The First Initial Boundary Value Problem for Parabolic Hessian Equations on Riemannian Manifolds
(School of Mathematics,Jilin University,Changchun,130012)
Communicated by Yin Jing-xue
The First Initial Boundary Value Problem for Parabolic Hessian Equations on Riemannian Manifolds
(School of Mathematics,Jilin University,Changchun,130012)
Communicated by Yin Jing-xue
For a class of elliptic Hessian operators,one type of corresponding parabolic Hessian equations is studied on Riemannian manifolds.The existence and uniqueness of the admissible solution to the first initial boundary value problem for the equations are shown.
Hessian operator,fully nonlinear,Riemannian manifold
1 Introduction
In this paper,we study the first initial boundary value problem for a class of fully nonlinear parabolic equations of Monge-Amp`ere type on Riemannian manifolds.Let Ω be a domain of a Riemannian manifold(Mn,g)with n≥2.We consider the following problem:
The problem(1.1)with Hessian operators constitute an important class of fully nonlinear equations.The study on Dirichlet problem of(1.1)containing Hessian operator initiated from[1].It is well known that the classic Monge-Amp`ere operator is one of Hessian operators. General elliptic Hessian equations have been studied by[2–6].In 1999,the existence anduniqueness of solution to the Dirichlet problem of elliptic equation which contains Hessian operator were established in[3].For the parabolic case,it seems that the discussion on the equations with Hessian operators initiated from[7].However,the operators are not of the common form.Ren[8]extended the result of[7],and Wang and Liu[9]studied another type of equations,i.e.,
In 1996,the Dirichlet problem for elliptic Monge-Amp`ere equation on Riemannian manifolds was investigated in[10].
Ren and Wang[11]have discussed a type of parabolic Monge-Amp`ere equations which was introduced by Krylov[12].In this paper,we generalize our former work and establish the existence and uniqueness of solution to the first initial boundary value problem for parabolic equation which contains Hessian operator.
Throughout this paper,let f(λ)be a smooth function defined in an open convex cone Γ⊂Rnwith vertex at the origin and containing the positive cone
It satisfies that for any i,
Assume that Γ and f are invariant under interchange of any two λi,namely,they are symmetric in λi.It follows that Γ⊂{∑λi>0}.For every C>0 and every compact set K in Γ there is a number R=R(C,K)such that
In addition,as in[3],assume that f satisfies
where ν0andµ0=µ0(ψ0,ψ1)are some uniform positive constants.
Considering the shape of Ω,we suppose that there exists a sufficiently large constant R such that for every point x∈∂Ω,
where κ1,···,κn-1denote the principal curvatures of∂Ω(related to the interior normal).
Definition 1.1A function v(x,t)is called admissible if v(x,t)∈K.
Obviously,for any admissible function u(x,t),the problem(1.1)is of parabolic type.We seek admissible solutions to(1.1)in K;thus we require the given function φ(x,t)to satisfy the following necessary condition:
Theorem 1.1Let α∈(0,1).Suppose thatsatisfies(1.11), Dtφ(x,t)<0 in,,ψ(x,t)and φ(x,t)satisfy the compatibility conditions up to the first order,∂Ω∈C4and Ω,f,Γ satisfy(1.2)–(1.10). Then the problem(1.1)has a unique admissible solution
Remark 1.1Theorem 1.1 can be used to get the existence of an admissible solutionto the problem(1.1),provided that the problem(1.1)satisfies the compatibility conditions up to the second order,as well as that
To simplify the problem,we assume that for all(x,t)∈Ω×{t=0},
For the function
def i ned on the space of n×n symmetric matrices,denote
The matrix(Fij)has eigenvalues f1,···,fnand they are positive by(1.2),while(1.3) implies that F is a concave function of A(see[1]).Moreover,we have the following identities (see[3]):
At the end of this introduction we recall some formulae for commuting covariant derivatives on Mn.Throughout the paper,∇denotes the covariant dif f erentiation on Mn.Let e1,e2,···,enbe a local frame on Mn.We use the notations∇i=∇ei,∇ij=∇i∇j,etc. For a dif f erentiable function v defined on Mn,let∇v denotes the gradient,and∇2v the Hessian which is given by
Recall that
Finally,from(1.14)and(1.15)we obtain
2 The Existence of Admissible Solutions
We apply the method of continuity to prove the existence of the admissible solutions to the problem(1.1).Actually,we consider a family of problems with parameters τ∈[0,1]:
where u0and ψ0are given in Proposition 2.1 of this paper.Obviously,when τ=1,the problem(2.1)τis just(1.1).
To prove Proposition 2.1,some known results are needed.For the open convex cone Γ in Theorem 1.1,we have
Lemma 2.1[8]Let A,B be real symmetric matrices of order n,and λ(A),λ(B),λ(A+B) be the vectors formed by the n eigenvalues of A,B,A+B,respectively.If λ(A)∈Γ and λ(B)∈Γ,then λ(A+B)∈Γ.
