

博览群书·教育 2013年9期



一、带有由if 引导非真实条件状语从句的句子,在人教版初中英语九年级就涉及到了这种虚拟语气,其结构按时间的概念分为三类:

1. 现在虚拟:假设的条件不符合现在的实际情况。主句谓语用would + 动词原形,从句谓语动词过去式(be 一律用were)。如:

If she were not so busy, she would come with me.

We would go with you if we had time.

If he were hungry he would eat the cake.

2. 过去虚拟;假设的条件不符合过去的实际情况。主句谓语用would + have +动词过去分词;从句的谓语用had + 动词过去分词。 如:

You would have caught the train if you had gotten earlier.

If I had known your telephone number, I would have rung.

3. 将来的虚拟:假设的条件不可能符合将来的实际情况。主句谓语用would + 动词原形;从句谓语用动词过去式(be 一律用were), 也可用were + to +动词原形,或用should+动词原形等。如:

If he came tomorrow, I would help him.

If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not do that.

If I should fail, I would try again.

注:① 如果主句中有情态意义,可把would 改为could, might, should. 如:

If it werent so late we could have coffee.

If you had come earlier, you might have met him.

I should have called you if I had known your telephone number.

② 如果从句中有动词had, should, were,可省略if, 但是采用倒装句。如:

Had he seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it.

Should it rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.

③ 如果主句谓语和从句谓语在时间上不一致,可根据情况作适当调整,采用混合虚拟。如:

If he cared for money, he could have been very rich.

二、当wish 的宾语从句表示难以实现的愿望时,谓语应按时间情况,即对现在和将来的时间用一般过去式,对过去的时间用过去完成时,采取适当的虚拟结构。如:

I wish that he were here now.

I wish I had seen you yesterday.

How I wish I had been able to stay the rules without a mistake.

三、在would rather 后接的that 从句表示对“希望和猜测”时,谓语应按时间情况,采取适当的虚拟结构。其中对如:

I would rather you came next Monday

I would rather I had visited Hong Kong last summer holiday.

四、表示决定和主张的动词如decide 和 insist 后面的宾语从句,表示要求,建议和命令的动词如demand ,propose, suggest 和 order 等后面的宾语从句,谓语习惯上也用“should + 动词原形”的虚拟结构,should 有时也可省略。如:

The dustmen decided that the strike should go on.

They insisted that we begin the work at once.

I demanded that he should answer.

I propose that we should hold a meeting tonight.

We suggested that she should set off at once.

The officer ordered that the shortest soldier come out of the line.

五、表示建议和命令的名词和suggestion 和 order等后面的表示从句和同谓语从句,谓语习惯上也往往用“should + 动词原形”的虚拟结构,should 也可省略。如:

We are for the suggestion that a new lab be built near the lake .

The officers order was that all the soldiers get to the station before daybreak.

六、用it作形式主语,decided,imperative,important,natural,strange等形容词作表语的句子,真正主语从句中的谓语习惯也用“should + 动词原形”的虚拟结构,should 有时可省略。

It is decided that all members should be present.

It is imperative that the question be settled at once.

It is important that we should be prepared for this.

It is quite natural that he think so.

It is necessary that we (should) save every cent.

It is strange that he (should) do that.

七、有分词短语或独立主格结构或without 介词短语作非真实条件状语的句子,谓语应根据时间情况采用适当的虚拟结构。如:

Not having done his work, he would not leave the office.

Given more time, I would have done it better.

I have a lot of work to do. Time permitting, I were to watch TV.

I had my hair cut off and sold ir because I couldnt have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.


The gifts to him would have filled a railway car.

He would have given you more help, but he had been so busy.

九、对过去应该做却没有做的事情表示责备的句子,谓语应该用“should + have + 动词过去分词”的虚拟结构。如:

How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields, he days when I had played and should have studied.

You should have been here five minutes ago.

十、在带有before 引导的时间状语从句的句子中,如果表示“宁可…也不…”的愿望时,谓语常用“would + 动词原形”的现在虚拟结构。如:

He would die before he lied.

十一、由so that 和in order that 引导的目的状语从句,如表示不够世界的愿望和猜测,谓语习惯用“could 或might+ 动词原形” 等虚拟结构。如:

The emperor gave the cheats some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.

十二、由as if 或 as though 引导的状语从句和表语从句等,表示夸张的比喻好猜测等时,谓语可根据时间的情况,采用适当的虚拟结构。如:

He works very hard as if (though) he never intended to sleep.

十三、在用It is high time that 引导的定语从句中,谓语在习惯上用将来虚拟等结构。

It is high time that we should go home.

It is time you had a haircut.

I think it is time I were leaving.


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