by Julie Brown
Growing up, I felt like I knew the path to happiness. The story went something like this: if I worked hard in middle school and even harder in high school, I would get into a “good” college. Then, if I worked really-reallyreally hard in college and pulled one or two or 20 all-nighters[开夜车] studying for tests and writing essays, I would get a “good” job. Then, after working a few years for 60 or more hours a week, I would be promoted to a better job with longer hours but less grunt work[枯燥乏味的工作]. Then, after a decade or two more of working for 80 or more hours a week, I would finally arrive there, to “the successful, happy place.” But, lately, I have been spending a lot of time questioning the path to happiness.
I started questioning this path to happiness when I took a joke philosophy[哲学] class last year. Admittedly, a lot of the class was mumbo-jumbo[胡言乱语]; we spent most of the class analyzing[分析] our personalities and the elements of our personal spiritual chakras[脉轮]. But, after one of our weekly meditation[冥想] sessions, my professor played the video “Life Is a Dance” by Alan Watts注1. In three minutes, Watts convinced me that “the successful, happy place” I have been working toward does not exist. Watts video made me really question my path. I started thinking about my dreams and my bucket list注2. This led me to realize how much I want to travel and motivated[刺激] me to start planning my trip around the world (flying from Spain to South Korea next week!). Then, somehow, all of this has led me back to the beginning, questioning the American path to happiness.
I realize, especially in the States, I am surrounded by a culture of people putting up with[忍受] crap[(俚)粪便] to get to the imaginary “successful, happy place.” For example, just this morning, browsing[浏览] through my Facebook News Feed注3 (a really nasty habit that I should stop but thats a whole other story), I saw my friend had posted on her Facebook “All I do is sleep”and her friend posted in response “Lucky you! All I WANT to do is sleep.” A few months ago I would not have given this a second thought. I would have seen this and thought “of course people are pulling all-nighters, they want to do well on their assignments[作业] to get good grades to get good jobs (which, of course,will ultimately get them to ‘the successful, happy place).” Now I realize that this is crazy talk. If all you WANT to do is sleep…sleep. If all you WANT to do is eat…eat. Its really that easy.
But, after removing myself from this crazy path to the “successful happy place,” I am more in my mid-mid life crisis注4 than ever before. After starting classes at Berkeley注5, I thought I wanted to get a job in business consulting. To get there, I knew I would have to work reallyreally-really hard to get into the Haas School of Business and then I would work really-reallyreally hard to network[建立关系网] and interview with consulting firms. Then, after hopefully receiving an offer to work at a consulting firm, I would spend the next two or three years working 60 or more hours every week. I thought burying myself in work and killing my social life would make me happy. Now I realize that this path will not lead me to happiness.
I am realizing that life has no path to the“successful, happy place.” As Alan Watts says at the end of his video, life is “a musical thing and you were supposed to sing and dance while it was being played.” Life is about long hikes and hot cups of coffee with friends whom you love and admire. Its about climbing mountains and kayaking[划独木舟] in the ocean and exploring gypsy[吉普赛的] caves and running on wet foggy beaches. Its about sleeping when you need to sleep. Its about bonfires[篝火]. Its about growth. Its about sharing all of the love that you can possibly squeeze out of your heart. Happiness is enjoying the dance of life, not reaching “the successful, happy place.”
注2:出自电影《遗愿清单》(The Bucket List,2007年)。影片讲述了两个末期癌症患者直面病痛,结伴同游,欢乐而充实地度过余下的日子的故事。电影公映之后反响极大,“bucket list”一词便成了人们在生活中的常用词组。
注4:青年危机,指发生在25至30岁、足以改变人生的一系列事情,这个词衍生于“mid life crisis”(中年危机),这个年龄正好是中年的一半。
注5:指的是加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)。该校在多个学术领域中位居全美前列,下文提到的哈斯商学院正位于此,是美国顶尖商学院之一。