[摘 要]教师的课堂评价语是指教师对学生的课堂表现做出的评价。在日常的英语教学中,教师及时对学生做出准确的评价,对学生情感态度的和谐发展起着重要的作用。
(一) 对于对学生的整体表现提出表扬时,可用:good job, nice work, well done, amazing, fantastic, terrific, perfect, impressive, unbelievable, great, cool, wow, beautiful,等等。
(二)对于学生成绩优秀提出表扬时,可用:You received good grades.I’m proud of your results.You see, your effort paid off!
Congratulations, your class scored the top ranking.You must have studied really hard.
(三)对于学生的进步,可使用以下评语:You have improved a lot.You have made a lot of progress.You are really getting better at this.That’s much better.Nice going.Keep up the good work.That is quite an accomplishment.I knew you could make it.Finally, your efforts are paying off.
(四)对于作业完成的好,可以提出以下表扬:It’s a beautiful piece of work.This is prize-winning work.Clear, concise, and complete.I really enjoyed reading this assignment.Your homework pleased me a lot.
Your work shows a lot of sensitivity.You were very careful with this work.
(五)对学生有创意的、创新的思维火花及灵感,发言中的闪光点的肯定,可以使用以下的用语:What a bright idea! Thank you.That’s a great answer. (I really like it.)That’s very creative.Good thinking.This is something special.I like your idea!That’s very god observation.That’s an interesting point of view.How did you come up with such a good answer?
(六)当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定的评价语言:如You are wrong.或是It’s not correct. 对回答不出问题来的学生不要简单地使用“Sit down”,要给他们可能获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学习积极性。如:
That’s very close. Go on! It’s almost right. Try again, please.Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it.I’m sure you can do it if you really try. Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.I’m sorry. Would you like a second try? /Would you like to try again?Not bad. Go on, please.Come on, It’s very close.It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.
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