Crystal Cathedral1, the United States
The Protestant2 church in the Californian town of Garden Grove is made almost entirely of glass and its shape resembles a four-point crystal. In the process of construction, about twelve thousand glasses have been used, and inside is the worlds largest organ3, with sixteen thousand pipes.
冰岛的哈尔格林姆斯教堂 Hallgr ímskirkja, Iceland
This unusual church, located in the center of Reykjavík, is the fourth highest building in Iceland, and at the same time the largest. Its height is 74.5 meters and on the top of the church there is an observation deck with a panoramic4 view of the city. The church got its strange name in memory of the Icelandic clergyman5 and poet Hallgrímur Pétursson, and its appearance, according to the designers, is made to resemble geysers6, of which there are many in Iceland. The construction of the church lasted for a long time, from 1945 to 1986.
俄罗斯的圣巴西尔大教堂 St. Basils Cathedral, Russia
The church, which has long been along with the Kremlin the symbol of Moscow and Russia, was built in the years 1555~1561 by order of Ivan Grozny in honour of the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate. The designer of the church is unknown. According to one version, it was Yakovlev Postnikov, a master from Pskov; according to others it was a Western-European, probably, Italian architect. Legend has it that the Russian tsar7 ordered the designer of the cathedral to be blinded, so that he would never be able to build anything more beautiful.
西班牙的圣家族大教堂 Sagrada Familia, Spain
Antonio Gaudis creation is perhaps one of the most famous unfinished, long-in-construction buildings in the world. Started in 1882, the construction is scheduled for completion in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of the death of the great architect. However, the dates have changed so many times that no one particularly believes in the newly appointed date. Gaudi himself in answer to the question why it was taking so long to erect8 the temple (and he supervised the construction for over forty years) said,“My customer is not in a hurry.”
The Cathedral of Brasília, Brazil
The construction of this unusual church in the capital of Brazil, was completed in 1970. The designer, Oscar Niemeyer, created a structure consisting of asymmetric9 hyperbolic10 columns, each weighing 90 tons. The form of the church symbolizes hands raised to heaven, to God. It is said that the Liverpool Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral served as a prototype11 for the church.
捷克共和国的人骨教堂 Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic
The decoration of this Czech church, located on the outskirts of the small town of Kutná Hora, is made entirely of bones. For this reason the church was called “Church of the Bones” or Kostnice. The church was built on the territory of an ancient cemetery, and its interior is made from the remains of about 40,000 people who were once buried here. The author of the creation, the half-blind monk Frantisek Rint, was appointed the task to “sort” the territory of the cemetery. To that end, he sorted the bones by size and shape, washed and whitened them, and then used them in the decoration of the church.
Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew, Thailand
This Buddhist temple in the Thai province of Sisaket is built entirely of glass bottles, mainly beer bottles, left behind by tourists. The monks began to collect glass bottles back in the 1980s. The half a million bottles they collected were enough not only for the construction of the temple, but also for the monastic dwellings12 and even a few houses for tourists. Tin lids were also put to use—they have served to create several panels depicting the Buddha.
1. cathedral n. 大教堂,堂皇宏伟的教堂
2. Protestant adj. 新教(教徒)的
3. organ n. 管风琴
4. panoramic adj. 全景的
5. clergyman n. 【宗】神职人员
6. geyser n. 【地】间歇(喷)泉
7. tsar n. (1917年以前的)俄国沙皇
8. erect vt. 架设;建造
9. asymmetric adj. 不对称的,不匀称的
10. hyperbolic adj. 【数】双曲(线)的
11. prototype n. 原型;样品,样本
12. dwelling: n.住处,处所;寓所;居住