孔子有一句名言,“吾未见好德如好色者也”(15.13)。②The translations are mine unless indicated otherwise.Also, I have used characters rather than pinyin to write Chinese, except for commonly used terms like “li”(ritual)and“rang”(deference).My view is that readers of Chinese prefer the characters(less ambiguity)and those who don’t read Chinese won’t make any sense of the pinyin,so there’s no point in using pinyin unless it’s commonly used terms.这段话可以被读解成对美色或性的喜爱是人类自身的一个普遍的特征。与其徒劳地根除这种特征或者以对一种道德生活的充分认同来取代这种特征,我们最好能够认识到对美色或性的喜爱无处不在,并确保这种喜爱不会带来不良结果,而不是去从事一项没有效果的努力来试图根除这种吸引,或者试图用对伦理生活(例如天主教神父或佛教僧侣的生活)的充分认同来代替这种吸引。这样并不是为了改变人们使他们不再具有动物性的需要,而是使那些动物性需要的表现方式与相互协作的社会交往和谐相容。
荀子利用了人类生来就具有“动物性”的自然本能的观点,系统地提出了一套意在使有序、和平的社会生活变得可能的独特的儒家哲学。荀子哲学的最初假定是人类生来就是不文明的“人之性,其善者伪也”(23.1)。③My English translations Xunzi draw upon John Knoblock’s translation as published in Xunzi(Changsha:Hunan People’s Publishing House,1999)(this two volume set also includes the original text as well as a translation into modern Chinese by Zhang Jue). However, I have occasionally modified the Knoblock translation to suit my style, as indicated with“modified”after the English translation.In this case,I have translated as“恶”as“bad”rather than“evil”(“evil”tends to be closely associated with Christian ideas of sin and hell).如果人们顺从他们的肉体本性、放纵自然倾向,侵略和剥削行为一定会得到助长,从而导致残酷的专制统治和贫穷(19.1)。在他当时的年代——战国时代——荀子似乎认为人们对自己的自然欲望已经失去了控制,“今人无师法,则偏险而不正;无礼义,则悖乱而不治”(如今,如果没有老师或者榜样,人就会变得偏颇的、邪恶的、不正直的;如果没有礼仪或者道德观念,社会就会充满了反抗,混乱,不容易被治理)(23.3;Knoblock,modified;see also 20.13)。
幸运的是,这不是故事的结束。人类能够通过学习去抑制自己的自然欲望,从而享有和平与协作的社会生活带来的益处。这种改变的关键就是“礼”(23.3)。通过学习和参与各种礼,人们能够学会抑制自己的欲望①参见储昭华,明分之道——从荀子看儒家文化与民主政道融通的可能性(The Way of Clear Distinctions:From Xunzi’s Perspective on Confucian Culture to the Possibility of Harmonizing with Democratic Politics)(Beijing:商务印书馆,2005),265-6,这样就会在人们的实际欲望和社会中可利用的资源之间形成更好的协调,最终的结果是社会的和平和物质富足(19.1)。尽管血缘关系允许人们分享一个相互协作的社会生活所带来的益处,但各种礼所带来的人们之间的联结却并不仅仅以人们之间的血缘关系为基础②Donald J. Munro, A Chinese Ethics for the New Century: The Ch’ien Mu Lectures in History and Culture, and Other Essays on Science and Confucian Ethics(Hong Kong:The Chinese University Press,2005),112.。那么确切地讲,“礼”究竟是什么意思呢?荀子对礼的阐释包含了七个特征:
(2)礼植根于传统之中(而不是新发明的社会实践活动)。荀子认为,“礼有三本:天地者,生之本也;先祖者,类之本也;君师者,治之本也”(礼有三个根本:天地是生存的根本,祖先是种族的根本,君长是政治的根本。)(19.4;Knoblock,modified)。古时候(作为楷模的)先王于是自觉地执行并推进了限制人们欲望并建立社会秩序的礼:“先王恶其乱也,故制礼义以分之,以养人之欲,给人之求,使欲必不穷乎物,物必不屈于欲,两者相持而长,是礼之所起也。”(古代的圣王厌恶祸乱,所以制定礼义来确定人们的名分,以此来调养人们的欲望、满足人们的要求,使人们的欲望决不会由于物资的原因而不得满足,物资决不会因为人们的欲望而枯竭,使物资和欲望两者在互相制约中增长。这就是礼的起源。)(19.1;Knoblock,modified)③I have translated yang 养 as “civilize”, in the sense of “make civil” (taking something brutish and make it civilized and compatible with cooperative social existence),which I think more closely approximates what Xunzi is trying to say.Knoblock’s translation of 养is the(more literal?)“nurture.”通过把礼的起源归于古时候伟人的圣贤君主,荀子赋予了“礼”一种“神圣”(sacredness)的意味,这将提高人们关注并遵循礼的可能性。
(4)礼的具体内容可以依据情境有所改变。荀子说:“礼者,以财物为用,以贵贱为文,以多少为异,以隆杀为要……故君子上致其隆,下尽其杀,而中处其中。”(礼,以财物为礼仪过程的体用表现,以辨别人的尊卑贵贱为社会中的体现,以施用的多少为差异,以该盛礼则盛礼、该薄礼则薄礼为要点……君子上可以应对复杂的国家大礼,下可以参与百姓间的人情小礼,中间可以适应诸侯社团间的礼仪。)(19.9,Knoblock,modified)。对礼的主要作用——教化人类的欲望——有所明察的相对聪慧的人,能够根据情境对礼的具体内容进行调整,从而使礼发挥其作用。为了使礼发挥效用,如前面指出的,它必须包含情感的表现。而且,礼应该与其包含的情感成正比例关系,因此服丧的礼仪应该持续三年,从而适应悲痛达到极致的情况——“三年之丧,称情而立文,所以为至痛极也”(19.18)。服丧的确切期限可以依据具体的情境和包含其间的情感的性质进行调整——例如荀子指出在罪犯被埋葬之后应该少有甚至完全没有对他们的哀悼(19.10)。在另一处荀子指出,死去的躯体在埋葬前供人吊唁的时限不应过于短暂,至少应该有50 天,这样做部分是为了使远方的人们有足够的时间赶来凭吊死者(远者可以至矣;19.11). 在现在这样一个旅途时间人人缩短的时代,荀子大概会同意这种事实意味着尸体停放以供人瞻仰的时间同样应有所缩短。
(5)礼具体表现为:针对不同的人有不同的对待(而不是一种平等地对待每一个的实践活动)。荀子说:“君子既得其养,又好其别。曷谓别?曰:贵贱有等,长幼有差,贫富轻重皆又称者也”(君子已经得到了礼的调养,又喜爱礼的区别。什么叫做区别?回答说:就是高贵的和卑贱的有不同的等级,年长的和年幼的有一定的差别,贫穷的和富裕的、权轻势微的和权重势大的都各有相宜的规定)(19.3)。礼包括了在共同的社会实践中权力不同的人,这种社会实践区别对待不同的人。我们将要看到,这些实践无论对于一种社群感的产生还是强者关心弱者利益的情感倾向的产生都是必不可少的①Xunzi also argues that,by establishing division and specialization,ritual distinctions open the possibility of economic development(see Goldin,Rituals of the Way,76-7,81).。
