

广东教育·高中 2014年2期


第一部分 显性关联导练



一、按要求写词 按照括号内的要求写出正确的单词形式。

1. protect(名词) ______________

2. comfort(形容词) ______________

3. possible (名词) ______________

4. danger (形容词) ______________

5. lazy (名词) ______________

6. succeed (名词) ______________

7. responsibility (形容词)______________

8. lonely (名词) ______________

9. explain (名词) ______________

10. benefit (形容词) ______________

11. begin (同义词) ______________

12. foolish (同义词) ______________

13. scared (同义词) ______________

14. conference (同义词) ______________

15. mend (同义词) ______________

16. chance (同义词) ______________

17. success (反义词) ______________

18. pressure (同义词) ______________

19. dark (反义词) ______________

20. exhausted (同义词) ______________


1. protection 2. comfortable

3. possibility 4. dangerous

5. laziness 6. success

7. responsible 8. loneliness

9. explanation 10. beneficial

11. start 12. stupid / silly

13. afraid/frightened 14. meeting

15. fix / repair 16. opportunity

17. failure 18. stress

19. bright 20. tired

二、写上下义词 仿照例子写出上义词或下义词。

例:furniture: table, chair, desk, sofa, ...

1. ________:nose,eye,ear,________,_________...

2. ___________:badminton, running, diving, _________...

3. fruit: _______,pear, ________, ________, ________...

4. ___________: chair, table, __________, __________...

5. book:________, _________, __________, _________...

6. ________:cabbage, ________, ________, _________...

7. clothes:________, _________, _________, ________...

8. _________: bread, milk, _ _________, ___________...

9. animal:_______, _______, pig, ________, ________...

10. _________: China,Canada, _________, __________...


1. organ: face, head, mouth, head, heart, leg, arm, foot, chest, cheek, back, tooth...

2. sports: swimming, skating, climbing, skiing, hiking, shooting, table tennis...

3. fruit: apple, banana, berry, peach, grape, orange, pineapple, mango, pear...

4. furniture: chair, table, desk, sofa, cupboard, bed, shelf...

5. book: novel, magazine, newspaper, thriller, story-book, comic book...endprint

6. vegetable: eggplant, potato, tomato, cabbage, cucumber, pepper, pumpkin...

7. clothes:shoe, shirt, coat, dress, sock, stocking, glove, scarf, skirt, trousers...

8. food: sandwich, cake, porridge, rice, noodle, pork, beef, mutton, bread...

9. animal: cat, dog, cow, camel, monkey, panda, tiger, horse, bear, sheep, bee...

10. country: Russia, Japan, America, France, Germany, Holland, Australia, Finland...




1. Last week, we donated a great many things, such as food, clothes and books, to the homeless children, who were very thankful for our ___________.

A. progress B. donation C. behavior D. efforts


2. She usually helps mom with the housework on weekends and mom praises her for her ___________.

A. assistance B. activity C. decision D. choice


3. The ___________ of fever include high temperature, running nose and maybe a sore throat.

A. symptoms B. signs C. marks D. looks

解析:纵观句意,选项中的symptoms包括high temperature, running nose and maybe a sore throat,因此选A。根据上下义复现解题。其中,symptoms是上义词,high temperature, running nose和sore throat是下义词。



1. He is very kind and friendly to others. Because of his ___________,he is quite popular with the people around him.

A. ability B. honesty C. relationship D. kindness

2. The old man tends to forget things from time to time. In other words,he is more and more _________.

A. forgetful B. unforgettable

C. easy-going D. hard-working

3. A stranger appeared at the party without being invited and his sudden and unexpected ____________ surprised all the guests present.

