组,随着NGAL表达强度的增强,血Cr,BUN在各组间呈递增变化,且各组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。见表1。
表1 大鼠肝硬化模型不同NGAL表达组
注:A为低度表达组,B为中度表达组,C为高度表达组,D为极高度表达组;与A组比较,*P < 0.05;BUN:尿素氮;Cr:肌酐
3 讨论
肝硬化患者尿液中的NGAL变化能敏感地提示肝硬化肾功能受损及损伤的程度[10-11],和上述结果相似,在本肝硬化模型中肾脏NGAL 表达提示肾脏功能损害程度。随着NGAL表达强度的增强,血BUN及Cr在各组间呈递增变化。这为肝硬化时肾脏NGAL表达与肝硬化时肾脏功能损害之间的关系提供直接证据。而对于急性肾脏损伤时NGAL表达增加的机制目前还不是太清楚,可能为在急性肾损伤时,肾脏远侧肾单位为了修复损伤的肾小管上皮细胞而合成和释放NGAL[12],进一步需进行肝硬化患者肾脏穿刺活检检测NGAL表达并进行明确的机制研究。
在肾脏缺血性损伤的动物模型中,近曲肾小管NGAL表达与损伤修复有密切关系[3]。在肾小管细胞培养过程中,NGAL能够促进上皮细胞形成[13]。肝硬化肾脏功能损伤时NGAL主要分布在近曲肾小管及远端肾单位。这可能与NGAL参与肾小管损伤修复有关。另外,NGAL 参与铁的转运,铁离子可能会对肾小管细胞有毒性作用,在肾小管细胞受损伤时,NGAL可能作为铁离子的储存库以阻止铁离子对肾小管上皮细胞的毒性损害作用。这些都需要进一步的机制研究以明确NGAL 在肝硬化肾功能损伤中的作用及机制。
[1] Goetz DH, Holmes MA, Borregaard N, et al. The neutrophil lipocalin NGAL is a bacteriostatic agent that interferes with siderophore-mediated iron acquisition [J]. Mol Cell,2002,10(5):1033-1043.
[2] Mishra J, Mori K, Ma Q, et al. Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin: a novel early urinary biomarker for cisplatin nephrotoxicity[J]. Am J Nephrol,2004,24(3):307-315.
[3] Mishra J, Ma Q, Prada A, et al. Identification of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as a novel early urinary biomarker for ischemic renal injury[J]. J Am Soc Nephrol,2003,14(10):2534-2543.
[4] Mishra J, Ma Q, Kelly C, et al. Kidney NGAL is a novel early marker of acute injury following transplantation[J]. Pediatr Nephrol,2006,21(6):856-863.
[5] Gerbes AL, Benesic A, Vogeser M, et al. Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin-A Sensitive Novel Marker of Renal Impairment in Liver Cirrhosis?[J]. Digestion,2011,84(1):82-83.
[6] Cavallin M, Fasolato S, Sticca A, et al. Increased urinary level of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in patients with cirrhosis and type 1 HRS[J]. Hepatology,2011,54(Suppl 4):1254-1255.
[7] Guarner C, Runyon BA, Young S, et al. Intestinal bacterial overgrowth and bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats with ascites [J]. J Hepatol,1997,26(6):1372-1378.
[8] Sun Y, Yokoi K, Li H, et al. NGAL expression is elevated in both colorectal adenoma-carcinoma Sequence and cancer progression and enhances tumorigenesis in xenograft mouse models[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(13):4331-4340.
[9] 王宇明,朱鹏.终末期肝病中的急性肾损伤与肝肾综合征[J].中华肝脏病杂志,2013,21(3):173-176.
[10] Fagundes C, Pépin MN, Guevara M, et al. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as biomarker in the differential diagnosis of impairment of kidney function in cirrhosis [J]. J Hepatol,2012,57(2):267-273.
[11] Verna EC, Brown RS, Farrand E, et al. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin predicts mortality and identifies acute kidney injury in cirrhosis[J]. Digest Dis Sci,2012,57(9):2362-2370.
[12] Gungor G, Ataseven H, Demir A, et al. Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin in prediction of mortality in Patients with Hepatorenal Syndrome: a prospective observational study [J]. Liver Int,2014,34:49-57.
