

质量与标准化 2013年2期


TheCornerstoneof theUnificationallunder heaven

书同文Allwritingiswiththesame characters车同轨carriageshaveallwheelsof thesamesize物勒工名CarvingNamesonUtensils法家制度文化思想CulturalTheoryofLegalism


To scan the appearances,yin-yang,and the orientations of the terrain or artifacts,in order to deal with various types of materials(substances)to manufacture utensils(for the needs of people's lives),is called BaiGong.


To carve the names of the craftsmen on the utensils is for the aim of verifying the truthfulness of them.If the utensils are exquisite while not sturdy,the craftsmen should be punished with due sentences,so that their fraudulent behaviors would be exposed.


To unify the units of measurements such as lengths,capacities,and weights.To unify the size of the axles of carriages and the widths of the roads.To unify the characters for all writing by the abolition of different characters from all the other countries


Utensils of the same kind must be with the same shapes,same sizes and same degrees.





Starting from the barbarism of the Stone Age,the human history has imperceptibly gone through hundreds of thousands of years.If the Hertzian Cone principle and the three functional elements of stone tools could be regarded as some parts of standardized methods which people have generalized about ancient humankind,Qin Dynasty,the first imperial dynasty of China,would have been the undisputed opener of standardized legal history of humankind.


As is known to all,during the centuries of battles against western ethnic minorities,Qin had been a backwater due to its emphasis on law-governing rather than culture and education.However,Qin had inadvertently preserved such cultural legacies as the language of the Zhou Dynasty,the standardized forms of Chinese characters and various social and ritual institutions for human life and production,which had become the earliest blueprints for the Chinese posterity's standardized practices.

事实上,在两千多年前秦国崛起的进程中,商鞅、吕不韦和秦王嬴政早已充分运用了一种被现代人称为“惠特尼标准化”的生产方式——无论是青铜马车,还是秦始皇兵马俑坑出土的众多兵器,不仅制作规整,其零部件轮廓误差亦不超过1 mm,充分体现了标准化的互换通用性本质。

In fact,during the process of Qin's rise more than two thousand years ago,Shang Yang,Lü Buwei and Ying Zheng,the king of Qin had already utilized a mode of production later called by modern people as Whitney Standardization.Both the bronzecarriageandthousandsofbronze weapons excavated from the Terracotta Warriar had been very orderly made,with the maximum error of 1mm in their outlines,which had exactly reflected the essence of standardization——interchangeability.


On this basis,a method called as Carving Names on Utensils had been invented by Qin people and had been developed into the ancient responsibility system for product quality based on real name system,whichthoroughlyreflectedtherefined managementthinkingofQinDynasty.The responsibility system had even been incorporated into the Qin Law·Work Law,applied to the state-run handicraftindustriesandmanagementofthe state-owned utensils,by setting roles and obligations forvariouslinksincludingmaking,supervision, calibration and use of utensils.After unified China,by laws and orders,Qin Shi Huang had been vigorously promoting the standardization of the tax systems,the currencies,the sizes of the axles of carriages,the characters for Chinese written language and the Chinese units of measurements such as measures and weights,which had laid the most important foundation for the unification of the Chinese nations and the domestic markets.


The sparkling outcomes of the standardization practices in Qin Dynasty have marked an inarguably important milestone in the history of China's standardization.Although the empire came to an end ultimately due to its extreme esteem for Legalism,the standardization activities our ancestors had taken during the times of Officials as Teachers,which had reflected the cultural theory of Legalism,had already exceeded the purely technical areas,and had undoubtedly awaken the first gorgeous wave of standardization practices in the long history of China.

(支持单位:上海市标准化研究院 整理:杨超 叶笑欣)


