[摘要] 目的 考察水飞蓟宾对艾滋病合并肝炎治疗的辅助疗效。 方法 收集2010年5月 ~2011年6月在我院住院治疗的艾滋病合并丙型肝炎病患75例,随机分为两组 ,治疗组39例,水飞蓟宾组36例。 结果 两组治疗前病毒载量、CD4+、CD8+、NK、肝功能和血脂在治疗前无显著差异(P>0.05)。与治疗前比,两组病毒载量、CD4+、CD8+和NK均有不同程度的改善(P<0.05),但两组之间无显著差异(P>0.05),对照组肝纤维化程度和血脂无显著差异(P>0.05),水飞蓟宾组的肝功能指标显著改善,肝纤维化程度较低(P<0.05),血脂指标显著改善(P<0.05)。结论 水飞蓟宾可改善长效聚乙二醇化干扰素( PEG-IFNa-2a)治疗艾滋病合并肝炎治疗的疗效,尤其可改善肝功能,减少肝纤维化程度和血脂水平。
[关键词] 水飞蓟宾;艾滋病;丙型肝炎
[中图分类号] R512.6 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)02-0045-03
Auxiliary the rapeutic effect of silibinin in treatment of AIDS combined with hepatitis C patients
1.Department of Pharmacy, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Hangzhou 310006;2.Department of Psychiatry, Ruian Fifth People's Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Ruian 325200, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of silibinin in treatment of AIDS with hepatitis C patients. Methods From May 2010 to June 2011, 75 cases of AIDS with hepatitis C patients in our hospital were randomly divided into two groups: 39 cases of control group and 36 cases of silibinin treatment group. Results Before treatment, compare with control, viral load, CD4+, CD8+, NK, liver function and blood lipids silibinin group had no significant differences(P>0.05). Compared with before treatment, viral load, CD4+, CD8+ and NK in 2 groups had improved (P <0.05). But there was no significant differences in viral load, CD4+, CD8+ , NK between 2 groups (P>0.05). Compared with before treatment, liver fibrosis degree and lipids in control group had no significant differences (P> 0.05), but liver function, liver fibrosis and lipid in silibinin group had significantly improved (P<0.05). Conclusion Silibinin can improve liver function, reduce liver fibrosis and lipid levels in AIDS with hepatitis C by improving the effect of PEG-IFNa-2a.
[Key words] Silibinin; AIDS; Hepatitis C
艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)和丙型肝炎(hepatitis C virus,HCV)均可通过血液和不洁性行为等方式传播,而艾滋病和丙型肝炎感染和传播的重要人群是吸毒人群,通过注射吸毒引发艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体阳性率占吸毒人群超过1/3,而注射吸毒人群中的HCV总体感染率超过60%。与单独HCV感染者比,HIV可促使HCV复制和增殖,加快病程进展,更早进展到肝硬化期,单纯控制HIV病毒并不能改善患者的肝功能状态[1]。目前采用长效聚乙二醇化干扰素( PEG-IFNa-2a) 进行治疗,但仍有不同程度的不良反应[2],本课题采用水飞蓟宾(Silibinin)联合长效聚乙二醇化干扰素控制这一类疾病,治疗效果较好,病毒应答率高,药物不良反应少,现报道如下。
