

疯狂英语·中学版 2013年5期

by anonymous



The American author F. Scott Fitzgerald, a 1)legendary figure of the 1920s, was a beautiful writer, and an 2)exceptional 3)craftsman. His 4)tragic life was 5)ironically similar to his romantic art, and a tragic example of both sides of the American Dream—the joys of young love, wealth and success, and the tragedies 6)associated with 7)excess and failure.

On September 24th, 1896, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born into an Irish 8)catholic family in St. Paul, Minnesota. His mother was from a wealthy family, and his father, Edward, was a furniture

9)manufacturer. After Edwards business failed, he was employed by Proctor and Gamble, and the family moved to New York. The family lived there for some years; but in 1908, when Fitzgeralds father lost his job, they returned to St. Paul.

Fitzgerald 10)enrolled at Princeton University in 1913. There, he worked on The Princeton Tiger, a magazine published by the university. He also wrote for Princetons Triangle Club, an organization that put on musicals. Due to ill health and low grades, he left the university in 1915. He returned to Princeton in 1916, but left a year later without a degree and joined the US Army. 11)Stationed in Alabama in 1918, he met and fell in love with an 18-year-old Southern 12)belle—Zelda Sayre. The two became 13)engaged. After he left the army he took an advertising job for a short period. Unfortunately, his rather small salary was not enough to 14)convince Zelda to marry him. Tired of waiting for him to make his fortune, she broke off their engagement in 1919.

Back home in St. Paul, after rewriting it for the third time, Fitzgerald finished his first novel, This Side of Paradise, which was published in 1920.

Fitzgerald, suddenly a rich and famous author, married Zelda a week after its publication. Of this period, he later recalled riding up Fifth Avenue in a cab—young, rich, famous, and in love (he might easily have added handsome)—suddenly 15)bursting into tears because he knew he would never be so happy again. He was right. Despite great earnings and fame, he and Zelda lived 16)grandly and 17)luxuriously—but tragically.

A daughter was born in 1921 after the couple had spent some time in Europe. When Fitzgeralds second novel, The Beautiful and Damned (1922), and a collection of short stories, Tales of the Jazz Age (1922), sold well, they rented a house on Long Island and ran into debt because of their 18)reckless spending. Fitzgerald tried to recover by writing a play, The Vegetable (1923), but it was unsuccessful. The Fitzgeralds went to Europe for over two years. The high points of this trip were the publication of The Great Gatsby (1925) and the beginning of Fitzgeralds friendship with Ernest Hemingway. In 1927, Fitzgerald went to Hollywood on his first movie 19)assignment. Afterward the Fitzgeralds again went overseas several times.

Zelda had her first major nervous 20)breakdown in 1930, and her following treatment in a Swiss clinic became the basis for Fitzgeralds next novel, Tender Is the Night (1934). Zelda spent the rest of her life in and out of treatment centers, and Fitzgeralds own life ran a similarly unfortunate 21)course.

Fitzgerald earned over 400,000 dollars between 1919 and 1934, but he and Zelda lived so expensively that they barely managed to cover their bills. When Tender Is the Night failed to excite interest, 22)financial problems became 23)critical. By 1937, Fitzgerald owed 40,000 dollars despite continued earnings from magazine stories; Zelda had returned to medical care in 1934;and the years from 1935 to 1937 saw Fitzgeralds own 24)decline—increasing 25)alcoholism and 26)physical illness. Fitzgerald was able to 27)land a job as a screenwriter for MGM注 in 1937, and was able to pay off 28)the bulk of his debt. Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood alone and began an 29)affair with Sheilah Graham. Zelda would spend the rest of her life in the hospital soon after. On December 21st, 1940, F. Scott Fitzgerald died of a heart attack. He was 44 years old at the time. His 30)untimely death may have been caused by years of heavy drinking. Zelda Fitzgerald died in a fire at Highland Hospital eight years later.






1921年,这对夫妇在欧洲度过一段时光后,他们的女儿降生了。菲茨杰拉德的第二部小说《美丽与毁灭》(1 9 2 2年)和短篇小说集《爵士时代的故事》(1922年)大卖之后,他们在长岛租下了一栋房












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