Module 3 Literature


时代英语·高三 2013年9期

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. How long will they have to wait before the film starts?

A. 5 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 15 minutes.

2. What does the man mean?

A. He finished it last semester. B. Hell finish it in a few minutes. C. He never does assignments early.

3. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a classroom. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hospital.

4. Whats the mans present cellphone number?

A. 7678482. B. 13425045539. C. 13835630628.

5. What should the woman first do in order to get to the library?

A. Going around the corner. B. Crossing the street. C. Making a right turn.




6. Whats the mans problem?

A. He doesnt know how to get on with Jane. B. He always forgets to pass on important messages.

C. He doesnt want others to help him with his work.

7. Why does the man want to talk to Jane?

A. To ask her for help. B. To invite her to dinner.

C. To help Jane out of her problem.

8. What is the woman probably going to do?

A. To have a chat with Jane. B. To ask the man to have dinner together.

C. To ask the man to do some shopping.


9. What are the speakers doing?

A. Watching a movie. B. Having dinner. C. Making soup.

10. What does the man complain about?

A. The woman doesnt cook very well. B. The woman seldom talks to him at dinner.

C. The woman watches too many commercials.


11. What is Timmy most interested in?

A. Playing the piano. B. Playing the violin. C. Classical music.

12. Whats Timmys main purpose at the moment?

A. To make some new friends. B. To go to some concerts. C. To learn from others.

13. What are they both weak at?

A. Sports. B. Music. C. Theory of music.

14. Whom will they turn to?

A. Timmys uncle. B. Lilys uncle. C. Their teacher.


15. What does the man think of the car first?

A. Its too old. B. Its too small. C. Its too expensive.

16. What does the man have to do before he has the car?

A. Sign the paper. B. Test the car. C. Examine his check again.

17. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The car was sold at $3,200. B. The man is not satisfied with the car.

C. The woman took $500 off the asking price.


18. What does the sentence “Behind every successful man there is a woman” mean?

A. Every success depends on women.

B. There is a woman standing behind every successful man.

C. Womens support to men is an important factor of mens success.

19. Which of the following still exists in the US today?

A. Women can get the best jobs. B. Women can get equal pay for equal work.

C. Only men can get the best jobs.

20. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Men support women in the liberation movement.

B. Not all women want to have the same chance for success.

C. The government supports women in the liberation movement.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


21. Many of ___ friends Americans make at school remain ___ friends for life.

A. the; 不填 B. the; the

C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填

22. — Help yourselves to the beef and chicken, children. ___ !

— OK, Thank you.

A. Just feel at home B. Please pay attention

C. Take it easy D. Take your time

23. Not only are my parents and teachers strict with me, but also ___ for me at the same time.

A. did they care B. they cared

C. do they care D. they care

24. I need two more stamps before my collection is ___ .

A. finished B. accomplished

C. achieved D. completed

25. With a lot of difficult problems ___ , I have a long way to go in my English learning.

A. overcome B. overcoming

C. to overcome D. being overcome

26. When I lived with my sister during the summer vacation, we ___ often talk into the night.

A. would B. should

C. could D. might

27. As a mother, ___ was most important to her, she told me, was the health and happiness of all the people she loved and cared for.

A. it B. this

C. what D. as

28. As we Chinese know, ___ the houses in Sichuan were knocked down in the Wenchuan earthquake.

A. a great many of B. a great many

C. a great amount of D. The great number of

29. The idea has been accepted ___ people are motivated by success.

A. which B. that

C. when D. 不填

30. Lulu said nothing to me and sat there quietly as if ___ in thought.

A. lost B. losing

C. was losing D. was lost

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A school was across the street near our home and from my window I would often watch the kids play basketball. Once, among the children a girl 31 me. She seemed so 32 as she pushed her way through the crowd of boys. 33 circles around the other kids, she 34 to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the 35 with no one to stop her. Sometimes, I saw her play 36 . She would practice dribbling(运球)and shooting over and over again until dark.