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
收集2010年5月~2011年6月在我院住院治疗的艾滋病合并肝炎病患75例,随机分为两组,治疗组39例,水飞蓟宾组36例,两组患者的一般情况具有可比性, 见表1。
1.2 入选标准
1.3 治疗方法
75例患者均采用长效聚乙二醇化干扰素(商品名:派罗欣)180 μg,1次/周,静脉注射,不耐受者减量为135 μg,共给药48周,利巴韦林1000 mg/d,连续治疗24周,水飞蓟宾组给予水飞蓟宾35mg/粒,2粒/次,3次/d,疗程1年,治疗结束后随访半年。
1.4 指标检测
收集所有受试者治疗前后外周血,采用RT-PCR方法检测外周血病毒载量,采用三色荧光标记法流式细胞术测定外周血CD4+、CD8+、NK 细胞计数、肝功能和肝纤维化指标(ALT:丙氨酸转移酶;HA:透明质酸;CG:肝氨胆酸;LN:层连蛋白;IV:C:IV型胶原,PLD:血清脯肽酶),ALT采用AU2700全自动生化分析仪检测,HA、LN、IV:C采用SN-697全自动双探头放射免疫计数仪检测,PLD测定用脯肽酶试剂盒检测,血脂指标(TC:总胆固醇;LDL:低密度脂蛋白;HDL:高密度脂蛋白),TC、LDL和HDL采用试剂盒法测定。
将所有数据输入SPSS15.0软件包中,计量资料采用 均数± 标准差(x±s)表示,组间比较采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 两组患者的一般情况比较
两组患者的年龄、性别比和病程无显著差异,具有可比性, 见表1。
表1 两组患者的一般情况比较
2.2 两组患者治疗前后疗效比较
两组治疗前后无明显的不良反应,对照组血脂出现异常,降低药量后有所缓解。 两治疗前病毒载量、CD4+、CD8+和NK在治疗前无显著差异(P>0.05)。与治疗前比,两组毒载量、CD4+、CD8+和NK均有不同程度的改善(P<0.05),但两组之间无显著差异(P>0.05), 见表2。
2.4 两组患者治疗前后血脂的比较
表4 两组病患治疗前后血脂的比较(x±s)
注: TC:总胆固醇;LDL:低密度脂蛋白;HDL:高密度脂蛋白。与对照组比,水飞蓟宾组的TC、LDL和HDL的统计值t分别为5.1、7.1和4.4。P均<0.05
3 讨论
CD4+T细胞由CD4+T前体细胞增殖与死亡的平衡调节,艾滋病在其发生和发展的不同阶段均伴有CD4+T细胞增殖功能缺陷,破坏其生理失衡,导致进行性减少, CD8+T细胞增殖功能与CD4+T细胞增殖功紧密相关,CD8+T的增殖功能缺陷伴随CD4+T细胞辅助功能缺失,当艾滋病合并肝炎时,HIV感染者CD4+和CD8+降低水平更为明显[4],本课题研究显示治疗前,两组的病毒载量较高,CD4+和CD8+的水平较低,验证了上述论点。
目前,临床常用长效聚乙二醇化干扰素(PEG-IFNa-2a)代替干扰素控制艾滋病,PEG-IFNa-2a明显改善了干扰素的病毒应答率低和药物不良反应多等缺陷,本课题采用PEG-IFNa-2a联合利巴韦林,经过1年的治疗,结果显示PEG-IFNa-2a联合利巴韦林可显著降低病毒载量,降低CD4+水平,与Bhagani S[6]研究结果类似。但PEG-IFNa-2a联合利巴韦林对HIV合并C型肝炎的肝功能和血脂调节等方面缺乏保护机制,甚至对肝功能有恶化趋势,本课题显示,与治疗前比,对照组的肝功能和肝纤维化指标ALT、HA、CG、LN 、IV:C和PLD无显著改善,其中ALT甚至有增加的趋势,对照组的血脂指标TC、LDL和HDL改善不显著,与文献[7,8]结果相似。
水飞蓟宾来自菊科植物水飞蓟[Silybum marianum(L.) Gaertn],用来治疗肝胆疾病已有2000 多年的历史,早在公元前23年水飞蓟就用于改善食欲,16世纪,英国开始用于改善情绪、护肝和消除黄疸,到20世纪在美国开始应用,20世纪70~80年代,德国进行该草药对肝病治疗的一系列研究,发现水飞蓟宾可用于治疗肝炎、肝硬化及由酒精或化学物质引起的脂肪肝等。本课题采用水飞蓟宾、PEG-IFNa-2a联合利巴韦林3者联合对HIV合并HCV病患在控制病毒和HIV的效果与PEG-IFNa-2a联合利巴韦林相似,但在肝功能、肝纤维化和血脂等方面有明显改善,与Payer BA等[9]人的研究结果相似,笔者认为水飞蓟宾对肝脏的保护作用有5方面原因:①通过清除肝细胞内的活性氧自由基(主要是HO和HOCl),对自由基所介导的肝脏微粒体和线粒体磷脂过氧化有抑制作用;②具有细胞膜稳定剂,可保证肝细胞膜稳定性和通透性;③保护肝细胞的酶系统;④抑制肝细胞摄取毒素,同时阻断毒素的肠肝循环;⑤能激活聚合酶Ⅰ和rRNA转录,增加rRNA生成而提高肝细胞的合成能力[10-12]。另外Payer BA认为,水飞蓟宾还可能对HIV病毒也有作用,还需要进一步研究证实。endprint
[1] Arends JE,van Assen S,Stek CJ,et al. Pegylated interferon-alpha monotherapy leads to low response rates in HIV-infected patients with acute hepatitis C[J]. Antivir Ther,2011,16(7):979-988.
