Opinions on Foreign Fast Food Safety
肯德基自陷入 “豆浆门”、“老油门”,最近又陷入了“速生鸡门”、“病死鸡门”……一石激起千层浪,曾以环境优雅、干净卫生赢得中国消费者好感的洋品牌快餐连锁企业陷入巨大的信用危机。
Many Chinese teenagers, especially urban teenagers, are loyal fans of KFC, McDonalds and other foreign fast food. They grew up frequenting these shops, having high expectations for the quality of their products.
“Part of the reason Western brands are so successful is that people trust they wont cut corners like so many domestic brands do.”
“The only thing I like about foreign fast food outlets is that they keep their restaurants much cleaner than Chinese restaurants, with frequent clearance of tables, sweeping the floor, mopping the toilet floors and so on. Most of all, they strictly enforce the no-smoking rule!... ”
“I still believe that their hygienic(卫生的)situation is better than that of most small restaurants along the streets.”
“Foreign brands like KFC and McDonalds never use low prices as their marketing strategy in China, though in foreign countries they do. The brands have already set up a high-pricing alliance. Behind the fancy advertisements boasting(夸耀) of cleanness, fashion and healthiness are dishonest‘latent rules(潜规则) and‘deceptive tricks misleading customers.”
“Foreign brands should treasure the trust bestowed upon them and pay it back with better food and service. If they dont cherish their brand names, they will be abandoned by customers, which is the same as lifting a stone only to drop it onto ones own feet.”
(Lynn 整理)