(6)礼是非强制的(与法律惩罚相对立)。荀子区分了三种社会类型:“有道德之威者,有暴察之威者,有狂妄之威者”(16.2)。这三种类型是按照可欲性(desirability) 的顺序来排列的,第一种类型依靠礼乐来维持社会秩序,尽管不采用惩罚,但人们自觉地遵守统治者和令人敬畏地占据统治地位的权威(16.2)。荀子是务实的,他认识到在非理想化的情境中刑罚和法律强制是必需的,但是如果可能的话,最好还是依靠人们自觉同意并参与的非强制的礼来维持社会秩序。当礼的原则被废弃的时候,人们就会被欺骗,而且刑罚和惩戒就会多了(27.13)。或许可以说,在社会上,礼的运用与刑罚的运用二者之间成反比例关系。
(7)礼具有社会合法性(而不是像犯罪集团间歃血为盟这样的不被社会人多数成员所认可的实践)。荀子并没有清晰地说明这个条件,但是他提及的礼都是来自社会日常生活的,而且似乎是被社会合法性所支持的。至少它们的表达不会被禁止其表现的法律所损害,不会使实践者产生罪恶感②For a sociological account of rituals in modern day Western societies,see Randall Collins,Interaction Ritual Chains(Princeton:Princeton University Press, 2004).Collins argues that rituals are pervasive aspects of social life in contemporary life and supports his argument with a range of fascinating examples, from sexual interaction to tobacco rituals.The problem,as Peter Baehr points out,is that Collins sees ritual almost everywhere and cannot easily distinguish between situations that involve ritual and those that don’t(Baehr,“The Sociology of Almost Everything:Four Questions to Randall Collins about Interaction Ritual Chains,Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, January 2005, http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/cjscopy/reviews/interactionritual.html, accessed 23 May 2006). Collins replies in the same online exchange that he can distinguish between situations where ritual interaction is low,medium, or high, but he doesn’t answer the point that there may be situations with no rituals at all (in Xunzi’s case, it would be situations where people exercise naked power,such as torturing a prisoner to extract a confession; it would be stretching things to describe such situations as“failed rituals”or as“low intensity rituals”).For normative theorists,the main problem is that Collins does not distinguish between rituals that serve desirable social purposes (such as generating a sense of concern for the weak and vulnerable) and those that don’t (such as bonding rituals between gangsters).In my view,Xunzi’s account of rituals is more useful for more normative theorists.。
与其他的儒家学者一样,荀子也想说服政治统治者采纳自己的学说。因为这些统治者拥有最高的权力,利用这些权力统治者可以把社会改变成荀子所希望的那样。在理想社会中,贤明而仁慈的统治者会采用上面提到的礼,这样整个社会就会和谐、和平、繁荣。但对非理想的社会而言呢?荀子对情境保持高度的敏感,并提出了针对不同的情境中的不同策略③See, e.g., Xunzi’s distinctions between true kings (王), hegemons (霸), and pure opportunists (11.1.a-11.2c), in decreasing order of goodness. Unlike Mencius,Xunzi does recognize that hegemons can be partly bad and partly good,and he even suggests that power politics would be the right strategy to adopt by a ruler who is aware of his own incompetence and seeks out capable ministers(11.2c).。因此问题在于:如何去说服道德上还未发生转变的统治者采纳这些礼?为了这样的目的,荀子不得不诉诸统治者自己的私利。然而,问题是:在这样一个强者能够依靠野蛮的力量去剥削弱者的“未开化”的社会中,当权者可以最大限度地从中获益。于是那些当权者需要被说服从一个限制他们的欲望的社会体系中获益。因此,荀子的很多关于礼的讨论都是为了说服统治者而设计的——让他们为了自己的利益在社会上推行礼。荀子说:“礼者……强国之本也”(15.8)。④On the way that Xunzi’s account of ritual can strengthen the country,see 陆建华,“荀子礼学之价值论” (On the Value of Xunzi’s Theory of Ritual), 学术月刊,2002, 第二季度期, 63. 陆建华’s otherwise comprehensive account of the function of ritual, strangely enough, does not mention its benefit for the vulnerable members of the community.而且他也提到合适的音乐能够增强军队的战斗力(20.5)。人们会期望大部分统治者会接受这类建议。
但是礼不会只给统治者带来益处。马克思主义者和自由民主派成员曾经公然抨击等级制的礼,因为他们认为这些礼似乎是为封建社会的统治阶级设计的,所以用于在当今时代并不合适。这是对荀子思想的错误解读,在荀子看来,等级之礼同样能够惠及那些在“自然状态”中境遇最差弱者和穷人。没有了各种礼,欲望就失去了限制,就会导致争斗、无序和穷困。“礼起于何也?曰:人生而有欲,欲而不得,则不能无求;求而无度量分界,则不能不争;争则乱,乱则穷”(19.1)。当然,在一个其可以无限制地运用权力的社会体系中,暴君本身不会成为最大受害者;在无序和穷困的社会中①Paul Woodruff interprets Confucius to mean that the main point of the moral hierarchy of li is to“keep the rulers in line who have no human superiors”(Woodruff,Reverence:Renewing a Forgotten Virtue(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001),106-08,111).的最大受害者是那些弱者。荀子认为在没有礼的文明举止的情况下,“强者害弱而夺之”(23.9 Knoblock,modified)②Xunzi goes on to say that “众者暴寡而哗之” (the many would inflict violence on the few and wrest their possessions from them) (23.9; Knoblock, modified),presumably to persuade the rich minority that it’s also in their interest to live in civilized society.。将礼付诸实践意味着“行礼……贱者惠焉”(27.17;Knoblock)。但是为什么荀子似乎强调礼包含拥有不同权力的人呢?
