Horseflies, the females of which feed on blood, are attracted to polarized light—light waves that are oriented in a particular direction and that we experience as glare. This glare lures the bugs most likely because it resembles light reflected off water, where they lay their eggs.
On horses, black fur reflects polarized light better than brown or white, as evolutionary ecologist and colleagues Susanne Akesson found in a previous study.
After experiments in which her team measured the number of horseflies that became trapped on gluey, striped boards or models of horses, the team found that the flies favorite is the black coat and zebra stripes are the best fly repellent—the narrower the stripes the better.
The result may help explain why zebras skinniest stripes are on their faces and legs. “Thats also the place where you have the thinnest skin,” said Akesson. But why would striped skin be more effective than white, which has the lowest reflectivity of polarized light? The black-and-white pattern, Akesson said, turns out to be“ideal in its function of disrupting this signal of reflected polarized light.”
Because the coat reflects light in alternately polarized and nonpolarized patterns, the zebra “is more difficult to single out relative to the surroundings.” It is, in effect, camouflaged to flies as well as to big cats.
Then a question naturally comes to us. If stripes truly are Kryptonite to horseflies, why dont horses—close evolutionary relatives to zebras—sport the pattern too?
The answer may be in the fact that there are more horseflies, and more horsefly species, in Africa compared to more temperate regions. Zebras would have been under more pressure to evolve a deterrent.
Another obvious question, though, is why other species have not evolved this elegant form of fly repellent, and what the consequences would have been if they had. If humans, for example, were black-and-white striped then the history of intercommunal violence the species has suffered might not have been quite as bad. One for all of us to ponder, perhaps?