Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage


时代英语·高三 2013年8期


preserve v. 保护;保存

sharpen v. 使变锋利

list v. (按某次序)把……列表,列清单

honour v. 给予荣誉

contribute v. 促成

recommend v. 建议

enlarge v. (使)增大;(使)扩大

undertake v. 许诺做某事;同意做某事

ignore v. 忽视;不理;不管

agreement n. 协议

existence n. 存在

relation n. 亲属;亲戚

beast n. 野兽

evolution n. 进化;演变

weed n. 野草;杂草

length n. 长度

request n. 请求;要求

monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆

mankind n. 人类

status n. 法律地位

virus n. 病毒

seminar n. 讨论课,研讨会

mercy n. 仁慈,宽恕;幸运;恩惠

absence n. 缺乏;没有

guidance n. 指导,引导,咨询

precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的

subjective adj. 主观的

thorough adj. 彻底的;全面的;详尽的


of vital importance 至关重要

apart from 除……之外

go through 获准,经过程序

be honoured for... 因……而受到尊敬

in return 反过来

at the mercy of... 受……支配

remind sb of sth 使某人想起……

agree on... 对……取得一致意见

a list of... ……一览表

be famous for... 因……而出名

contribute to... 有助于……

raise money 筹款, 募捐

get involved 介入

a request for 请求,要求……

be in danger (of...) 处于(……)危险之中

be interested in... 对……有兴趣

take in 接受;理解

consist of... 由……组成

belong to 属于

at a(n)...rate 以……的速度

write down 写下

be more likely to... 很有可能……

dozens of 许多

1. 虚拟语气;

2. 地点状语从句;

3. 条件状语从句;

4. 让步状语从句。


1. relation n. 亲属,亲戚;(relations)[pl.](人、团体、国



This party is held for friends and relations.


We seek to improve relations between our two countries.


He wants to understand the relation between rainfall and crop yields. 他想了解降雨量和农作物产量之间的关系。

in relation to 关于,涉及;和……联系起来看

I have some comments to make in relation to this matter.


Its brain is very small in relation to its body.


relate v. 讲述,叙述;把……联系起来

relative n. 亲属,亲戚

adj. 相比较而言的;相对的,相关联的

related adj. 相关的,有联系的

2. list v.(按某次序)把……列表,列清单;列举

n. 列表,清单,目录

I was asked to list my ten favorite songs.


Pangolin is listed among Chinas endangered animals.


Having to wait hours came high on the list of complains.


You should make a list of things you want to do next.


on the list 在表上

Sir, is your name on the list?


3. precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,贵重的,珍爱的

He poured a few drops of the precious liquid into the glass.


That new toy is my most precious possession.


4. length n. 长度,长

My room is twice the length of the kitchen.


We discussed shortening the length of the course.


in length 在长度方面

Each class is 45 minutes in length.


lengthen v.(使)变长

5. request n. 请求,要求

v. 请求,要求

My request was granted.


Your presence is requested at the meeting.



(1) a request for 请求/要求……

They made a request for further aid.


(2) request sb to do sth 请求/要求某人做某事

I requested him to bring his English teacher to see me.


(3) request that... (should)... 请求/要求……

All teaching staff requested that the head teacher (should) reconsider his decision.


(4) be requested to... 被要求/被请求……

You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.


(1) at the request of... 根据……的请求/要求

The name of the murder victim wasnt published in the newspapers, at the request of the judge.


(2) by request 按照请求/要求

The writers name was withheld by request.


6. mercy n. 仁慈,宽恕;幸运,恩惠

The soldiers showed no mercy to their hostages.


Its a mercy that the car accident happened so close to the hospital. 幸亏车祸发生在离医院很近的地方。

without mercy 无情地

He was treated without mercy.


7. honour v. 尊敬,尊重;使感到荣幸;给予荣誉

n. 尊敬,尊重;荣幸;荣誉

Children should honour their father and mother.


Were deeply honoured that you should agree to join us.


He has been honoured with the Nobel Prize for his scientific achievement. 他因科学成就而被授予诺贝尔奖。

Its our great honour to have the Queen here today.


The soldiers are fighting for the honour of their country.


in honour of... 为向……表示敬意

This is a party in honour of the visiting president.


honourable adj. 可敬的,值得钦佩的;体面的

8. contribute v. 捐献,捐赠;促成;增加;(给杂志、报


Would you like to contribute to our collection?


