《合成化学》 2012年(第20卷)总 目 次


合成化学 2012年6期

(Vol.20 2012)


成 明 李伯刚(1-1)


陈国彬 岳利剑(1-7)


罗万荣 仇文卫 杨 帆 汤 杰(1-13)


陈晓娜 胡文浩 李小六 徐华栋(1-19)


陈 湜 董 琳(1-23)


彭 琦 张义文 王小敏 王卓端 姚 舜 宋 航(1-28)


梁志彬 赵 殊 王兴宁 郭 超 吴 宁 王 婧(1-32)


徐寿相 刘 慧 李艳飞 汪海东(1-36)


徐立炎 邵华武(1-40)


谭 帅 王彩虹 郭 勇 伍 勇(1-43)


刘启洪 陈 雷 万维李 吴 勇(1-46)


姜小明 赵 濉 宫清涛(1-49)


刘 静 彭亦如 张 宏 吴克勤 陈莉莉 阙寿林 陈奎治 陈燕燕 陈婉玲(1-52)

采用ATRP合成天然橡胶接枝共聚物——Ⅰ. ATRP大分子引发剂的制备

杨耀华 廖建和 廖禄生 赵 伟 黄仙红 陈永平(1-56)




王美怡 李正名(1-65)


陈志卫 刘峰帆 苏为科(1-69)


滕信焕 姜 林 周少方 张泽远(1-73)


杜海军 杜海堂 桑维钧 王 慧(1-76)


马 腾 郭阳阳 翟文杰 梁辉辉 张宽宇 张 昭(1-80)


姜建新 徐 峰 杨珍珍(1-83)


张 磊 刘金庭(1-86)


马 旺 刘永亮 郭宝铭 钟为慧(1-90)


黄志彬 翁家宝 郑雪琳 王艳芹 孟雪飞(1-94)


屈玉峰 蒋晓东 曹林洪 方 瑜 罗 炫 张庆军 孙连来 黄 进 刘红婕(1-98)


潘成学 董见生 苏桂发(1-101)


刘忠彬 程传杰 申 亮 郑 义(1-104)


闫 哲 强西怀 张 辉 方银军 高 慧 卢俊杰(1-107)


王道林 李 帝 宋勇澄 曹 亮(1-111)


胡 育 王公应 李晓燕 陈稼轩 张元勤(1-114)


田 新 李金山 王 军(1-117)


李占成 金云舟 高 博(1-119)


章文军 苑志忠 张 静(1-123)


段妍琴 陈国华 李素义(1-125)


江传亮 陈国华 潘瑜群 李素义(1-128)



冯翠兰 徐海云 徐茂田 赵文献(2-131)


高 鹏 朱 磊 王佳乐 王浦海 孙 立 袁胜涛(2-137)


吴军宁 罗新荣 张 辰 万平玉(2-143)


周彦水 王伯周 王锡杰 周 诚 宁艳利 廉 鹏 李建康 张叶高(2-147)


李晓丽 李志国 张诗尧 李 斌 乔 凯(2-153)


朱红梅 秦俊虎 欧阳贵平(2-156)


庄长福 王 瑛 张加研 吴春华 田 珩 秦永剑 师同顺(2-161)


刘方猛 许苗军 李 斌(2-165)

采用ATRP合成天然橡胶接枝共聚物——Ⅱ. ENR-g-PS的制备

杨耀华 廖建和 廖禄生 赵 伟 黄仙红 陈永平(2-169)

采用ATRP合成天然橡胶接枝共聚物——Ⅲ. NR-g-PMMA的制备

赵 伟 廖建和 廖禄生 杨耀华 黄仙红 陈永平(2-174)


马献力 黄建新 段文贵 莫启进 林桂汕 岑 波 黄 翊(2-180)


刘改玲 姜 岚 李争宁(2-186)


宋 萍 赵静国 李桂杰(2-193)


