

沉积学报 2012年3期

刘 莹 张卫国 杨世伦 罗 艺 董辰寅 俞立中

(华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室 上海 200062)


刘 莹 张卫国 杨世伦 罗 艺 董辰寅 俞立中

(华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室 上海 200062)


潮滩 磁性特征 粒度 月际变化 年际变化


1 研究区概况

芦潮港位于长江口与杭州湾交汇地带的南汇南滩,其所在水域属于非正规浅海半日潮,多年平均潮差3.38 m,大潮潮差>4 m,属强潮海岸[2]。潮流基本为东西向往复流,主流向与沿岸等深线大致平行,大潮涨潮平均流速1.1 m/s,落潮平均流速0.91 m/ s,波浪特别是东南向波浪作用较强[7]。南汇南滩邻近水域悬沙浓度一般冬季高于夏季[15]。受风浪、潮汐、长江入海水沙通量等因素的综合影响,取样点所在的潮滩地形监测断面总体上呈现夏秋冲刷(一般7-12月)、冬春淤积(一般1-6月)态势[16]。从年际变化的角度,由长江口河槽主泓摆动引起经由南槽进入杭州湾的水沙发生变化,对芦潮港岸段的侵蚀、淤积有强烈影响,一般长江口南槽分水分沙增大时,芦潮港岸段发生淤积[6]。

2 样品采集与研究方法

芦潮港潮滩表层沉积物样品采集于2007年至2010年,每月大、小潮在中潮滩固定点30°50.9'N, 121°51.3'E)各取一个表层(<1 cm)沉积物样,取样时间为退潮后滩面出露时刻。采集的样品于低温下烘干(<40℃),除一部分样品进行粒度分析外,其余样品用研钵分散,以备磁性测量。使用 Bartington MS2双频磁化率仪测量低频(0.47 kHz)磁化率(χ),利用Dtech2000交变退磁仪(交变磁场峰值100mT,直流磁场0.04mT)产生非磁滞剩磁(ARM),并以Minispin旋转磁力仪测定(本文表达为其磁化率形式,即χARM)。随后利用MMPM10脉冲磁化仪依次获得样品在1T和-300mT磁场下的等温剩磁(IRM),并利用旋转磁力仪测定。本文中将1T磁场获得的IRM称为饱和等温剩磁(SIRM),并计算了退磁参数S-300=100 X(SIRM-IRM-300)/(2 XSIRM),以及比值参数χARM/SIRM。

χ和SIRM近似地指示样品中磁性矿物含量,与χ不同的是,SIRM不受顺磁性、抗磁性矿物的影响,主要反映亚铁磁性矿物(如磁铁矿)的含量[12]。χARM受到磁性矿物晶粒大小的显著影响,稳定单畴亚铁磁性矿物晶粒的χARM要显著高于超顺磁和多畴晶粒, χARM/SIRM常用于磁性矿物颗粒大小的指示,较低的比值则反映了较粗的磁性颗粒[17].-300反映样品中亚铁磁性矿物(如磁铁矿)与不完全反铁磁性矿物(如赤铁矿、针铁矿)的相对组成,它随着不完全反铁磁性矿物的比例增加而下降[18]。

粒度分析步骤如下:称取50 mg左右样品于50 ml烧杯中,加入5 ml 10%HCl,静置半小时,以去除碳酸盐,再加入5 ml 10%H2O2,并于电热板(100℃)上加热20分钟以去除有机质,冷却静置过夜。第二天吸除上层清液,用蒸馏水将样品清洗2~3次,加入10 ml 0.5%分散剂六偏磷酸钠(Na(PO3)6),30 min后放入超声波仪器中超声10 min,使颗粒分散充分,用库尔特激光粒度仪(Coulter LS-100Q)进行粒度分析。

3 结果与讨论

3.1 磁性特征月际和年际变化


图1 研究区域及采样点Fig.1 The study area with the sampling site


图2 沉积物磁性特征的月际和年际变化(2007-2010年)Fig.2 Monthly and annual variations ofmagnetic properties for surface sediments sampled from 2007 to 2010

3.2 粒度特征月际和年际变化

2007至2009年,芦潮港潮滩沉积物粒度特征呈相似的月际变化,<4μm,4~8μm,8~16μm,16~ 32μm及>63μm粒级含量在每年12月至次年7月表现为高值,8~11月表现为低值,32~63μm粒级反之,平均粒径的值在12月至次年7月显著低于8 ~11月(图3)。这说明沉积物粒度在下半年粗化,与该地点2002-2005年期间的粒度研究结果相一致[14-15]。