Various factors contributed to his downfall.


This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. 这本书对我们了解这门学科无所助益。

She regularly contributes to the college magazine.


contribute to 有助于,促使(发生某情况);捐献,捐赠;


A proper amount of exercise contributes to health.


contribution n. 捐献(物),捐赠(物);贡献,促成作


make a (great) contribution to... 对……作(很大)贡献

He made a very positive contribution to the success of the project.


9. recommend v. 推荐,介绍;劝告,建议


(1) recommend sb sth/ sth to sb 向某人推荐某物

I recommended all my students the book / the book to all my students.


(2) recommend sb for... 推荐某人……

They recommended her for the job. 他们推荐她做这个工作。


(1) 后跟名词或代词

The report recommended a 10% pay increase.


(2) 后跟复合结构

Wed recommend you to book your flight early.


(3) 后跟从句

The committee has recommended that the training programme (should) be improved. 委员会建议培训计划应当改进。

(4) 后跟动名词

He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.


10. apart from (=except for) 除……之外(都);

(= in addition to/ as well as) 除……之外(还)

Ive finished apart from the last question.


Apart from being too large, it just doesnt suit me.


11. remind sb of... 使某人想起……

You remind me of your father when you say that.


That smell reminds me of my hometown.


remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事

Please remind your classmates to bring their books when they come.





The Albinas married when Mr Albina was 30, and they spent the early years of their marriage in Argentina. Then they decided to move to Chile, which meant they had to cross the Andes Mountains. They and their 20 sons made the difficult two-week journey on horses. One night there was a terrible snowstorm in the mountains, during which Mrs Albina gave birth to triplets(三胞胎), a boy and two girls.

Mrs Albina now has 30 more girls, including the twins who are 15 months old. The oldest Albina children are in their 30s and 40s. Theyre on their own now, but 18 of the kids still live with their parents in a two-room house. The house has electricity but no toilet or running water. Clearly, the Albinas dont have enough money and food for the big family. Why, then, do they continue to have children?

The Albinas do not use birth control because it is against their religion. They can let other people take care of their kids, but Mrs Albina doesnt allow it. “When we were babies,” she said, “our mother left us at an orphanage(孤儿院)and never returned. Then a couple adopted my brothers, and I was left behind. I was heartbroken. I promised that when I became a mother I would never give my children away.”

So the Albina family continues to grow. They have so many kids that they run out of names and had to give some children the same name. There are three Susannas, three Miriams, two Estrellas, and two Soledades.

Will the family stop at 53 kids? Mr Albina is 77, and Mrs Albina is 59. “Im getting old,” she said with a smile, “and I would like God to think of me and consider my age. But if God sends more children to me, yes, there will be more.”

1. What is said about the children in the Albinas in the text?

A. Some children are raised by others.

B. God sent the children to the Albinas.

C. The children are all twins or triplets.

D. Most of the children are independent now.

2. It can be inferred from the text that ___ .

A. Mrs Albina experienced a hard childhood

B. the Albinas would like to use birth control

C. ten kids in the family share the same name

D. the Albina family has lived in three countries

3. How old was Mrs Albina when the Albinas married?

A. 30. B. 25.

C. 12. D. 18.

4. How many girls does the couple have?

A. 30 B. 31

C. 32 D. 33


If you are planning to study in the USA, you need to consider several factors. Everyone has a different opinion about where are the best places to live in; also the best places to live in are not always home to the best schools. Finally, many schools specialize in different areas of study. The Massachusettes Institute of Technology, for example, is a great school for computer science and technology-related fields of study. However, if you want to study oceanography (海洋学), your interest may be better served by attending school in a place that is on a coastline or near the ocean.

Now I am sure that you know which schools are considered the best in the country. So I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live in.

California is a nice state. Northern California specially has very good weather. Los Angeles in southern California is another story though. Life in LA is full of excitement and speed, and sometimes—dangerous. As for me, I enjoyed the time I spent in Massachusettes, Virginia and Maryland and these states have a lot of history and culture. The weather is not as perfect as in California, but it is still quite nice. My favorite area of America is the Midwest. Middle America, I think, is home to the true America sense of values. In addition, there are many good universities there.

Also, you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the various states. You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably wont like the Midwest or even the Northeast. Open space, nature and peace and quiet? Then you probably should stay away from Americas larger cities. Are you interested in government? Then Washington DC is the only place for you.

