by Kathy Sweeney 译/Sherry Zhang
Olivia Bee is not your typical American teenager. For one thing, people want to hear what she has to say—and are willing to pay for the privilege. A good thing, too, since the disarmingly1) self-assured 18-year-old has plenty to say. Already financially independent and living in Brooklyn, New York (shes originally from Portland, Oregon), Bee takes photographs, often of friends, which lean towards the documentary but have a foothold in art. Shes been doing it since the age of 11. “I took a photography class in sixth grade, and I started putting the pictures on Flickr2), to show people what was going on in my life.” She quickly established a cult following and by 15, she had turned professional.
Nan Goldin3) is a major influence, but while Goldins photographs portrayed the seamier side4) of sex and drugs and rock n roll, Bee finds a dreamlike, innocent colour in her friends gently dissolute5) experimentation. There are no grimy rooms or drug paraphernalia6) on show here; she makes being a teenager look bohemian and enticing. Beautiful youth is a marketing mans dream, of course, and so at breakneck7) speed she has taken the art—and advertising—worlds by storm.
Given that so many established photographers want to break into the lucrative world of advertising, its a remarkable achievement. How did it happen?
“Converse8)s ad agency, VSA9), saw my stuff on Flickr and kept emailing me saying they wanted to work with me. I thought it was spam—I didnt know what an ad agency was, let alone VSA Partners,” she shrugs. “Eventually Converse emailed me: ‘Did you get the emails from our ad agency? Why arent you responding? Only then did I get it. And so when they did a shoot in Portland [where she was at school] they brought me on set and had me shoot some stuff.”
Since Converse took that gamble on her at the age of 15, she has shot campaigns for, among others, Nike, Subaru10), Levis and Hermès11) (“They sent me 30 scarves and said, do what you like”). Her work has been exhibited all over the world and she has an ongoing series in Le Monde12).
Last December, she addressed around 300 women at a TEDx13) conference in Amsterdam. “Nothing gets in my way,” she told them, “because I dont accept anything getting in my way.” She means it, too. She recently dispensed with a model on an Adidas shoot because she felt she wasnt listening to her. To say that shes an achiever would be something of an understatement.
In January, she shot Girls14) star Zosia Mamet for the New York Times magazine. This seems a perfect fit—if Bee wasnt taking pictures of the girls in Girls, shed probably be one of the girls in Girls. Its easy to imagine Jessa15) from that show taking snaps of the other characters, casually hitting the Zeitgeist16) and going stratospheric17). But, unlike those actors and contrary to the claims of some sceptics, Bee isnt “connected.” Her father works in IT and her mother is a hairdresser. Until she turned 18, one of them would chaperone18) her as she juggled19) paid assignments with homework.
“It was a legality thing. I also had to have a schoolteacher accompany me. It was kind of what actors have to do when theyre under 18. My parents have been great. They dont help unless I ask for it; they let me do my own thing.” The work did take its toll20) on her studies, however. “For a few years, I was a straight-A student but then photos got in the way. I was pretty good at maths and science. I was a good reader and Im really good at writing and art. I was not good at PE and music class could be stressful. I was pretty academically inclined and smart overall.”
Even with such preternatural confidence, directing people is difficult at any age, especially in the macho21) world of photography. so where does her authority come from? “Im an assertive person and I know what I want. And Im going to get what I want if I can. I know how to do that. Being 18 and a girl can be really hard. People dont take me seriously—until they see me work. Sometimes, even if theyve seen my work, theyre still nervous and have to convince their client its OK, or they have to lie about it,” she says, candidly.
“Obviously its probably hard to trust me straightaway. I know Im good at my job and I know someone could put any prop in front of me and I could shoot it in a way I think is successful. But its still hard. Most photos in advertising are shot by 50-year-old men and Im not a 50-year-old man.”
Professional jealousy has also been an issue, unsurprisingly. “When I got the Fiat22) 500 campaign, a lot of men were very angry because a girl who had just turned 17 got that job and they didnt. When I turned 18, it was a little less of a problem—I was then a very young adult. But often people think Im a PA or a very small model.”