相比前三年,2010年1-7月沉积物<4μm、4~ 8μm粒级含量总体下降,因而其月际变化差异变小。8~16μm、16~32μm以及32~63μm粒级变化趋势类似于前三年,但8~16μm和16~32μm粒级在8-11月的含量同比前三年有所增加,32~63μm粒级在8-11月的高值显著低于前三年同期。>63 μm粒级在1-7月变化趋势类似于前三年,但在8-12月含量有较大的增加。从平均粒径来看,相比前三年,2010年1-7月及12月沉积物粒度变粗,8-11月反之(图3)。

图3 沉积物粒度组成与平均粒径的月际和年际变化(2007-2010年)Fig.3 Monthly and annual variations changes in particle size for surface sediments sampled from 2007 to 2010

比较不同年份的粒度频率曲线可以发现,代表2010年粒度最粗的11月样品,150μm的峰值粒径含量明显低于2009年相同月的样品,但却在粒级25 μm左右出现一个次峰值。代表2010年粒度最细的6月份样品,相比2009年6月样品,其峰值粒径出现在较粗的40μm(图4),分选性变好。这也反映了2010年沉积物粒度在上半年较之前的年份发生粗化,下半年较之前的年份发生细化。

图4 2009年与2010年典型月份潮滩沉积物粒度频率分布曲线比较Fig.4 Comparison of particle size distribution curves of surface sediments sampled in the year of 2009 and 2010

3.3 磁性特征变化的粒度控制

潮滩表层沉积物磁性特征的变化主要受粒度和物源变化的影响[19~26]。已有长江口及杭州湾北岸潮滩沉积物磁性特征的研究表明,该区域沉积物磁性矿物颗粒主要富集在<32μm的粒级中,SIRM、χARM与<16μm粒级呈现显著的正相关关系[14,23]。将本次研究的四年样品以及邢云等研究的2004-2005年样品相比较,可见磁性参数SIRM、χARM与<16μm粒级显著相关的特点没有明显的改变(图5a,b)。磁化率χ与SIRM以及χARM的关系在这五年中也没有发生明显的变化(图5c,d)。从表1中也可以看出,磁性参数χ、χARM、SIRM以及χARM/SIRM与各粒级的相关性相似,基本上都是与<16μm粒级呈正相关,与> 63μm粒级呈负相关,而S-300与<16μm粒级呈负相关,与>63μm粒级呈正相关。从表1中可以看出,磁性参数χ、χARM、SIRM以及χARM/SIRM与<16μm粒级的相关性自2009年来有所减弱,2010年尤为显著。分析图5可以发现,这两年中部分沉积物样品明显偏离SIRM、χARM与<16μm的主流关系,因而导致相关系数的下降。上述结果表明,在研究区域,磁性矿物主要在<16μm粒级中富集,而>63μm粒级则起了稀释磁性矿物的作用。因此2010年不同月份磁性特征的变化,仍主要是粒度变化的结果。由于1-7月及12月中<8μm粒级含量下降,因而与磁性矿物含量有关的参数都相应下降;而8-11月由于<32 μm的中粉砂以下粒级含量的增加,磁性矿物含量相应增加。

图5 不同年份芦潮港潮滩沉积物χARM、SIRM与<16μm粒级含量和χ的关系Fig.5 Relationships betweenχARM,SIRM and the fraction of<16μm as well asχfor sediments sampled in different years

表1 不同年份沉积物χ、χARM、SIRM、S-300、χARM/SIRM与粒度组成的相关系数(n=48)Table1 Correlation coefficients betweenχ,χARM,SIRM,S-300,χARM/SIRM and particle size in different years(n=48) (a)



4 结论

2007-2009年期间,杭州湾芦潮港潮滩沉积物的磁性特征呈现出相似的月际变化特征,磁性参数χ、χARM、SIRM以及比值χARM/SIRM在12月至次年7月表现为高值,8-11月为低值,S-300变化趋势与之相反。粒度分析结果显示这三年里,潮滩较细的沉积物中含有较多的亚铁磁性矿物。2010年沉积物磁性特征的月际变化与前三年存在很大的不同,但由于磁性参数与粒度的关系在2007-2010年中没有发生明显的变化,说明2010年沉积物粒度月际变化模式改变是磁性特征月际变化特征发生改变的主导因素。由于1-7月及12月中 <8μm粒级含量下降,因而与磁性矿物含量有关的参数都相应下降;而8-11月由于<32μm以下粒级含量的增加,磁性矿物含量相应增加,导致磁性特征的月际变化幅度减小。粒度虽然对研究区域磁性特征变化起着控制作用,但是自2009年来磁性特征与粒度的相关程度有所降低。



