

地球物理学报 2012年5期


中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029



中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029



1 引 言






2 方 法

2.1 同震应变、应力以及库仑应力的计算

图1 水平层状介质模型水平层状介质模型,1,2,3等表示水平层状介质,Z1,Z2,Z3等表示界面,r表示震中距,五角星标示了震源的位置,即Zs层.Fig.1 Layered medium modelLayered medium model,1,2,3represent the layered medium,Z1,Z2,Z3represent the interface,r represents the epicenter distance,and the star shows the location of the source,in the interface of Zs.

















2.2 同震位移计算中积分方式的改进




3 数值检验


图2 坐标系示意图Fig.2 The coordinate system

3.1 接收点位于地表时的点源检验


3.2 接收点位于地下,深度小于震源深度时的点源检验


3.3 接收点位于地下,深度大于震源深度时的点源检验

采用与3.1节相同的介质设定,震源参数设定如下:倾角为70°,断层面积0.01km×0.01km,震源深度10.0km,接收点设定如下:接收点位于地下,深度14.0km,接收点横坐标3.0km,纵坐标从-10.0 km起始,到10.0km截止,共取41个点.图5a,图5b分别给出了位移,应力结果与Okada的解析解[12-13]的对比图,两者一致.通过以上数值检验可以看出,基于均匀弹性分层介质模型,根据广义反射透射矩阵和离散波数方法计算出的位移与应力结果与解析解一致,验证了公式的正确性以及计算的精度.

3.4 分层介质中接收点位于地表的点源检验


表1 分层介质模型Table 1 Layered velocity model

4 库仑应力的计算


表2 速度结构模型Table 2 The velocity model

图3 均匀弹性半无限介质中,接收点位于地表时,位移、应力结果比较(a)位移结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为位移大小,左、中、右分别对应于X、Y和Z方向位移,上、中、下分别对应于走滑、倾滑和拉张断层,其中方框为Okada给出的解析解结果,圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果;(b)应力结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为应力张量各分量大小,左、中、右分别对应于走滑、倾滑和拉张断层,上对应于正应力,其中曲线为Okada给出的解析解结果,圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果.黑色为X向正应力,灰色为Y向正应力,下为两者之间的剪切应力.Fig.3 The displacement and stress in the half-space model,the receiver is in the surface(a)The comparison of displacement results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the displacement,the left,middle,right columns represent the displacements of X,Y,Zcomponent respectively,the upper,middle,lower lines represent the strike-slip,dipslip,tensile sources respectively,the squares show the analytical solutions,the points show the results of our method;(b)The comparison of stress results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the stress,the left,middle,right columns represent the strike-slip,dip-slip,tensile sources respectively,the upper lines show the analytical solutions,the points show the results of our method,black,gray represent the normal stress ofX,Ycomponent respectively and the lower lines represent the shear stress.

图4 均匀弹性半无限介质中,接收点位于地下,深度小于震源深度时,位移、应力结果比较(a)位移结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为位移大小,左、中、右分别对应于X、Y和Z方向位移,上、中、下分别对应于走滑、倾滑和拉张断层,其中红色方框为Okada给出的解析解结果,蓝色圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果;(b)应力结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为应力张量各分量大小,左、中、右分别对应于走滑、倾滑和拉张断层,其中直线为Okada给出的解析解结果,圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果.上半部分为正应力,黑、红、蓝色分别表示X、Y和Z方向的正应力,下半部分为剪切应力,黑、红、蓝色分别表示XY、XZ和YZ方向的剪切应力.Fig.4 The displacement and stress in the half-space model,the receiver is underground and the depth of it is above that of the source(a)The comparison of displacement results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the displacement,the left,middle,right columns represent the displacements of X,Y,Zcomponent respectively,the upper,middle,lower lines represent the strike-slip,dip-slip,tensile sources respectively,the red squares show the analytical solutions,the blue points show the results of our method;(b)The comparison of stress results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the stress,the left,middle,right columns represent the strike-slip,dip-slip,tensile sources respectively,the upper,lower lines represent the normal,shear stress respectively,in the normal stress,black,red,blue represent the normal stress ofX,Y,Zcomponent respectively,in the shear stress,black,red,blue represent the shear stress of XY,XZ,YZcomponent respectively.