One day I asked her why she 37 so much. Without hesitation, she said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is that I get a 38 . If I were good enough, I would get a scholarship. I like basketball. My Daddy told me if the 39 is big enough, the facts dont count.” Then she smiled and ran 40 the court to go on with practice.

I 41 her through junior high school and into senior high school. Every week, she led her school team to victory. However, one day in her senior year, I saw her 42 in the grass, face hidden in her arms. I went over and sat down beside her. The coach told her that as a 43 as tall as 5'5''(5 尺5寸)she would probably never get to play for a top college team—much less 44 a scholarship—so she should stop dreaming about 45 .

She was heartbroken and I also felt very sad for her as I 46 her disappointment. I asked her if she had 47 her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were 48 . They did not understand the 49 of a dream. He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good college and if she truly wanted a scholarship, nothing could stop her 50 that she herself gave it up. He told her again, “If your dream is big enough, your height isnt important.”

The next year, when she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college recruiter(招聘人员), and was offered a full scholarship, to a NCAA womens basketball team.

31. A. attracted B. met C. caught D. stopped

32. A. careful B. strong C. small D. clever

33. A. Running B. Jumping C. Drawing D. Waving

34. A. tried B. managed C. wanted D. decided

35. A. goal B. ring C. circle D. net

36. A. well B. happily C. alone D. sadly

37. A. played B. practiced C. desired D. obtained

38. A. team B. prize C. degree D. scholarship

39. A. dream B. court C. problem D. ball

40. A. away B. out C. after D. toward

41. A. watched B. liked C. helped D. noticed

42. A. waiting B. sleeping C. walking D. sitting

43. A. student B. girl C. captain D. player

44. A. presented B. admitted C. achieved D. offered

45. A. future B. sport C. college D. award

46. A. proved B. sensed C. touched D. caused

47. A. reported B. promised C. advised D. told

48. A. unkind B. strict C. wrong D. interesting

49. A. power B. meaning C. truth D. posibility

50. A. with B. beyond C. for D. except

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



LOS ANGELES: The worlds oldest person celebrated her 115th birthday on Monday with music, cakes and a letter of congratulation from US President Barack Obama. Gertrude Baines, who became the planets longest living human in January following the death of Portuguese woman, Maria de Jesus, also 115, marked her birthday at Los Angeles Western Convalescent Hospital. Baines —who owes her longevity(长寿)to her belief and clean living—attracted worldwide headlines last November when she became the oldest African-American.

She made her latest statement on Monday. Mondays low-key(低调的)birthday party saw a group of friends sing Happy Birthday to Baines before the reading of a statement from The Guinness Book of World Records saying she is the worlds oldest person. “The only thing she is not satisfied with, well, there are two things. One thing, she doesnt like meat. Its not delicious enough,” her doctor, Charles Witt, told KCAL9 local television. “And the other thing is she worries about her pains of her knees. She told me that she owes her longevity to healthy life style, that she never did drink, that she never did smoke and that she never did fool around.”

Born in 1894 in Shellman, Georgia, Baines father is the son of slaves, and she has lived longer than her entire family. Her only daughter died of fever when she was a child just learning to walk. Baines, who worked in University of Ohio dormitories until she retired, has lived at the Convalescent Hospital for more than 10 years.

51. How many reasons are mentioned in the passage which lead to Baines long life?

A. Two. B. Three.

C. Four. D. Five.

52. Which of the following is true about Gertrude Baines birthday party?

A. Her daughter and friends sang Happy Birthday to her.

B. President Barack Obama came to attend her birthday party.

C. She and Maria de Jesus both became the oldest living person in the world.

D. She was recognized as the oldest person by The Guinness Book of World Records.

53. According to the text Gertrude Baines is anxious about ___ .

A. the hospitals meat B. Maria de Jesus death

C. her pains of her knees D. her life style

54. What should be the best title for the text?

A. Oldest Person Never Drink B. The Worlds Oldest Person

C. A Noble Old Woman in the World D. Clean Living Makes You Live Long


One of Aesops fables(伊索寓言)describing a thirsty crow(乌鸦)which was able to drink from a half-full container after raising the water level by adding little stones may have had a basis in real life.

