

新东方英语 2013年8期

by Bill Saporito 译/铭之


David Beckham may be the only athlete who can add glamour to Paris. But after helping to deliver recognition and the French championship to Paris St. Germain1), soccers most famous global brand is hanging up his boots2). They are not leather boots, but they are well-traveled and brimming with medals.

From Manchester United3) to Real Madrid4) to the Los Angeles Galaxy5) and A.C. Milan before landing finally in Paris, the 38-year-old sprinkled his football fairy dust everywhere. He earned league titles at Man U, Real, the Galaxy and PSG. His haul6) includes FA Cup7) and Champions League glory. He played 115 times for England, the most by any outfield player8), singlehandedly getting that nation into—and out of, famously—the World Cup. In a statement Beckham said: “Im thankful to PSG for giving me the opportunity to continue but I feel now is the right time to finish my career, playing at the highest level.”

I can remember Beckhams first game in New York in 2007 after he joined the Galaxy. The game was at Giants Stadium, where the Red Bulls typically drew 12,000 to 15,000 fans. Becks nearly filled the joint9), attracting 66,237 fans, a record, and played superbly in a 5-4 LA loss. But the MLS10) was the big winner. His signing by MLS Commissioner Don Garber and now-Arsenal CEO Ivan Gazidis gave the league the kind of caché it sorely needed. And even though Beckhams management team made a complete mess of his first year in LA, he would deliver to LA and the MLS everything they wanted: global recognition and an endorsement that the league could accommodate world-class players. The value of MLS franchises is increasing rapidly, and more top-shelf players are arriving every year, and Beckham deserves some of that credit.

Beckhams star power, his brand equity11), his style leadership, exceeded his playing ability. His string of deals with the likes of Adidas, Sainsburys, Samsung, Pepsi, Gillette, H&M and others made him wealthy beyond any soccer player, long before his skills declined. He may have had as many hairstyles as he did goals, and as many tattoos as endorsements12). His ego and machismo was plainly visible in the underwear ads he did. But it all belied13) a sometimes benign personality: when you talked to him he often seemed like just a guy trying to get on with it—and in that slightly squeaky voice that had none of the muscle of his body.

His quest for the limelight14) was not hurt by Mrs. Becks, Victoria Posh Spice Adams, the pop star turned fashion designer who brought her own mega-wattage into the marriage. It made them unavoidably photogenic15), a royal celebrity couple. At the Olympic Games in London last summer, Becks wasnt judged good enough to play for Team Great Britain (which proved to be an Team Inept without him), but he nevertheless was given a role in the opening ceremony—along with the Queen. It was fitting, because when England made its bid to host the Olympics, it sent Becks to make the pitch16).

As a pure football talent, Becks was pretty good. A right-sided midfielder, he found stardom first at an early age at Manchester United, joining the team as a 16-year-old in 1991 and becoming a starter in the 1995 season alongside future greats such as Eric Cantona, Roy Keane and Paul Scholes. Becks announced himself to the greater football world the following season with a chip17) over the goal keeper—from midfield. It didnt end well at Man U, not after Sir Alex Ferguson18) kicked a boot at Becks after a bad performance, cutting his players head. Although Beckham now calls him a father figure, the kid left the family, for more glory, at Real Madrid for a $38 million transfer fee. A team known as Los Galacticos19) would seem a perfect fit for a brand like Beckham. But Spanish football didnt necessarily mesh with his style, even though he won the league with them in his last year.

Still, Beckham was a great entertainer—and oh, that right foot. It could mesmerize20) the crowd and panic the opposition. The man could launch missiles with it, 70-yard daggers across the field that veered back viciously, seemingly against the laws of physics. They are the kind of passes21) that players call a heavy ball, hit with such tremendous pace that onrushing forwards merely have to get a head or foot on to knock home. That foot could slit open defenses like they were overripe melons.

