

疯狂英语·原声版 2013年8期

Neil MacGregor


m looking into the eyes of one of the most famous leaders in the history of the world—Caesar Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. We have his bronze head here in the Roman galleries in the British Museum and, 1)tarnished as it is, it radiates 2)charisma and raw power. Its impossible to walk past. The eyes are dramatic and piercing. And wherever you stand, they wont look at you—he is looking past you, beyond you, to something much more important: his future.

这一刻,我正注视着人类历史上最有名的领导人之一 —— 古罗马帝国的开国君主恺撒·奥古斯都的眼睛。奥古斯都的青铜头像如今摆放在英国大英博物馆的罗马展厅里。尽管它已经失去了原有的光泽,但却依旧散发着不一般的魅力和不怒自威的威严。你根本无法从他的面前匆匆而过。他的双眼生动有神,且颇具穿透力,但是,不管你站在哪里,这双眼睛都不会直视你,而是越过你,看着你身后一个更重要的地方——他的未来。

The curling hair is short and boyish, slightly 3)tousled, but its a calculated tousle—one that clearly took a long time to arrange, because this is an image that has been carefully constructed, projecting just the right mix of youth and authority, beauty and strength, will and power.

His head is a bit over life-size, and it tilts as if hes in conversation, so that for a minute you could believe that hes just like you and me—but hes not. This is the Emperor Augustus. He has recently defeated *Anthony and *Cleopatra, he has conquered Egypt, he is well on his way now to imperial glory, and is firmly embarked on an even greater journey—to become a god. His bronze, over life-sized head gives a brutally clear message: I am great; I am your leader and I stand far above everyday politics.

And yet, ironically, we have this commanding head here at the Museum only because it was captured by an enemy and then humiliatingly buried. The glory of Augustus is not quite as 4)unalloyed as he wanted us to believe.

This head was once part of a complete statue that stood on Romes most southerly frontier, on the border between modern Egypt and Sudan, probably in the town of Syene near Aswan. In 25 BC, an invading army from the Sudanese kingdom of Mero?, led by the fierce one-eyed queen 5)Candace, captured a series of Roman forts and towns in southern Egypt. Candace and her army took our statue back to the city of Mero?, and buried the 6)severed head of the glorious Augustus beneath the steps of a temple dedicated to victory. It was a superbly calculated insult. From now on, everybody walking up the steps and into the temple would literally be crushing the Roman Emperor under their feet. And if you look closely again at the head, you can see tiny 7)grains of sand from the African desert still embedded in the surface of the bronze—a badge of shame still visible on the glory of Rome.

This eternal image would be coupled with an eternal name. After his death, Augustus was declared a god by the Senate, to be worshipped by the Romans. His titles Augustus and Caesar were adopted by every subsequent emperor, and the month of Sextilis was officially renamed“*August” in his honour.








Anthony 马克·安东尼(即Mark Anthony),约公元前83年—前30年,是一位古罗马政治家和军事家。他是恺撒最重要的军队指挥官和管理人员之一。恺撒被刺后,他与奥古斯都和雷必达一起组成了古罗马后三头同盟。公元前33年他与奥古斯都关系破裂,并开始内战,公元前30年安东尼战败,并与埃及女王克娄巴特拉先后自杀身亡。

Cleopatra 克娄巴特拉(又译克娄巴特拉七世、克利欧佩特拉七世、克丽奥佩特拉七世等),公元前69年—前30年,埃及托勒密王朝末代女王,先为恺撒情妇,后与安东尼结婚,安东尼溃败后,以毒蛇自杀。她也就是后世所熟知的“埃及艳后”。

August 罗马历(Roman Calendar)是实行于古代罗马王政时期的历法,直到公元前46年被儒略历取代为止。罗马历法定一年有304日,分十个月(六个月30日及4个月31日)。这十个月的名称分别是Martius、Aprilis、Maius、Junius、Quintilis、Sextilis、September、October、November及December,以春分时节作为一年之始。Sextilis原名是“第六”的意思,据说因为奥古斯都死于此月,元老院将此月改为他的称号“Augustus”。


第九回 古罗马人钟爱写实的浪漫