考虑到印度的种姓制度,比起那些将不同地位的人(富人、当权者、穷人、弱者)排除在外的实践而言,等级制度的礼仪似乎更有吸引力。这并不是在等级的礼和平等主义的礼之间的选择,而是在究竟是用一套包含强者和弱者在内的礼、还是用两套分别对应有权者和无权者的不同的礼之间的选择③Xunzi himself did not conceive of the possibility of a socially egalitarian society because he thought that hierarchical society was essential for collective economic efforts.As Henry Rosemont, Jr. puts it, “no hierarchical society, no collective efforts; no collective efforts, no society whatsoever; no society, no justice whatsoever”(Rosemont, Jr., “State and Society in the Xunzi: A Philosophical Commentary,” in Virtue, Nature, and Moral Agency in the Xunzi, eds. T.C. Kline III and Philip J.Ivanhoe (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 2000, p. 9). Collective economic efforts may no longer require hierarchical arrangements in particular areas(like computer software design),but Xunzi’s views about the need for hierarchy to secure collective economic efforts will continue to hold true so long as the mass of humanity continues to toil in fields and factories.。荀子认为我们应该选择前者。例如,乡村酒礼之所以受到称赞是因为无论老少都从那一个酒杯中饮酒,“焉知其能弟长而无遗也”(从这些礼仪之中可以知道他们能够尊重年轻的尊敬年长的而不遗漏一个人。)(20.12,Knoblock)。诸如公共的生礼、婚礼、葬礼等实践的礼都会有助于把穷人和被边缘化的人看作社会文化和共同理解的一部分④As Patricia Buckley Ebrey puts it, “Confucian texts and the rituals based on them did not simply convey social distinctions.At another level, they overcame them by fostering commonalities in the ways people performed rituals”(Ebrey,Confucianism and Family Rituals in Imperial China:A Social History of Writing about Rites(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991), 228. In contrast to early modern Europe, Ebrey argues that “over time class differences in the performance of family rituals seem to have narrowed rather than widened”(Ibid).。在荀子看来,甚至被阉割的罪犯也有资格享有葬礼(19.10)⑤The funerals of castrated criminals should be sparse and low key compared to other funerals so as to reflect the disgraceful life of the criminal (19.10).But if such funerals are contrasted with the recommendations of Xunzi’s supposed Legalist followers–cruel death by torture of the criminal himself if not his whole family–then Xunzi’s humane recommendations become more apparent.。这些礼仪使得当权者认可无权者同样是属于群体的一部分,当权者们就更有可能为无权者做一些事情(或者说至少克制自己最恶劣的贪婪行为)。荀子在恰当地对待死亡问题上面给予大量的关注并不是偶然。很明显,死去的人是最没有能力保护自己的利益的⑥The dead do have interests: for example, I do not want my body to be laid out in public to be devoured by dogs and insects after I die. It could be argued that the dead can protect their own interests because they have the power to intervene in the world of the living(by means of ghosts and such),though Xunzi would likely reject such supernatural explanations for changes in the world of the living.。因此,那些当权者——健在的人——需要依靠某些适当的礼来培养自己的品性,使得自己尊重那些死去的人。荀子详细地明确说明了修饰尸体的必要性,因为“不饰则恶,恶则不哀”(如果对死者不装饰,就丑恶难看;丑恶难看,人们就不会哀痛了)(19.12,Knoblock)。他同样明确地说明尸体被修饰一次就要逐渐地被挪远一点因为“尔则玩,玩则厌,厌则忘,忘则不敬”(如果死者近了,人们就会漫不经心;漫不经心,就会厌弃;厌弃了,就会怠慢;怠慢了,就会不恭敬。)(19.12;Knoblock,modified)。考虑到使人们平稳地过渡到日常生活,过渡到包含适当尊重的有教养的情感的范围,以及过渡到我们对现实世界中贫困的人们所负有的义务的关注,这样的礼应该逐渐停止,“动而远,所以遂敬也;久而平,所以优生也”(举行丧礼仪式时使死者远去,是用来成全恭敬的;时间长了就恢复到平常状态,是用来协调生者的。)(19.12;Knoblock)。
在我看来,荀子的作品真正的道德价值在于,他展示了礼——不仅是仪规和口头的劝告——是如何在提高那些最有可能苦于“一切人反对一切人的战争”的人们的利益。而且,荀子哲学的真正聪明在于它提出了一个机制,这个机制似乎能够使那些对“一切人反对一切人的战争”感兴趣的人同样受益⑦I have learned much from Paul Rakita Goldin’s Rituals of the Way:The Philosophy of Xunzi.However,Goldin seems to assume that all members of society benefit equally from ritual interaction,and he does not interpret Xunzi to mean that the vulnerable may disproportionately benefit from civil life governed by ritual and/or that the powerful may actually lose out compared to the pre-civil life where their desires can be fulfilled with fewer constraints.To be fair,Xunzi does not explicitly argue the views I am attributing to him.But Goldin tries to make sense of the benefits of ritual by reasoning on the basis of“a situation