Scientists have found that rooks(白嘴鸦)—a member of the crow family—were able to figure out how to raise the water level in a lab container by dropping stones inside to get a tasty worm floating on the surface, just like the crow in the fable, which shows the power of imagination and how necessity is the mother of invention. The only other animal shown to be able to perform the same task is the ape(猿), which was able to seize a floating nut by throwing out water into a big bottle. Scientists believe it shows that, in many aspects, rooks and crows have intelligence comparable to apes when it comes to the use of tools.

“We have performed a large number of studies on both the crow family and apes, and have found that the crows performance is equal to or often higher than apes. However, it is not particularly useful to say that one kind is more or less sensible than another because often the playing fields arent even,” said Nathan Emery, who carried out the work with Christopher Bird at Cambridge. “This study suggests that they can not only think through hard problems requiring the use of tools, but imagine the results of their actions without trying and making mistakes, and produce proper ways to these problems that have never been met before.”

“We believe that the intelligence in rooks and other crows is developed mainly to solve social problems, as almost all crow species live in large social groups, but they also mainly form pair relations, like human marriages, and some of their knowing abilities appear to have developed to help them guess what others are going to do next—so-called mind reading.”

55. Who does the underlined part “the mother of invention” refer to in Paragraph 2?

A. The crow in the fable. B. The ability to imagine.

C. The rooks. D. The animal that can raise the water level to drink.

56. From a large number of studies, scientists have found that both apes and crows___ .

A. are sure to be cleverer than other animals

B. can find a way out only after trying

C. have thought of the result before action

D. can only think through hard problems by using tools

57. It can be inferred that the intelligence in crows ___ .

A. is their born quality B. makes them live in pairs

C. develops from their social life D. comes from their predicting ability

58. Whats the authors purpose of writing this text?

A. To help readers understand the crow family. B. To introduce the research discovery.

C. To describe an Aesops story. D. To compare crows and apes.


Most parents do not like their childrens music. For example, todays parents do not like rap(说唱)music. But what the parents do not understand is that people who make rap music have important abilities.

Think about the words in a rap song. Many of the words in the songs sound the same. For example, each word at the end of a line in the song usually has the same sound. Say that a singer used the word “eat”, he might also want to use the words “feet” and “meat” in the song. This is because these words end in the same sound as “eat”. So the person who writes the song has to know many words to find words that have the same sound and make sense in the song. Many people who do not like rap music do not think about rap singers abilities and the clever way that they use words.

Another thing that rappers do well is putting songs together. Rap singers mix songs from older records with their own music. A good rap song has many different songs in it. So, a rapper has to know a lot about older music. In fact, rappers can mix different kinds of music into their songs, not just rap music. Many times, rappers will put famous parts of old rock and roll, old pop, or old disco songs into a rap song. As long as the rap singer tells people who made the older songs, the rock, pop, or disco singers do not mind. If a rap singer does not say where he or she got the music from, then the other singers get mad.

Some parents think that rap is not really music. But that does not mean that the people making rap music do not have any special abilities.

59. What ability a rap singer should have according to Paragraph 2?

A. To remember many words. B. To use words in a clever way.

C. To make people like the songs. D. To know that the end of a line has the same sound.

60. Under what conditions can rappers make use of others songs?

A. They play for free. B. They just use parts of the songs.

C. They mix different kinds of music. D. They tell people the sources of the songs.

61. What is the authors idea about rap music?

A. Its difficult to learn. B. Its popular among people.

C. Its special and requires skills. D. Its wonderful and few people can master it.


Its a question that every college student must answer. Both choices have their advantages and disadvantages so it is important for you to weigh them before you make a final decision.



Convenience to go to school. If you live on campus, you can easily walk to classes, libraries, computer labs, etc. You dont have to waste time and money in driving to school, finding a parking space and so on.

Simplicity. You dont have to worry about monthly rent payment, bills and shopping. Most students living in a dorm get convenient meals.

Increased social life. Living on campus will allow you to meet more people and build more friendships. You will also usually know about campus activities and how to be involved in them.