5. Massachusettes Institute of Technology ___ .

A. is located on the coastline of the ocean.

B. is regarded as the best school in the USA.

C. is the best place to live in in the USA.

D. is known for science and other technology areas.

6. What should be considered first if you want to study in the US?

A. The climate. B. The scenery.

C. The living conditions. D. The studying conditions.

7. From Paragraph 3 we can find that California ___ .

A. is a small state in the US

B. is a historic and cultural state

C. is a state with different climates

D. is a dangerous place to study in

8. According to the passage, in America, if you like nature, you should study in ___ .

A. places away from big cities

B. big cities with a lot of sunshine

C. the Midwest or even the Northeast

D. the political center—Washington DC

1. I ____(建议)you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish.

2. He is afraid that all his ____(亲戚)will come to spend their holidays at his home.

3. That kind of dog is very ____(珍贵的), so she treats it as her own baby.

4. We all know that cigarette smoking is a major factor c to cancer.

5. Mother l the items she wants to buy when she goes out tomorrow.

Once I went on an outing with my American friends. In the way he looked after me very carefully. I was very much thankful to him. Besides said thank you, I added, “Youre so considerable.” As I said that, my friend, was previously wearing the bright smile, quickly took on a very bad look. I immediately realized something wrong, and I did not know where my mistake laid. Fortunately, my friend was really good at understanding other. He paused a second and said, “I think you want to say Im considerate.” I at once asked him about the differences between the two words.

1. 这个官员以优秀的道德素质而出名,除了从政府领的钱之外,他就没有个人收入了。

2. 没有这些权利所带来的安全与自由,保持高水准的精神健康状态会十分困难。

3. 这张纸上列举了很多至关重要的项目,所以要保管好这张纸。

4. 最后,我们就这个决定取得一致意见,应该多一个人介入,给我们一些适当的意见。

1. Its natural that not everyone, ___ you and me, is an expert on everything.

A. including B. includes

C. included D. to include

2. The police often warn the public not to respond to any e-mails ___ personal information.

A. requesting B. searching

C. asking D. questioning

3. My mother suggests I read more various kinds of books, for that ___ broadening my knowledge.

A. refers to B. adds to

C. contributes to D. relates to

4. After marriage Mr Lin reached a new point in his life ___ he needed to decide what to do next and think how to do that successfully.

A. that B. where

C. which D. what

5. ___ watering the flowers in her garden and cooking meals for her children, she also has to do other various things every day.

A. Apart from B. Rather than

C. Instead of D. Except for

It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes.The argument has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual growth by learning situation that has been designed for the average children.

There can be little doubt that special classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. However, to take these children out of the regular classes may create serious problems.

I observed a number of intelligent children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a regular class. In the special class, they showed little ability to use their own judgment, relying heavily on their teachers directions. In the regular class, on the contrary, having no worry about keeping up, they began to comment directly and freely on many problems, some of which were creative and imaginative.

Many are concerned that gifted children in regular classes become bored and lose interest in learning. However, this concern is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these adults simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are talented. Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they feel so goes far beyond the work they have in school. Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious. The gifted child who is bored is an anxious child.

1. What is the authors opinion of gifted children being grouped in special classes? (within 9 words)

2. Why do gifted children in a regular class become bored according to the text? (within 4 words)

3. What are people worried about if the gifted children are placed in a regular class? (within 9 words)

4. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 3? (within 10 words)

5. What is the title for this passage? (within 8 words)




The green lights in the robots eyes turn red, and then you know youre in trouble! Thats how it happens in the movies when robots begin to attack the human. But could it really happen?

Dr Daniel Wilson has recently published a book called How to Survive a Robot Uprising. Of course, Dr Wilson knows that his book is funny, but, he adds, “The book offers a summary of limitations of current robotic science.”

For example, if you want to confuse a robot who is trying to understand what youre saying, speak in a funny accent, or make a lot of background noise. Voice recognition software only works with very simple information unless it is “trained” to recognize a particular persons speech patterns, and even then, such software has a hard time figuring out non-speech noise when its trying to “hear” human speech. So if you want to have a conversation with another human and you dont want a robot to understand it, just take your friend and the robot to a loud party.

Robots can be confused by the unpredictable things. If one is warning to kill you, tell it that you love it and maybe asking for a nice hug might just throw it off its game. Robots have a hard time understanding sudden changes. Robots might be able to move faster than humans along smooth surfaces, but they have a hard time moving on rough ways. So if a robot is running after you, you should run through mud, dive into water and swim away for a while, slide across some ice, or run up a rocky hillside. Even a small amount of dirt or water is likely to disable most robots.