[13] Gwira JA, Wei F, Ishibe S, et al. Expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin regulates epithelial morphogenesis in vitro[J]. J Biol Chem,2005,280(9):7875-7882.
(收稿日期:2013-11-31 本文编辑:卫 轲)
表1 大鼠肝硬化模型不同NGAL表达组
注:A为低度表达组,B为中度表达组,C为高度表达组,D为极高度表达组;与A组比较,*P < 0.05;BUN:尿素氮;Cr:肌酐
3 讨论
肝硬化患者尿液中的NGAL变化能敏感地提示肝硬化肾功能受损及损伤的程度[10-11],和上述结果相似,在本肝硬化模型中肾脏NGAL 表达提示肾脏功能损害程度。随着NGAL表达强度的增强,血BUN及Cr在各组间呈递增变化。这为肝硬化时肾脏NGAL表达与肝硬化时肾脏功能损害之间的关系提供直接证据。而对于急性肾脏损伤时NGAL表达增加的机制目前还不是太清楚,可能为在急性肾损伤时,肾脏远侧肾单位为了修复损伤的肾小管上皮细胞而合成和释放NGAL[12],进一步需进行肝硬化患者肾脏穿刺活检检测NGAL表达并进行明确的机制研究。
在肾脏缺血性损伤的动物模型中,近曲肾小管NGAL表达与损伤修复有密切关系[3]。在肾小管细胞培养过程中,NGAL能够促进上皮细胞形成[13]。肝硬化肾脏功能损伤时NGAL主要分布在近曲肾小管及远端肾单位。这可能与NGAL参与肾小管损伤修复有关。另外,NGAL 参与铁的转运,铁离子可能会对肾小管细胞有毒性作用,在肾小管细胞受损伤时,NGAL可能作为铁离子的储存库以阻止铁离子对肾小管上皮细胞的毒性损害作用。这些都需要进一步的机制研究以明确NGAL 在肝硬化肾功能损伤中的作用及机制。
[1] Goetz DH, Holmes MA, Borregaard N, et al. The neutrophil lipocalin NGAL is a bacteriostatic agent that interferes with siderophore-mediated iron acquisition [J]. Mol Cell,2002,10(5):1033-1043.
[2] Mishra J, Mori K, Ma Q, et al. Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin: a novel early urinary biomarker for cisplatin nephrotoxicity[J]. Am J Nephrol,2004,24(3):307-315.
[3] Mishra J, Ma Q, Prada A, et al. Identification of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as a novel early urinary biomarker for ischemic renal injury[J]. J Am Soc Nephrol,2003,14(10):2534-2543.
[4] Mishra J, Ma Q, Kelly C, et al. Kidney NGAL is a novel early marker of acute injury following transplantation[J]. Pediatr Nephrol,2006,21(6):856-863.
[5] Gerbes AL, Benesic A, Vogeser M, et al. Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin-A Sensitive Novel Marker of Renal Impairment in Liver Cirrhosis?[J]. Digestion,2011,84(1):82-83.
[6] Cavallin M, Fasolato S, Sticca A, et al. Increased urinary level of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in patients with cirrhosis and type 1 HRS[J]. Hepatology,2011,54(Suppl 4):1254-1255.
[7] Guarner C, Runyon BA, Young S, et al. Intestinal bacterial overgrowth and bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats with ascites [J]. J Hepatol,1997,26(6):1372-1378.
[8] Sun Y, Yokoi K, Li H, et al. NGAL expression is elevated in both colorectal adenoma-carcinoma Sequence and cancer progression and enhances tumorigenesis in xenograft mouse models[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(13):4331-4340.
[9] 王宇明,朱鹏.终末期肝病中的急性肾损伤与肝肾综合征[J].中华肝脏病杂志,2013,21(3):173-176.
[10] Fagundes C, Pépin MN, Guevara M, et al. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as biomarker in the differential diagnosis of impairment of kidney function in cirrhosis [J]. J Hepatol,2012,57(2):267-273.
[11] Verna EC, Brown RS, Farrand E, et al. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin predicts mortality and identifies acute kidney injury in cirrhosis[J]. Digest Dis Sci,2012,57(9):2362-2370.