叶 玲 张培翼 王佳宁 陈良康 陈建兴 陈海林(2-200)


王暖升 李俊英 李天铎(2-204)


聂旭亮 吴东平 吴苏琴 涂勇刚 温世和 温辉梁(2-207)


刘 举 王 洋 周云鹏 姜明俊 王 正 徐利锋(2-210)


张 涛 姚金水 杨志勇 王丹青 朱 政(2-214)


徐 艺 常冠军 张 林(2-217)


刘 伟 许宾宾 曹树稳(2-220)


孟程红 王 林 彭 涛 张首国 温晓雪 刘 靖 颜海燕(2-223)


宋 琦 张莉莉 杲 婷 史海健(2-226)


殷慧清 陈 晨 陈 伟 韩世清(2-228)


沈 林 殷俊霞 汪朝晖 汪效祖(2-231)


张国安 夏 敏(2-235)


曹丽萍 冯 文 刘 艳 薛 莱 李 瑶 齐胜超 袁立华(2-239)


马素芳 崔 源 苏瑞飞 姜姗姗 马少波 张 昭(2-241)


丁 薇 程传杰(2-244)

Lipozyme TL IM催化合成Temsirolimus

万振江 卢晓霞(2-248)


杲 婷 宋 琦 邱银华 张莉莉 史海健(2-251)


廖昌军 袁立华 蒋庆琳(2-254)


张秋荣 蒋腾飞 王 惠 邵坤鹏 刘宏民(2-257)


阮志忠 雷 杨 丁海新 肖 强(2-260)



陈凑喜 李学强 冯 雷 李天才 周学章 代 静 孙 健(3-263)


邹汉勋 汪凌云 叶德成 曹德榕(3-271)


王 颖 罗仕忠 文 婕 周夫东(3-276)


郑玉国 薛 伟 熊 壮 何 勇 杨 涛 卢 平(3-281)


孙 秋 赵浩宇 侯太平(3-286)


吴声坤 李朝龙 王跃川(3-291)


苏桂发 农 娟 郑志兵 覃江克 唐 煌 邓业成(3-296)


李亮荣 丁永红 欧阳红霞 孙戊辰 刘 峰(3-302)


刘俊杰 高 峻 付清泉 唐 卓(3-306)


支 爽 郑 帼 刘冰妮 王景阳 刘登科(3-312)


郑玉国 薛 伟 郭晴晴 卢 平 王贞超 魏 学(3-316)


王 静 李 斌(3-320)


王健春 陈振民 乔 良 李雅茜 焦晓兰 金嫣然(3-324)


钟川龙 辜玲慧 吴小艾 范成中(3-328)


杨明蓉 唐 卓 陈应春(3-331)


张丽丽 李 斌 赵 巍 许苗军(3-334)


张燕燕 刘万定 吴杰颖(3-337)


程传杰 刘二静 付全磊 申 亮 郑 义(3-340)


张奇龙 肖 竦 徐 红 杨先炯 朱必学(3-342)


杨志勇 姚金水 郭瑞宝 杨 宁 张 涛(3-346)


张逸伟 刘子奇 林东恩(3-349)


陈智栋 赵恒军 赵俊理 钱 广(3-352)


南鹏娟 赵海康 陈 晶 崔新爱(3-356)


白翠冰 李军舰 张 鹏 张有明 魏太保(3-359)


全 娜 董 菁 吕 霞 聂良邓 朱瑞恒 施小新(3-363)


张莉莉 杲 婷 宋 琦 邱银华 林成刚 史海健(3-366)


李 雪 张稳稳 何 菱(3-369)


王申竹 王平华 刘春华 唐龙祥 袁钤亚(3-372)


袁泽利 杨名惠 吴 庆 胡庆红 张铭钦 钟永科(3-375)


朱海翔 李金山 徐 容 陈 娅 杨世源(3-378)


祁小云 胡泉源 王世敏 杨 飞 喻 平(3-381)