Meanwhile, robots can probably shoot at you quite well. Built out of metal, they have no fear or “feelings”. If youre fighting with a robot, go for the crowded bar instead of trying to shoot back.

While Dr Wilsons book shows the current limitations of robots, remember that these are also the main areas robotics scientists are working on to improve robots.

1. From the first two paragraphs, we learn that ___ .

A. a cinema was attacked by many robots

B. Dr Daniel Wilsons book is a bestseller

C. in fact robots have their own weaknesses

D. Dr Daniel Wilson survived the attack from the robots

2. How can you confuse a robot when speaking?

A. To speak at the back of the robot.

B. To try to make non-speak noise.

C. To talk with your friend at the top of your voice.

D. To change your accent or speak in a noisy background.

3. The underlined words “throw it off its game” in Paragraph 4 probably mean “___ ”.

A. destroy the robot

B. throw the robot away

C. make the robot mistaken

D. play a game with the robot

4. If robots are shooting at you, you should ___ .

A. go on rough ways

B. run to a crowded place

C. lie down and pretend to be dead

D. try to prevent him with moving words


Do you find that getting up in the morning so difficultly is painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that youre “hot”. Thats true. The time of a day when you feel energy at the top is when your cycle of body temperature is at its top. For some people the top comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so. But it leads to familiar sayings, such as: “Get up, John! Youll be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy top in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You cant change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe youre sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. Counteract your cycle to some degree by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning, but you have an important job to do early in the day, get up before you usually do. This wont change your cycle, but youll get up steam and work better at your low point.

Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a comfortable yawn(呵欠)and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Start without the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do simple work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy for your sharper hours.

5. If a person cannot get up early in the morning, ___ .

A. he should go to bed early at night

B. he should not work in the morning

C. he may work better by getting up earlier than usual

D. he must be one with the temperature-and-energy top in the evening

6. The underlined words “Counteract your cycle” in Paragraph 3 mean “___”.

A. follow your energy cycle totally

B. know your energy cycle quite well

C. change your energy cycle in a certain way

D. go against your energy cycle

7. What can we learn from the text?

A. Habit helps a person change his own energy cycle.

B. Knowing the energy cycle may help stop family quarrelling.

C. Getting off to work in a quick way helps save ones energy.

D. Dr. Kleitman finds out the explanation for different top times.

8. Whats the passage mainly about?

A. We can learn to form good habits to overcome laziness.

B. Everybody has his own energy cycle, and habit can help us live better.

C. We can get up earlier and work better if we know our energy cycle.

D. Energy cycle differs from person to person, and it is hard to be changed.

1. During the course of history, many ____(协议)have been made between France and England.

2. Its said that mens social ____(存在)determines their consciousness.

3. I hope that this ____(请求)would not embarrass you in any way.

4. Do you think a play of this l is too long for a magazine?

5. If I have any money, I will i it in that land.

Everyone, except perhaps little children, consider a journey on a bus an excited experience. Although there are thousands of cars on the roads, many people travel by bus than by car.

Workers rushing to their factories, children hurrying to the school, and housewives going shopping, all use buses. Buses today are largely and have comfortable seat, mostly facing the front. To get the driver to stop in a bus-stop, a passenger has merely to push a button, that rings a bell placed near the driver. The bus timetable for the city was well planned, and seldom does one have to wait very long to catch bus.

1. 一些人提议,中国应该采取多种方式获得大学新生,而不是只取决于高考。

2. 无论将来世界上发生什么事,都存在一样东西——勇气,它帮助我们所有人继续向前。

3. 令我们惊讶的是,所有囚犯都提出了同一个请求——他们每隔三天见一次他们的家人。

4. 战后,一栋新的教学楼建造在曾经是教堂的地方。

1. In fact, I still find it rather difficult for me to exercise more and sleep better in such a depressed situation, ___ I realize I should.

A. even if B. because

C. unless D. before

2. My mother is so careful that she will bring some medicine with her ___ some of us get sick while traveling.

A. as if B. even though

C. in case D. as long as

3. ___ , as a student, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study.