The beauty of the crosses22) could only be outdone by his free kicks, so incredible to watch. You remember the anticipation of the crowd and the anxiety behind the ball as those opponents line up to try to defend a Beckham free kick. They were nasty, swerving balls that defied the four-man wall of defenders 10-yards away, climbing over them as if lifted by some magical force and then diving for the corner, bending, bending away from some despairing goalkeeper. They were art forms. And they were Englands ticket to the World Cup. His strike against Greece in a 2001 qualifying game is still legendary.

And so is his worst moment: getting chucked from the World Cup match against the hated Argentina in 1998 for retaliation23), a move that led to Englands losing the game on penalties24). (Because England always loses on penalties.) The headline in Rupert Murdochs Sun, which normally features pictures of topless women, was this: No [Boobs] Today Lads, Just Beckham.

And now it will be no boots, just Beckham the celebrity and Beckham the soccer executive. Hes signed a deal to be the ambassador for Chinas professional league, which has been beset by corruption scandals. Becks to the rescue25). If that doesnt work out, as part of his deal with MLS he has the option to invest in an expansion team26). And there happens to be one being put together in New York City, which just might be big enough for a guy with global football ambitions and celebrity to match.











1. Paris St. Germain:巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部(简称PSG),其球队在历史上两次获得法国足球甲级联赛冠军,并获得过一次欧洲优胜者杯的锦标。

2. hang up ones boots:(足球运动员)挂靴,停止足球生涯

3. Manchester United:曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部(简称曼联),是英格兰足球史上最为成功的俱乐部,在欧洲赛场上共获得三次欧洲冠军杯冠军、一次优胜者杯冠军和一次欧洲超级杯冠军。

4. Real Madrid:皇家马德里足球俱乐部(简称皇马),是位于西班牙首都马德里的足球俱乐部,前称马德里足球队,是现今欧洲乃至世界足坛最成功的俱乐部之一。

5. Los Angeles Galaxy:洛杉矶银河队,是美国职业足球大联盟(MLS)的球队之一。

6. haul [h??l] n. [喻]经努力获得的数量

7. FA Cup:英格兰足总杯(The Football Association Challenge Cup),简称“足总杯”,是由英格兰足球协会命名并主办的一项男子淘汰制足球杯赛,也是世界上历史最悠久的足球比赛。

8. outfield player:不是守门员的运动员

9. joint [d???nt] n. 〈口〉公共场所

10. MLS:美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer),筹建于1993年,分为东西两大联盟,是美国最高等级的职业足球联赛。

11. brand equity:品牌资产

12. endorsement [?n?d??(r)sm?nt] n. (明星、名人等)为商品等做的代言和宣传

13. belie [b??la?] vt. 掩饰;使人(对于某事物)产生错误的或不符合实际的想法

14. limelight [?la?m?la?t] n. 公众注意中心;著名

15. photogenic [?f??t???d?en?k] adj. 适合拍照的,上照的,上(电影)镜头的

16. make a pitch (for):为……作宣传

17. chip [t??p] n. [足] (踢过对方队员头顶传给本方队员的)撮球

18. Sir Alex Ferguson:亚历克斯·弗格森爵士(1941~),世界上最著名和成功的足球教练之一,因其对英国足球的巨大贡献,1999年在白金汉宫被英国王室授予爵士爵位。

19. Los Galacticos:银河战舰,是用以形容西班牙皇家马德里足球俱乐部的称号。该称号源于皇马整齐划一的白色队服以及2000年开始组成的超豪华阵容。银河战舰通常被分为两期,第一期以齐达内、罗纳尔多、菲戈、劳尔、卡洛斯、贝克汉姆、欧文七大巨星为代表,第二期以卡西利亚斯、卡卡、C罗、阿隆索、本泽马等球员为代表。

20. mesmerize [?mezm?ra?z] vt. 迷惑;迷住

21. pass [pɑ?s] n. 传球

22. cross [kr?s] n. (足球的)横传

23. retaliation

[r??t?li?e??(?)n] n.


24. penalty [?pen(?)lti] n. 罚点球(任意球的一种)

25. to the (sb.s) rescue:为营救(某人);为救助(某人)

26. expansion team:〈美〉(职业球队的)特许扩编(指从协会购得特许权后可以从其下属其他球队招募队员而扩建或新建球队)

