雾 霭 霾
英语表示“雾”,有三个词:fog, mist 和haze。fog指较浓的雾。mist 指轻雾或薄雾,即“霭”。haze指混有烟(smoke)、尘埃(dust)或蒸汽(steam)的雾,即“霾”、“阴霾”或“灰霾”。 雾本是自然现象。在工业化过程中,烟囱冒烟,工地扬尘,汽车排尾气,造成空气污染。烟和雾混合而形成又黑又浓的空气污染物。英语出现了 smog(smoke + fog) 和smaze(smoke + haze)两个混合词。前者是“烟雾”,后者是“烟霾”。例如:1.“烟雾”是一种空气污染。smog这个词是20世纪初作为smoke和 fog 两个词的缩合词而创造的新词,用来指“烟雾”。Smog is a type of air pollution. The word smog was coined in the early 20th century as a portmanteau of the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog.2.“烟霾”是烟和霾的混合物,样子类似烟雾,但是湿度稍小。Smaze is a mixture of smoke and haze similar to smog in appearance but less damp in consistency.3.今天早上,黑色烟雾使能见度降到大约50米。This morning, black smog reduced visibility to about fifty meters. 雾污染环境,干扰交通,影响生活,危害健康。例如:4.大雾已使我市交通混乱。Heavy fog has disrupted traffic in our city.5.在存在污染问题的高度工业化地区,吸入混有烟的雾气损害健康。In highly industrialized areas with pollution problems the inhalation of fog mixed with smoke is harmful to health. 与雾相关的动词有“笼罩”(to shroud, to wrap),“弥漫”(to permeate, to roll along),聚集不散(to linger, to persist),散开(to disperse)。例如:6.雾笼罩着这个城镇。Fog wraps around the town.7.整个上午,具有一公里能见度的浓雾在我市聚集不散。Heavy fog with a visibility of around 1 km persisted in our city for the whole morning.8.太阳出来时,雾就散开了。When the sun came out, the fog dispersed. ▲ (本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)