Notes on Contributors
Dr.LiangChenis an Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Special Education at the University of Georgia, USA. He conducts research in Chinese linguistics, and language development and disorders in monolingual and bilingual populations. Contact:
Dr.YongqiGuis currently Senior Lecturer at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He is also an adjunct research fellow at the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing, China. Dr. Gu’s main academic interests fall into the following areas: Learner autonomy and learning strategies, vocabulary acquisition, language testing and assessment, language policy and planning, and language teacher education. Contact:
ZhaohongHanis Professor of Language and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she teaches graduate courses in Applied Linguistics, TESOL, and foreign language instruction. Her research interests lie broadly in second language learnability, second language teachability, and their interface. Her work on fossilization, corrective feedback, second language thinking for speaking, second language reading and vocabulary development, second language reading instruction, and second languageabinitioinput processing has appeared in a variety of journals and books. Dr. Han is the recipient of the 2003 International TESOL Heinle and Heinle Distinguished Research Award, and a repeated recipient of the Teachers College, Columbia University Outstanding Teacher Award. Contact:
Ji-YungJungis a doctoral student in Applied Linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research interests include instructed SLA, focus on form, implicit/explicit learning and knowledge, and the role of awareness in L2 learning. Her dissertation in progress investigates the effects of different types of Focus on Form on different types of L2 structures.
ManLiis currently a doctoral student in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Maryland. She received her MA in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and BA in English from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Her primary research interest concerns cognitive aspects of second language acquisition, including individual differences, aptitude-by-treatment interaction, automatization, implicit and explicit knowledge, and lexical access. She is also interested in L2 academic writing, applied corpus linguistics, and discourse analysis. She has presented her research at major academic conferences in AL and SLA, and served as an anonymous reviewer forTESOLQuarterlyandSecondLanguageResearch. Contact:
JeansueMuelleris an assistant professor at the Defense Language Institute, USA. She is also a PhD candidate in the Second Language Acquisition Program at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research interests include the acquisition of Korean honorifics, task based language teaching, and the age effect on the acquisition of sound symbolic patterns, which is her dissertation topic. She has published articles in theModernLanguageJournalandtheForum. Contact:
Dr.XiaoqingQinis a Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of English, Central China Normal University, China. His research interests include second language acquisition, L2 writing, and quantitative methods in L2 research. He has got monographs published ranging from L2 writing, questionnaire designs, L2 motivation, to L2 quantitative approach and data analysis. His research can be also found in such journals asForeignLanguageTeachingandResearch,ModernForeignLanguages,RELCJournalandChineseJournalofAppliedLinguistics. He works as anonymous reviewer for journals likeMLJ,JournalofInterculturalCommunicationStudies, andModernForeignLanguages.
Dr.XinWangis a research fellow associated with the Applied Linguistics Group at the University of Oxford. She received her BA in English in China, then both MA (TESOL/Linguistics) and PhD (Cognitive Science and SLA) at the University of Arizona, USA. She has extensive research and teaching experiences in universities in Singapore, USA and UK. Her major interests are in the psycholinguistic and neural perspectives of SLA and Bilingualism. Her work has been published in international refereed journals:Bilingualism:LanguageandCognition;QuarterlyJournalofExperimentalPsychology,Neurocase, etc. Contact: or
Dr.ChunshengYangis an Assistant Professor of Chinese and applied linguistics at the University of Connecticut. He earned his Ph. D in Chinese linguistics from The Ohio State University. His research focuses on the acquisition of second language phonology, especially the acquisition of L2 prosody, computer-assisted and mobile-assisted language teaching and learning, and Chinese linguistics and Chinese pedagogy in general. Contact:
her M.A. degree in Linguistics from University College London in the U.K. in 2009, and began to work as an English teacher at Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai in China from 2010. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Linguistics at the University of Georgia, USA. Her research interests include second language acquisition and psycholinguistics. Contact:
- Acquisition of Mandarin Lexical Tones: The Effect of Global PitchTendency
- Extending the Distributional Bias Hypothesis to the Acquisition ofHonorific Morphology in L2 Korean
- Development of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of GrammaticalStructures in Chinese EFL Learners
- Effects of Explicit Focus on Form on L2 Acquisition of EnglishPassive Construction
- A Meta-analysis of Cross-linguistic Syntactic Priming Effects
- Language Learning Strategies in China: A Call for Teacher-friendlyResearch