张 鹏 王晓萌 姜姗姗 马素芳 赵 昀 张 昭(3-384)


颜 莉 楚天杰 严智能 赵吉寿(3-386)


张 鹏 王 超 周 莉 孙 健(3-389)


程 柯 王 超(3-393)


张 兴 郑炎松(3-396)


张新民 周 喜(3-399)



王晓伟 王奂祎 贺站锋 刘 涛 陈君和 蒋 毅(4-403)


薛 伟 熊 壮 郑玉国 何 勇 魏 学 祁慧雪 卢 平(4-411)


吕广颖 牟关敏 杨海君(4-416)


杜 斌 余建华 李志军 丁志军(4-421)


张存彦 刘登科 孙长海 刘 默 刘 巍(4-425)


姜 波 魏 冬 范九良 汪佳凤 周双生(4-430)


陈华梅 何晓璐 梁明伟 岳 凡 孙都成(4-434)


侯学会 赵立魁 张京玉(4-438)


朱露露 倪 娜 张 宁 李明明 冒 丽 吴华强(4-444)


陈贞干 黄小兵 陈红辉 周诗彪 陈远道 刘北平 杨基峰 瞿美臻 于作龙(4-448)




从琴琴 廖双泉 杨晓红 张 哲 谢贵水(4-458)


李高伟 唐 贝 王敏灿 孔培培 赵文献(4-462)


潘 华 徐 亮(4-466)


徐其超 王 静 赵 东 赵 亮(4-470)


陈 辉 郑彩霞 杨玉峰 林婷婷 袁 栋 徐 峰(4-475)


彭化南 郑大贵 张 勇 谢国豪 曾贤华(4-479)


张 嫦 谭 炯 赵志刚(4-482)


班风俊 盛恩宏 龚腾飞 叶诚诚(4-486)


张桂玲 曾 加 罗绪强(4-490)


金 潇 徐 亮(4-494)


李 扬 伍辛军 王 超 孙 健(4-497)


于小凤 夏洪城 陈美琳 罗 明 苏 亚(4-501)




王春山 张 泽(4-508)


曹瑞伟 陈朝辉 吴春雷 周玉波 高晓忠 黄云云 王欢欢(4-511)


高复兴 陈光辉 王金涛 李在顺 王晓芳(4-515)


程传杰 孙 剑 刘忠彬 申 亮 刘英佳(4-517)


王用良 郭拥军 柳建新 冯茹森(4-520)


李雪锋 叶 玲(4-522)


金 灿 林晓清 苏为科(4-524)



赵文静 于秀玲 邵 华 王玉丽 徐为人 汤立达 赵桂龙 王建武(5-527)


吴 宁 赵 殊 王 婧 黄竹君(5-537)


杨传伟 牛 端 穆 帅 王平保 谭初兵 周植星 刘登科(5-543)


王立慧 杨先贵 王公应(5-550)


于云龙 白军伟 张军华(5-556)


王建玲 吕全建 王国庆(5-560)


陈海念 郑杜建 覃爱苗(5-564)


李昭昭 张月成 赵继全(5-568)

Myceliothermophin E片断(Z)-5-(2-甲基亚丙基)-3-吡咯啉-2-酮的合成及其Baylis-Hillman模型反应

金 瑛 曲世伟(5-573)

Paratocarpin B的全合成

落俊山 杨金会 王金荣 黄文倩 郭冬冬 李红俊 张玉恒(5-578)


赵 建 宁 君 蒋志福 高贝贝 袁会珠 折冬梅(5-582)


周映华 陈 健 商永嘉(5-586)


阿布拉江·克依木 阿娜姑·托合提 刘方明(5-591)


吴 洋 张灯青 谢大海 李贤英 金武松(5-596)

壳聚糖希夫碱金属[Cu(Ⅱ), Mn(Ⅱ)]配合物的合成及其抑菌活性

刘正华 乐学义 陈 实 周晓华 范 玲(5-599)