A. However interesting the story is

B. No matter interesting the story is

C. However the story is interesting

D. No matter how the story is interesting

4. He made a suggestion that the English test ___ until next Wednesday.

A. would be put off B. be put off

C. was put off D. put off

5. Because of the fact that skin cancer can be caused by too much ___ the sun, protect yourself from strong sunlight.

A. experiment on B. exposure to

C. contact with D. exhibition of

I lived in Dallas, Texas nearly all my life with my mom, dad and older sister. We were raised to respect others, value 1 , and get all that we could out of life. “You can be 2 you want to be,” my parents always said. “Work hard and the world is yours” was often heard in my house. My parents were 3

without a helpful word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life got 4 .

I always knew that going to college was expected 5 me. After all, both of my parents are college graduates with multiple degrees. 6 after I decided at 16 years old that Id rather get married to a man who was so 7 wrong for me than go to college, they never 8 telling me that they loved me and that I could do anything I wanted to do. Thankfully, they talked some 9 into me. I graduated from high school and currently(目前) 10 the University of Oklahoma. I am Pre-Med(医学院预科学生)with a major in chemistry. I want to make the world a better place. And I know that my parents are the

11 for this.

Every time I call home to tell them about a 12 I received in Chemistry Lab or Zoology or whichever class that Im working hardest for at the moment, they tell me how 13 of me they are. I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home to 14 they get an “A” on a project and I feel extremely 15 to have my parents.

I 16 everything I have to my parents. Without their

17 love and encouragement, I wouldnt believe that I can

18 the world. My parents taught me never to 19 and always to fight for what I 20 in. And so Im working toward something really great and can only hope that I continue to make them proud.

1. A. liberation B. revolution C. education D. creation

2. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody

3. A. usually B. never C. always D. sometimes

4. A. unusual B. dull C. different D. difficult

5. A. on B. of C. to D. in

6. A. Just B. Even C. Soon D. Still

7. A. clearly B. gradually C. mentally D. partly

8. A. continued B. stopped C. remembered D. forgot

9. A. sense B. confidence C. courage D. determination

10. A. appear B. admire C. admit D. attend

11. A. example B. reason C. force D. preparation

12. A. failure B. gift C. praise D. grade

13. A. nervous B. sure C. proud D. thankful

14. A. unless B. until C. when D. because

15. A. sad B. anxious C. fortunate D. unhappy

16. A. owe B. contribute C. offer D. devote

17. A. final B. continuous C. regular D. serious

18. A. control B. change C. create D. construct

19. A. blame B. worry C. perform D. settle

20. A. interest B. delight C. believe D. experience




There are currently 32 million people in the United States who speak a language other than English, an increase of 38 percent since 1980. The inability to understand and use English well can make their many daily activities such as reading a bus list or help-wanted advertisements difficult. Many people who have limited English face far more serious problems when trying to manage their own health.

Imagine being brought into an emergency room and being unable to describe to the doctor what is wrong, or not going to the doctor because you are worried that you wont be able to answer his or her questions. Imagine being prescribed a medicine and not understanding how to take it, or staring at the shelf in a store and being puzzled about which medicine to buy. These are the problems faced by many ESL(母语非英语的)students.

A recent study in the newspaper of General Internal Medicine showed that people who have difficulty reading or understanding health-related materials are twice as likely to end up in hospital as those who dont. This can be caused by simply not knowing the number of pills to take or not understanding the drug effects with their prescriptions.

Language obstacles can also cause problems in hospital. In another survey reported in the newspaper of General Internal Medicine, non-English speakers were less satisfied with their care in the emergency room, less willing to return to the same emergency room, and reported more problems with emergency care. In many cases, these problems happen because of communication difficulties between patients and health care professionals.

1. About how many people spoke languages other than English in the United States in 1980?

A. 32 million. B. 38 million.

C. 6 million. D. 23 million.

2. What may happen to the non-English speakers in the USA when managing their health?

A. They cant find a doctor.

B. They may become more anxious.

C. They dont know how to prescribe.

D. They may take the wrong number of pills.

3. Which has the closest meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3?

A. To stay in hospital.

B. To arrive at a hospital.

C. To cause problems in hospital.

D. To have to be sent to hospital.

4. What can we learn from the text?

A. ESL students live a hard life in the USA.

B. People all over the world should speak English.

C. Language obstacles do harm to health and safety.

D. More and more people realize the importance of English.


Most of what we call nightmares(噩梦)are simple extreme reactions and fear that go with uncom-fortable dreams. Often we are awoken by a nightmare and there can be a strong feeling of sadness, anger or guilt, but usually fear and anxiety.

