by Claudia Infusino 译/张玲
At twenty-four, I had just finished school, was planning my wedding and felt fully in control of my life. I thought I had it all—an education, a wonderful fiancé, a great family—but I would soon learn that I had breast cancer, too.
The beginning of 2009 had been filled with lots of things to look forward to. My social life was just as it always was—nights out to concerts, hanging out with friends, watching films, blogging—and on top of that1) I was starting to think about my wedding and planning for my career.
Having just finished the Book & Magazine Publishing program at Centennial College2), I was getting my first real taste of the working world as an intern at Faze Magazine, and was feeling as if Id done the right thing by going back to school after graduating from U of T3). Although I was getting married and preparing for real adulthood, I still felt young and alive, and was so excited to get ready for the next chapter of my life.
Late one night in June of that year I happened to watch Elegy4), a film where a woman (played by Penelope Cruz5)) gets breast cancer. When it was over, I took a shower and then suddenly, under my soapy hand, I felt a hard little piece of something near my right breast, close to my armpit6). Perhaps I was subconsciously more aware because of the movie I had just seen, but I was sure there was something strange there and knew I had never noticed it before. The next morning I went to see my doctor, and she sent me to have a mammogram7).
The mammogram results were inconclusive8), but to be safe I had a biopsy9) done. On July 15th, a breast specialist looked me straight in the eye and told me it was cancer.
Shock. Fear. Disbelief.
Despite my soup bowl of emotions, from the moment I heard those words the recovery ball was already rolling. The good thing about getting breast cancer at 24 is that people are interested and want to be involved.
I was sent for tests, scans and injections, and a month later underwent surgery that left me with about a quarter of my breast gone. Bummer10), right? Obviously. But the good news was, with it went the little tiny tumour11), less than 9 millimetres small.
This mindset12) of looking on the bright side had been my mentality since the beginning. Was I going to allow my diagnosis to be the end of my happiness? No. Why? Because I just refused to let it get in the way of all the good stuff I had going on. I mean, come on, I had a wedding to plan! I thought about the love of my life, David, and exchanging vows and whenever I felt sick or tired or ugly from the chemotherapy13) I remembered what was to come and what ought to be.
A lot of people would ask me if I was upset about getting cancer, but I would always say, “Upset at who? At what?” Theres no one to point the finger at.
My belief is that my body is science and sometimes things misfire14). Im no better than anyone else—people get sick all the time, and I just happened to be one of them. Being angry wasnt going to change anything, and it certainly wasnt going to make everything just disappear.
Dont get me wrong; there were plenty of times I would look in the mirror, stare at my bald head, at the incisions15) the surgery left me with and think to myself, “How can this be happening?” Some days felt like the end of treatments would never come. I would have trouble staying focused, and spent the occasional day feeling sorry for myself while binging16) on the couch. But there were also times, sitting in the Odette Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook, looking around at all the other people, that I realized I wasnt the only one on the planet going through it and—more specifically—I had good people around me, friends and family, as well as age on my side. Some patients were all alone and in a lot worse shape than me. Those were the moments I would gain perspective and remember that this wasnt going to be the end of the world.
With that in mind, I realized that I could take back control over my life by doing the right things and having the right outlook. I knew that the cancer was already there, but I thought about what I could do for myself aside from the treatments. For instance, I immediately looked for information about the right foods to eat and completely changed my diet—which Im still following, and I feel healthier than ever!
I never wanted my diagnosis to be something sad, or limiting, so I decided to have some fun with it and instead of just letting my hair fall out from chemotherapy, I cut my long, brown hair really short and dyed it platinum blonde. Taking that action gave me a sense of choice. And that, ultimately, is how I got through everything. I always knew I had a CHOICE. I could choose to be miserable and feel bad for myself, or, I could choose to stay positive and look at all the things I was lucky for.
I was lucky I caught it early, before it spread. I was lucky to get great medical attention and care. I was lucky to have a supportive and loving family. I was lucky to have the best friend in the entire universe anyone could ever dream of. I was lucky to have a man who loved me enough to stand by me. Maybe these things seem small compared to the weight of a cancer diagnosis, but that is the whole point: choosing to perceive it all in a healthy way.
The biggest decision I made that really helped me was deciding not to cancel my wedding. Despite not knowing how I would feel or look when the big day would arrive, I knew that if I changed the date I would only be letting the cancer defeat me.
And knowing I had such a huge thing to look forward to kept me motivated. It even led me to start an intense workout regime17) after chemotherapy because the treatment left me so weak. I had so much energy at the reception I danced until 2 am. I felt and looked amazing, because I chose to. So what if I had to wear a wig? I was marrying the most incredible man, and got to share that day with everyone close to me. Those were the important things.
Its only been a few months since Ive finished all my treatments, and Ive already accomplished so much: Ive had my wedding, a 23-day European honeymoon, moved into a condo in the city and started a new job. But there are always endless things to look forward to.
With all the things I will go through, and no matter what comes my way18), I always remind myself that although the present can be tough, at some point, Im going to look back and take it as a past experience. For me, now, breast cancer was just another thing Ive gone through.
1. on top of that:除此之外
2. Centennial College:百年理工学院,位于加拿大多伦多市,已有34年的建校历史。
3. U of T:即多伦多大学(University of Toronto)
4. Elegy:《挽歌》,西班牙著名导演伊莎贝尔·科赛特(Isabel Coixet)2007年拍摄的影片,讲述的是一位名叫大卫·科佩什的文艺评论家兼大学讲师在古稀之年陷入师生恋后引起的各种感情纠葛。文中提到的女人是这位男主角的前妻。
5. Penelope Cruz:佩内洛普·克鲁兹(1974~),西班牙好莱坞著名演员,2007年凭借电影《回归》(Volver)入围奥斯卡、金球奖及英国电影学院奖最佳女主角,2009年凭借电影《午夜巴塞罗那》(Vicky Cristina Barcelona)夺得奥斯卡金像奖以及英国电影学院奖的最佳女配角奖。
6. armpit [?ɑ?mp?t] n. 腋窝
7. mammogram [?m?m?ɡr?m] n. 乳房X线照片
8. inconclusive [??nk?n?klu?s?v] adj. 不确定的,非决定性的
9. biopsy [?ba??psi] n. 切片检查
10. bummer [?b?m?(r)] n. 失望,失败,不愉快的事件(或经历、局面等)
11. tumour [?tju?m?(r)] n. 肿瘤
12. mindset [?ma?ndset] n. 头脑,精神,情绪
13. chemotherapy [?ki?m???θer?pi] n. 化学疗法
14. misfire [?m?s?fa??(r)] vi. 失败,不奏效
15. incision [?n?s??n] n. 切口,伤痕,疤痕
16. binge [b?nd?] vi. 暴饮暴食
17. regime [re???i?m] n. 生活制度
18. come ones way:(某事)发生在某人身上