陈淑伟 詹豪强(5-603)


伍 勇 饶小平 王宗德 宋湛谦(5-606)


郑 满 李战雄(5-609)


沈咏梅 谢晓娜 荀二娜 王佳欣 张 弘 王 磊 王 智(5-612)


张 弘 李雅微 曹淑桂 程铁欣 王 智 王 磊(5-616)


欧阳春平 王 瑀 赵顺新 宋存先 张政朴(5-620)


张 然 许 洁 赵丽娇 钟儒刚(5-623)


张晓凯 刘冰妮 王平保 刘 默 刘登科(5-627)


李 颖 廖双泉 钟杰平 廖小雪 陈永平 李新红(5-631)


孙海燕 孙尚飞 黄兆阁 张 林 林润雄(5-635)


温万东 刘喜保 高履桐 杨润亚 祁志军(5-638)


程 杰 方志杰 顾振龙(5-642)


钟 飞 白 威 熊成东(5-646)

何祖慧 刘 勇 李哲先 冯明科(5-649)


付明伟 葛 敏(5-652)


欧阳雁 冯文化(5-656)



何欢欢 李长恭 韩瑞杰 郭素华 王留成(6-659)


于淑娟 莫羡忠 杨 芳 梁春群(6-664)


田宗勇 阮晓娇 缪春宝 孙小强 杨海涛(6-668)


谢建强 朱光明 唐玉生 邓 登 宋 斐(6-674)


张改红 程传玲(6-679)


吴 刚 冯建华 李会会 王小锋(6-683)


吴 刚 李会会 郭 莉(6-688)


魏娇娇 张月成 赵继全(6-693)


张林山 苗华明 张海良 谭初兵 周植星 邵 华 李 明 赵桂龙(6-696)

Coryfolia D的全合成

郭冬冬 杨金会 落俊山 黄文倩(6-701)


柯贤炳 潘 腾 吴 杰 杨明利(6-705)


王鹤文 冯亚青 孟舒献(6-709)


李 杨 刘建军 张若思 李保山 左胜利(6-712)


汪友明 田 超 陶有祥(6-715)


许宗会 裴晓梅 宋冰蕾 史 慧 崔正刚(6-718)


白宝平 白 威(6-721)


王宏图 刘 波(6-724)


张改红 薛国喜(6-728)


白 洁 张月成 赵继全(6-732)


蔡 瑛 黄剑锋 张美丹 曾 勇 张耀谋(6-736)


李 晶 赵圣印(6-740)


冯 雷 孙 健 魏梦雪 李学强(6-742)


孙尚飞 孙海燕 黄兆阁 林润雄 张 林(6-745)


徐京华 蔡志彬 项 斌(6-748)


张股林 邵超英 张学斌 李洪启(6-751)


冯世德 曹凤云 孙太凡 路 嫔 蔡清海(6-754)


杨晓莉 冯志强 胡小红 郝凌云(6-758)


杨玉梅 关晋平 陈国强(6-761)


唐拾贵 孙雁龙 蒋云晨 叶 飞 郭 凯(6-764)


唐拾贵 蒋云晨 孙雁龙 叶 飞 郭 凯(6-767)


常卫星 王果果 柳凌艳 李 靖(6-771)


汤雁波 徐 凯 杜 欣 肖志艳(6-774)


郭玉玮 徐金玲 程春萍(6-778)


张伟光 蔡志强 刘洪强 徐为人 汤立达(6-782)


王道武 郑金龙 庞 雪 张 龙(6-784)




(Vol.20 2012)


Research Progress on Metal-catalyzed Coupling of Alkyne and Imine for Propargylamines Synthesis

CHENG Ming, LI Bo-gang(1-1)

Research Progress on the Synthesis of Sitafloxacin

CHEN Guo-bin, YUE Li-jian(1-7)

Synthesis of 3-Aryl Substituted Quinolines by Meinwald-Friedländer Reaction

LUO Wan-rong, QIU Wen-wei, YANG Fan, TANG Jie(1-13)

