

胃肠病学 2013年1期















作者署名以承担该项研究工作所负责任和所起作用的大小依次排列。署名一般不超过6人,对论文有贡献的其他人员,可在文末予以致谢。如系合作课题,请在作者名后右上角注1、2或3,单位分列。进修人员请注明原工作单位。第一作者须提交作者简介,包括姓名、性别、出生年份、职称、学位。通信作者的联系地址应尽可能详细,包括邮政编码、电话、传真和Email地址等。作者姓名用汉语拼音,拼音方式如下:李世民 LI Shimin,欧阳修 OUYANG Xiu,作者间以“,”相隔。

英文文题、作者姓名、单位应与中文相对应(作者须全部列出,勿写et al),实词部分,首字母须大写。



Key words)3~8个,至少3个,应从文题、摘要、正文中选取与本文研究或讨论的中心议题有关的词。关键词应尽量符合《医学主题词表》(使用CMeSH词汇)。中、英文关键词之间以“;”相隔。



计量单位名称按《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》规定书写。重量应称质量(m),单位为kg;比重应称相对密度(d或ρ),单位为“1”或 kg/cm3;分子量应称相对分子质量(Mr),单位为“1”,或称分子质量(m),单位为kg,常用u(1 u≈1.660540 ×10-27kg);浓度单位为 mol/m3,常用 mol/L、mmol/L和μmol/L等;ppm为废弃使用单位,应写10-6;放射性活度(A)的单位为Bq,吸收剂量单位为Gy。时间的表示法用国际符号,即a(年)、h(小时)、d(天)、min(分钟)和 s(秒)。月、周无统一国际符号,论文中应写汉字月、周。符号用正体书写,并注意字母的大小写,如50毫克/(千克·天)应写50 mg/(kg·d)。量符号必须用斜体字母(pH例外),矢量、张量符号用黑斜体字母表示。


数字采用三位分节法,每3位空1/4汉字格,不用分节符号,如5000(不用5,000);数值范围表示方法如下:4~6 kg,5.2% ~11.3%,4 ×109~10 × 109,36°~42°18',(25.2 ±1.1)mm,(27±2)%。数值修约遵循“4舍6入5看齐,奇进偶不进”的原则,精确至小数点后2位。附有单位的数值相乘,按下列方式书写:4 cm×3 cm×5 cm,不应写成4×3×5 cm3。公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和计数、计量均用阿拉伯数字。

6.图表:图表宜少而精,设计正确,合理易懂。凡用文字已说明的问题,尽量不重复用图表。表格一律采用三线表(即顶线、栏目线和底线),如有纵向合计,可在底线上面加分界线。统计学分析结果如t值、P值,可直接设计在表内或在表的底线下注明。线条图高、宽之比为5∶7。图片大小以12.5 cm×8.5 cm为宜。统计图须按数据绘图。图表单列1页。只有一图、一表时,写图1、表1即可(不写附图、附表)。一文有多图、多表时,应按其在正文中出现的次序连续编序号。

照片应清晰可辨、对比度好、层次分明,黑白、彩色照片均可。特殊情况下,也可提供黑白和彩色正片(X线片、CT片、幻灯片)或负片。全面照片需遮掩双眼,否则应提供被照者的书面同意。组织学图片应注明放大倍数和染色方法,大体标本和电子显微镜照片需标明长度标尺,如1 cm或1μm。

图表须有标题和说明(照片),另纸按序写明。照片后注明图号和上下方向,照片大小以12.7 cm×17.8 cm左右为宜。



9.参考文献:参考文献限作者亲自阅读过的近期主要文献,篇数不限,以近5年国内外文献为主。英文参考文献应自MEDLINE、EMBASE和Cochrane图书馆检索,中文参考文献应自“中国期刊网”、“万方数据库”等检索,追寻、阅读全文后再引用其主要观点和数据。连续引用不得超过300字,否则需征得原作者的书面同意。勿引用内部资料、未发表的观察资料和个人通信资料。已被采用但尚未刊出的稿件,可列入参考文献,但需在刊名后加方括号注明在印刷中(in press)。参考文献应按中华人民共和国国家标准GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制格式著录,文献角码依次放在文章相应部位右上角,顺序与文后参考文献表一致。参考文献表单列1页(Word格式)。

西文期刊名按照List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus(1990)和《世界医学药学及化学期刊名称缩写手册》(中国医药科技出版社,1998)缩写。书写格式(尤请注意点号的用法)如下:

期刊:著者(3位以上者,列出前3位,后加“等”,英文加“et al”,日文加“他”).文题[J].期刊名,年,卷 (期):起页-止页.


