[摘要] 目的 研究E-cadherin在颅咽管瘤中表达情况,探讨E-cadherin异常表达与颅咽管瘤侵袭相关性。 方法 对71例颅咽管瘤进行HE染色及E-cadherin免疫组织化学检测。 结果 E-cadherin均低表达于侵袭性颅咽管瘤基底细胞和漩涡样细胞簇中;E-cadherin正常表达于非侵袭性细胞膜中。 结论 E-cadherin的表达减少与颅咽管瘤的侵袭性相关,是侵袭性颅咽管瘤的标志性因子。
[关键词] 颅咽管瘤;E-cadherin;侵袭性
[中图分类号] R739.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)02-0154-02
Analysis of relationships between expression of E-cadherin and invasion in craniopharyngioma
CAO Jian1 LIN Shukai2
1.Department of Neurosurgery, Jilin Central Hospital of Jilin Province, Jilin 132011, China; 2.Department of Neurosurgery, Beihua University Affiliated Hospital of Jilin Province, Jilin 132011, China
[Abstract] Objective To research expression of E-cadherin and to explore relationships between abnormal expression and invasion. Methods HE staining and immunohistochemical staining of E-cadherin were performed in 71 patients with craniopharyngioma. Results Immunostaining result showed low expression of E-cadherin in predominantly compactly cohesive epithelial cells within the whorl-like arrays and palisaded cells in invasive adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma, but normal expression in no invasive craniopharyngioma. Conclusion Low expression of E-cadherin only presents in adamantinomatous cranipharyngioma, which is closely associated to invision, which is marker of invasive craniopharyngioma
[Key words] Craniopharyngioma; E-cadherin; Invasion
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
选取我院神经外科2001年1月1日~2009年1月1日手术切除并经组织病理学确诊的颅咽管瘤患者(术前未接受过放疗)71例,年龄1~72岁,平均(35.4±17.8)岁,其中男31例(56.5%),女40例(43.5%);肿瘤<4 cm 39例,≥4 cm 32例。病程3个月~3年,平均病程1.2年。
1.2 方法
1.3 统计学方法
采用SPSS16.0软件包进行数据分析。E-cadherin表达水平采用χ2检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 HE染色进行分型
根据WHO 2007年神经系统肿瘤病理组织学分型标准对71例手术切除的颅咽管瘤病理组织常规HE染色分型:根据肿瘤组织是否“岛状、指状”侵入周围脑组织分为侵袭性18例、非侵袭性53例。
2.2 E-cadherin在颅咽管瘤中的表达
表1 侵袭性和非侵袭性颅咽管瘤E-cadherin表达水平差异
3 讨论endprint
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