Peer pressure is when your friends or somebody else is trying to force you to do something that you do not really wish to do. Often they try to convince you through name calling1) or other ways of being mean. I will tell you my experience with peer pressure and how I coped with it. Although it is not a very cool thing to go through as I suffered quite a bit, I feel that at the end of it, I do feel cool because I did not do stuff just as my friends thought I should. I stuck to what I believed in and what I felt was right for me. I feel strong.
I was part of a group of five girls at school and I really loved being with my friends. At the age of around 13, they all began to change. I used to feel like I did not know who these girls were; it was like I did not know them anymore. They wanted to do stuff they saw on TV or wherever, stuff that made them feel grown up. One time we went to the cinema together and in the intermission2) we went out to buy sweets. One of the girls began to giggle and said she had a surprise for all of us. We all went into the bathroom and she brought out a cigarette from her bag. She said she stole it from her mother's pack. Lisa (her name) said that if we smoked it we would be so cool. She had even bought a lighter3). I felt my heart sink. I really did not want to do this. I hated cigarettes. I thought smoking was not cool, not the other way around. Two of my friends were totally convinced and so Lisa lit the cigarette and put it in her mouth. She took a breath in and then blew out the smoke. She coughed but then looked really proud. She passed it on to the other two and they did the same. Then it was Ana's turn. She said she did not want it and the other three began to call her a nerd4). They said, "You are such a chicken and sooooo uncool; if you don't take it you will not be cool like us and so you can't be our friend." Ana looked really scared and weak, like she was going to give in, so they continued to tease her. They said "nerd, chicken, baby" etc. Ana then took the cigarette and copied the others.
What should I do? Give in to them or go with what I believe in? Do I want to be liked by "friends" who won't accept me as I am? As a person who does not smoke?
I looked at them and walked out of the toilet saying, "See you inside. I am a non-smoker and I will not smoke just to be accepted by you."
They do this because they do not want to be the only ones doing whatever they do to feel cool.
I did this with my mother about saying no to alcohol and I think it helped me when I needed to tell my friends no to cigarettes.endprint
All kids feel the need to fit in and this is OK, but sometimes you may find yourself doing things not because you want to but because others have told you to. You may fear saying no since it will make you look dumb, or you may think that your "friends" might not like you anymore. True friends will accept you just the way you are!
Please remember that you have every right to say "no", all you need is the courage to do so. It is hard to find this courage at times but it will help keep you safe and out of trouble. So practice saying "no"—imagine conversations where you wish to say no and practice doing so. Ask someone you trust to help you or use a mirror!
When you find yourself in bad peer-pressure situation, it can be very difficult to gracefully bow out (退出). However, there are some methods which work fairly well.
Enlist other like-minded people to your stance. 赢得有相同想法的人的支持,使他们跟你站在一边。
You may not be able to dissuade (劝阻) your peers. However, you're likely not the only person who's uncomfortable with such a peer-pressure situation. For instance, if you find yourself at the drinking party, someone else will happily go with you somewhere else fun and alcohol-free.
Change the activity, conversation, or make a joke. 换个活动,转换话题或开个玩笑。
If the "Truth or Dare" game (“真心话大冒险”游戏) is going from fun to uncomfortable, it may be time to make a joke of it and guide the party to something else. Doing so will often save face while avoiding direct confrontation (争执) or hurt feelings.
Blame your parent(s). 归罪于父母。
One good excuse for younger teens to give for not doing something is simply saying you would suffer harsh consequences for doing something: "Oh, I can't go to a house party unless there's a parent there. Oh, you don't know my mom—she would totally check up with me!" Or: "Oh, my dad grounded (限制外出) me this week." It often doesn't matter that your mother is really strict with you or you are not actually grounded; it sounds like a working reason.
"No, thanks."
When a peer brings up a bad idea, it sometimes feels like everyone else's silence means it's an accepted idea. Instead, the silent majority may also be thinking the same as you, but too scared to say so. It often takes just one person to stand up to turn a situation.
1. name calling: 骂人;辱骂
2. intermission [??nt??m??n] n. (电影等的)幕间休息;幕间音乐演奏
3. lighter [?la?t?(r)] n. 打火机
4. nerd [n??d] n. 蠢人;可笑的人endprint