澳大利亚John Murtagh全科病案研究(五十一)
John Murtagh,Hui Yang
这种病的诊断是腓肌萎缩(peroneal muscular atrophy),也称为夏-马-图三氏综合征(Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome)。这个综合征包括周围神经病变,因此梅维斯的神经学症状不是因为她背部的问题引起的。这种病很少见,但这也是全科医学的魅力所在。你不知道下一位病人会给你带来什么样的挑战。现在我知道了,应该关注罗伯特的孩子和其他家庭成员是否也有这种病。
另外一个让我记忆犹新的病人是45岁的奈德,他是一位温顺和温柔的养鸡场场主,他把鸡场打理得井井有条。他在当地很有名气,因为他的鸡在斗鸡比赛中获胜。有一天他来看病,说是因为笨拙地摔了一跤,拇指错位了。他看上去病态明显、身宽体胖、颜面红肿、双眼布满血丝。我给他做体检,发现他肝部中度扩大,血压155/95 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)。我怀疑他可能是个重度酗酒的人,然而当我询问他的时候,他矢口否认,“大夫,我只是偶然跟哥们喝点啤酒”。我让他回来复诊,结果他4个月后才再来看病。这次他透露说自己感觉不舒服有好长时间了,消化不良、胃肠胀气、勃起功能障碍。这次测量血压165/100 mm Hg。我告诉他要采取健康的生活方式、多锻炼、健康饮食、不喝酒。但他仍然否认自己喝酒。下次再来看病是在预约日期之前,这次是他的家人带他过来的,家人说他发生了惊恐发作,“他被电击了”。他在一个大铁皮房子里藏了很多啤酒,自己在里面偷偷喝酒。那天他正在偷偷喝酒的时候,外面电闪雷鸣下暴雨,一个闪电击中外面的一颗大松树,树拦腰折断,树上的松果如同雹子一样噼噼啪啪地砸在铁皮屋顶上。这种令人惊悚的声音让他感觉到是他妈妈在责备他偷喝酒,怪罪他整天无所事事。的确,他就是一个酗酒者,而且血压增高也是他酗酒的一个证据。我再安排他做肝功能检查,也证实饮酒导致了肝功能的变化。事实上,我可以持续地观察病人饮酒情况与他血压和肝功能的关系。
1 John Murtagh,Jill Rosenblatt.Murtagh′s general practice[M].Fifth Edition.McGraw Hill:2011.
Soon after commencing practice I became acquainted with Mavis J,a 60 year old farmer′s wife,when she presented with a sprained ankle.She described a very minor injury as her foot twisted after stepping on a gum nut.I noted her very slim ankles and she commented that they were the envy of many women.A few years later she presented with back pain and mild sciatica.On examination of the left leg there was grade 1 weakness of the distal leg musculature with a reduced ankle reflex.I attributed this to a S1 radiculopathy.Her pain and ankle improved.
Fast forward to six months when her 30 year son Robert presented with a painful ankle after jumping off the back of his utility.A rather innocuous injury but he had a fractured lower fibula and muscle weakness of his leg was also noted.I then observed the same slender lower leg shape as his mother.Was there a connection and was I missing a hereditary disorder? I sat on the chair looking at his legs and then the penny dropped.I was observing ′inverted champagne bottle′ legs-a tantalizing sign that I′d read about but never seen before.Here was a connection with mother.
The diagnosis was peroneal muscular atrophy also known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome.Peripheral neuropathy is part of the syndrome so Mavis′s neurological symptoms may not have been caused by her back dysfunction.Rare but that′s the fascination of general practice.You never know what challenge the next patient brings and we will now have to be alert to the condition in Robert′s children and all other family connections.
This clinical story highlights some of the unique and wonderful hallmarks of general practice-continuing care (the C word),family care and personal care.Monitoring familial genetic disorders is a special dimension of continuing and family care.The J family was a very interesting one-Mavis the feisty matriarch confronted us once refusing to pay the bill because her back pain had not responded well to my management plan.
Another of my memorable patients was 45 year old Ned-a meek and mild chicken farmer who was famous for his show winning roosters and well managed farm.He presented one day with a dislocated thumb after a rather clumsy fall.I thought that he did not look well.He was overweight and had a red puffy face and blood shot eyes.I examined him and found that he had a moderately enlarged liver and a blood pressure of 155/95 mm Hg.I suspected that he might be a heavy consumer of alcohol but when asked he flatly denied drinking."Just a few beers with the boys occasionally Doc" I asked him to come back for review and he came 4 months later.He confided that he had not been feeling well with bouts of indigestion and erectile dysfunction.His blood pressure was now 165/100 mm Hg.I then talked about lifestyle,exercise,good diet and no alcohol.He still denied drinking.Before his next review he was brought in by his family because he was having a panic attack and said that ′he was suffering from shock′. The amusing story emerged that he had been drinking secretly from his massive cache of beer in his large tin shed when an electrical storm blew in.Lighting stuck the huge pine tree outside-split it down the middle and pine cones rained down on the roof.The frightening noise made him believe that it was his mother in heaven admonishing him for drinking alcohol and lying about it.Yes he was an alcoholic and the evidence was there in his increasing blood pressure.I performed liver function tests which confirmed the effects of alcohol.In fact I could plot the alcohol consumption of my regular patients over time by their blood pressure and liver status.
The essence of general practice is continuing care.The doctor-patient relationship is unique in general practice in the sense that it covers a span in time that is not restricted to a specific major illness.The continuing relationship involving many separate episodes of illness provides an opportunity for the doctor to develop considerable knowledge and understanding of the patient,the family and its stresses,and the patient′s work and recreational environment.
Obviously rural general practitioners and others caring for their patients in hospital are in a privileged position to enhance continuing care[1].Other practical strategies that promote this care are optimal record systems including personal health records,the patient register,patient education material and recall lists.These communication factors have been boosted by improved computerisation of records but the most important of all is good communication skills including sharp observation,curiosity and kindness.
1 John Murtagh,Jill Rosenblatt.Murtagh′s general practice[M].Fifth Edition.McGraw Hill:2011.