

新东方英语·中学版 2014年4期


One morning, a little tailor sat in his shop. He bent over his work, sewing as he always did this time of day. Suddenly the tailor had a taste for raspberry1) jelly. He took out a loaf of bread, and cut a big slice from it. Before eating his snack he wanted to sew a few more stitches. When he finished, he saw a swarm of flies buzzing around his tasty jelly. The little man waved the flies away with his hand. But they flew right back.

The tailor grabbed a piece of cloth and growled2), "Now I'll let you have it!" The cloth burst through the air as the tailor beat at the buzzing flies.

When he lifted the cloth away, seven flies lay dead on the table. "The whole world should know of my skill!" said the tailor. He cut a belt just his size. With his finest thread, he sewed these words: "Seven in one blow!"

The tailor tied the red belt around his waist. "I feel the need for a big adventure!" he shouted.

The tailor looked for something useful to take with him on his big adventure. All he found was an old piece of cheese. He put it in his pocket. As he was locking the door, he heard a rustle3) in the bushes.

A bird was trapped among the thorns. The tailor gently pulled the bird from the bush and put it in his pocket. Then he set off to find adventure.

The tailor walked through town and up the side of a mountain. At the top, he met a giant. "Hello, Giant," said the tailor with a bow. "I am on a big adventure. Will you join me?"

"A little man like you on a big adventure?" rumbled4) the giant. For an answer, the tailor showed the giant his belt. The giant read the words: "Seven in one blow!"

The giant, who was not very smart, thought that the belt meant seven men, not flies. He found it very hard to believe that this tiny tailor could kill seven men with one blow. So he decided to test the man's strength. "You must be very strong. Can you do this?" asked the giant. He picked up a stone and squeezed5) it until water dripped from the stone.

The tailor was obviously not as strong as the giant, but he was much cleverer. "Watch this," the little tailor said as he took something from his pocket. The giant thought it was a stone, too, but it was actually the piece of cheese. The tailor squeezed it in his hand until liquid dripped from his palm.

The giant raised his eyebrows. "Well, can you do this?" he asked. He picked up another stone and tossed it high into the air. It flew almost out of sight.endprint

"Watch this," the tailor said as he took something from his pocket. It was the bird, of course. With a toss of his hand, the tailor sent the little bird flying. Pretty soon the bird was out of sight. In fact, it never came down!

This did not convince the giant, though. He was a poor loser. "If you are so strong, help me carry this tree," the giant ordered.

Once again, the tailor knew he was not as strong as the giant. He quickly came up with an idea. The tailor walked to the leafy end of the fallen oak. "I will carry the branches," he said. "I wouldn't want them to scratch6) you. Besides, it is no trouble for one who can kill seven at one blow."

The giant lifted the tree trunk onto his shoulder. He could not see the tailor at the other end. The tailor knew this. He hopped7) into the branches and let the giant do all the work.

When the giant stopped to rest, the tailor jumped out and pretended to be carrying the leafy end of the tree. When the giant looked back at the tailor, he saw that he was not even tired!

"Perhaps you would like to come home with me and meet my friends," the giant said with an evil gleam8) in his eye.

"Certainly," the clever tailor replied.

The giant took the tailor to his cave. A group of giants sat around a roaring fire. They watched as their friend lead the little man into the cave.

"You can sleep here," said the giant pointing to a giant-size bed. "Even a man who can kill seven in one blow needs to rest!"

The tailor was not used to sleeping in such a big bed. So he slept in a corner instead. It was good for him that he did. During the night, the giants pounded on the bed with clubs9), until they thought they had taken care of10) the pesky11) tailor.

In the morning, the giants went swimming in the river. They joked about the strange man and his silly belt. When the tailor walked up whistling a merry tune, the giants were so afraid that they ran away without their clothes!























1. raspberry [?rɑ?zb?ri] n. 覆盆子,一种悬钩子属植物的浆果(常呈红色或紫色)

2. growl [ɡra?l] vt. 粗暴(或气冲冲)地说

3. rustle [?r?sl] n. 沙沙声,簌簌声

4. rumble [?r?mbl] vt. 声音低沉地说出(或发出)

5. squeeze [skwi?z] vt. 挤取;用力挤压

6. scratch [skr?t?] vt. 抓伤

7. hop [h?p] vi. <口>跳;弹跳

8. gleam [ɡli?m] n. 闪现;瞬息的一现

9. club [kl?b] n. 棍棒

10. take care of: <俚>殴打;杀死

11. pesky [?peski] adj. <美口>恼人的,讨厌的endprint