[2] Halasz T,Farkas A,Tolvaj G,et al. Side effect of pegylated- interferon treatment in chronic C hepatitis: agranulocytosis[J]. Orv Hetil,2006,147(7):321-324.
[3] 蒙江明.混合感染对艾滋病抗病毒治疗CD4+的影响[J].广西医学,2010,32(10):1167-1169.
[4] Karim R, Mack WJ, Stiller T,et al. Association of HIV clinical disease progression with profiles of early immune activation: results from a cluster analysis approach[J]. AIDS. 2013,27(9):1473-1481.
[5] 赵香梅,孙挥宇,陈凤欣,等. 获得性免疫缺陷综合征患者血脂和眼底动脉硬化的研究[J]. 临床荟萃,2012,27(14):1214-1217.
[6] Bhagani S. Current treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus/HIV-infected individuals: the role of pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin[J]. Curr Opin HIV AIDS,2011,6(6):483-490.
[7] Masia M,Robledano C,Lopez N,et al. Treatment for hepatitis C virus with pegylated interferon-alpha plus ribavirin induces anti- atherogenic effects on cardiovascular risk biomarkers in HIV-infected and -uninfected patients[J]. J Antimicrob Chemother,2011,66(8):1861-1868.
[8] Piai G,Scalice E,Focareta R,et al. From trials to a real hospital setting: effectiveness of pegylated interferon-alpha-2b/ribavirin combination therapy for naive chronic hepatitis C patients[J]. Dig Dis Sci,2006,51(9):1619-1626.
[9] Payer BA,Reiberger T,Rutter K,et al. Successful HCV eradication and inhibition of HIV replication by intravenous silibinin in an HIV-HCV coinfected patient[J]. J Clin Virol,2010,49(2):131-133.
[10] Au AY,Hasenwinkel JM, Frondoza CG,et al. Hepatoprotective effects of S- adenosylmethionine and silybin on canine hepatocytes in vitro[J]. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl),2013,97(2):331-341.
[11] Grattagliano I, Diogo CV, Mastrodonato M,et al. A silybin-phospholipids complex counteracts rat fatty liver degeneration and mitochondrial oxidative changes[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2013,19(20):3007-3017.
[12] Cristofalo R, Bannwart-Castro CF, Magalhaes CG,et al. Silibinin attenuates oxidative metabolism and cytokine production by monocytes from preeclamptic women[J]. Free Radic Res,2013,47(4):268-275.
[1] Arends JE,van Assen S,Stek CJ,et al. Pegylated interferon-alpha monotherapy leads to low response rates in HIV-infected patients with acute hepatitis C[J]. Antivir Ther,2011,16(7):979-988.
[2] Halasz T,Farkas A,Tolvaj G,et al. Side effect of pegylated- interferon treatment in chronic C hepatitis: agranulocytosis[J]. Orv Hetil,2006,147(7):321-324.
[3] 蒙江明.混合感染对艾滋病抗病毒治疗CD4+的影响[J].广西医学,2010,32(10):1167-1169.
[4] Karim R, Mack WJ, Stiller T,et al. Association of HIV clinical disease progression with profiles of early immune activation: results from a cluster analysis approach[J]. AIDS. 2013,27(9):1473-1481.
[5] 赵香梅,孙挥宇,陈凤欣,等. 获得性免疫缺陷综合征患者血脂和眼底动脉硬化的研究[J]. 临床荟萃,2012,27(14):1214-1217.
[6] Bhagani S. Current treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus/HIV-infected individuals: the role of pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin[J]. Curr Opin HIV AIDS,2011,6(6):483-490.
