Part 1 Judge, Jury and Executioner of Love


疯狂英语·口语版 2013年9期


June: OMG Saul! Youre never gonna believe whats going on with my best friend Miriam.

Saul: I have a feeling that, no matter what I say next, you are going to tell me all about it. June: Well, I promised her I wouldnt tell anyone…

Saul: ①Then you shouldnt betray her confidence by blabbing about her business. Thats not something that a best friend would do.

June: What do you know about being someones bestie?

Saul: It just so happens that I…

June: ②So anyway, Miriams like totally hooking up with this guy, who I believe, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is seeing someone else behind her back. Its like a total love triangle.

Saul: Without a doubt huh? I believe people are innocent until proven guilty. Or are you the judge, jury and 1)executioner of love?

June: ③I will not apologize for being in the know, or telling people what they need to hear.

Saul: Well, Im sure you had some 2)less-than-stellar romantic advice for her.

June: ④I gave her the perfect advice in fact, that she shouldnt let him on to the fact that she knows about his 3)infidelity.

Saul: Why on earth would you suggest that? June: ⑤So she can secretly follow him and catch him in the act!

Saul: (sigh) Please excuse me for saying this, but that has to be the most 4)hair-brained idea Ive ever heard! Did you copy that from a 1970s B-movie?

June: No! For your information, I saw on Sex and the City.

Saul: Wow. Remind me to stay the hell away from you if I ever need relationship advice.

June: Youd need a relationship first, wise guy.

Smart Sentences① Then you shouldnt betray her confidence by blabbing about her business. 那么你更不应该泄露她的事情。

betray sb.s confidence: let out sb.s secret(泄露了某人的秘密)。例如:

If you need help, you can always go to Jimmy. He would never betray anyones confidence.


② So anyway, Miriams like totally hooking up with this guy, who I believe, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is seeing someone else behind her back. 所以不管怎样,米里亚姆完全迷恋上这个男人,但是我想毫无疑问,他肯定背着她在和别人约会。

hook up: become romantically or sexually involved with sb.(与异性有恋爱关系)。例如:

Amy and Todd have been hooking up for a few months.


beyond the shadow of a doubt: used to emphasize that sth. is absolutely true(用以强调某事绝对是真的)。例如:

It was beyond the shadow of a doubt the best speech weve heard.


③ I will not apologize for being in the know, or telling people what they need to hear. 我不会为消息灵通或者告诉别人他们应该知道的事而道歉。

in the know: possessing special or secret information(消息灵通的,掌握特别或秘密的信息的)。例如:

If you are not sure about the news, ask Jessica—she is always in the know.


④ I gave her the perfect advice in fact, that she shouldnt let him on to the fact that she knows about his infidelity. 事实上我给了她完美的建议,她不应该让她的男友知道自己的不忠已经被发现了。

let sb. on to sth.: let sb. know about sth.(让某人知道某事)。例如:

If you need my help, you need to let me on to the whole story.


Saul: Im in one right now. But when we have problems we talk to each other about them.

June: Is that so? Then what advice would you have given to Miriam?

Saul: First, I would ask her what she wants to do. Did you do that?

June: I didnt need to do that cuz shes my BFF, and I already know what she wants to do. She wants to talk it out with him, and give him a chance to explain himself.

Saul: Hmm, this Miriam sounds like a completely rational human being, unlike her BFF.

June: Really? What do you think would happen if she gave him a chance to defend himself? Hed obviously tell her it was all a misunderstanding and convince her to take him back.

Saul: And what if it actually was a huge misunderstanding? A misunderstanding named June, who jumps to conclusions and makes baseless assumptions, trying to 5)impede the course of true love for purely selfish or perhaps 6)subconscious reasons.

June: What would I possibly have to gain from my bestie breaking up with her 7)beau?

Saul: If I had to venture a guess, Id say you wanted more of her time and attention. After all, she is your Best Friend Forever, and hes just some random guy, right?

June: ⑥Youre full of it!

Saul: ⑦Am I, or did I just hit the nail on the head?

⑤ So she can secretly follow him and catch him in the act! 这样她就可以秘密地跟踪他然后当场捉到罪证!

in the act: in the process of doing sth.(正在做某事时,当场)。例如:

Ken was in the act of closing the store when he heard a gun fire.


⑥ Youre full of it! 你在胡说八道!

full of it: not to be believed, telling a lie(不可信,说谎)。例如:

Dont listen to what he said about his heroic act. He is full of it.


⑦ Am I, or did I just hit the nail on the head? 是吗,还是我说对了?

hit the nail on the head: being exactly right about sth.(在某个事情上完全正确)。例如:

I think youve hit the nail on the head—these new kids began to slack off after their probation.



Todd’s New Friend托德的新朋友
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