in which a number of actors,of equal strength and intelligence,are pitted against each other,in contention for the same objects,in an arena in which only a finite number of such objects exists.And suppose,further, that there is no law to regulate that actors’interactions” (60). In my view, I doubt that such scenarios of “actors, of equal strength and intelligence, are pitted against each other”would even occur to Xunzi and they are not helpful in trying to explain his views on ritual.Xunzi would take it for granted that the pre-civil social interaction (the “state of nature”) would involve actors of unequal strength and intelligence pitted against each other and he would take it for granted that those with more strength and intelligence benefit disproportionately from‘uncivilized’life and that the vulnerable have most to gain from civil life.Why didn’t Xunzi make such views explicit?Perhaps because he was addressing rulers,and he thought he had to appeal to their self-interest,first and foremost,and he realized he was less likely to persuade them to adopt his views on ritual if he made it explicit that they have the least to gain from civil life governed by ritual interaction that benefits the vulnerable.。
东亚社会存在着一体化的礼,这些礼构成了日常生活和政治生活的一部分。例如,在日本和韩国,不同社会地位的人见面和分别的礼节是在鞠躬这个动作的具体实践上有所不同的。社会地位较低人在面对比他们社会地位高的人的时候,鞠躬的幅度要更大一些,反之亦然。从表面上看,有一种奇怪的社会现象,那就是与美国这样在社会地位上奉行平等主义的社会相比,等级化的社会也拥有相对平等的财富分配①According to the Gini indexes in the CIA World Factbook(22 August 2006)(accessed on www.nationmaster.com),Japan has the 63rd most unequal distribution of family income and South Korea is in 77th place.The US is in 36th place.Small European countries tend to be the most equal.。但这其实并不让人惊讶。那些富有的和掌权的社会成员特别希望与其他社会成员区分开来,因此刺激他们不去这么做则是一个挑战。在像美国这样奉行平等的社会里,权利高人一等很典型地体现在财富上。但是在一个日常礼仪占支配地位的社会中,不同的礼仪表示不同的社会地位,当权者不需要依靠物质财富来显示他们的“高人一等”。如果这些礼包含了有权者和无权者所分享的礼,这些礼就使得富人获得了一种与无权者共处的社群感,因此他们寻求诸如物质财富这样支配他人的途径的可能性上就会降低。至少,他们会在显示过多的财富时感到愧疚,而且他们也不大可能去反对一个旨在维护物质平等的政府调控(例如日本的高遗产税)。
或许不幸的是,在中国大陆、香港特区和新加坡这样的地方,鞠躬这样的礼已经在很大范围内被更具平等主义色彩的“西方式的”握手礼所取代。然而,平等主义的礼只是广泛地发生于相同阶层成员中间,而且当权者不大可能去关心易受伤害者的利益②I do not mean to deny that egalitarian rituals such as handshaking also take place between members of different classes. In such cases, however, they often take hierarchical characteristics: the more powerful will offer his or her hand first and the grip will be firmer.And in East Asian societies the weaker member will often lower his or her head slightly in recognition of the higher status of the powerful person.。当权者很可能从自身就与其他社会成员分离开来,在当权者和易受伤害者之间的社群感就会更少。这样弱者和易受伤害者的利益根本上需要通过强制措施来维护。例如再分配的税收是通过对违反者的严厉的惩罚得到支撑的,但是富有者和当权者通常会知道到违反这些规定的方法,类似的法律就难以生效,尤其是在中国这样的大国中③Tax evasion by the rich is one of the most widespread and difficult to remedy of China’s social problems.。尽管如此,日常的礼仪仍然扮演着社会群感的重要角色。例如,送礼这一活动,礼物会随着社会地位的变化而变化,而支配着送礼这一活动的礼,在东亚社会中是普遍存在的。在东亚社会中迎宾和送别的礼也远比大部分西方社会都要精细。送别客人的通常情况是,主人全程陪同客人到门口,而且主人要直到客人的身影消失在视线中之后才能离开④In contrast, the Western host typically does not wait until the guest has physically disappeared from view. Once the taxi door closes, the Western host turns away and resumes his or her other activities. My own French-Canadian mother follows such habits, and while I’m hurt at the time I cannot blame her for following the Western ways she has yet to question. It would not be effective to raise the possibility of alternatives because she is quite fixed in her ways (during her visit to China,she insisted on kissing my Chinese friends on the cheeks because “that’s the French way”). In such cases, I’ve learned not to criticize my mother in order to maintain harmonious ties and pay tribute to the value of filial piety.。
