Host: And now, we turn to 1)ghostwriting. While in her 20s, Boston College English professor Amy Boesky lived a double life. She was working at a publishing company, wondering what she wanted to do with the rest of her life when she get a chance to write for the popular teen series“Sweet Valley High.” At first, Boesky thought shed write for pay for just a short time. But over the next six years, she was a struggling graduate student by day and a ghostwriter by night. Her professors knew her as Amy Boesky, but her readers knew her by her 2)pseudonym, Kate William. So this all began one night at a dinner party, as I understand it. Tell us about that.
Amy Boesky: Thats right. I had come to dinner with a friend of my fathers who was a childrens book author. She knew I was trying to publish a childrens book myself. And a friend-of-a-friend was there that evening, Francine Pascal, who had created, the previous year, what was turning out to be a 3)blockbuster, best-selling serial set of stories about the Wakefield twins, Elizabeth and Jessica, who were similar—identical in appearance, but were very different in personality. And somebody suggested that maybe I try out to write for the series. I did. I enjoyed it enormously, and I found myself getting hooked.
Host: And 4)thereby hangs a tale. Had you ever heard of the“Sweet Valley High” series before that?
Boesky: No, I hadnt. I had just finished doing an M.Phil. in 17th century British literature at Oxford. I was working as an editorial assistant and—though I grew up on the Nancy Drew mysteries, so, I, you know, Id certainly known about such ghostwritten fiction myself as a reader, I didnt know these books until—and in some sense, as I think in the process of writing them, I was also reading them with great pleasure.
Host: Now, you were studying John Dunn, am I right? Is that right?
Boesky: I was studying, essentially, all the literature of the 17th century that was—British 17th century that was not the drama—so, yes, Dunn, Milton, etc.
Host: So you were going from very 5)highbrow to kind of 6)lowbrow, we might say. Now, did you have to—you said you had—did you have to kind of try out for the job? How did you go about getting the job in the first place?
Boesky: I did. There was a tryout. You wrote a chapter and a—you wrote one chapter, and you wrote a chapter outline. And I discovered that the voices of these girls, not only Jessica and Elizabeth, but their friends, 7)resonated with my own, I suppose, 8)nostalgia, at that point, as a 23-year-old, for my own high school experience. And I found it enormously fun to write.
Host: So did you get to come up with the plot, the dramatic plot? Was that what you got to do? I mean, Im certain you had to follow a certain 9)template for part of it.
Boesky: We had. We—so ghostwriters—and I was—for the five or six years that I wrote for the series, it was mostly myself, and I was alternating with another ghostwriter. We would receive plot outlines that looked a little bit like freeverse poems. They were eight or nine pages long. And then I would devise a subplot. And I often tried to think about balancing the main plot, so something that was lighter if the main plot was 10)melodramatic, etc.
Host: Did you find that, Amy, did you find that having to write—ghostwrite according to a sort of template sometimes did help your skills, in a way?
Boesky: Well, its interesting. I think, you know, ghostwriting is much more widespread than some people realize. And,you know, theres the famous example, the Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, etc. You know, theres the Kate Fansler mysteries that were written by an English professor, Carolyn Heilbrun at Columbia. So its, you know, its kind of a widespread phenomenon. I think people do it for lots of different reasons. For me, it was a 11)discreet period in my 20s.
There can be a way of sharpening and 12)honing your skills as youre trying to kind of find your voice. People ghostwrite for money—that can be very helpful—and for gratification and pleasure. And I think for the period in which I was writing these books, it was all of those, absolutely.
Host: So you were writing your 13)dissertation at the same time that you were writing “Sweet Valley High” books?
Boesky: I was. And actually, it was on 14)Utopias of the 17th century. And, you know, I was thinking about that, and in some ways, theres no question that the world of Sweet Valley was this—I mean, it was a very 1980s, Reagan-era, suburban utopia. But it was a utopia of sorts. And maybe in some ways, it also helped me.
It was a kind of—I talk about it in the essay that I just wrote about this recently as being a sort of 15)antidote, a kind of 16)escape hatch from the more, kind of, 17)rigorous world of scholarship and academia in which I was living. But I think maybe it did help, in some ways, for me to theorize what these idealized places are that were so drawn to.
Host: Did you think that it would work against you in some way if your dissertation committee had found out? I mean, were you really worried about that, that were in the academic life, that they would—I dont know—that it would affect you negatively somehow if they knew?
Boesky: You know what? Its very interesting. I wrote—in the essay I just wrote about this, I talk about the fact that my—one of my advisers was talking about ghostwriting and Shakespeare. And, at the time, I was reading theory, Foucault and Bakhtin, and kind of trying to understand what we mean by the author function. And so, you know, at a theoretical level, I think that all of this was very interesting, and I dont think theyd mind at all now. But when youre sort of in the trenches working on scholarship, I dont know how they would felt about it then.
But, you know, I think there was a guilty pleasure for me, and you talked about the kind of high-low culture aspect,and I was very, very aware of that—I mean, these books with their 18)pastel covers and their—they were so 19)resolutely light.
Host: Amy, it sounds to me like ghostwriting was a pretty good experience for you. What made you give it up, eventually?
Boesky: You know, thats why I wrote this essay, because its interesting. Theres the writing of these books, which happened a long way back for me. And then I recently wrote this essay called “The Ghost Writes Back.” And it was about that question, which was: Why were they so compelling, and why finally did I stop? You know, for me, there was a really kind of fairly neat 20)trajectory that the span of time in which I was pursuing my doctorate, that was the time in which I was writing these books.
And I think there were a lot of ways—a lot of things ended. The 80s were ending. My doctorate program was ending. I took my first job. I was moving down to Georgetown to teach. And you know what? Its—I suppose like this happens with many people when theyre—theres a sort of voice inside you that says, you know, its time. This has been a good experience, but its enough now.
And I think for me, it really had a lot to do with what Ive talked about as moving into writing under my own name, which is such a funny concept, in a way, but it became—and I suppose its sort of part of—for me, anyway—it was working through my 20s and sort of figuring out the kind of writing that I wanted to do. But it just became increasingly clear that, for me, that was the sort of—the path I needed to take.