联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)于2011年11月通过了有关城市保护的最新国际建议——《关于历史性城市景观的建议》。历史性城市景观(Historic Urban Landscape,HUL)理念和方法是指导历史城市保护的新路径。《扬州历史文化名城保护规划》借鉴这个新的保护理念,在保护规划中做了一些实践探索,其中比较重要的内容包括历史城区的评估认定,维持历史城市景观的连续性,注重遗产保护与城市发展的融合等。
历史性城市景观由具有文化和自然价值的历史层积(historic layers)构成,反映了自然环境和人工创造之间相互作用的结果。长期以来,湖泊水网等地理环境决定了扬州城市形态的大格局,历代城池位置基本不变,蜀冈上下的唐扬州城、宋三城遗址,以及明清扬州城都在这个地方。保护规划中为了突显扬州历史性城市景观的风貌特征和大的背景环境,确定了包含扬州城遗址、大运河遗产、历史城区(明清扬州城)、蜀冈—瘦西湖风景名胜区在内的重点保护区,通过历史风貌的整体保护和环境景观的控制管理,实现瘦西湖、古城遗址和历史城区等文化景观的保护。
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Project Team:张松,匡晓明,李文墨,李宇欣,林升,镇雪锋,林娟,付毓,铃木克幸,陈君,顾琨,刘洋等/ZHANG Song, KUANG Xiaoming, LI Wenmo,
LI Yuxin, LIN Sheng, ZHEN Xuefeng, LIN Juan, FU Yu, Katsuyuki Suzuki, CHEN Jun, GU Kun, LIU Yang, et al.
Conservation of Historic Urban Landscape
In November 2011 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted a new international recommendation on urban conservation-Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. The concepts and approaches of HUL (Historic Urban Landscape) are new tools of guiding the conservation of historic cities. Learning from the new conservation concepts, a series of practical exploration has been conducted inthe Conservation Planning of Historic and Cultural Center of Yangzhouin respect of assessment and identification of historic center, continuity of historic urban landscape, emphasis on the incorporation of heritage conservation into urban development, etc.
Historic urban landscape composed of historic layers of cultural and natural values demonstrates the results of interaction between natural environment and human invention. The general layout of Yangzhou has long been determined by its geographical conditions such as networks of lakes and rivers, so throughout ages the urban sites remained almost intact, for example the Tang Dynasty Yangzhou City divided by Shugang, the three Song Dynasty urban centers, and the Ming and Qing city of Yangzhou. In order to highlight the styles, features and environmental contexts of historic urban landscape of Yangzhou in this Conservation Planning, the site of ancient Yangzhou in Sui Dynasty, the Grand Canal heritage, the historic urban (sites of Yangzhou City in Ming and Qing Dynasties) and Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot are all included in the key conservation areas, and overall conservation of historical styles as well as landscape control and management are performed on the cultural landscapes including the Slender West Lake and the ruins of historic centers.
Yangzhou's renowned historic centers should be recognized and understood from the perspective of historic layers while spatial-temporal association with urban changes are taken into full consideration.The sites of Yangzhou in Ming and Qing Dynasties featuring clear historical boundaries and relatively complete layout and styles are identified as historic centers according to urban changes and conservation conditions of the traditional features. The focus is turned onto the conservation of city layouts, styles of the ancient streets and lanes, and the historic and cultural blocks of the Ming and Qing sites as well as the historical river system such as ancient canal, moat, and the small Qinhuai River.
In addition to following the development and evolution courses of the city, and preserving the typical historic ruins in different times, the Conservation Planning also should function in the guidance and control of future development of the city so as to keep the areas out of the historic centers in orderly development via maintaining spatial structure continuity and transition between the old and new urban areas. Sustainable and ordered changes of the city should be regarded as part of the city's cultural traditions while focusing on the maintenance of continuity of the historic centers. A historic urban landscape should contain not only evolving urban space but also historic places and social activities. Harmonious integration of modern interference into historical environment should be ensured via management of spatial and social function changes, and urban landscape order should be preserved via landscape management.
The concepts of historic urban landscape conservation require wider environmental context in which regional coordination can be used as the supportive condition of historic urban conservation, and emphasis on organic bond of urban construction with natural environment. In ancient times, rivers were used as defense system of a city and natural landscapes are adopted to create classical gardens; in modern times, water is treated as a carrier for creating a waterscape full of the styles characteristic of the cities in the south valley of the Yangtze River, and the natural and open spaces such as Shugang - Slender West Lake, ecological forest zone of the canal are employed to build the ecological system of the city.
GU Yunrui: Conservation: Trying to take care, so as not to impair its interests.
Planning: Relatively comprehensive and longterm development plans made by individuals or organizations.
With regard to landscape protection of historic cities, planners have a complete and clear idea, taking into consideration the historic layers, the urban morphology shaped by the interaction between natural environment and artificial creation, the city landscape of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, featured streets, historic area, and historical river system including ancient canals, moats, and Small Qinhuai River. The planning makes it clear that Yangzhou City should be taken care of as much as possible, so as not to cause damage to the territory it protects.
The planning should respect the evolution process of the urban development, protect the historical relics in different periods, thus making it the foundation for the future development. In this situation, the concept of scientific urban development will no longer be an unrealistic fantasy; instead, it will develop steadily and vigorously in a favorable environment.
ZHU Guangya: Yangzhou, as one of the first group of historic cities and the location for the city alliance office for the application of the Grand Canal for World Cultural Heritage, has not only rich historic and cultural resources but also a major demonstration responsibility in the field of cultural heritage protection. The new planning of historic city protection completed jointly by Tongji Planning Institute and Yangzhou Planning Bureau has fulfilled such a responsibility. With historic and cultural landscape as the basis, the planning absorbs and integrates the achievements of various types of protection plans in the past decade. In the planning, it is clear that the protection must have focuses and should use the concept that history is accumulation to deal with the problem caused by the remains of different historical periods, which well reveals the sober mind and the holistic view of the planners.
Conservation Planning of Historic City of Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China, 2013
Project Design: ZHANG Song/Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute/Yangzhou Urban Planning Bureau