Lemma 2.2[3]Let Ω⊂Mnbe a domain satisfying(1.10).Suppose that there exists a function wsuch that λ(∇2w)∈Γ everywhere.Then there exists a functionwith v=0 on∂Ω and λ(∇2v)∈Γ everywhere.Conversely,∂Ω satisfies(1.10) if there exists a functionwith v=0 on∂Ω and λ(∇2v)∈Γ everywhere.
Proposition 2.1There exists a functionsuch that the problem (2.1)0has a solution in K with
Proof.From the necessary condition(1.11)we get λ(∇2φ(x,0))∈Γ for allThen by the assumption that φ(x,t)is smooth we see that there exists a δ∈(0,T)such that
From(1.10)and the proof of Lemma 2.2 in[3],we see that there exists a functionsatisfying λ(∇2Ψ(x))∈Γ,and Ψ(x)≤0 for,Ψ(x)=0 for x∈∂Ω.
For a fixed t∈[δ,T],
Since{λ(∇2Ψ(x)):x∈}is a compact set in Γ,there exists a compact set K⊂Γ such that
for N large enough.
For a fixed t∈[0,δ],since
we have
by Lemma 2.1.
From the construction of u0,it is easy to get thatand ψ0>0 on
Proposition 2.1 ensures that the set of the solutions of the one parameter family is nonempty.The existence of admissible solutions to the problem(1.1)would be proved by the continuity method if we have obtained the C2+α,1+α/2estimation of all possible solutions of(2.1)τ(see,for example,[7–8,11]).It is easy to check that the data of(2.1)τand(1.1) have the same property.So it is sufficient to establish an a priori estimation for all possible solutions u(x,t)to(1.1).We do this in the next section.
3 A Priori Estimation Needed
Lemma 3.1Let v(x,t),w(x,t)∈K satisfy the following inequalities:
Proof.Assume that the inequalities in(3.1)are both strict.If the maximum of v-w overis attained on∂pQ,then it is easy to get v≤w inOtherwise,if the maximum of v-w
in some local orthonormal frame on Mn.So the eigenvalues of∇2v are not larger than the corresponding ones of∇2w at the point(x0,t0).
By(1.2),we have
which contradicts(3.1).So v<w in.In the case of(3.1),for any ε>0 small enough,let
By using the result above,it is easy to get vε<w inSet ε→0.Then we complete the proof.
Theorem 3.1The problem(1.1)has at most one solution in K.
For further usage,we need to rewrite the first equation in(1.1)as
and consider the operator
For a fixed u∈K,the operator L is a parabolic one in
Lemma 3.2Let u∈K.If Lv≤0(Lv≥0)in Q for a functionthen
Theorem 3.2There exist positive constants M and m,depending only on the data of the problem,such that for the admissible solution u∈K of the problem(1.1),
Proof.Consider the function
where k is a constant to be determined.Then we have
Then Lw≤0.Lemma 3.2 implies
We get
Notice that
Theorem 3.3There exists a positive constant M0>0,depending only on the data of the problem,such that for any admissible solution u∈K of the problem(1.1),
where N>0 and is to be determined later,and Ψ(x)is the function given in the proof of Proposition 2.1.Then
Notice that
and λ(∇2Ψ(x))∈Γ,so{λ(∇2Ψ(x)):is a compact set in Γ.Hence there exists a compact set K⊂Γ such that
for an N large enough.Therefore,according to(1.5),we can choose an N sufficiently large such that
Lemma 3.1 implies v0(x,t)≤u(x,t)in¯Q,which is the lower estimate of u.Also,by the construction of v0,we get
In order to obtain the upper estimate of u,we take the variable t as a parameter.Then we get
Take v1(x,t)to be a harmonic function in Ω with
Then from the comparison principle we get
Thus we can take v0(x,t)and v1(x,t)as the barrier functions to get the bound of|∇u| on∂Ω.
Theorem 3.4Suppose that u∈K is a solution to the problem(1.1).Then there exists a positive constant M1,depending only on the data of the problem,such that
Proof.To derive the interior and global gradient bounds,set
and a>0 is a sufficiently small constant to be determined later.First,we derive a bound for M0when it is attained at an interior point(x0,t0)∈Q.Choose a local orthonormal frame e1,···,enabout x0and dif f erentiate the function lnw+av2which achieves a local maximum at(x0,t0).We obtain that at(x0,t0),
A direct computation shows that
Hence,by(3.11),we have
To estimate the term on the right hand side,we dif f erentiate the equation(3.2)to get
By(1.13),we have
According to(3.13),one has
By(3.9),we have
and then(3.14)leads to
From(3.6)and(3.10),we see that
Combining(3.8),(3.6),(3.12)and(3.15),we obtain
By(1.6),we have
Without loss of generality,we may assume thatis diagonal.Therefore,at,we get
We may also assume that
Then from(3.6)and(3.10)we see that
Thus,by(1.7),we have
Then,by(3.17),we obtain a bound of|∇1u|and complete the proof.
