

新东方英语·中学版 2014年4期


If I said I have never felt jealous of anyone, I would be lying. There have been times when I felt a tiny hint of jealousy toward some girls' luscious1) hair or someone's new computer, but the time I really felt envious was when I was about ten. Ever since I can remember, going to college has been my biggest goal. Going to college was a sure way to secure my future to be a successful person in life. But I knew I had to study hard and get good grades.

I come from a low-income family and every day is another day of hard work. My mom cleans houses for a living and whenever I can, I go help her. She cleans these grand houses, the ones that are on the edge of the beach. The first time I entered, I was blown away by everything. That house screamed money! From that moment, I vowed I was going to do everything I could to live a comfortable life. And then, I met Olivia.

She is a couple years younger than me but at the start I knew she was a very active person. She was up in her room playing with her American Girl doll. I knocked timidly, telling her that my mom sent me up to tell her we were going to clean her room. She answered with a smile and told me that she would go to the game room to not bother us. When she left, I looked around her room and was astounded2) yet again. I probably looked like a dummy3) with my mouth wide open. The only thing I could see was bright pink and brown walls. There was only one bed with its own canopy4). There was a huge closet and toys all over the room. It looked nothing like my room, which I had to share with my sister and there was barely any room for anything. When I finished gawking at5) her room, I went to find my mother. The girl popped up6) and asked me if I cared to join her tea party. She actually said those exact words. I stammered7) that I would have to ask my mother. I didn't know why but she made me feel intimidated8). I ended up playing with her.

I learned a lot about Olivia. I learned that she was in the third grade. She had a lot of toys and really liked dogs. She had a younger brother who was at the park. But the thing that stuck was that she was taking some classes. She took ballet, art, singing, and flute. She had a lot of after-school activities, so she was a very busy girl. Her life was so different than mine. I mean, while I was doing homework and baby-sitting my younger sister, she was learning how to dance. She had so many opportunities.

Right then, I knew I was jealous. Not of her personally, but of what she had. She had everything any person could want and more. But it was deeper than that. For me, trying to get into a four-year university was my goal and a full-time job. Anything lower than that would be a failure so I always have to be focused and determined. For her it seemed more of a requirement and didn't need a lot of effort. While I was struggling to understand math by myself, she could hire a private tutor to help her. Her world contained so many opportunities. What I really was jealous of was that some people have it easy compared to others.endprint

Now, whenever I'm thinking of that house on the shore of Malibu, I remember my goals and try to never stray off the path I'm making. Every grade and every extracurricular activity I do is a step closer to college and hopefully one day I too will have my dream house.







luscious [?l???s] adj. 美丽的;非常吸引人的;富有魅力的

astounded [??sta?nd?d] adj. 感到震惊的

dummy [?d?mi] n. [俗]傻瓜;笨蛋

canopy [?k?n?pi] n. 华盖;天篷

gawk at: <口> (惊奇地张口)发呆地看着

pop up: 突然出现

stammer [?st?m?(r)] vt. 结结巴巴地说

intimidated [?n?t?m?de?t?d] adj. 感到害怕的;恐惧的endprint


Chapter 4 Merrick's first home