A. invitation B. crowd

C. appearance D. condition

4. Our head teacher is able to solve various problems and we all respect and admire him greatly for his ___________.

A. effects B. expectation

C. consideration D. abilities

5. I dont permit anyone to enter my bedroom. In other words, nobody can come into my bedroom without my ________.

A. disagreement B. permission

C. requirement D. suggestion

6. Although he explained this problem to us in great detail, his ___________ seemed unreasonable and couldnt convince us.endprint

A. explanation B. discussion

C. communication D. education

7. He chose to stay in the company instead of going on business, which, I think, is a sensible __________.

A. response B. request

C. choice D. relaxation

8. The newcomer impresses us with his good sense of humor. So humorous is he that he makes a deep ____________ on us.

A. possession B. impression

C. collection D. addiction

9. My deskmate often ___________ me in improving my maths. With his assistance, I managed to catch up with my fellow students.

A. assists B. prefers

C. insists D. encourages

10. What he said made no sense. It was really __________.

A. useless B. meaningless

C. homeless D. hopeless

11. The boy is very ____________. Because of his rude manners, he is often scolded by his parents.

A. impolite B. positive

C. lively D. curious

12. James is very ___________. He tends to attack other kids and fight with them.

A. strong B. aggressive

C. gentle D. firm

13. A _______ friend is someone you can always depend on.

A. stable B. suitable

C. reliable D. comfortable

14. We often team up with each other and by means of ____________,we learn from and benefit from one another.

A. co-operation B. performance

C. competition D. entertainment

15. He has been away from his company for a few weeks for no reason. His __________ surprises all the people who know him.

A. attitude B. appearance

C. presence D. absence

16. Im so glad to attend the conference and its my great honor to be ____________ and make a speech.

A. present B. different

C. possible D. direct

17. Different people have their own intentions and ambitions. Some intend to take up business while others ___________ to go in for politics.

A. happen B. lose

C. stop D. mean

18. The teaching building is being built. Thats to say, it is under __________.

A. leadership B. guidance C. discussion D. construction

19. He taught me how to rely on other ___________, particularly on my hearing.

A. feelings B. organs C. skills D. senses

20. To keep fit, you should keep away from the _________ foods, such as hamburgers, hot dogs and fried chicken, which are rich in fat.

A. junk B. healthy C. delicious D. smelly

21. He has many ___________, such as listening to music, reading, dancing, etc, among which playing chess is his favorite.endprint

A. habits B. hobbies C. duties D. choices

22. ___________ like tables and chairs are necessary for daily uses in our homes.

A. Furniture B. Decorations C. Tools D. Materials

23. My mother likes keeping ___________ such as dogs and cats.

A. fruits B. plants C. foods D. animals

24. Mary is a housewife and she has to do a lot of ________ including cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. every day.

A. homework B. housework C. exercises D. farmwork

25. If you want to go shopping, you need to take some ______ with you. You can take cash or credit cards, for example.

A. money B. paper C. bags D. baskets

26. Hiking,jogging and swimming are beneficial _______, which do good to our health.

A. knowledge B. things C. sports D. work

27. Toms teacher constantly advises him to put his heart into studies. However, he always turns a deaf ear to his teachers ___________.

A. tension B. worry C. order D. advice

28. Some students hold the view that its necessary for them to have a mobile phone, but in my view, a mobile phone is not a ____________ for middle school students.

A. fault B. secret C. necessity D. pleasure

29. The weather is always changing. Unless you take good care of yourself, youre likely to catch a cold because of the ____________ weather.

A. changeable B. enjoyable C. suitable D. comfortable

30. This kind of snake is ____________. It can kill a person in a minute.

A. vital B. deadly C. frightened D. painful

31. She _________ sadly. No matter how hard I tried to comfort her, she just kept crying.

A. appeared B. wept C. shouted D. shared

32. Stress, in some way, does us good, because under a certain amount of __________,we have more motivation(动力) to achieve what we want.

