立体心电图(three-dimensional electrocardiogram,3D-ECG)问世于1989年,是指采用Frank校正导联体系,经过方法学的改进,通过不同的三维角度,同步采样,同源转换,显示及描记出立体心电向量图(3D-VCG)和立体影像心电图(3DI-ECG)[1]。目前临床上通过分析房颤危险因素来预测房颤发生的研究较多。无创心电图检查的预测指标主要是P波离散度及信号平均心电图的心房传导时间和心房除极末RMS(均方差)振幅等。3D-ECG技术利用计算机成像技术描记出心脏的立体心电向量环,可单独或同时显示P、QRS、T环,并可旋转及放大,便于观察和分析心脏的电活动“路径”[2-3]。3D-ECG还可以显示心动周期任意时间的振幅和空间角度,能准确反映患者的情况。本研究应用3D-ECG对房颤患者心房传导时间、心房除极方向和振幅的变化进行分析,旨在探讨P环运行状况与房颤射频消融术后复发的关系。
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象 选取2009年12月-2010年3月入住北京安贞医院心内科确诊房颤并行射频消融术的患者42例,男29例,女13例,年龄57.5±12.3岁,其中合并高血压病24例,冠心病4例。阵发性房颤34例,持续性房颤8例,术前病情均平稳,无明显心功能不全。纳入标准:阵发性及持续性房颤患者,有明确的病史及既往有体表心电图或动态心电图明确记录证据;左室射血分数>40%,无明显心功能不全。进行检查前,患者均知情同意并已停用抗心律失常药物。
1.2 仪器 3D-ECG仪(北京卡迪斯医疗科技有限公司生产)。类别:E型号;准确度:标准灵敏度±5%;质量标准:京药监械(准)字2007第2210227号。一次性纽扣式心电电极(北京市天润伟业医用设备厂)。
1.3 检测方法及随访 采集所有入选患者射频消融术术前和术后的3D-ECG,同时记录患者超声心动图左房内径数值。在走速50mm/s、增益20mm/mV条件下测量每位患者的3D-ECG,在稳定窦性心律下取明确起始点及终点的P波进行测量并记录所得心房传导时间、心房除极方位及振幅等数据。起始点与终点均选取与等电位线交点处。由安贞医院房颤中心派专人按照手术后1、3、6个月进行电话随访。复发的判定标准:消融术后3个月内发生的房颤/房扑/房速,如果持续时间≥30s视为早期复发;消融术后3个月后发生的房颤/房扑/房速,如果持续时间≥30s视为远期复发,12个月以后的为更远期复发。
1.4 统计学处理 采用SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析,计量资料以表示,采用logistic回归及简单直线回归分析。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结 果
2.1 房颤患者的3D-ECG总体特征 简单直线回归分析发现,随着病程年限增加,房颤患者P环运行时间延长越发明显,同时心房直径也随之增大,P环方位异常,由正常的左下前方位发生了各种改变。P环振幅异常。3D-ECG的P环振幅正常应<0.12mV,增大则提示右房负荷过重。
2.2 心房传导特点、左房大小及病史与房颤复发的相关性 Logistic回归分析发现,P环方位、P环运行时间差、左房内径以及病史均与房颤发生相关(表1)。病史年限每增加1年,射频消融术后房颤复发的风险增加1.363倍。典型病例:一例P环大致正常房颤患者,房颤病史半年,心房传导方向大致正常,心房除极运行时间略延长,行射频消融术后半年内未复发(图1);另一例P环明显异常的房颤患者,病史8年,心房传导方向明显异常,心房除极运行时间延长,行射频消融术后3个月及6个月均有复发情况(图2);一例房颤患者,病程6年,高血压病史50年,冠心病史3年,心房内径明显扩大,左房50mm×46mm×62mm,右房57mm×58mm,P环方位术前为左上前,术后为左下前,射频消融术有效纠正了异位电活动,术后该患者1个月内有早期复发,药物干预后6个月内未复发(图3)。
表1 心房传导方位变化、左房大小及病史与房颤复发的关系Tab.1 Directional changes of atrial conduction and the relationship between left atrial size and the recurrence of atrial fibrillation recurrence
图1 P环大致正常房颤患者3D-ECGFig. 1 Three-dimensional electrocardiogram (3D-ECG) of patients with atrial fibrillation and roughly normal P ring
图3 房颤患者射频消融术前、术后的P环运行状况Fig.3 P ring running status in patients with atrial fibrillation before and after radiofrequency ablation
图2 P环明显异常的房颤患者射频消融术后房颤高复发Fig. 2 Hyper-recurrence of atrial fibrillation in patients with atrial fibrillation and obviously abnormal P ring after radiofrequency ablation
2.3 右心房直径与P环最大振幅的关系 简单直线回归分析显示,右房直径与术前最大振幅无线性关系,但与术后最大振幅存在线性关系且有统计学意义(表2),且由图4可知,随着右房直径增加,术后最大振幅呈增加趋势,表达式如下:y=0.108+0.024x。
表2 右房直径与射频消融术术前及术后P环最大振幅大小的关系Tab.2 The relationship between right atrial inner diameter and maximum amplitude before and after radiofrequency ablation
图4 射频消融术后P环最大振幅与右房的关系Fig.4 Relationship between maximum amplitude of P ring and right atrial after radiofrequency ablation
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Relationship between three-dimensional electrocardiographic P ring features and atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after radiofrequency ablation in AF patients
MA Jun1,2, MA Chang-sheng2, LI Xue-wen31Department of Cardiology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China
2ICU of Mentougou District Hospital, Beijing 102300, China
3Department of Cardiology, Shanxi Large Hospital, Taiyuan 030001, China
ObjectiveTo explore the relation of the conduction time, conduction direction and amplitude of threedimensional electrocardiogram (3D-ECG) to the recurrence after radiofrequency ablation in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients.MethodsForty-two patients diagnosed with AF and receiving radiofrequency ablation in Beijing Anzhen Hospital from December 2009 to March 2010 participated in the present study. 3D-ECG and synchronous 12-lead ECG of sinus rhythm was recorded before and after radiofrequency ablation to analyze the correlation between the recurrence of AF after radiofrequency ablation and atrial conduction time, depolarization direction or amplitude of P ring. Meanwhile, the left atrial diameter determined by echocardiography before ablation and medical history were recorded, and the relationship between these data and both the occurrence of AF and recurrence after ablation was analyzed.ResultsThe azimuth of P ring after surgery could significantly affect the recurrence of AF (P=0.027), and the recurrence risk in patients with abnormal azimuth of P ring was 8.4 times that in patients with regular azimuth. The left atrial diameter could also significantly affect the recurrence (P=0.022), while the influence of the difference in P ring response duration on AF recurrence was near the significant level (P=0.058). The risk of AF recurrence increased 1.363-fold with each one additional year of AF history. A positive correlation was found between the right atrial diameter and maximal amplitude of P ring (P=0.044).ConclusionWith the development of AF, atrial conduction time become longer, and atrial depolarization azimuth and amplitude change, then the atrial electrical and anatomical remodeling occur, and both of them could lead to the occurrence and maintenance of AF.
atrial fibrillation; catheter ablation; electrical remodeling; structure reconstruction
] 0577-7402(2013)10-0847-04
100029 北京 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心内科[马君(现在北京市门头沟区医院ICU工作)、马长生];030001 太原 山西大医院心内科(李学文)