Nightmares may have several causes, including drugs, medicine, illness, trauma or they may have no related cause. Often they occur when there is pressure in ones waking life, and when major life changes are occurring.

The Association for the Study of Dreams notes, “It really depends on the source of the nightmare. To rule out drugs, medicine or illness as a cause, discussion with a doctor is suggested. It is useful to encourage children to discuss their nightmares with their parents or other adults, but they generally do not need treatment. If a child is suffering from repeated or very disturbing nightmares, the help of therapist may be required. The therapist may have the child draw the nightmare, talk about the frightening characters, or imagine changes in the nightmare, in order to help the child feel safe and less frightened.”

Nightmares also offer the same chance that other dreams do to study the symbols for life improvement. In some American schools, children are taught coping methods that allow the children to come into relationship with the dream monsters(魔鬼)and fears in a story. Researchers find that those who have “thin” personalities or are sensitive are more likely to have nightmares than those with “thick” personalities. They are teaching people to take control of their dreams and have the results they wish rather than becoming the dreams victims.

5. According to the study, if a child has nightmares, ___ .

A. he must receive special treatment

B. he neednt pay much attention to them

C. he should ask for the help of an expert

D. hed better talk with his parents about them

6. What does the word “therapist” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. A parent. B. A doctor.

C. A scientist. D. A researcher.

7. We can learn from the text ___ .

A. nightmares have their own causes

B. nightmares are not bad and can be controlled

C. nightmares have the same causes as other dreams

D. sensitive people are more likely to have nightmares

8. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The causes of nightmares.

B. Suffering from nightmares.

C. What to come about in nightmares.

D. How to deal with nightmares.

1. The paint came off as the result of ____(暴露)to the rain.

2. I dont know enough about him to form an ____(估计)of his ability.

3. The successful investment is the one which can ____(增大)his personal fortune.

4. The cruel man was s his knife and wanted to kill the cute rabbit.

5. It was p that this matter be considered at the next meeting.

During this summer holiday I took part in special summer camp with some of my classmates. Where we made some new friends who were senior students from Canvey, a town on the Thames, lied to the east of London. As hosts, we showed them off many places of interests in Beijing, such as the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. And they told them about the changes which had been taken place in Beijing. They said that Beijing was quite different with what they had heard of and it was as beautifully as Canvey. I think the summer camp is of great valuable.

1. 你可以成为你想成为的任何一种人,只要你一直尽自己最大的努力。

2. 老师建议父母出于安全考虑不要让他们12岁以下的孩子骑自行车去学校。

3. 随着这种鸟以如此快的速度死亡,它很有可能在两年后处于危险之中,或者甚至消失。

4. 你最好阻止他搬进属于别人的房子。

1. More and more people begin to know that we may be destroying our earth ___ we can completely change the polluting way we bring now.

A. once B. although

C. but D. unless

2. As the teacher told us, ___ wildlife is a job which concerns you and me.

A. advancing B. reserving

C. preserving D. providing

3. To our surprise, the team ___ only 8 girls and 2 boys won the game at length.

A. consisting of B. consisted in

C. consisting in D. consisted of

4. In the library, after you have read the book, please put it back ___ it belongs before leaving.

A. to whom B. to which

C. what D. where

5. — Oh, my god! Im afraid my plane has ___ now?

— Dont worry! It will leave in half an hour.

A. taken up B. taken away

C. taken out D. taken off

Ninety-five percent of people never succeed because theyre following the wrong group.

A French scientist once made an experiment with caterpillars(毛虫)looking for food. He led a group of caterpillars onto the edge of a large flowerpot so that the leader of the group found itself nose to tail with the last caterpillar, forming a circle without end or beginning. Out of habit, the ring of the caterpillars circled the flowerpot for seven days and seven nights until they died of starvation. In fact, plenty of food was close at hand, but it was outside the range of the circle, so the caterpillars continued along the wrong path.

People often behave in the same way. For example, if someone shouts, “Fire!” many people will follow the crowd blindly and many thousands have died because of it. How many stop to ask themselves: Is this really the best way out of here?

Most people follow the crowd because it seems easier to follow the mainstream than to deal with change on their own even when that change may represent freedom, achievement and success. A hard thing for them to fully understand is that people in such numbers can be wrong. People thought the earth was flat and later it was believed that the sun, stars and planets travelled around the earth. Both ideas are now considered ridiculous, but at the time they were believed by the majority of followers.