2 Ciacci C,Sabbatini F,Cavallaro R,et al.Helicobacter pylori impairs iron absorption in infected individuals[J].Dig Liver Dis,2004,36(7):455-460.



2 Drossman DA,Corazzian E,Talley NJ,et al.Diagnostic criteria for functional gastrointestinal disorders.In:Drossman DA,Corazzian E,Talley NJ,et al eds.Rome Ⅱ:the functional gastrointestinal disorders:diagnosis,pathophysiology,and treatment:a multinational consensus[M].2nd ed.Lawrence:Allen Press,2000:659-668.









联系方式:上海市山东中路145号 邮编200001《胃肠病学》编辑部;电话:021-63286942,021-53882318;

Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology(ISSN 1008-7125),founded in June,1996,is a national academic journal being designed to present the latest basic scientific and clinical researches of gastroenterology in China.It is published monthly currently by the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology.

All manuscripts are peer reviewed by two or three independent expert reviewers.This journal has been included in EMBASE,CAJ-CD and SWIC currently.

To ensure the quality of articles and standardization of editing,please read these instructions carefully and abide by them strictly before writing and submitting manuscripts.All manuscripts that do not adhere to the requirements detailed in these instructions will be returned to the corresponding author(s)for revision.


Prior to the submission of a manuscript,authors should familiarize themselves with and comply with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals( to:


Conflict of interest

Protection of patients’rights to privacy

Redundant or duplicate publication

Sponsorship,authorship and accountability

and provide a cover letter declaring that the content of the article has not been accepted or submitted for publication by any other journal.Authors should also declare there is not any financial interest or relationship that may pose a conflict of interest.

The cover letter must also contain an acknowledgement that all authors have contributed significantly,and that all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript.

If tables or figures have been reproduced from another source,a letter from the copyright holder(usually the publisher),stating authorization to reproduce the material,must be attached to the cover letter.

In keeping with the latest guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,each author’s contribution to the paper is to be quantified.

The cover letter should be submitted with the manuscript.

Authors must also state within the Methods section of their article that:

the protocol for the research project has been approved by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the institution within which the work was undertaken and that it conforms to the provisions of the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki in 1995(as revised in Edinburgh 2000),available at

Informed consent has been obtained for all investigations on human subjects

Any experiments involving animals conform to relevant national or institutional guidelines for animal usage in research

Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to automatic rejection of the submitted manuscript

Scope of contributions

The columns of this journal includes editorial,commentaries,specially invited articles,clinical practice,original articles(basic and clinical science),short articles,review articles,lectures,conference summations,consensus and guidelines,case analysis and case reports.

The editorial office will acknowledge the receipt of all manuscripts.The following contributions will be welcomed for publication:original articles,short articles,review articles,case analysis and case reports,lectures on specific topics,discussions on academic controversies,news and information,etc.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Before submitting,authors should confirm that similar article has not been published in this journal.Once accepted for review,the manuscript must not be submitted elsewhere,otherwise,the author will be responsible for any problems arising.

Every manuscript must be approved by the authors’departments or institutions by formal recommendation,which declares the authenticity of the manuscript,no secrecy,and no dispute about signatories,no breaking of copyrights,and no submission to other journals.

The work reported in the manuscripts should be scientifically sound,authentic,logical,practical and innovative.Manuscripts should have outstanding emphases,sharp-cut contentions,clear arrangements,reliable data,and sufficient evidences,and written with concise words,flowing sentences,correct punctuations and normal usage of words.Duplicates of information in the text,figures and tables should be avoided.Simplified characters must conform to Xinhua Dictionary and Modern Chinese Dictionary.Coined characters are forbidden.Do not confuse the Chinese characters in Japanese with those of the Chinese language.

When diskette(in Word or Text)is used to submit papers,all involved photographs should be original and may be appropriately compressed in WinZip.

Title page of the typescript should include:Chinese title of the article,authors’names,affiliations,post code,corresponding author and his/her Email address.

Studies funded by national and municipal grants will be published as a priority.The grant title and serial number should be provided.

The title of the article should be as concise and definite as possible,generally not exceeding 20 Chinese characters and no more than 10 English words;limiting the use of code names,abbreviations and subtitles.

The authors should sign in a sequence according to their responsibilities and contributions to the study.Generally,no more than 6 authors may sign an article,and the others who have substantial contributions to the article may be acknowledged at the end of the article.If the article is the result of cooperation by different departments,please mark 1,2 or 3 on top right corner of the authors’names and indicate the affiliation of each author.Authors who are taking advanced study in the institution should identify their original affiliations.The first author is required to offer his brief bibliography,including name,gender,birth date,professional title and final degree.The address of the author responsible for correspondence must be as elaborate as possible,including postal code,telephone number,fax number,E-mail address and other details.Authors’names should be spelled in Chinese spelling as follows:LI Shimin,OUYANG Xiu,separated by “,”.