然而,我们需要注意的是,本文的主要观点是规范性的,表明等级之礼能够带来平等主义的结果。文章关键的论据是从阅读荀子中得到的启发,但是我没有使用荀子原文当中与我的主要论证无关的或者似乎与我的主要论证不一致的那些部分。例如,荀子的主要目标似乎是想通过礼来限制政治统治者的欲望⑤See Masayuki Sato,The Confucian Quest for Order:The Origin and Formation of the Political Thought of Xun Zi(Leiden:Brill,2003),426-28).。然而,在当代社会中,并不只是政治统治者在行使权力:社会主义思想家已经表明资本主义的组织机构行使超越了工人的权力,无政府主义这表明政府官员行使权力超越了公民的权力,女权主义者已经表明男人行使权力超越了女人的权力,福柯已经表明医院、监狱和其他的社会机构行使权力超越了个人的权力,等等。我的目的在于表明等级之礼能够在社会各个领域中起到限制当权者和保护地位不利者的利益的作用。
幸运的是,在当代社会,礼不需要被看过是起源于先贤并得到人们的效忠。重要的是,礼应该被认为是对公益及对古今人类的价值观有所贡献。公益不应该通过理性获得,它应该被视为在某种程度上对人类福利而言神秘却重要的东西①As Stephen Angle puts it (drawing on Paul Woodruff), “It is crucial that reverence (and awe) be reserved for ideals of perfection that lie beyond our full ability to grasp, and thus have a tinge of mystery associated with them: neither specific individuals nor specific institutions – no matter how good – merit reverence” (Angle,“Reverence, Ritual, and Perfection in Contemporary (Confucian) Political Philosophy, paper presented at the International Forum of Political Philosophy, (Beijing)Capital Normal University,September 2006,p.7).。音乐对于荀子而言是很关键的,因为音乐能够巩固礼的基础,塑造礼的神圣,在参与者之间形成一种团结感:“故乐在宗庙之中,君臣上下同听之,则莫不和敬”(所以音乐在祖庙之中,君臣上下一起听了它,就再也没有人不和谐恭敬的了)。(20.2;Knoblock,modified)②See Kathleen Marie Higgin’s very interesting essay, “Rising to the Occasion: The Implication of Confucian Musical Virtue for Global Community” (presented at The International Symposium on“Confucianism in the Postmodern Era,”Beijing Language and Culture University,October 2006).那些参与到音乐的礼的人会体验到某种尊崇,即,对礼所表达的共同思想的尊崇,对礼的一个副产品——团结感的尊崇,而且当权者更有可能增加对处境不利者的关心③Xunzi was explicitly critical of Mozi’s condemnation of music(see Book 20).Mozi has been viewed has a champion of the poor(the common person),but it could be argued that Xunzi has deeper psychological insights regarding the actual mechanisms (hierarchical rituals involving music and/or drinking and reverence for common ideals)that would lead to powerful to care for the poor’s interests(not to mention Xunzi’s views regarding the necessity for hierarchical division of labor that would develop the economy and provide the foundation for widespread material well-being).。或许会有非音乐的方式产生相同的效果,但是音乐确实似乎会触及人类“灵魂”中深层的东西——比如荀子所说的“故乐者……人情之所必不免也”(音乐,就是欢乐的意思,它是人的情感绝对不能缺少的东西,所以人不可能没有欢乐。),这种深层的东西使得尊崇感和团结感得以发展。
1. 师生关系
在继承了儒家思想的东亚社会,教师有着相对较高的社会地位。有代表性的是,教师不仅在受过教育的阶层那里获得高度的尊重,而且也会受到位于在社会经济底层人们的尊重④Interestingly,the social status of teachers seems to be independent of their class status.In China,the salaries of teachers is quite low compared to other professions.In fact, I’d argue that the relatively low income of teachers enhances the social standing of teachers,they may be seen as relatively intelligent people who choose their profession at least partly for other-regarding reasons. In Hong Kong, university professors have very high salaries, but their social standing is lower than in China (I taught in both Hong Kong and Beijing,and the different reaction by taxi drivers suffices to demonstrate this point:in Hong Kong,the typical reaction is that I’m lucky to have find the kind of job that provides good material benefits; in Beijing, there seems to more genuine respect for my job, and the respect only increases when I respond half-jokingly that I teach students‘useless’philosophy).。于是出现师生关系相对等级化(与西方相比)的状况,甚至(或者说特别是)在大学里也是这样,就不让人惊奇了。学生很少,如果有的话,直接称呼老师的名字,他们表现出来这种顺从和尊重在奉行社会平等的西方人看来一开始就是让人不快的⑤My first job was at Singapore’s National University.I was only a few years older than most of my students,and I encouraged them to address me as“Daniel,”but it almost never worked. Exasperated, I once scolded a student who repeatedly called me “Dr. Bell” and told him he shouldn’t be so formal and should address me as“Daniel.”He immediately responded“Yes,Sir!”I learned to live with“Dr.Bell”after that.。例如,在酒会上(或许在现代,相当于荀子所解释的乡村酒礼上),有代表性的表现为学生都为教授服务,而且往往在教授喝完自己杯中酒时才开始喝,即使双方杯中有等量的酒。这样的礼有表现出对知识(用西方的词汇是追求真理)的尊崇,以及对那些为我们作出表率、终生认同这个尊崇的人的尊重。
