

疯狂英语·中学版 2013年5期

by Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods

In the story of how the dog came in from the cold and onto our sofas, we 1)tend to give ourselves a little too much 2)credit. The most common theory is that some 3)hunter-gatherer with a 4)soft spot for cuteness found some wolf puppies and 5)adopted them. Over time, these 6)tamed wolves would have shown their skill at hunting, so humans kept them around until they evolved into dogs.

But when we look back at our relationship with wolves throughout history, this doesnt really make sense. For one thing, the wolf was 7)domesticated at a time when modern humans were not very 8)tolerant of 9)carnivorous competitors. In fact, after modern humans arrived in Europe around 43,000 years ago, they almost 10)wiped out every large 11)carnivore that existed.



The hunting theory, that humans used wolves to hunt, doesnt 12)hold up either. Humans were already successful hunters without wolves, more successful than every other large carnivore. Wolves eat a lot of meat, as much as one deer per ten wolves every day—a lot for humans to feed or compete against.

Humans have a long history of killing wolves, rather than trying to adopt them. Over the last few centuries, almost every culture has hunted wolves to 13)extinction. If this is a 14)snapshot of our behavior toward wolves over the centuries, it presents one of the most troubling problems: How was this misunderstood creature 15)tolerated by humans long enough to evolve into the 16)domestic dog?

We often think of evolution as being the survival of the fittest, where the strong survive and the weak die off. But the success of dogs comes down to survival of the friendliest.

Most likely, it was wolves that came to us, not the other way around, probably while they were searching for 17)scraps around garbage 18)dumps on the edge of human 19)settlements. The wolves that were 20)bold but 21)aggressive would have been killed by humans, so only the ones that were bold and friendly would have been tolerated.

Friendliness caused strange things to happen in the wolves. They started to look different. Domestication gave them 22)splotchy 23)coats, 24)floppy ears, 25)wagging tails. In only several generations, these friendly wolves would have become very different from their more aggressive relatives. But the changes did not just affect their looks. Changes also happened to their 26)psychology. They evolved the ability to read human gestures.

As dog owners, we 27)take for granted that we can point to a ball or toy and our dog will 28)bound off to get it. But the ability of dogs to read human gestures is remarkable. Even our closest relatives—29)chimpanzees and 30)bonobos—cant read our gestures as readily as dogs can. Dogs are quite similar to human 31)infants in the way they pay attention to us. This ability 32)accounts for the extraordinary communication we have with our dogs. Some dogs are so focused on their owners that they can even read a change in eye direction.

With this new ability, these dogs were worth knowing. People who had dogs during a hunt would likely have had an 33)advantage over those who didnt. Even today, 34)tribes in Nicaragua depend on dogs to 35)detect 36)prey. In the Congo, hunters believe they would starve without their dogs.

Dogs would also have served as a warning system, barking at unfriendly strangers from neighboring tribes. They could have 37)defended their humans from 38)predators.

And finally, though this is not a pleasant thought, when times were tough, dogs could have served as an 39)emergency food supply. Thousands of years before 40)refrigeration, and with no crops to store, huntergatherers had no food 41)reserves until the domestication of dogs. In tough times, weaker dogs might have been sacrificed to save the group.

So, far from a kindly human adopting a wolf puppy, it is more likely that a population of wolves adopted us. As the advantages of dog ownership became clear, we were as strongly affected by our relationship with them as they have been by their relationship with us. Dogs may even have been the 42)catalyst for our civilization.












Top Ten Most Popular Dog Breeds[品种]in America

Labrador retriever(拉布拉多寻回犬)

Golden retriever(金毛寻回犬)

Yorkshire terrier(约克夏梗犬)

German shepherd(约克夏梗犬)





Shih tzu(西施犬)

Miniature schnauzer(迷你型史猱查梗/迷你雪纳瑞)

