

科技与创新 2014年2期

摘 要:自2006年白玉中学修建,后山边坡被开挖后,暴雨时节,在人工切坡面处会出现小型滑塌现象,这对斜坡变形破坏稍有影响。此外,地表水和大气降水渗入坡体内,造成较高的孔隙水压力和动水压力。地表水渗入坡体造成的地下水浮托力,促使坡体下滑。地表水下渗和地下水恶化潜在滑动面处的岩土体物理、力学性质,降低了其自身的力学强度,这对边坡稳定性产生的影响也比较大。在详细勘察地质的基础上,对白玉中学后山边坡的变形特征进行了详细调查,并对成因机制进行了合理的分析。


中图分类号:TU433 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-6835(2014)02-0153-02

白玉中学边坡是2006年修建白玉中学时切坡形成,边坡下方约5~8 m处为建筑物(教学楼和食堂)。该边坡坡体为土质边坡,最高高度约14.5 m。在雨季时期,边坡坡面容易发生坍塌、垮塌现象。塌滑后缘宽6~8 m,前缘宽10~12 m,厚度约0.5~1.0 m。每一处的垮塌方量为60~120 m3。此边坡灾害体对环境和交通的影响较大,且威胁其坡体下方约5~8 m处的教学楼,威胁学校1 000余名师生的生命和财产安全。

1 滑坡地质环境条件

1.1 地形地貌

白玉县县城东靠章都乡,南连盖玉乡,西邻向阳乡,北与河坡乡接壤。滑坡区为高山—河谷地貌,地势较开阔,最高点高程约 3 800 m,最低点高程约 3 011 m,山坡地形较陡(如图 1所示)。从整个地貌来看,按斜坡坡度划分,可以把勘察区划分为两段,即学校后面的自然斜坡和学校以及前面的人类活动区域:自然斜坡坡度为 25°~35°,植被茂密,以灌木为主;人类活动区域坡度为10°~15°,其与一直延伸到欧曲河之间的距离约为 90 m。

图1 白玉中学地形地貌图(来源于Google Earth)

1.2 地层岩性

白玉县境内自元古界至第四系地层出露不全,以中生界地层分布最广,发育最好,缺失侏罗、白垩、奥陶、寒武系地层。滑坡区出露地层较单一,主要为三叠系中下统(T1-2),以变质砂岩和砂质板岩为主,夹灰岩、泥灰岩、第四系崩坡积物 。表层为耕植土,下部为第四系崩坡积物,主要有碎石土层、块碎石土层和粉质黏土夹碎石层。

2 边坡的变形特征

白玉中学边坡的变形迹象主要发生在 2006 年切坡后,在暴雨的冲刷下,切坡面出现局部坍塌现象。该斜坡变形主要集中在斜坡的开挖面处。变形特征表现为雨季时开挖面发生大量坍塌、垮塌现象,主要有三处垮塌,垮塌主要集中在Ⅰ区。

在Ⅰ区人工边坡的B段约中部,由于暴雨的诱发作用,高陡临空形成面形成坍塌体,主塌方向242°,最大高差7 m,坡度为59°~65°。塌滑后缘宽6 m,前缘宽10 m,纵坡长8 m,估算方约60 m?。

在Ⅰ区人工边坡的B段(紧靠C段),由于暴雨的诱发作用,高陡临空形成面形成坍塌体,主塌方向246°,最大高差10 m,坡度为40°~50°。塌滑后缘宽8 m,前缘宽12 m,纵坡长14 m,估算方量约120 m?。

在Ⅰ区人工边坡的C段,由于暴雨的诱发作用,在陡临空面下部形成局部坍塌,形成了一个凹腔,主塌方向119°,凹腔最大高差2 m,宽度约7 m,深度约0.8 m,估算方量约 11 m?。

3 边坡变形成因机制分析

3.1 边坡变形机制


3.2 边坡稳定性影响因素


3.2.1 物质结构


3.2.2 降雨和地下水


3.2.3 人类工程活动


4 结束语

通过以上分析,可以得出如下结论:①滑坡区主要出露三叠系中下统变质砂岩、砂质板岩夹灰岩和泥灰岩,基岩节理较发育。该区位于金沙江地震带附近,距离滑坡区约为5 km,对白玉中学边坡影响较大。②根据切坡位置,把勘察区分为Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区,其中Ⅰ区为教学楼后面的山坡处,Ⅱ区为学生食堂后面的山坡处。③针对该边坡,根据其变形特征、变形迹象和威胁对象,结合当地实际情况,建议采用支挡措施进行治理。







Sichuan Baiyu School Slope Deformation Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism Analysis

Xiang Bing

Abstract: Since 2006 Baiyu school construction, the mountain slope was excavated after the storm season, the artificial cut slope occurs at a small slump phenomenon, which is a slight slope deformation and failure impact. In addition, surface water and atmospheric precipitation infiltration slope body, resulting in higher pore water pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. Surface water infiltration caused by groundwater slope uplift force, prompting the decline slope. Infiltration of surface water and groundwater potential deterioration of the sliding surface of the rock and soil physical and mechanical properties, reducing the mechanical strength of its own, which is generated by the impact on slope stability is relatively large. On the basis of detailed geological survey on the deformation characteristics of white jade mountain slope after high school conducted a detailed investigation, and the genetic mechanism for a reasonable analysis.

Key words: deformation characteristics; slope excavation; genetic mechanism; collapseendprint




Sichuan Baiyu School Slope Deformation Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism Analysis

Xiang Bing

Abstract: Since 2006 Baiyu school construction, the mountain slope was excavated after the storm season, the artificial cut slope occurs at a small slump phenomenon, which is a slight slope deformation and failure impact. In addition, surface water and atmospheric precipitation infiltration slope body, resulting in higher pore water pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. Surface water infiltration caused by groundwater slope uplift force, prompting the decline slope. Infiltration of surface water and groundwater potential deterioration of the sliding surface of the rock and soil physical and mechanical properties, reducing the mechanical strength of its own, which is generated by the impact on slope stability is relatively large. On the basis of detailed geological survey on the deformation characteristics of white jade mountain slope after high school conducted a detailed investigation, and the genetic mechanism for a reasonable analysis.

Key words: deformation characteristics; slope excavation; genetic mechanism; collapseendprint




Sichuan Baiyu School Slope Deformation Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism Analysis

Xiang Bing

Abstract: Since 2006 Baiyu school construction, the mountain slope was excavated after the storm season, the artificial cut slope occurs at a small slump phenomenon, which is a slight slope deformation and failure impact. In addition, surface water and atmospheric precipitation infiltration slope body, resulting in higher pore water pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. Surface water infiltration caused by groundwater slope uplift force, prompting the decline slope. Infiltration of surface water and groundwater potential deterioration of the sliding surface of the rock and soil physical and mechanical properties, reducing the mechanical strength of its own, which is generated by the impact on slope stability is relatively large. On the basis of detailed geological survey on the deformation characteristics of white jade mountain slope after high school conducted a detailed investigation, and the genetic mechanism for a reasonable analysis.

Key words: deformation characteristics; slope excavation; genetic mechanism; collapseendprint