然而,这样一个等级化的安排对学生同样有好处。教师并不是简单地用最有效的方式提供给学生一个很好的知识构架,然后把知识传授给学生。教师同样应该关心学生情感上的快乐以及道德的进步。教授和研究生之间的关系尤其是丰富多样的,如果教师仅仅关注学生的职业规划从而忽视了学生的情感与道德利益的话,这在道德上无疑是重要损失⑥The teacher’s responsibility for the student’s moral development was made explicit in Qing dynasty legal regulations:in the extreme case of the murder of a parent,the offender’s principal teacher would suffer capital punishment (Filial Piety: Practice and Discourse in Contemporary East Asia, ed. Charlotte Ikels (Stanford:Stanford University Press,2004),p.5)。 教师的这些责任给了教师额外的压力(与西方社会相比较来看),教师同样要给学生起到道德上优良表率作用,在学生生活中非学术领域同样赢得学生的尊重。
2. 进餐时间
人类为了保护弱者的利益而提出了进餐之礼。在许多社会中,弱者是依靠健康的家庭成员为他们准备并提供单独的一份食物来维持生存。不幸的是,这种出于仁慈的激励在物质资源缺乏的社会中难以实现,在饥荒的年代,孩子和老人往往首先死去。但是如果当权者——这种情况下,指那些健康的成年人——习惯于抑制自己日常的欲望的话,他们便更有可能去关心无权者。在东亚社会,进餐是一项社群活动①The practice of communal eating in China dates from the Northern Song dynasty; previously, separate ‘Western-style’ servings were served to individuals.Whatever the explanation for the change, it contributed to more harmony at mealtime and, arguably, society at in large (see 祼风儿, 餐桌边的中国文化 (The Chinese Culture of the Dining Table), 南方周末,9 March 2006,D27).,进餐的礼节可以说是为了允许较弱的家庭成员公平地分享食物的一个设计。公共的盘子放在餐桌的中央,而健康的成年人则通常会不情愿地成为最先开始吃同时又是最后完成进餐的人。②In the context of an argument that morality counteracts our bad natures and stems from conscious commitment to ritual and moral duty,Xunzi notes that“今人饥,见长而不敢先食者, 将有所让也”(When a person is hungry,upon seeing an elder,he or she will not eat before the elder;rather,the elder will be deferred to)(23.6;Knoblock, modified). On the assumption that Xunzi is describing a common practice of his own day, we can infer that “rang” at mealtime predates communal eating practices.Perhaps the development of communal eating practices further facilitated“rang”practices.他们应该限制自己的欲望从而让其他人的欲望得到满足(中国汉字“让”最好地表达了在进餐时间上的适当行为的观念)。
有代表的情况是,年长者应该先进食,孩子们则应该习惯于在小的时候延迟进食并不要把手伸入到公共食物当中。这个观念表现了人们对孝道这一理想的尊重,同时也训练小孩子“让”的品质③For an interesting account of the practice of meal rotation (taking turns in supporting and feeding the elderly) in contemporary rural China, see Jun Jing, “Meal Rotation and Filial Piety,”in Filial Piety,ed.Charlotte Ikels.On the continuing relevance of the value of filial piety in contemporary urban China(notwithstanding the challenges to Confucianism by liberals and Marxists in twentieth century China), see Martin King Whyte, “Filial Obligations in Chinese Families: Paradoxes of Modernization,”in Filial Piety,Ibid.。在当代中国,这项行为或许因为独生子女家庭的“小皇帝”综合症而中止,但是大多数家庭似乎仍然会批评小孩子在进餐时候的自私行为。④In the past, it was common for children of rich families to eat separately from the adults. Such practices should be criticized if they do not effectively teach the young to defer to their elders.The rituals are only effective at generating concern for the vulnerable if they involve interaction between the different groups of society.
3. 老板和工人的关系
在中国,经济发展的特点是大规模的外来务工人员,这些民工大部分是由贫困的农民和家庭成员组成的,他们迁徙到城市当中来寻找更好的工作机会以及更高的收入。中国的“流动人口”由一亿两千万外来务工人员组成,他们在法律上受到了户口制度(家庭注册的体系)的歧视,他们因此不具有同样的健康保障权、教育权、工作权以及居住权。此外,这些外来务工人员习惯性地被都市人蔑视,并被怀疑进行犯罪活动⑤The critics of the hukou system seem to think first and foremost of legal ways of improving it.Such legal measures can be counterproductive(see my book Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context(Princeton:Princeton University Press, 2006),313-21)and they neglect the way that informal rituals can contribute to the well-being of migrant workers.。
这些类似于军事化的,等级森严的礼同样会给工人们带来益处。老板也会参与在共同的礼当中——与工人一起锻炼、一起唱歌、有时候与工人一起开玩笑,雇主经常会提高对工人利益的关心程度,而这在其他的情况下是很难实现的。这些集会往往以聚餐活动或者到歌厅聚会的形式结束,这使得雇主加深对工人们真正的同情,并通过给工人送“礼物”的方式来表现这种同情。例如,有个偶尔做些服装设计的饭馆经理为她经营的饭馆中的外来务工的年轻女性服务员制作衣服⑥Example from the Purple Haze restaurant in Beijing, on the small lane facing the north gate of Worker’s stadium. I am involved as a minority shareholder in this restaurant,but I do not make policy or manage the restaurant and can observe such practices qua researcher.。