For original articles(clinical and basic science researches,technical innovation),Chinese and English abstracts and keywords are required to be placed on the second page,and usage of the third person and the generic names of drugs are strongly urged.Chinese abstracts(approximately 400 Chinese characters)are structured into 5 sections with the following headings:Background,Aims,Methods,Results,Conclusions.English abstract(approximately 500 words)is required to be structured into Background,Aims,Methods,Results,Conclusions,narrated definitely in the third person and in the past tense.

Generally,keywords should be closely related to the main ideas of the study or discussion with 3 to 8 words,not fewer than 3 words,usually extracting from title,abstract and text.Ensure the keywords to be in accordance with CMeSH,and separated by “,”.

For English abstract,the title,authors’name,affiliations should match the Chinese ones exactly(all authors should be listed instead of et al).The initial letter of the substantives must be in capital letters.

Scientific and technical terms issued by the National Authorization Board for Scientific and Technical Terms,correct punctuations and legal units of measurement decreed by the State Department should be utilized.

Weight should be termed as mass(m,unit as“kg”);specific weight as relative density(d or ρ,unit as“1”or kg/cm3);molecular weight as relative molecule mass(Mr,unit as“1”)or molecule mass(m,unit as kg,and u is in common use,1 u≈1.660540 ×10-27kg);mol/m3is the unit of concentration,but mol/L,mmol/L andμmol/L are in common use;ppm had been abandoned,replaced by 10-6;Bq is the unit of radiation activity;Gy is the unit of radiation dosage.Time should be presented in a(year),d(day),h(hour),min(minute)and s(second)as international symbols,while month and week have no uniform international symbols,which should be expressed as“月”and“周”in Chinese character.Manuscripts are strongly required to apply legal units of measurement,standard international symbols and correct lower-cases and capitals,for example,50毫克/(千克·天)should be 50 mg/(kg·d).Unit symbols must be in italic letters(pH is excepted),while the symbols of vector and tensor should be in black italics.

Authors should be responsible for the accuracy of the data cited in the article.If necessary,statistical analysis should be carried out with SAS or SPSS software package.Statistical terms,symbols,number round-off,Chinese and English abbreviations should be standardized,for example,¯x stands for arithmetical average,s for standard deviation,s¯xfor standard error,t means Student’s t test,F means F test,χ2means chi-square test,r means correlation coefficient,υ means degree of freedom,P means probability.All symbols should be in italics.Statistical test values such as t value,χ2value should be given before the expression of P value.

Numbers should be separated every three digits by a blank of 1/4 Chinese character rather than any symbol,for example,5000(not 5,000).Number ranges are expressed as follows:4-6 kg,5.2%-11.3%,4 ×109-10 ×109,36°-42°18',(25.2 ±1.1)mm,(27±2)%.The round-off of number should abide by the principles that four is abnegated,six is added,five is fixed,odd number is added with carry and even number not.In general,retain two digits after a point.Multiplication of the numbers with unit should be written as follows:4 cm×3 cm ×5 cm,instead of 4×3×5 cm3.Century,year,month,day,time,and measurements should be expressed by using Arabic numerals.

Figures should be as few and concise as possible.Only reasonable,easily understandable and correctly designed figures will be accepted.Do not use a figure if language alone is enough to explain.Table of three-lined(top line,column line and bottom line)is acceptable,but boundary line can be drawn above bottom line if a portrait sum is needed.The results of statistical data analysis,such as t or P,can be included in a table,with or without notes below the bottom line of the table.Line diagrams should fulfill the following requirements:5∶7 ratio between height and width,and suitable size of 12.5 cm ×8.5 cm.The statistical figures should be presented in accordance with the data.Type figures in Word format in additional sheets.One figure and one table could be identified as Figure 1 and Table 1,but for multiple figures and tables,they should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order in which they are presented in the text.

Photographs should be clear,high-contrast and high-resolution.Black-white or color pictures are accepted.In special instances,black-white or color positive films and negative films of radiographs,CT scans and slides are also adopted.For photographs of identifiable persons,written permission from the subjects must be supplied or the subject’s eyes will be masked.For histological microphotographs,original magnification and staining method should be indicated,and a scale marker,such as 1μm,should be noted in gross specimen pictures and in electronic microscopic pictures.