Its a good idea to step out of the line every once in a while and look around to see if the line is going where they want it to go. Success only favors those who think outside the box.

1. How long did the caterpillar circle the flowerpot? (within 6 words)

2. Why couldnt the caterpillars find the food ever when it was close at hand? (within 10 words)

3. Why do most people follow the crowd rather than deal with the change on their own? (within 4 words)

4. Who are more likely to be successful? (within 6 words)

5. What is the best title for the text? (within 7 words)




Exploring space is a dream shared by many people, but few have ever experienced the thrill of space adventure. A few years ago, that field was open only to those who worked for NASA or the space programs of other nations. But now private companies are getting into the space race.

The X PRIZE Foundation planned to challenge ordinary people to explore the moon. The first team that successfully soft-lands a robotic rover (机器人探测器)on the moon will receive a $20 million prize. The second team to touch down on the moon will win $5 million. Teams can also win an additional $5 million in extra prizes for completing tasks such as discovering water ice.

To win, competitors must land their aircraft on the surface of the moon and let them travel for more than 500 meters, or 1,640 feet. The craft must also send video and Internet short pieces back to Earth in real time.

The X PRIZE Foundation announced the competition on September 13. “The Lunar X PRIZE calls on entrepreneurs (企业家), engineers from all around the world to return us to the moons surface and explore this environment for the good of all humanity,” said Peter H. Diamandis, the head of the foundation, when the competition was announced. “We hope to bring this historic personal space race into every home and classroom,” he added.

Teams are already gathering at the first commercial spaceport in the Mojave Dessert in California to work on their spaceship designs. Competitors have until December 31, 2012 to qualify for the competition, which ends in 2014. The last time humans went to the moon inspired a generation of scientists and explorers. The X PRIZE Foundation is hoping that the competition will get even more people to reach for the moon, the stars and beyond.

1. What can we know about exploring space from Paragraph 1?

A. It is very dangerous.

B. It is a dream of NASA

C. It is easy for private company .

D. It is accessible to ordinary people.

2. How much will the first team get if it lands the craft and discovers water ice?

A. $5 million. B. $10 million.

C. $20million. D. $25 million.

3. Why is the X PRIZE Foundation calling on people to go to the moon?

A. It wants everyone to join in the space race.

B. It hopes that new exploration will find life on the moon.

C. It thinks further exploration of the moon will benefit mankind.

D. It requires films of the moons surface.

4. Whats the main idea of the passage?

A. More scientists are working on spaceship designs.

B. The X PRIZE Foundation planned to land on the moon.

C. More teams are encouraged to join in the race to explore the moon.

D. The first commercial spaceport has just been completed in California.


Criminals are using technology to steal PIN numbers from check-out card readers. Criminals have come up with a new fraud(诈骗)aimed at getting the chip and PIN cards used by shop and petrol station customers across the country. They are stealing card-reading machines, taking them apart and fixing equipment which records card numbers and PINs, before returning them to the stores. The equipment is so hi-tech that it can send customers card information to a mobile phone. Cards are then copied and used abroad in countries including the United States, Italy and Australia where cash machines do not have to read the special microchip fixed in British cards.

Police have given a warning about the fraud after arresting two men at a card-faking factory in Birmingham. A sudden visit to a house found stolen chip and PIN machines, account numbers, card readers and unreal magnetic stripe cards.

The criminals aim at shops by threatening or bribing(收买) shop assistants to give them the card machines or getting a job there themselves. In some cases, they pretended to be engineers and took the machines away for an “upgrade”.

Card fraud abroad has increased by 77 percent─and cost £207.6 million in the past year. Fraudsters used to put pinhole cameras above the chip and PIN equipment to get hold of the number, but they now use the chip and PIN terminal to get that basic information. They are getting hold of the PIN from the inside of the reader. Police said the Birmingham factory had stolen card machines from 30 shops, supermarkets and petrol stations across the country. The arrest is a big development in the fight against the organized criminal groups responsible for this type of fraud.