She may be part of the Instagram23) generation, but she prefers the timeless quality that film brings to her pictures. “It lends itself to memory; its magical. I want to evoke nostalgia in everyone, and to take photos you can relate to24), regardless of your situation, your gender, race, where you grew up, whether youre a teenager …”
Like most high-achievers, she thinks big—her ambition is not limited to photography. “I will make movies at some point,” she declares breezily. “I want to make a feature film. A collection of memories, real and imagined.” Itd be a poor investment to bet against her25).
“匡威的广告代理公司VSA在Flickr网站上看到了我的作品后,一直给我发邮件,说想要和我合作。我以为是垃圾邮件——我不知道广告代理公司是做什么的,更别提VSA Partners广告公司了,”她耸了耸肩说道,“最后匡威给我发了邮件:‘您是否收到我们广告代理公司的邮件?您为什么没有回复?那一刻我才明白是怎么回事。就这样,后来他们在波特兰(比伊在那里上学)拍摄时,就让我加入其中,让我来拍一些东西。”
1. disarmingly [d?s?ɑ?(r)m??li] adv. 解人忧虑地,消除敌意地
2. Flickr:一家提供在线照片管理和分享的网站。该网站由加拿大Ludicorp网络软件公司开发设计,2005年3月被雅虎收购。
3. Nan Goldin:南·高丁(1953~),20世纪90年代纽约最著名的女摄影师、艺术家
4. seamy side:(生活等的)阴暗面
5. dissolute [?d?s?lu?t] adj. 放荡的,耽于酒色的
6. paraphernalia [?p?r?f?(r)?ne?li?] n. (与某一活动有关的)用具,装备
7. breakneck [?bre?k?nek] adj. 极快的
8. Converse:匡威,世界顶级运动品牌之一,1908年创始于美国,创办人是美国人摩尔·匡威(Mills Converse, 1861~1931)。
9. VSA:美国一家广告创意服务公司,全称为VSA Partners, Inc.。
10. Subaru:斯巴鲁,富士重工业株式会社(FHI)旗下专业从事汽车制造的一家分公司,成立于1953年。
11. Hermès:爱马仕,法国著名时装及奢侈品品牌,1837年由蒂埃利·爱马仕(Thierry Hermès, 1801~1878)创立。
12. Le Monde:《世界报》,法国第二大全国性日报,是法国在海外销售量最大的日报。
13. TEDx:指那些由本地TED粉丝自愿发起、自行组织的小型聚会,以让本地的TED粉丝能够聚到一起分享类似TED的经历与体验。TED不会参与TEDx活动,但是会对活动组织者给予指导和意见。TED (即technology、entertainment、design的缩写)是美国一家私有的非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。
14. Girls:《衰姐们》,美国热门电视系列剧,2012年在美国HBO (Home Box Office)电视网首播。
15. Jessa:杰西,美剧《衰姐们》中的主角之一,由来自英国的女演员杰米玛·科克(Jemima Kirke, 1985~)饰演。剧中的Jessa时尚、有个性,深受观众的喜爱。
16. Zeitgeist [?za?t?ɡa?st] n. (尤指文学、哲学和政治中表现出的)时代精神,时代思潮
17. stratospheric [?str?t??sf??r?k] adj. 最上层的,最高部位的
18. chaperone [???p?r??n] vt. 给……作监护人,陪伴
19. juggle [?d??ɡ(?)l] vt. 力图使平衡
20. take its toll:带来不好的影响
21. macho [?m?t???] adj. 富有男子汉气概的,大男子主义的
22. Fiat:菲亚特,意大利著名汽车制造公司,成立于1899年。
23. Instagram:一款用于图片分享的移动应用程序,可以快速地将人们随时抓拍的图片分享给其他人。
24. relate to:发生共鸣,认同,欣赏
25. bet against sb.:打赌断定某人不行