by Tyler Mahoney 译/Fiona Cai
It was 6 a.m. on March 13, 2009. I leapt from my bed knowing both Yale and Harvard had responded to my graduate school applications. Sitting at my kitchen table, I logged in, waited, knowing my future was on the line1) in two emails. My heart sank. I had been rejected by both schools. Like many men would do in these situations, I picked up my guitar and played the blues, and a catharsis2) came over me. It was the worst year to graduate from college since the Great Depression, and like most of my classmates that year I found myself with no job prospects and little hope. In the months that followed, I received my B.A. in theology and religious studies, applied for 30 jobs, got two interviews, and no job offers.
Welcome to real life. It inevitably happens, and it often invariably sucks. Generation Y3) experiences a distinctly Millennial kind of existential crisis. This is more than a coming of age4) tale in the style of The Graduate or Garden State; the moment when you have to face adulthood. I call this the “six month slap in the face,” though it is more commonly called the “quarter-life crisis.” It hits at the end of a tough break up, the minute you lay your hands on a $120,000 diploma, the middle of a family emergency, or your first day on the job. The paroxysms5) of terror you feel may be the first time you discover your own non-invincibility, the day you cease to be a stubborn Sisyphus6) and become a falling Icarus7). And you feel like everyone around you is getting engaged and has a better job. It sucks.
You might be a hotshot grad from a top college, yet still find yourself yearning for more, trying to accomplish a task just out of reach. Last year, I had an opportunity to launch an online start-up, and it was no cakewalk8). Though it was loads of fun, it ate all of my time. One can only work 80~90 hours for so many weeks. My time management skills were embarrassingly bad, and my relationships with family and friends suffered. My name was in several national newspapers, and I had nothing but an empty apartment and the early stages of carpal tunnel9) to show for it.
My quarter-life crisis ended with a return to academia: Im now a graduate student who mainly reads, writes and takes photos. How does one last through months of uncertainty, depression and the occasional pangs10) of chest-crushing anxiety? The following survival techniques have helped me through the quarter-life crisis.
Walk It Off
You must obey the basic needs of your body. Facing the toughest moments of your twenties practically requires proper diet and exercise. I cant emphasize the importance of physical health enough. Take the time to run for 30 minutes, three times a week. Im no medical professional, but Id imagine that even they have a hard time measuring the amount of stress that running can destroy. Fast food will not make you feel good. Throw your junk food away and buy fruits and vegetables. Does any sane diet reject veggies? No. Changing your diet for the better helps.
I fight anxiety off with evening walks. Twenty minutes of fresh air and contemplation goes a long way11) to restoring mental health. If that doesnt work, journaling to organize your thoughts helps, even if its just to get your ideas out of you. Coping methods are important and are by no means weaknesses.
Hold the Course
Dont make major decisions when times are really tough. Changing directions repeatedly is a great way to get stuck in the quarter-life crisis. Making major life changes to get out of the QLC is a quick fix, which, like so many quick fixes, can prolong your problems. You might move to a new city, transfer to a new college, drop out or quit your job. But if youre bummed out12) or depressed, your mind is not sound. Serious life decisions should wait for the calm after the storm, lest you make rash decisions that leave you with regrets later.
Perseverance is a virtue. At several times in my grad school career, when my papers piled high and my prospects looked bleak, I was ready to quit. But each of those times I put my nose to the grindstone13) and worked harder. In those stressful times I had difficulty contemplating perseverance, but sticking with my commitments has only made me stronger.
Stick Together
You shouldnt go it alone. Life will repeatedly slap you in the face during your quarter-life crisis, but good company will soothe your swollen cheeks. Your friend groups will shift after college, and you will keep in touch with those you care about and lose touch with others. We are social animals: dont pretend youre the only one going through this episode. Lean on others, demand home cooked meals, and breathe every once in a while.
Many of us will find ourselves in new environments where we dont know anybody. Cure yourself of your isolation. Volunteer at a local organization like the Boys and Girls Club14) or a community center. You are bound to find other twenty-somethings, and the law of averages15) guarantees that some of them will be fun people. When times got tough and I knew I needed to keep my mind busy, I started taking pictures again and took on a volunteer gig16) at a community center.
A Satisfied Mind
I was eventually accepted by my top choice for grad school, Duke University. Though I was waitlisted at first, I continued sending extra letters of recommendation and called them until I got in. Spamming17) is apparently an effective admissions tactic. Perseverance paid off, but dont think of perseverance as some kind of fundamental disposition. Margaret Wheatley, a well-known organizational consultant says, “Perseverance is a choice. Its not a simple, one time choice. Its a daily one. Theres never a final decision.”
Hang in there18). You cant plan your whole life out. Most of the opportunities that will come your way will happen randomly. In the end hold on to what is important, or to quote one of my favorite songs, “Money cant buy back your youth when youre old, or a friend when youre lonely, or a love thats grown cold. The wealthiest person is a pauper19) at times, compared to the man with a satisfied mind.”
1. on the line:(指工作、职业、名誉等)面临风险,岌岌可危
2. catharsis [k??θɑ?(r)s?s] n. 陶冶,净化(美学用语,亚里士多德倡导的由艺术作用引起的精神净化或情感解脱)
3. Generation Y:Y代人,通常指出生于1970年代末或1980年代之后的人,又称“千禧一代”。
4. come of age:成年,达到法定年龄
5. paroxysm [?p?r?k?s?z(?)m] n. (感情等的)突发
6. Sisyphus:西绪福斯,是希腊神话中的人物。他因具有卓尔不凡的智慧惹恼了众神,被惩罚将大石推上陡峭的高山。但每次当他快要把大石推到山顶时,石头就会从他手中滑落,他因此干着无止境的劳动。
7. Icarus:伊卡洛斯,希腊神话中的人物。在与父亲利用蜡翼飞离克里特岛时,他因飞得太高,双翼上的蜡被太阳融化,不幸坠海而亡。
8. cakewalk [?ke?k?w??k] n. 易如反掌的事情
9. carpal tunnel:这里指腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome)。
10. pang [p??] n. 一阵极度的痛苦;猛然发生的感觉
11. go a long way:有很大作用,大有帮助
12. bum out:〈美俚〉使灰心丧气;使烦躁
13. put ones nose to the grindstone:(使某人)一刻不停地拼命干
14. Boys and Girls Club:男孩女孩俱乐部,美国全国性的公益组织,成立于1860年,致力于增进会员健康,培养其社交、教育、职业和个性能力。
15. law of averages:(事物变化的)常规;(人的)行为惯例
16. gig [ɡ?ɡ] n. 工作,任务
17. spam [sp?m] vt. 向……大量发送垃圾邮件
18. hang in there:〈口〉不泄气,坚持下去
19. pauper [?p??p?(r)] n. 赤贫的人