[7] Masia M,Robledano C,Lopez N,et al. Treatment for hepatitis C virus with pegylated interferon-alpha plus ribavirin induces anti- atherogenic effects on cardiovascular risk biomarkers in HIV-infected and -uninfected patients[J]. J Antimicrob Chemother,2011,66(8):1861-1868.
[8] Piai G,Scalice E,Focareta R,et al. From trials to a real hospital setting: effectiveness of pegylated interferon-alpha-2b/ribavirin combination therapy for naive chronic hepatitis C patients[J]. Dig Dis Sci,2006,51(9):1619-1626.
[9] Payer BA,Reiberger T,Rutter K,et al. Successful HCV eradication and inhibition of HIV replication by intravenous silibinin in an HIV-HCV coinfected patient[J]. J Clin Virol,2010,49(2):131-133.
[10] Au AY,Hasenwinkel JM, Frondoza CG,et al. Hepatoprotective effects of S- adenosylmethionine and silybin on canine hepatocytes in vitro[J]. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl),2013,97(2):331-341.
[11] Grattagliano I, Diogo CV, Mastrodonato M,et al. A silybin-phospholipids complex counteracts rat fatty liver degeneration and mitochondrial oxidative changes[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2013,19(20):3007-3017.
[12] Cristofalo R, Bannwart-Castro CF, Magalhaes CG,et al. Silibinin attenuates oxidative metabolism and cytokine production by monocytes from preeclamptic women[J]. Free Radic Res,2013,47(4):268-275.
[1] Arends JE,van Assen S,Stek CJ,et al. Pegylated interferon-alpha monotherapy leads to low response rates in HIV-infected patients with acute hepatitis C[J]. Antivir Ther,2011,16(7):979-988.
[2] Halasz T,Farkas A,Tolvaj G,et al. Side effect of pegylated- interferon treatment in chronic C hepatitis: agranulocytosis[J]. Orv Hetil,2006,147(7):321-324.
[3] 蒙江明.混合感染对艾滋病抗病毒治疗CD4+的影响[J].广西医学,2010,32(10):1167-1169.
[4] Karim R, Mack WJ, Stiller T,et al. Association of HIV clinical disease progression with profiles of early immune activation: results from a cluster analysis approach[J]. AIDS. 2013,27(9):1473-1481.
[5] 赵香梅,孙挥宇,陈凤欣,等. 获得性免疫缺陷综合征患者血脂和眼底动脉硬化的研究[J]. 临床荟萃,2012,27(14):1214-1217.
[6] Bhagani S. Current treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus/HIV-infected individuals: the role of pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin[J]. Curr Opin HIV AIDS,2011,6(6):483-490.
[7] Masia M,Robledano C,Lopez N,et al. Treatment for hepatitis C virus with pegylated interferon-alpha plus ribavirin induces anti- atherogenic effects on cardiovascular risk biomarkers in HIV-infected and -uninfected patients[J]. J Antimicrob Chemother,2011,66(8):1861-1868.
[8] Piai G,Scalice E,Focareta R,et al. From trials to a real hospital setting: effectiveness of pegylated interferon-alpha-2b/ribavirin combination therapy for naive chronic hepatitis C patients[J]. Dig Dis Sci,2006,51(9):1619-1626.
[9] Payer BA,Reiberger T,Rutter K,et al. Successful HCV eradication and inhibition of HIV replication by intravenous silibinin in an HIV-HCV coinfected patient[J]. J Clin Virol,2010,49(2):131-133.
[10] Au AY,Hasenwinkel JM, Frondoza CG,et al. Hepatoprotective effects of S- adenosylmethionine and silybin on canine hepatocytes in vitro[J]. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl),2013,97(2):331-341.
[11] Grattagliano I, Diogo CV, Mastrodonato M,et al. A silybin-phospholipids complex counteracts rat fatty liver degeneration and mitochondrial oxidative changes[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2013,19(20):3007-3017.
[12] Cristofalo R, Bannwart-Castro CF, Magalhaes CG,et al. Silibinin attenuates oxidative metabolism and cytokine production by monocytes from preeclamptic women[J]. Free Radic Res,2013,47(4):268-275.