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Annual Variations in M agnetic Properties of Tidal Flat Sediments from Luchaogang along the Northern Bank of the Hangzhou Bay and Its Response to Particle Size Change

LIU Ying ZHANGWei-guo YANG Shi-lun LUO Yi DONG Chen-yin YU Li-zhong
(State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research,East China Normal University,Shanghai200062)

Sediments in tidal deposits of the northern Hangzhou Bay are mainly supplied by fluvial discharge of the Yangtze River.In recent years,sediment discharge of the Yangtze River has declined dramatically.Therefore,the potential impact on tidal deposits of the Hangzhou Bay has attracted great attentions.Magnetic minerals,ubiquitous components of sediments,are sensitive to sediment source variations.As a result,magneticmethods have been widely used in provenance tracing of suspendedmatters and sediments in fluvial,marine,lacustrine and atmospheric environments.We have carried outmagneticmeasurements on surface tidal deposits collected daily from a fixed intertidal site at Luchaogang along the northern bank of the Hangzhou Bay during 2004 and 2005.twas found that particle size and magnetic properties exhibit significant seasonal changes.In general,during the accretion period of tidal flat,magnetic mineral concentrations are higher when sediments are finer,and vice versa.In this study,magnetic measurements and particle size analysiswere carried out on tidal flat sediments,collected daily at the same site from 2007 to 2010.he purpose is to study the annual changes in sediment composition under a context of the declined fluvial sediment discharge of Yangtze River.Themonthly and annual variation pattern ofmagnetic properties and its relationship with particle size were discussed.Magnetic parameters of sediments show similarmonthly variations from 2007 to 2009.agnetic susceptibility(χ),Susceptibility of anhystereric remnantmagnetization(χARM),Saturation isothermal remnantmagnetization(SIRM)and the ratio(χARM/SIRM,show higher values in December to July and lower values in August to November,and S-300shows the opposite tend.Particle size analysis indicates that sediments are finer between December and July,and coarser between August and November in these three years,suggesting that ferrimagnetic minerals are enriched in finer sediments,which is similar to the previous results reported for samples collected in 2004 and 2005.ompared to samples collected in 2007-2009,it can be seen thatmagneticmineral concentrations in sediments of 2010 decrease between December and July,and increase between August and November.As a result, the amplitude ofmonthly variation of magnetic properties becomes smaller.Meanwhile,sediments of 2010 become coarser between December and July,and finer between August and November.The relationship between magnetic properties and particle size is generally similar in the four years,which suggests that themonthly variation of particle size is themain factor for themonthly changes ofmagnetic properties in 2010.n general,χ,χARM,SIRM andχARM/ SIRM are positively correlated with the<16μm fraction and negatively with the>63μm fraction.In contrast,S-300is negatively correlated with the<16μm fraction and positively with the>63μm fraction.It indicates thatmagnetic minerals are enriched in the<16μm fraction,which is diluted by the>63μm fraction.In 2010,the decreases of concentration-related magnetic parameters between December and July are caused by the decline of the<8μm fraction.On the contrary,the increase of concentration-related magnetic parameters in the remainingmonths are caused by the increase of the<32μm fraction.However,the above mentioned relationships between magnetic parameters and particle size weaken since 2009,which is especially significant in 2010.he factors for the observed relationship between magnetic properties and particle size in 2010,which is different from previous years,may include tides, winds,sediments flux,coastmorphology and engineering works.Therefore,an integrated monitoring of hydrodynamics,meteorology,and topography is needed to address themechanism.In addition,the potential impacts of decline sediment input of the Yangtze River on tidal flat sediment source,need to be assessed in future study.This study demonstrates thatmagneticmethods,with the virtue of being simple and sensitive,can provide valuable insights to environmental change through the analysis of sediment composition in a simple and non-destructive way.

tidal flat;magnetic properties;particle size;monthly variation;annual variation

刘莹 女 1987年出生 硕士生 城市地貌与环境