Little privacy(隐私). The close living space means little privacy. You may never have quiet time in your dorm because there will always be something going on.

Limited space. At most colleges, the dorm life is very social, so your grades may be affected in a negative way. If you often choose hanging out with your dorm fellows over studying at the library, then your GPA will suffer.



Independence. Living off campus will give you freedom from those rules and allow you to set your own.

Privacy. Living off campus means that you will be more than likely to have your own bedroom so you can have a place to sneak off and have time alone away from your roommates.

Sense of responsibility. If you live off campus, you will be in charge of paying bills, cleaning house, shopping, and cooking.


More expenses. Public service can be an extra monthly bill. You will need to buy furniture, kitchen and bath necessities, etc., which can be a big start-up cost. Traffic, whether you drive or use public transportation, is still going to cost you money.

Separation from others. You may be less involved with campus activities, and this could cause you to feel a sense of separation from your college.

62. This passage is written to ___ .

A. explain different opinions about college life B. introduce what college life is like

C. help students choose to live on or off campus D. offer some advice on how to start college life

63. The underlined word “weigh” in Paragraph 1 probably means “___”.

A. read B. consider

C. decide D. learn

64. If a student chooses to live on campus he may ___ .

A. have to worry about getting meals B. spend much time driving to school

C. often have some quiet time in the dorm D. have a social life and their study may be affected

65. Living off campus may be the best choice for a student who likes to ___ .

A. follow the rules B. stay with roommates

C. take responsibility for his life D. get involved with more campus activities

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Which animal is “mans best friend”? We all know its the dog. Dogs have earned the love and respect of humans. Many have given their own lives to save people. Dogs are faithful and devoted. For example, Bobby, a Skye dog, went to market with his Scottish master every day. After the man died, Bobby would not move from his grave. He stayed there for about 10 years. He stayed until he died.

Dogs serve many useful functions. They are good at watching and herding(放牧)sheep. Wherever sheep are raised, a sheep-herding dog is developed. For example, there is the German Shepherd dog. In Scotland, there is the Shetland sheep dog. Both are recognized breeds.

Specially trained dogs lead the blind. Such dogs are carefully selected. It takes about three to five months to train them. Guide dogs will refuse to cross a busy street unless the traffic has stopped.

One interesting dog is the St Bernard. How did it get its name? It was developed by the monks(僧侣)of the St Bernard Monastery. This is located in the Alps of Switzerland. The dog weighs from 140 to 220 pounds. Its one of the heaviest of all dogs.

St Bernards are famous for rescuing travelers lost in the snow. They have a wonderful sense of smell. They find people buried under several feet of snow. A St Bernard named Barry rescued 40 persons. This was over a period of years.

There is a popular error about these dogs. They do not carry brandy(白兰地酒)to travelers. Sir Edwin Landseer misrepresented them this way in a painting.

66. What should be the title of the text? (within 4 words)

67. Why does the author mention the dog Bobby in Paragraph 1? (with 7 words)

68. How long does it take to train a guide dog? (within 6 words)

69. Why are St Bernards so special according to Paragraph 5? (within 8 words)

70. What is the popular error about St Bernards? (within 6 words)

第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A big fire broke up in the forest to the southeast of Guangzhou City in the afternoon of December 3, 2010. The fire was caused by a farm worker smoking careless in the forest while he was working there. To the peoples astonishment, the fire was lasted over three days. Thousands of fireman, farm workers and local people took part in fight against the fire. The fire caused a loss of at most five million yuan. People all over the area were shocking. And they had also been told to be careful of fires, especially in the fall and winter, whenever the weather is dry and everything is easy to catch fire.

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)

据调查,高一学生课外阅读的时间为平均每周7小时,高二为4小时,高三为2小时。请你根据这一信息,以“Senior High School Students Extracurricular Reading”为题,用英语为你校校报写一篇短文。内容包括以下要点:

1. 高中生课外阅读的现状;

2. 分析其原因;

3. 你的建议。


1. 词数:120左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Senior High School Students Extracurricular Reading

A recent survey suggests that senior high school students extracurricular reading varies from grade to grade.