A. investigation B. pressure C. guidance D. discussion

33. I wonder where he comes from. In other words, I want to know his __________.

A. history B. possibility

C. nationality D. personality

34. The shop owner charged me a bit more, but later he gave the __________, 3.5yuan, back to me.

A. bag B. book C. paper D. change

35. My teacher advises us to donate some money to Japan. I think it is a useful piece of _________.

A. plan B. advice C. donation D. idea

36. He was very lazy and spent little time on his studies. Last term,he failed all the exams due to his ____________.endprint

A. laziness B. failure C. business D. effects

37. The flight was put off by the thick fog and the passengers were impatient with the __________.

A. failure B. disappearance C. delay D. situation

38. On the plane, smoking is not ____________. However, drinking is permitted.

A. attempted B. allowed C. protected D. requested


1. 由kind得知,答案选D。他很“友好”。根据原词复现解题。

2. 由forget得知,老人越来越“健忘”,故答案选A,根据原词复现解题。forgetful“健忘的”,unforgettable“难忘的”。

3. 由appeared得知,答案选C。他突如其来的“出现”。 根据原词复现解题。

4. 由able得知,答案选D。我们佩服他的“能力”。 根据原词复现解题。

5. 由permit得知,答案选B。不经过我的“允许”。 根据原词复现解题。

6. 由explained得知,答案选A。他的“解释”没有道理。 根据原词复现解题。

7. 由chose得知,答案选C。他选择呆在家里是个明智的“选择”。 根据原词复现解题。

8. 由impresses得知,答案选B。他的幽默感给我留下了深刻的“印象”。 根据原词复现解题。

9. 由assistance得知,答案选A。我同桌常常“帮助”我提高数学。 根据原词复现解题。

10. 由made no sense得知,答案选B。他的话“没有意义”。根据近义复现解题。

11. 由rude manners得知,那个男孩很“无礼”,故答案选A,根据近义复现解题。

12. 由attack和fight with得知,答案选B。James“有攻击性”。 根据近义复现解题。

13. 由depend on得知,答案选C。真正的朋友是“可靠的”。 根据近义复现解题。

14. 由team up with得知,答案选A。通过“合作”。 根据近义复现解题。

15. 由away得知,答案选D。他的“缺席”出乎大家的意料。 根据近义复现解题。

16. 由attend得知,答案选A。“出席”并发表讲话很荣幸。 根据近义复现解题。

17. 由intend得知,答案选D。“打算”从政。 根据近义复现解题。

18. 由built得知,答案选D。教学楼在“构建”当中。 根据近义复现解题。

19. 选项中的senses包括hearing,因此选D。sense是上义词,hearing是下义词。根据上下义复现解题。

20. 选项中的junk food是上义词,包括下义词hamburgers, hot dogs and fried chicken,因此选A。根据上下义复现解题。

21. listening to music, reading, dancing是下义词,hobby是上义词,因此选B。根据上下义关联解。

22. tables and chairs是furniture的一部分,因此选A。furniture是上义词,tables and chairs是下义词。根据上下义复现解题。

23. dogs and cats从属于animals,因此选D。animals是上义词,dogs and cats是下义词。根据上下义复现解题。

24. housework是上义词,包括cooking, washing, cleaning等下义词,因此选B。根据上下义关联解题。

25. money是上义词,cash和credit cards是下义词,因此选A。根据上下义复现解题。

26. sports是上义词,包括hiking, jogging and swimming等下义词,因此选C。根据上下义关联解题。

27. 选项中的advice与advises是同源词,因此选D。根据原词复现解题。

28. 选项中的necessity与necessary是同源词,因此选C。根据原词复现解题。

29. 选项中的changeable与changing是同源词,因此选A。根据原词复现解题。

30. 由kill得知,蛇是“致命的”,因此选B。根据同义复现解题。

31. 选项中的wept与crying是同义词,因此选B。根据同义复现解题。

32. 选项中的pressure与stress是同义词,因此选B。根据同义复现解题。

33. 选项中的nationality与come from是同义词,因此选C。根据同义复现解题。

34. 句中的3.5yuan是“零钱”,因此选D。根据同义复现解题。

35. 选项中的advice与advise是同源词,因此选B。根据原词复现解题。


37.句中的put off与选项中的delay是同义词,因此选C。根据同义复现解题。endprint


Dale Carnegie