by Will Stephen
No, trust me, I get it. Im the cute one. Im sweet, Im red, and I plop[扑通落下] out of a can. Its fun. Its endearing[讨人喜欢的].
But enough is enough[适可而止]. My therapist[(心理)治疗师] told me to be direct about my feelings—to really engage with[建立友好关系] everyone—so before you all dig in and give your thanks, I would like to say a few things that have been on my mind for a while now. Because damn it, Im a legitimate[正统的] part of the meal, and its about time I was treated as such.
Plainly[明白地] put, Im very, very sad. OK? Hurt, humiliated[屈辱], a little fed up[厌倦] maybe. Whatever you want to call it, something clearly isnt right here, and we—well, I was about to say we all know it, but judging from the looks on all of your faces, I seem to be the only one who thought there was a problem. Am I correct? Wow. All right. Unbelievable[难以置信].
There goes a whole year spent planning this moment to a T[丝毫不差地], but you know what—hey, no problemo[(西班牙)没问题]. Happy to accommodate[适应]. I guess its my fault for assuming I was anything more than a glorified[美化了的] dipping sauce[蘸酱] to you people.
Look, do you think I dont see what you see? Im disgusting[令人厌恶的]. I stick out like a sore[疼痛的] thumb. A red, wobbly[摆动的] sore thumb. Plopped down on this table with the ridges[山脊] from my can still branded[铭刻] into my side, shaming me—your store-bought freak[怪物], your high-caloric[卡路里] Hester Prynne注1. You could at least slice[切片] me and give me an ounce[盎司] of dignity[尊严]. But no, thats life, baby. Thats me: Thanksgivings Elephant Man注2. Just the cold, wet afterthought to a piping-hot[滚烫的] feast cooked with patience and love. Here to jiggle[摇晃] for you, to be cut with a spoon, and to silently weep.
God, and to think that I spent years in factories, in boxes, on trucks and on shelves, all to be hidden behind your basted[涂油烤的], seasoned[调过味的], and—lets be honest—pretty overcooked “delicacies[佳肴].”For what? For this. You know, I deserve[应得] some credit for even being a part of this tradition. To say the odds were against me[面临重重困难] would be putting it mildly[温和地]. But I earned this. Because guess what? Deep down[事实上], Im good.
And you know what? Youre not. Youre disgusting. The way you people talk, belch[打嗝], and indulge[沉溺] in your orgies[狂欢会] of savory[可口的] fats. What a feast! What a spread[宴会]! Oh, the turkey looks divine[天赐的]! Did you make this stuffing[填料] yourself? These yams[洋芋], good heavens! Try the sprouts[豆芽菜]! Who brought the sweet-potato casserole[焙盘]? Well I am not leaving here without that recipe[食谱]!
And oh, what is that … cranberry sauce?
Yeah. It is.
It is cranberry sauce.
But no, you know what? Screw it[管他呢]. I can join in the fun. I can give thanks. Oh, I can definitely give thanks. Lets go around the table, shall we?
Im thankful to Debbie for serving me on a goddamn plate, allowing me to slide off onto the tablecloth a grand total of four times.
Im thankful to Frank for running back into the kitchen to get that novelty[新奇的小玩意] spoon to serve me with, like I wasnt already everybodys monkey in a sailor suit.
Im thankful to little Jack for running his stupid six-year-old mouth and saying I taste like candy.
Im thankful to Aunt Beth for agreeing with him like hes the child she never was able to have. (Still alone, by the way.)
Im thankful to wide-eyed[天真的] college gal[姑娘] Kate for saying that the only good thing about me is that Im vegan[素食的]. Keep making a difference. The world needs you.
Im thankful to dumb[没有说话能力的] baby Julie for mashing[捣碎] me onto her face and making me the key player in her desperate[不顾一切的], pandering[迎合] clown[小丑] routine[固定节目].
知道吗?你们很烂。你们令人作呕。你们人类聊天打嗝的方式,还有你们沉溺于美味的肥肉狂欢的样子,统统令人作呕。多么丰盛的酒席!多么盛大的宴会!哦,这火鸡看上去犹如天赐般美妙! 这些填馅是你自己做的吗?这些洋芋,老天啊!尝尝这些芽菜!这个番薯焙盘是谁带来的?嗯,没拿到那份食谱我是不会离开这里的。