荀子注意到礼的原则是“政之挽也”(27.24)。因此,改良的最显而易见的出发点便是建立一个政府机构,这个机构有明确的使命去推进帮助共同体中弱势群体的礼。①清朝建立了礼部,但是它明确的功能是管理附庸国之间的关系而非普遍地帮助弱者,不过它仍然可能为弱势群体带来积极影响。人们可以认为中国的帝制并没有欧洲的野蛮以及轻视土著人的特色,这部分是因为附庸国对中国表示象征性的敬意,因此在附属国之间建立了某种涵义的共同体,使得中国的统治者压榨附属国的弱势人民的可能性更低了。我的意思并不是拒绝其它的事实,比如科技的限制也许同样在限制中国的君主压迫附属国弱势人民的过程中起了作用。政府机构的任务就是:保证礼在其内部及在生活的其他方面中都产生某种对弱势群体关注的情感。我的假设是:影响当权者和易受伤害者双方的礼最有可能会产生这样的情感。根据荀子的学说,不去坚持平等是重要的,因为不平等的对待更有可能产生对易受伤害者的关注。我同样想指出的是,支配着人们相互的社会交往的礼出现的越多,其产生的情感——贫富群体之间的社群感、关心境况更差的人的利益的感受就越可能扩展到生活的其他领域。②If the main function of a ritual is to mark the boundary between the in-group and the out-group and have bad effects for members of the out-group and society at large(like rituals involving gang members),then such rituals should be discouraged.Such rituals,not surprisingly,tend not to be socially legitimate.如果这些主张是正确的,它们还需要进一步的经验的证实,那么政府机构就有把这些礼的范围进行尽可能扩展的任务。
政府机构的重要任务就是为不同群体的相互影响创造社会条件。在奉行社会地位上平等的美国,经济上的不同阶层居住地非常分散,他们居住在不同的地区③See,e.g.,Evan McKenzie,Privatopia:Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government(New Haven:Yale University Press,1996).,富人普遍地不和穷人来往,结果他们缺乏彼此关心,不愿意去解决经济不平等的问题。相反,在社会地位不平等的日本,富人和穷人的住处之间不存在明显的地理上的分离,不同的阶层之间以日常生活为基础按照共同的(社会地位上分等级的)礼互相影响④See Paul Dumouchel,Tableaux de Kyoto:Image du Japon 1994-2004(Quebec:Les Presses de l’Universite Laval,2005),19-20.,结果使得富人会去关心穷人的利益。在中国,贫富差距的日益增长被普遍认为是国家最紧迫的问题之一,这时候政府机构可以把日本在城市规划方面的经验看作有助于解决问题的一种途径。例如,日本为混合了不同收入人群的住房建造计划提供了免税政策,这些住房建造计划会为穷人和富人提供混合的公共空间。
总之,公共政策,特别是间接的、各种非强迫的公共政策有重要的作用。尽管如此,我们必须认识到礼的力量依赖于使得统治者去关心弱者的利益这样一个道德转换,而历史上政府转变人们动机的失败提醒我们小心从事而避免重蹈覆辙。所以礼的情形应该广泛地来自公民社会(例如阐释礼的有益之处的知识分子)、学校(例如强调礼并以身作则的教师)①Xunzi himself emphasized the importance of education in li under the direct education of a teacher (see Henry Rosemont, Jr. “State and Society in the Xunzi:A Philosophical Commentary,” in Virtue, Nature, and Moral Agency in the Xunzi, eds.T.C. Kline III and Philip J. Ivanhoe (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company,Inc.2000),11).、家庭(例如鼓励孩子让老人先行的家长),以及其他首先依赖劝诫而非强制的社会团体。
关于礼带来的转换所具有的价值的普遍有效性是有某种根据的。例如,体育竞赛的礼能够把人们侵略性的本能转换(教化)为社会所欲的动机。就像孔子说的:“君子无所争。必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮。其争也君子”(3.7)②I have modified the translation in The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation, trans. Roger T.Ames and Henry Rosemont, Jr. (New York: Ballantine,1998),3.7.。这样做的目标不是试图根除竞争的欲望(这样做即使不会起反作用,也是无效的),而是用各种礼去教化这种欲望,比如相扑选手之间的礼或者赛后握手的礼,这些礼都会产生一种社会团结感以及一种对处境不利者的关切。
另一个例子或许就是已经在很多社会中尝试过的“恢复性司法”模式。这个模式已经成功地依靠礼而不是法律的强制生成了社会团结而且减少了错误的累犯。就像科林斯(Randall Collins)解释的:
罪犯在集会上左右两侧都被他们的受害者和其他社会关系的成员面对着。这样的遭遇成功地减少了重复的犯罪……群众共同的关注是有力的,部分地因为警察让罪犯注意到了受害人的表现。最初的情感因素是很强的:强烈的羞愧与气愤的感觉;这些感觉被人们分享和传递,因为所有环绕四周的人开始表现他们的想法和感受,然后人们被带进了一个共同的情绪当中。结果是罪犯感到羞愧并感到礼的惩罚,但是在那时罪犯也通过分享集体团结的群体情感的方式重新进入了社会当中③Collins,Interaction Ritual Chains,111.。
在这个例子中,权力的拥有者是犯罪活动的受害者,权力拥有者通过社会成员相互影响的方式发展出了对罪犯的同情心和对罪犯的象征性的宽恕。而感受到了自己还是共同体的一员的罪犯本人,在未来也更加不可能认可自己的犯罪行为④George Fletcher provides another example from the American context. Drawing on his own experience reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, he argues that patriotic rituals“are necessary to nurture and maintain a common national identity and a sense of responsibility for the welfare of the nation as a whole” (Fletcher,Loyalty:An Essay on the Morality of Relationships(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993),xi).。
然而,在一个没有继承儒家遗产的情境中不太可能对礼进行严肃的捍卫。一方面,一些儒家传统中的核心词汇——礼和让——是很难通过某些方式被翻译成英语的。我把“礼”翻译成“ritual”,但是“ritual”在英语中通常有一些负面的内涵,这听起来就好像在捍卫一些过时的、机械的和缺乏创造力的实践活动。另一些通常的翻译,例如“rites”和“ritual propriety”也几乎不能改变这一点。对“让”的典型翻译——“defer”,“concede”,“give in”——也似乎是一些来自贵族的等级时代的过时的观念。⑤It might take actual experience with East Asians for Westerners to really appreciate the social utility of rang. Several years ago, I recall arguing with my wife about which restaurant we should choose for dinner. My Korean graduate student whispered “rang” in my ear, and I understood, I let her choose, and the rest of the evening went smoothly.