Titles and legends of the tables and photographs should be clearly typed on separate papers consecutively in Chinese and English simultaneously.Photographs should have the suitable size around 12.5 cm ×17.8 cm,identified with photograph number and arrows on the back to indicate the top side of the figures.

Discussion should be focused on new discoveries and conclusions and standpoints extracted from the study,closely surrounding the results from the study,rather than repeating the contents of the results.In the discussion,authors should purposefully compare their findings with and analyze the results cited in the previously published literature,rather than just review the literature.Conclusions should be based on reliable evidences,not guesswork nor conjecture.

Abbreviated terms:Abbreviated terms should not be used in title.When used in text,the full term should be presented at the first time it occurs which is followed by abbreviation and/or English term and abbreviation in bracket.

may be unlimited in number but must be recently published and have been read by authors.English references should be searched and selected from MEDLINE,EMBASE and Cochrane Library,and Chinese references should be searched and selected from CNKI,Wanfang database.The majority should be within the past 5 years.These original articles and literature cited by authors should be published formally rather than unpublished material,observations or personal correspondence,but the unpublished literature that has been accepted for publication can be listed as references with“in press”after the journal title.Citation from one article shouldn’t exceed 300 words,unless written permissions from the original authors are available.The journal compiles references in sequential coding format according to National Standard GB7714-87 of China.References cited should be identified by Arabic numerals set in superscript type in the text and its serial number should be matched with that listed in the Reference section.

The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus(1990)and the Abbreviation Manual of the World Medical Pharmacy and Chemical Journal titles(China Medicine and Science Press,1998).Sample reference are given below(please paying particular attention to the use of dot):

For journal:Authors(if more than 3,listing former 3,following by“等”in Chinese,“et al”in English,“他”in Japanese).Text title[J].Journal title.Year.Volume(Number).First and last page .

For example:


2 Ciacci C,Sabbatini F,Cavallaro R,et al.Helicobacter pylori impairs iron absorption in infected individuals[J].Dig Liver Dis,2004,36(7):455-460.

For monograph:Author.Title of chapter and section.Chief editor.Title of book[M].Edition of book(first edition can be omitted).Place of publishing.Publisher.Year of publishing:First and last page.

For example:


2 Drossman DA,Corazzian E,Talley NJ,et al.Diagnostic criteria for functional gastrointestinal disorders.In:Drossman DA,Corazzian E,Talley NJ,et al eds.Rome Ⅱ:the functional gastrointestinal disorders:diagnosis,pathophysiology,and treatment:a multinational consensus[M].2nd ed.Lawrence:Allen Press,2000:659-668.

Reference list should be typed on a separate sheet in Word format.

The author must be responsible for obtaining written permission to reproduce previously published material(direct quotations,tables or figures)from the copyright holder.

Requirements for other types of manuscripts

The requirements for short articles abstracts are the same as original clinical and basic science articles;Chinese and English abstracts of 300 words or so and 3 to 8 keywords are required.Abstracts of review articles,lectures(no more than 1500)are descriptive rather than structured(called indicative abstract),not paragraphed,limited to about 200 words and 3 to 8 keywords.In English abstract,ensure the English title,all authors’names,affiliations,post code,abstract(not paragraphed)and keywords(3 to 8 words)to be matched with Chinese ones.Commentary and article by invitation are mainly solicited submissions,non-solicited submissions are also welcomed,but requiring expert(s)in relative fields to evaluate the article.Other requirements and writing formats are the same as original articles.

All information and news are limited to no more than 1000 Chinese characters and 1 to 2 pictures.

Processing of manuscripts

A receipt will be numbered and sent to author by the editorial office.Manuscripts that fail to comply with this instruction will be returned to the author for revision.According to the copyright law and the conditions of our journal,the editorial office will inform author within three months of receipt whether the manuscript is accepted or needs revision.If authors wish to submit the manuscript to other journals,they are obliged to contact the editorial office in advance.

Editorial office would not take the responsibility for damage or loss of typescript,illustrations or original photographs.Therefore,authors should keep these materials on file by themselves.

The editorial office reserves the right to revise the manuscripts under the copyright law,however,revisions which will change the original opinions need to be permitted by the authors.If the article is accepted for publication,it is necessary to submit the revised manuscripts to the web contribution center in time;late return may delay publication of the article.

Transfer of copyright to the Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology is a prerequisite of publication.All authors must sign the copyright transfer form.Once published,the journal will possess its copyright.In the interest of authors and publisher,any corporation or person is forbidden to copy or reproduce material from published papers in any form unless a written permission from the editorial office is obtained.Two copies and 10 offprints will be mailed to the corresponding author after publication.The editorial office is responsible of returning rejected manuscripts.


Manuscripts should be sent to:


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