


Existence of Positive Solutions for Higher Order Boundary Value Problem on Time Scales ....................................................Xie Da-peng,Liu Yang and Bai Chuan-zhi(1)

An Extended Multiple Hardy-Hilbert's Integral Inequality..............................Hong Yong(14)

Superlinear Fourth-order Elliptic Problem without Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz Growth Condition ..................................................Wei Yuan-hong,Chang Xiao-jun and L¨u Yue(23)

Strong Consistency of M Estimator in Linear Model for˜φ-mixing Samples ......................Wang Xue-jun,Hu Shu-he,Ling Ji-min,Wei Yun-fei and Chen Zhu-qiang(32)

F-perfect Rings and Modules...............................................................Lu Bo(41)

Dynamics and Long Time Convergence of the Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov Equation under Numerical Discretization............................................................Wang Jue(51)

Existence and Blow-up of Solutions for a Nonlinear Parabolic System with Variable Exponents ................................................................Gao Yun-zhu and Gao Wen-jie(61)

TheˊEtale Homology and the Cycle Maps in Adic Coefficients..............................Li Ting(68)

A Joint Density Function in the Renewal Risk Model......................Xu Huai and Tang Ling(88)

A Smoothing SAA Method for a Stochastic Linear Complementarity Problem .................................................Zhang Jie,Zhang Hong-wei and Zhang Li-wei(97)

Multi-point Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Fourth-order differential Equations with All Order Derivatives................................................................Yang Liu(108)

PS-injective Modules,PS-f l at Modules and PS-coherent Rings....................Xiang Yue-ming(121)

Numerical Stability and Oscillations of Runge-Kutta Methods for differential Equations with Piecewise Constant Arguments of Advanced Type....................................Wang Qi(131)

A Kind of Essential Surfaces in the Complements of Knots ................................................Han You-fa,Pan Sheng-jun and Wang Shu-xin(143)

A Devaney Chaotic System Which is Neither Distributively nor Topologically Chaotic ..........................................................Chen Zhi-zhi,Liao Li and Wang Wei(148)

Some Characterizations of Strongly Semisimple Ordered Semigroups .................................................................Tang Jian and Xie Xiang-yun(155)

Existence of Positive Solutions for Singular Fourth Order Coupled System with Sign Changing Nonlinear Terms....................................Xia Tian,Gao Jing-lu and Cao Chun-ling(167)

The Influence of Primitive Subgroups on the Structure of Finite Groups................Liu Yu-feng(179)

Planar-busting Curves on the Boundary of a Handlebody ..................................................Sun Dong-qi,Tang Jing-yan and Li Feng-ling(184)

On the Expected Present Value of Total Dividends in a Risk Model with Potentially Delayed Claims..............................................................Xie Jie-hua and Zou Wei(193)

An Evolving Random Network and Its Asymptotic Structure.........Li Zhi-min and Geng Jin-hui(203)

A Class of*-simple Type A ω2-semigroups(I).........................Shang Yu and Wang Li-min(218)

The Supersolvable Order of Hyperplanes of an Arrangement.........Gao Rui-mei and Pei Dong-he(231)

The Centres of Gravity of Periodic Orbits..............................Sun Zhe and Hou Bing-zhe(239)

Modelling the Spread of HIV/AIDS Epidemic ........................................Kelatlhegile Ricardo Gosalamang and Huang Qing-dao(244)

A Family of Fifth-order Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations ....................................................................Liu Tian-Bao and Cai Hua(255)

Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to the p-biharmonic Parabolic Equation .................................................................................Guo Jin-yong(261)

Efficient Mean Estimation in Log-normal Linear Models with First-order Correlated Errors .................................................................Zhang Song and Wang De-hui(271)

On the Nonlinear Matrix Equation X+A*f1(X)A+B*f2(X)B=Q ................................Sang Hai-feng,Liu Pan-pan,Zhang Shu-gong and Li Qing-chun(280)

Stability of Cubic Functional Equation in Three Variables.............Yang A-li and Cheng Li-hua(289)

A New Kind of Iteration Method for Finding Approximate Periodic Solutions to Ordinary differential Equations................................Wu Dong-xu,Wang Cai-ling and Xu Xu(297)

The First Initial Boundary Value Problem for Parabolic Hessian Equations on Riemannian Manifolds......................................................................Ren Chang-yu(305)

A Gorni-Zampieri Pair of a Homogeneous Polynomial Map.............................Liu Da-yan(320)

Invariants for Automorphisms of the Underlying Algebras Relative to Lie Algebras of Cartan Type............................................Sun Xiu-mei,Wang Jing-guo and Liu Wen-de(329)

Principal Quasi-Baerness of Rings of Skew Generalized Power Series.................Zhang Wan-ru(335)

On Results the Growth of Meromorphic Solutions of Algebraic differential Equations......................................Su Xian-feng,Li Xiao-meng and He Zhong-wei(345)

A Class of Regular Simple ω2-semigroups-II...........Shang Yu,Wang Li-min and Feng Ying-ying(351)

An Extension of Chebyshev's Maximum Principle to Several Variables .........................................................Meng Zhao-liang and Luo Zhong-xuan(363)

Branched Coverings and Embedded Surfaces in Four-manifolds..........Liu Xi-min and Wu Yu-lai(370)

Annulus and Disk Complex Is Contractible and Quasi-convex ....................................Guo Qi-long,Qiu Rui-feng,Zou Yan-qing and Zhang Fa-ze(377)