现如今,人们对建筑可持续性的关注点几乎都集中在如何降低生产及运营能耗等问题上,这往往需要指定运用某些复杂、不稳定或昂贵的技术才能得以实现。我们认为,简单的策略和对地形、植被的保护同样也是可持续发展的一些方面,需要得到人们更多的关注。标准的建造程序通常需要在建设开始之前对基地进行常规性破坏,使其满足地基和基础设施搭建的需求。我们想对这些建筑师乃至整个社会的这种常规作法提出质疑,是否应该如此随意地通过采用大型机械和爆破的暴力方式来对待一块土地。保护原有地块是一种尊重自然优先法则的有效方法,并且是最有可能成功的。我们认为,人类只是地球的客人,客人就该有客人的样子。□(王冰 译)
The site is a separate plot that was designated for a summer house many years ago. For different reasons it was not sold until a few years ago. ere is no road to the site so only light machinery was used and the site was changed as little as possible. The main level contains the common rooms. A part of the rock wall behind the house is inside the living room. The bedrooms are placed on the second level, between the pine trees. Terraces are placed between the trees at various places, giving sun at different times of the day. During the building process we ended up using hand drawings, or a mix of CAD and hand drawings, because of the unmatched efciency of this type of drawing production. The foundations are thin steel rods (ø25mm) that support hinged wooden pillars. In this way we could avoid all roots, but had established a robust static system that would be stif in any confguration we would need.
Today's concern for sustainability in architecture focuses almost only on reduced energy consumption in production and operation, often by prescribing the use of complex, vulnerable and expensive technology. We think that simple strategies and the conservation of topography and vegetation are aspects of sustainability which deserves more attention. Standard building procedure often requires the general destruction of the site to accommodate foundations and infrastructure before building can commence. We would like to question the ease with which architects, and society in general, uses violence to a site, in the form of large machines and explosives. Conserving the site is a way to respect the fact that nature precedes and most probably succeeds man. We think we are guests on earth, and should behave like guests. □
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 未公开/Undisclosed
项目团队/Project Team: jan Olav jensen(项目主管/ project leader), Sigrid Moldestad, Thomas Knigge, Knut Borgen, Øystein Skorstad, Dagfinn Sagen, Helge Lunder, Torunn Golberg, johanna Meschke, Torstein Koch
景观建筑师/Landscape Architects: jensen & Skodvin Architects
室内建筑师/Interior Architects: jensen & Skodvin Architects
静力顾问/Static Consultant: Siv. Ing. Finn Erik Nilsen
摄影/Photos: All images courtesy of the architects
1 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
2 外景/Exterior view
3 二层小桥内景/Interior view of the bridge on foor 1
4 露台/Terrace5. 6 平面草图/Sketches, plan
LI Xiaofeng: This summer villa is located within a mountain forest. The project's construction footprint was kept minimal with the use of light equipment.The building fully interacts with and weaves through the natural environment: a cliff face penetrates the living room, second level bedrooms are placed between pine trees, terraces strategically siddle up alongside other trees and their shadows dance with the sunlight. To avoid damaging plant roots, the foundation is composed of a series of thin steel rods that support hinged wooden columns. Throughout the design and building process hand drawings (or a combination of CAD and hand drawings) were used to capture architectural opportunities in situ. Instead of expensive and sophisticated design and construction technologies, simple methods were combined with a respect for the natural landscape creating a sustainable strategy worth noting.
QING Feng: The architecture disappears in the forest. As Wright said, no architecture should be placed on a mountain, it should be the mountain, belong to the mountain. This poetic vision is realized through the language of the building's wooden surface, oblique supports, irregular shapes and complex structure. The architects stress that we should behave gently towards nature – like guests towards a host. On the one hand this attitude recognizes the transcendence of nature over mankind. On the other hand identifying with nature in this way allows people to transcend their own limits.
Summer House, Storford, Norway, 2013
Architects: jensen & Skodvin Architects