图5 均匀弹性半无限介质中,接收点位于地下,深度大于震源深度时,位移、应力结果比较(a)位移结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为位移大小,左、中、右分别对应于X、Y和Z方向位移,上、中、下分别对应于走滑、倾滑和拉张断层,其中红色方框为Okada给出的解析解结果,蓝色圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果;(b)应力结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为应力张量各分量大小,左、中、右分别对应于走滑、倾滑和拉张断层,其中直线为Okada给出的解析解结果,圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果.上半部分为正应力,黑、红、蓝色分别表示X、Y和Z方向的正应力,下半部分为剪切应力,黑、红、蓝色分别表示XY、XZ和YZ方向的剪切应力.Fig.5 The displacement and stress in the half-space model,the receiver is underground and the depth of it is blow that of the source(a)The comparison of displacement results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the displacement,the left,middle,right columns represent the displacements of X,Y,Zcomponent respectively,the upper,middle,lower lines represent the strike-slip,dip-slip,tensile sources respectively,the red squares show the analytical solutions,the blue points show the results of our method;(b)The comparison of stress results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the stress,the left,middle,right columns represent the strike-slip,dip-slip,tensile sources respectively,the upper,lower lines represent the normal,shear stress respectively,in the normal stress,black,red,blue represent the normal stress of X,Y,Zcomponent respectively,in the shear stress,black,red,blue represent the shear stress of XY,XZ,YZcomponent respectively.

图6 均匀弹性水平层状介质中,接收点位于地表时的位移、应力结果比较(a)位移结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为位移大小,左、中、右分别对应于X、Y和Z方向位移,上、下分别对应于走滑、倾滑断层,其中方框为Wang et al.(2003)[17]给出的结果,圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果;(b)应力结果比较,横坐标为接收点位置,纵坐标为应力张量各分量大小,左、右分别对应于走滑、倾滑断层,上对应于正应力,其中曲线为Wang et al.(2003)[17]给出的结果,圆点为本文程序给出的计算结果.黑色为X向正应力,灰色为Y向正应力,下为两者之间的剪切应力.Fig.6 The displacement and stress in the layered velocity model,the receiver is in the surface(a)The comparison of displacement results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the displacement,the left,middle,right columns represent the displacements of X,Y,Zcomponent respectively,the upper,lower lines represent the strike-slip,dip-slip sources respectively,the squares show the solutions of Wang et al.(2003)[17],the points show the results of our method;(b)The comparison of stress results,the X-axis shows the location of the receiver,Y-axis shows the stress,the left,right columns represent the strike-slip,dip-slip sources respectively,the upper lines represent the normal stress,the lines show the solutions of Wang et al.(2003)[17],the points show the results of our method,black,gray represent the normal stress of X,Ycomponent respectively and the lower represent the shear stress the shear stress.

图7 库仑应力比较(a)半无限介质解析解与本文计算结果比较,左、中、右分别为解析解、本文结果以及误差绝对值;(b)半无限介质与分层介质结果比较,左、中、右分别为半无限介质结果、分层介质结果以及误差绝对值.Fig.7 The Coulomb stress(a)The results of analytical and our method in the half-space model,the left,middle,right columns represent the analytical solution,result of our method and absolute value of discrepancy between them respectively;(b)The comparison of the half-space model and layered model,the left,middle,right columns represent the solution in the half-space,result in the layered model and absolute value of discrepancy between them respectively.

表3 不同积分方式的计算结果比较Table 3 Comparison of different integration methods

5 同震位移计算中积分方式的比较



6 结 论



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The coseismic displacement,strain and stress in the layered elastic model

HAO Jin-Lai,YAO Zhen-Xing
Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100029,China

The coseismic displacement,strain and stress,especially the change of the coseismic stress,are significant in the earthquake triggering investigation.Based on the layered elastic model,we develop a method to calculate the coseismic dislocation by the generalized reflectiontransmission coefficient matrix and discrete wavenumber method.We can use it to calculate the coseismic strain,stress,and the change of Coulomb stress.It can be applied in the general situation.The receiver can be located on the surface or underground.The earthquake source can be pure shear dislocation source or tensile source.For the half-space model,the result of our method coincides with the analytical solution,so the precision of our method is reliable.The method can be used to calculate the Coulomb stress after an earthquake,and the change of Coulomb stress can give a reference to estimate the distribution of the aftershocks.We combine the trapezoidal integration method with the Filon integration method to calculate the coseismic displacement.It improves the speed of the calculation and there is no accuracy loss.It is useful for the inversion research based on the coseismic displacement.

Generalized reflection-transmission coefficient matrix,Discrete wavenumber,Coseismic displacement,Coulomb stress,Layered elastic model








Hao J L,Yao Z X.The coseismic displacement,strain and stress in the layered elastic model.Chinese J.Geophys.(in Chinese),2012,55(5):1682-1694,doi:10.6038/j.issn.0001-5733.2012.05.025.

(本文编辑 胡素芳)