Synthesis ofβ-Diazo-α-ketoamides and Their Cyclopropanation Reaction with Alkenes

CHEN Xiao-na, HU Wen-hao, LI Xiao-liu, XU Hua-dong(1-19)

Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation Reaction by Modified Cincona Alkaloids-catalyzed

CHEN Shi, DONG Lin(1-23)

Synthesis of Novel Ionic Liquid with Benzothiazolium and Research on their Physical Chemical Property

PENG Qi, ZHANG Yi-wen, WANG Xiao-min, WANG Zuo-duan, YAO Shun, SONG Hang(1-28)

Synthesis of a Novel Water-solubility Hyperbranched Poly(amido-ester)

LIANG Zhi-bin, ZHAO Shu, WANG Xing-ning, GUO Chao, WU Ning, WANG Jing(1-32)

Synthesis and Catalytic Oxidation Properties of Metal Coordination Polymer [Mn2(C8H3NO6)2(C12H8N2)2]n

XU Shou-xiang, LIU Hui, LI Yan-fei, WANG Hai-dong(1-36)

Synthesis of 3-O-acetyl-4,6-di-O-benzyl-1,2-cyclopropaneacetylated Glucose

XU Li-yan, SHAO Hua-wu(1-40)

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Rod-shaped Sulfonic Acid Liquid Crystals

TAN Shuai, WANG Cai-hong, GUO Yong, WU Yong(1-43)

Synthesis of Key Intermediate of Diazepinomicin

LIU Qi-hong, CHEN Lei, WAN Wen-li, WU Yong(1-46)

Synthesis of Novel Well-degraded Quaternary Ammonium Gemini Surfactant

JIANG Xiao-ming, ZHAO Sui, GONG Qing-tao(1-49)

Synthesis of Novel Dendritic Compound 3,5-Di[3,5-di(4-carboxyl benzyloxy)benzyloxy]benzyl Alcohol

LIU Jing,

PENG Yi-ru, ZHANG Hong, WU Ke-qing, CHEN Li-li, QUE Shou-lin, CHEN Kui-zhi, CHEN Yan-yan, CHEN Wan-ling(1-52)

Synthesis of Graft Copolymer of Natural Rubber by ATRP. Ⅰ. Preparation of ATRP Macroinitiator

YANG Yao-hua, LIAO Jian-he, LIAO Lu-sheng, ZHAO Wei, HUANG Xian-hong, CHEN Yong-ping(1-56)

Synthesis of Disubstituent Ferrocenyltrimethylsilylcyanohydrinether

WANG Xiao-li(1-60)

Synthesis and Bioactivities of Novel 2-Methoxycarbonyl-5-arylazomethine Benzenesulfonamide

WANG Mei-yi, LI Zheng-ming(1-65)

Synthesis of 1-(Substituted phenyl)-3,4-disubstituted-pyrazole Derivatives by BTC/DMF Assistant

CHEN Zhi-wei, LIU Feng-fan, SU Wei-ke(1-69)

Synthesis and Fungicidal Activities of Novel 2,5-Disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazoles Containing Isoxazole Ring

TENG Xin-huan, JIANG Lin, ZHOU Shao-fang, ZHANG Ze-yuan(1-73)

Synthesis of 3-(3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-4-amino-5-(substituted thiobenzyl)-1,2,4-triazoloes and Their Biological Activity

DU Hai-jun, DU Hai-tang, SANG Wei-jun, WANG Hui(1-76)

Synthesis and Surface Activity of (2-Hexyl-1,3-dioxa-cyclopentane-4)methane-1-pyridinium Salt

MA Teng, GUO Yang-yang, ZHAI Wen-jie, LIANG Hui-hui, ZHANG Kuan-yu, ZHANG Zhao(1-80)