5. How do the criminals get card information in the new card fraud?

A. By stealing card-reading machines.

B. By taking away the customers cards.

C. By making fake cards without microchip in them.

D. By putting hi-tech equipment in card-reading machines.

6. What does the underlined part suggest talking about the card fraud?

A. It took police 207.6 million.

B. It cost 207.6 million to make fake cards.

C. They stole 207.6 million from the customers.

D. They spent 207.6 on new the chip and PIN terminal.

7. In fighting against the fraud the police ___ .

A. spent a lot of time

B. met much difficulty

C. have made great progress

D. failed to destroy the card-making factories

8. Which may be the best title for the passage?

A. Fighting Against Card Fraud

B. Card Fraud Has Increased Greatly

C. Police Arrested Some Card Fraudsters

D. Criminals Steal PIN Numbers of Cards

1. He has ____(答应)to appear at the police court tomorrow.

2. You just go ahead and ____(忽视)us and work out whatever seems important to you.

3. The police were delayed by the ____(没有)of infor-mation about the crime.

4. The child was abandoned in the forest, where he was at the m of wild beasts.

5. They appreciated my work, and they h me by electing me to the school-board.

You can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the Internet. It is like going to the huge library without have to walk around to find your books. Recently, however, many people have been discussing about the dangers of the Internet. There has been reports in America about people trying to steal person information for bad purposes. Finding information on the Net is easily. And not all information is good for society. For example, you can find such information like how to kill people.

1. 爸爸的话使我想起我的承诺——我再也不会上课迟到。

2. 鼓励你的孩子在他想要的东西和你想要的东西之间取个折中。

3. 他答应让我用他的电脑上网,作为回报,我要招待他去餐厅吃一顿美味的晚餐。

4. 一些教育工作者主张孩子应该因其在学校的优秀表现而受到嘉奖。

1. Our class has just ___ so many unexpectedly bad changes that what all the teachers and classmates here need now is friendship.

A. gone back B. gone up

C. gone through D. gone over

2. The Yashin Award for the best goalkeeper is named ___ the late goalkeeper Lev Yashin.

A. in place of B. in search of

C. in honour of D. in favor of

3. Believe me! ___ I was not mistaken, Chris Lee was not chosen as the best singer this year.

A. As B. Though

C. When D. If

4. He ___ my presence at the meeting and continued doing his work, which made me a bit angry.

A. avoided B. ignored

C. noticed D. observed

5. He insisted that he ___ right and didnt listen to my advice any more.

A. does B. did

C. do D. had done

Im seventeen. I had worked as a box boy at a 1 in Birmingham. People came to the counter and I put things in their bags and 2 things to their cars. It was hard work.

While working, I wore a 3 with my name on it. I once met someone I 4 years ago. I remembered his name and said, “Mr Castle, how are you?” We talked about this and that. As he 5 , he said, “Nice talking to you, Brett.” I felt

6 — he remembered me. Then I looked down. Oh, no. He didnt 7 . He just read the name plate. I wish I had put “Irving” down on my name plate. If hed have said, “Oh yes, Irving, how could I 8 you?” Id have been ready for him.

The manager often shouted 9 , one of which was: never accept tips. Okay. I was 10 and put the bags in the cars. For many people, the 11 reaction was to take a quarter and give it to me. Id say, “Im sorry. I cant.” Theyd get angry. When they give you a tip, they 12 you to say, “Oh, thanks.” When you refuse, they feel a little 13 . It is not in agreement with the stores belief in being 14 . Accepting tips is a friendly thing, making the 15 feel good. But sometimes I just cant 16 the strangeness of some peoples ideas. One lady 17 put it in my pocket, got in the car, and drove away. I would have had to 18 the quarter at her.

I had decided that one year was 19 . Perhaps some people really needed the job to stay alive and feed their families,

20 I guess what I could afford is to give it up.

1. A. supermarket B. restaurant C. company D. hotel

2. A. made B. carried C. put D. transported

3. A. hat B. coat C. plate D. tie

4. A. recognized B. reminded C. deserted D. knew

5. A. talked B. added C. arrived D. left

6. A. terrible B. sorry C. great D. curious

7. A. after all B. at all C. in all D. above all

8. A. forget B. remember C. leave D. find

9. A. names B. orders C. words D. tips

10. A. inside B. away C. outside D. off

11. A. strange B. extraordinary C. suitable D. natural

12. A. expect B. force C. wait D. get

13. A. confused B. hurt C. surprised D. worried

14. A. tidy B. clean C. friendly D. gentle

15. A. strangers B. waiters C. employers D. customers

16. A. understand B. receive C. realize D. imagine

17. A. actually B. merely C. really D. hardly

18. A. aim B. throw C. shoot D. point

19. A. good B. possible C. long D. enough

20. A. though B. because C. but D. unless


Origins of World Book Day