还有一个问题就是,推进礼的措施在一些外来的文化中往往诉诸法律、权利等因素来解决如何关心境遇较差者的利益的问题。西方政治哲学从霍布斯到罗尔斯的整个社会契约传统,就是把强制性的法律作为维护在自然状态中最有可能受到伤害的人群的利益的主要机制。而当代西方社会中基于权利的福利国家同样首要地依靠法律来保护弱者和易受伤害者的利益。简单地说(或许过于简单地说),东亚政治思想和实践的主流是“先礼后兵”(first ritual,then coercion)①I say“oversimplify”because there are counterexamples,such as the case of restorative justice mentioned above.At the level of theory,the emphasis on legal,rights based solutions to problems has been challenged by communitarian theorists. Amitai Etzioni, for example, has called for a moratorium on rights in the American context and the strengthening of the family and civil society as a way of generating concern for social responsibilities (Etzioni, The Spirit of Community (New York:Crown Publishers, 1993). Robert Putnam has empirically demonstrated the importance of associational life in generating the social capital that is crucial for decent social life (Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001). Such views, unfortunately, remain marginal in American political discourse that continues to emphasize legal solutions to social problems. From a normative perspective, the literature on communitarianism and social capital may be criticized on the grounds that there may be more of a need to distinguish between class-based associations/communities that generate solidarity only within particular classes and the associations/communities that involve ritual interaction between the powerful and the vulnerable and hence generate concern for the worst-off.,这是与西方相反的②I say“oversimplify”because there are counterexamples,such as the case of restorative justice mentioned above.At the level of theory,the emphasis on legal,rights based solutions to problems has been challenged by communitarian theorists. Amitai Etzioni, for example, has called for a moratorium on rights in the American context and the strengthening of the family and civil society as a way of generating concern for social responsibilities (Etzioni, The Spirit of Community (New York:Crown Publishers, 1993). Robert Putnam has empirically demonstrated the importance of associational life in generating the social capital that is crucial for decent social life (Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001). Such views, unfortunately, remain marginal in American political discourse that continues to emphasize legal solutions to social problems. From a normative perspective, the literature on communitarianism and social capital may be criticized on the grounds that there may be more of a need to distinguish between class-based associations/communities that generate solidarity only within particular classes and the associations/communities that involve ritual interaction between the powerful and the vulnerable and hence generate concern for the worst-off.。
并不让人惊讶的是,在中国一些基于西方的倡导人权的群体指责国家缺乏最基本的对法律法规的坚持,他们的这个看法的假设是西方式的法律将会有助于保全境遇较差的人的利益。我的意思并不是拒绝承认一个对法律的规则有着更严肃的认同的国家的境况会更好(尤其是其他情况是典型的有益于富裕者和统治者的腐败的政治过程的时候),但是过分的关注法律机制会使得改革者忽视礼的力量,会使得改革者不去关注对问题的这些法律上的解决从长远看破坏了社会的社群感的可能性,而正是这些社群感使得统治者去关心易受伤害者的利益。更加肯定地说,因为礼已经深深地扎根于东亚社会的哲学观和日常社会实践当中,我们相信中国和其他地方的改革者们能够而且应该更加关注礼的积极功能③Several mainland Chinese scholars have recently drawn inspiration from Xunzi’s defense of ritual to draw implications for contemporary society: (1) 王丽霞argues that the idea of ritual as civilizing desire and making social life beneficial for the people is valuable for contemporary society(王丽霞,“荀子之礼的现代诠释及其意义” (A Contemporary Interpretation and the Implications of Xunzi’s (Concept of) Ritual), 青岛海洋大学学报 社会科学版, March 2000, 68; (2) 王群瑛argues that for the importance of ritual because it contributes to the morality that underpins a smoothly functioning market economy(王群瑛,“荀子的‘隆礼重法’ 思想及其现代意义”(Xunzi’s‘Value Ritual and Emphasize Law’Thought and Its Contemporary Implications”, 高校理论战线,1998.8,57;(3) 李仙娥argues for the importance of ritual because it underpins the morality that makes law effective(李仙娥,“荀子礼法思想的特征与现代启示”(The Characteristics of Xunzi’s Thought on Ritual and Law and Its Contemporary Implications), 唐都学刊, 1997, 13 (4), 67; (4) 梅徳高 argues that ritual can be used to unify the people (以礼齐民) and hence can be beneficial to China by reducing corruption and opposing bureaucratization (梅德高, 荀子德治思想及其现代价值 (Xunzi’s Thought of Ruling the Country with Virtue and Its Contemporary Value), 湖北大学学报 哲学社会科学版, Nov.2003,Vol. 30, No.6,47; (5) 宋立卿 argues for the importance of ritual because it underpins the morality that makes government officials act morally when nobody is watching them (慎独) (宋立卿, “荀子的伦理思想及其现代价值”(Xunzi’s Ethical Thought and Its Contemporary Value), 首都师范大学学报(社会科学版), 1997, No. 6, 25-6); (6) 杜培 argues that the current task is to build a democratic system and that it is far more effective to use ritual/morality rather than force to secure people’s obedience(杜培,“荀子礼法-体论及其现代意义”(Xunzi on Ritual and Law:Theory and Its Contemporary Implications), 科学, 经济, 社会,Vol.17,Summer,No.75(2),1999,21).These attempts at drawing implications for contemporary society can be viewed as not-so-veiled critiques of the CCP’s(excessive)reliance on coercion to secure social and political order.。