

新东方英语·中学版 2014年4期


We all like magic and more importantly, we all like to think we can work out magic tricks if we really want to. But as it turns out, even a simple card trick utilizes neuroscientific principles to trick our brain in ways that we usually can't consciously control. So what exactly is wrong with our brain? Well nothing really, but years of evolution has left it with traits that leave it wide open to be duped1) by magic. For example ...



Multitasking is a myth. The human brain simply wasn't designed to focus on two things at once and magicians take full advantage. Our attention is pulled to one thing in particular due to the "moving-spotlight" theory. In short, the theory says that our attention is like a spotlight, highlighting one thing while leaving what surrounds it in the dark. When an item or action is within the spotlight, the parts of the brain involved in processing it work more efficiently, but anything beyond the spotlight is barely processed at all, at least not by our conscious mind. This allows magicians to pull a sleight of hand2) right under our noses. As long as something else is drawing our spotlight, what happens beyond it, to our brain isn't happening at all.



Made Up Memories

The "misinformation effect" occurs when information we are given after an event alters our memory of it. For example, a magician asks you to choose a card from the left side of the deck3) and return it without telling him. Before the razzle-dazzle4) where he guesses your card he may say something like "Now you chose any card you wanted, correct?" And in the heat of the moment5) you will say you did. The truth is you were only given the option of the left side of the deck, but the ambiguous comments from the magician alters how you remember the trick, leaving you with a false memory, making the trick seem perhaps more incredible than it was.



Free Will

When we "pick a card, any card" we are very rarely picking at random, no matter what it seems. It is usually the magician choosing for us, only without our knowledge. In many card tricks the card we apparently choose is "forced"—meaning the magician did something, mental or physical, to make us choose exactly what they wanted us to. But our brain will often overlook or deny this as an option, in favor of free choice. Our brain simply does not want to believe it was forced and will often omit facts that may indicate that it was, instead jumping fully into the false idea that all choices were all our own.



Filling in the Blanks

The "woman sawed in half trick" is old enough that most people know the secret. The head we see in one end of the box doesn't belong to the legs we see at the other. But our brain insists and assumes it does, why? Because our brain is a sucker6) for continuity. When it sees a head in rough alignment7) with a set of legs it uses past experience to fill in the blank and tell us that obviously a torso8) exists between those two body parts. In many magic tricks an object is partially covered, and our brain uses what it can see to continue the image and fill in the blank. Of course that is exactly what the magician wants.




Quick, look out the window. What did you see? Now look again, has anything changed? If the first time all you saw was your backyard and the second time there was a tiger, well you're probably going to notice. But what if that bird perched in the tree moved slightly? What if a plant had moved in the wind? Our brains are susceptible9) to something called "change-blindness", basically meaning that it's actually quite bad at immediately detecting small changes. It's not necessarily that we don't see them, but more that our brains have trained themselves not to worry about changes that won't greatly affect us. As a result, if we aren't very specifically focusing on something we'll rarely register10) it consciously. Obviously magicians can utilize this to the extreme; we never notice small changes in what's going on until the magician directs our focus to it.endprint



Your Brain Falls for11) Charm

Many magicians use humor in their acts in an attempt to charm their audience into submission. But this charm and charisma12) is actually having a chemical effect on your brain. It's possible that the simple act of laughing at the magician's terrible puns13) releases oxytocin14), the bonding15) hormone, which makes acts of cooperation and social interaction feel good. Oxytocin release means you are less likely to be critical of the tricks you're watching and even more likely to miss sleights of hand as your attention will be drawn to the magician's face. So everything, even the terrible puns are part of the trick.



Seeing and Feeling Too Long

You've probably seen any number of Internet illusions where you stare at a black image then stare at a white wall to find the image still exists in your vision. That's called an after image and it's really your brain seeing something for a short time after it's gone. A magician can use this when switching an item from hand to hand; to your brain a coin may appear to be in one hand slightly longer than it was due to an after image, which gives the magician a fraction of a second longer to make the switch. A magician might even use an after image to remove your watch. Squeezing your wrist can leave an after image feeling, leading your brain to believe your watch is still there even after it has been expertly removed.



1. dupe [dju?p] vt. 欺骗,诈骗,愚弄

2. sleight of hand: 戏法;把戏,花招

3. deck [dek] n. <主美>一副纸牌

4. razzle-dazzle [?r?zl ?d?zl] n. 骗人花招

5. in the heat of the moment: 因激动(或生气)而不经思考地(说出)

6. sucker [?s?k?(r)] n. <口>容易入迷的人;非常喜欢……的人

7. alignment [??la?nm?nt] n. 成一直线

8. torso [?t??s??] n. (人体的)躯干

9. susceptible [s??sept?bl] adj. 易受影响的(to)

10. register [?red??st?(r)] vt. <口>意识到,注意到;使留下印象,记住

11. fall for: <俚>受……的骗,上……的当

12. charisma [k??r?zm?] n. 神秘的个人魅力

13. pun [p?n] n. 双关诙谐语,双关语

14. oxytocin [??ks??t??s?n] n.【生化】催产素,一种哺乳动物激素,由大脑分泌。当一个人的催产素水平升高时,这个人即便是对完全陌生的人也会变得更加慷慨,更有爱心,因此催产素又被称为爱情激素或道德分子。

15. bonding [?b?nd??] n. (尤指因经常交往所致的)亲密关系形成(如母子、母女之间)endprint

