

疯狂英语·原声版 2013年6期

By Deborah Koons Garcia

不管是小麦、大米,还是藜麦、小米;不管是自家煮,叫外卖,还是下馆子,吃饱才是硬道理。可让人人都吃饱并不容易。根据World Hunger组织的数字,在2010年,全球有九亿两千多万的人吃不饱饭,相当于世界人口的13.6%。科学家挠破头皮,想尽各种办法以解决这个问题。要相信科学哦,办法总会有的。

Over recent years, the warnings have been growing louder and more urgent. Food scarcity is an issue that no one can ignore. With food demands predicted to double over the next four decades, as world population rises, and diets change, conventional farming methods will struggle to keep pace. If harvests stay at their present levels, then, by 2050, we will need new agricultural land the size of Brazil to produce enough food to feed the world. So, if an increasingly industrialized form of agriculture is not going to feed the worlds growing population, what is?

In the U.S., Professor Dickson Despommier believes his multi-story vertical farms could not only grow everything we need, but do it in the urban areas where most people live.

Dickson: The idea of a vertical farm is quite simple actually. It means simply to take existing greenhouses, and instead of making them flat and spread out all over the place, stack them on top of each other and turn them into a building, maybe 5, 10 or 15 stories tall. An outdoor farm of 10 acres of tomatoes is equivalent to one indoor acre of tomatoes. Because there are no crop failures due to weather events, and you can grow them year round. So that means you can actually feed as many people with a single acre indoors as you can with 10 acres of outdoor land. Vertical farming doesnt necessarily mean just plants, because we dont eat just plants. We eat various animals too. Its possible to connect plants to animals indoors, in separate facilities but connected together, so that I can now have an ecosystem in a building. And I think, in 10 years from now, this idea, although crude at the moment, will be refined enough so that almost every city that you go to will have a project on vertical farming.

Despomiers vertical farm is still only a computer graphic, but the different farming technologies that could make it a reality already exist.

In the UK, a project linking fish and plant production is already underway. Its called “aquaponics,” and Charlie Price is the man behind it.

Charlie: Aquaponics is the 1)integration of 2)aquaculture, or growing fish, with 3)hydroponics, which is growing plants without soil in water. In an aquaponics system, effectively, waste products from fish provide a nutrient source for plants and plants act as a filter for the fish. Then we take the off-cuts of the plants, produce worms in 4)wormeries to feed the fish, so its a constant recirculating loop.

This is what you could call a “virtuous cycle,” and it uses surprisingly little water.

Charlie: The water thats here stays here and gets recirculated through the system. Any small losses that we have through evaporation will get topped-up through rainwater harvesting, so aquaponics provides a really good solution for areas where water scarcitys an issue.








翻译:T Boy



