摘要:探讨了9种不同保鲜剂对切花马蹄莲(Zantedeschia aethiopica)保鲜效果和观赏品质的影响。结果表明,切花马蹄莲采用保鲜剂50 mg/L苯甲酸进行瓶插处理,对减缓切花重量下降、促进花苞开放、花径增大、提高寿命等方面有显著的作用,保鲜效果好,建议在生产上应用。
关键词:切花;马蹄莲(Zantedeschia aethiopica);保鲜剂
中图分类号:S682.2+64;S482.2+95 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)05-1128-03
Study on the Fresh Preservation Effects of Nine Kinds of Preservatives on Cut
Flower Calla
ZHANG Zhi-hong,SUN Tian-shu,ZHU Feng-juan
(Jiangsu Changzhou Higher Vocational School of Construction, Changzhou 213016, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: The effects of nine kinds of different preservatives on ornamental quality and fresh preservation efficiency of cut flower calla(Zantedeschia aethiopica) were studied. Results showed that 50 mg/L benzoic acid could effectively slow down the loss of weight, promote the buds open and increase flower size and prolong life expectancy of cut flower of calla, had the best preservation effects among the tested preservatives, thus was suggested to apply in production.
Key words: cut flower; calla(Zantedeschia aethiopica); preservative