[12] Gungor G, Ataseven H, Demir A, et al. Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin in prediction of mortality in Patients with Hepatorenal Syndrome: a prospective observational study [J]. Liver Int,2014,34:49-57.
[13] Gwira JA, Wei F, Ishibe S, et al. Expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin regulates epithelial morphogenesis in vitro[J]. J Biol Chem,2005,280(9):7875-7882.
(收稿日期:2013-11-31 本文编辑:卫 轲)
表1 大鼠肝硬化模型不同NGAL表达组
注:A为低度表达组,B为中度表达组,C为高度表达组,D为极高度表达组;与A组比较,*P < 0.05;BUN:尿素氮;Cr:肌酐
3 讨论
肝硬化患者尿液中的NGAL变化能敏感地提示肝硬化肾功能受损及损伤的程度[10-11],和上述结果相似,在本肝硬化模型中肾脏NGAL 表达提示肾脏功能损害程度。随着NGAL表达强度的增强,血BUN及Cr在各组间呈递增变化。这为肝硬化时肾脏NGAL表达与肝硬化时肾脏功能损害之间的关系提供直接证据。而对于急性肾脏损伤时NGAL表达增加的机制目前还不是太清楚,可能为在急性肾损伤时,肾脏远侧肾单位为了修复损伤的肾小管上皮细胞而合成和释放NGAL[12],进一步需进行肝硬化患者肾脏穿刺活检检测NGAL表达并进行明确的机制研究。
在肾脏缺血性损伤的动物模型中,近曲肾小管NGAL表达与损伤修复有密切关系[3]。在肾小管细胞培养过程中,NGAL能够促进上皮细胞形成[13]。肝硬化肾脏功能损伤时NGAL主要分布在近曲肾小管及远端肾单位。这可能与NGAL参与肾小管损伤修复有关。另外,NGAL 参与铁的转运,铁离子可能会对肾小管细胞有毒性作用,在肾小管细胞受损伤时,NGAL可能作为铁离子的储存库以阻止铁离子对肾小管上皮细胞的毒性损害作用。这些都需要进一步的机制研究以明确NGAL 在肝硬化肾功能损伤中的作用及机制。
[1] Goetz DH, Holmes MA, Borregaard N, et al. The neutrophil lipocalin NGAL is a bacteriostatic agent that interferes with siderophore-mediated iron acquisition [J]. Mol Cell,2002,10(5):1033-1043.
[2] Mishra J, Mori K, Ma Q, et al. Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin: a novel early urinary biomarker for cisplatin nephrotoxicity[J]. Am J Nephrol,2004,24(3):307-315.
[3] Mishra J, Ma Q, Prada A, et al. Identification of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as a novel early urinary biomarker for ischemic renal injury[J]. J Am Soc Nephrol,2003,14(10):2534-2543.
[4] Mishra J, Ma Q, Kelly C, et al. Kidney NGAL is a novel early marker of acute injury following transplantation[J]. Pediatr Nephrol,2006,21(6):856-863.
[5] Gerbes AL, Benesic A, Vogeser M, et al. Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin-A Sensitive Novel Marker of Renal Impairment in Liver Cirrhosis?[J]. Digestion,2011,84(1):82-83.
[6] Cavallin M, Fasolato S, Sticca A, et al. Increased urinary level of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in patients with cirrhosis and type 1 HRS[J]. Hepatology,2011,54(Suppl 4):1254-1255.
[7] Guarner C, Runyon BA, Young S, et al. Intestinal bacterial overgrowth and bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats with ascites [J]. J Hepatol,1997,26(6):1372-1378.
[8] Sun Y, Yokoi K, Li H, et al. NGAL expression is elevated in both colorectal adenoma-carcinoma Sequence and cancer progression and enhances tumorigenesis in xenograft mouse models[J]. Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(13):4331-4340.
[9] 王宇明,朱鹏.终末期肝病中的急性肾损伤与肝肾综合征[J].中华肝脏病杂志,2013,21(3):173-176.
[10] Fagundes C, Pépin MN, Guevara M, et al. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as biomarker in the differential diagnosis of impairment of kidney function in cirrhosis [J]. J Hepatol,2012,57(2):267-273.
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(收稿日期:2013-11-31 本文编辑:卫 轲)