4 The Bounds for the Second Derivatives
Now we take up an a priori estimate for the second derivative of u.
(a)Bounds for|∇2u|on∂Ω×(0,T].
Rewrite the first equation of(1.1)as
where N>0 is a constant.Obviously,
It follows that
For a fixed α≤n,dif f erentiating(3.2)yields
Using the formula for commuting the covariant derivatives,we get
Now consider the distance function
in a small subdomain
Choosing a δ small enough,we may assume that d is smooth in Ωδ.Sinceone has
The following lemma is a direct extension of Lemma 1.2(i)in[13]for the parabolic case.
Lemma 4.1There is a uniform positive constant ε1such that
Proof.Consider the function
for ε>0 small enough.From the concavity of the operator lnf(λ(·))we obtain
and hence
Notice that
For δ0>0,let N be large enough so that
By Lemma 4.1 we may employ a barrier function in Ωδof the form
to estimate∇αnu.By(4.4)and Theorem 3.4,we may choose A≫B≫1 such that
for the mixed normal tangential derivatives∇αnu(x0,t0),α<n.And we have
It follows from the maximum principle that
It remains to estimate the double normal derivative∇nnu.Since Δu>0,we only need to derive an upper bound:
Let Γ′be the projection of Γ to λ′=(λ1,···,λn-1),and D(λ′)be the distance of λ′to∂Γ′for λ′∈Γ′.
Lemma 4.2For a fixed t0∈(0,T],there exists a uniform constant c0>0 such that
where Π is the second fundamental form of∂Ω.
Proof.Note that for α,β∈TxM with x∈∂Ω,
Consider a point x0∈∂Ω,at which the function D(x,t0)is minimized for x∈∂Ω.It is sufficient to show that
Choose a local orthonormal frame e1,···,enabout x0as before such thatis diagonal and.As in[1],one can f i ndwithµ1≥···≥µn-1≥0,and
for all x∈∂Ω near x0.Thus by(4.2)we have
for x∈∂Ω near x0.
otherwise we are done.By(4.2)and Lemma 6.2 of[1]we obtain
It follows that
for some uniform positive constants c2andδ,where δ is as in Lemma 4.1.Consequently, by(4.9),
Apply Lemma 6.3 of[3]to
Then we obtain
We see that λ(∇2u)(x0,t0)lies in a priori bounded subset of Γ.It thus follows from(1.8) that
for some uniform constant c3>0.This implies
We are now in a position to prove(4.8).By Lemma 1.2 of[1]and Lemma 4.2,there exists a uniform constant N≫1 such that
Thus,by the strict monotonicity hypothesis(1.2),there exists a constant δ1>0 such that
This yields a uniform upper bound for∇nnu(x,t0)for x∈Σ,and thus we get
for some uniform constant C1>0.
(b)Bounds for|∇2u|in
where a>0,b≥0 are sufficiently small constants to be determined later.It is sufficient to estimate W.
If W is achieved on∂pQ,then W can be estimated via(4.10)and Theorem 3.4.So assume that W is achieved at an interior point(x0,t0)∈Q and for some unit vector ξ∈Tx0Mn. Choose a smooth orthonormal local frame e1,e2,···,enabout x0such that e1(x0)=ξ and{∇iju(x0,t0)}is diagonal.Set λi=∇iiu(x0,t0),i=1,2,···,n.Then we only need to estimate λ1>0 from above.
At the point(x0,t0)the function ln(def i ned near(x0,t0)) attains its maximum,so we have
By(4.12)we have
By(4.11)we see that
Add up the two inequalities above we get
Dif f erentiating(3.2)twice and using the concavity of the function lnf(·),we obtain that at(x0,t0)and for any i,
Thus,(4.14)is transformed into
By(1.2)we have
From(4.15)and(4.18)we see that
So we can simplify(4.17)into
By the proof of Lemma 4.1,there exists a uniform positive constant ε2such that
at the point(x0,t0).This yields
We may first choose b>0 sufficiently small and then choose a≪b to derive from (4.19)that,provided that λ1is sufficiently large.By the arithmeticgeometric mean inequality and assumption(1.9),therefore we obtain
which provides a bound for λ1.
Thus we have proved that the eigenvalues of{∇iju(x,t)}are all bounded and positive for any(x,t)∈Q.On the other hand,we know that these eigenvalues are bounded below from zero by a uniform positive constant by the equation(4.1)and Theorem 3.2.To sum up we have
Theorem 4.1There exist positive constants M2and m2,depending only on the data of the problem(1.1)such that,for the solution u∈K of the problem(1.1),0<m2<|∇2u|<M2in.
Theorem 4.1 implies that(1.1)is uniformly parabolic,and then the desiredestimatefollows from the results of Evans-Krylov theorem.Thus we complete the proof of Theorem 1.1.
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Received date:Sept.7,2010.
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