Synthesis of 1,4-Bis(6-phenyl-1,2,4,5-tetrazin-3-yl)benzene

JIANG Jian-xin, XU Feng, YANG Zhen-zhen(1-83)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Double Butterfly-shaped Cluster{(μ-FcS2)[Fe2(CO)6]2(μ-SMe)2}

ZHANG Lei, LIU Jin-ting(1-86)

Synthesis of Pyrimidones under Microwave Irradiation

MA Wang, LIU Yong-liang, GUO Bao-ming, ZHONG Wei-hui(1-90)

Synthesis of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) by Reverse Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization

HUANG Zhi-bin, WENG Jia-bao, ZHENG Xue-lin, WANG Yan-qin, MENG Xue-fei(1-94)

Synthesis of Poly[bis(hexanN-carbazol)]phosphazene

QU Yu-feng,

JIANG Xiao-dong, CAO Lin-hong, FANG Yu, LUO Xuan, ZHANG Qing-jun, Sun Lian-lai, HUANG Jing, LIU Hong-jie(1-98)

A New Method for Scalable Preparation of 4-Benzyloxyl-2-hydroxyl Benzaldehyde

PAN Cheng-xue, DONG Jian-sheng, SU Gui-fa(1-101)

Synthesis and Application of RAFT Chain Transfer Agent with Photoinitiating Activity

LIU Zhong-bin, CHENG Chuan-jie, SHEN Liang, ZHENG Yi(1-104)

Synthesis and Application of SMA Aliphatic Alcohol Monoester

YAN Zhe, QIANG Xi-huai, ZHANG Hui, FANG Yin-jun, GAO Hui, LU Jun-jie(1-107)

Synthesis of 1-{Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-2-yl}guaiazulenes

WANG Dao-lin, Li Di, SONG Yong-cheng, CAO Liang(1-111)

Preparation of CdS Nanospheres by Ionic Liquid{[C16mim]Br}-assisted

HU Yu, WANG Gong-ying, LI Xiao-yan, CHEN Jia-xuan, ZHANG Yuan-qin(1-114)

Synthesis of 3,4-Dinitropyrazole

TIAN Xin, LI Jin-shan, WANG Jun(1-117)

Synthesis of 5-Substituted Indol-2-ones

LI Zhan-cheng, JIN Yun-zhou, GAO Bo(1-119)

Synthesis of Duloxetine Derivatives with Acyl

ZHANG Wen-jun, YUAN Zhi-zhong, ZHANG Jing(1-123)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Prasugrel Hydrochloride

DUAN Yan-qin, CHEN Guo-hua, LI Su-yi(1-125)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Naproxcinod

JIANG Chuan-liang, CHEN Guo-hua, PAN Yu-qun, LI Su-yi(1-128)


Progress in the Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles Supported Catalysts

FENG Cui-lan, XU Hai-yun, XU Mao-tian, ZHAO Wen-xian(2-131)

Synthesis and Antitumor Activities of 20(S)-O-linked Substituted Benzoic Acid-7-ethyl Camptothecin Ester Compounds

GAO Peng, ZHU Lei, WANG Jia-le, WANG Pu-hai, SUN Li, YUAN Sheng-tao(2-137)

Synthesis and Performance Study of Oxadiazole Substituted in the Side Chain and Siloxane Blocked Poly-phenylene

Vinylene Derivative

WU Jun-ning, LUO Xin-rong, ZHANG Chen, WAN Ping-yu(2-143)

Synthesis and Quantum Chemistry Study of Novel Bifurazano [3,4-b∶3′,4′-f]furoxano[3″,4″-d]oxacyclohetpatriene

ZHOU Yan-shui, WANG Bo-zhou, WANG Xi-jie, ZHOU Cheng, NING Yan-li, LIAN Peng, LI Jian-kang, ZHANG Ye-gao(2-147)

Synthesis and Performance Study of a Novel Cyclotriphosphazene Macromolecules

LI Xiao-li, LI Zhi-guo, ZHANG Shi-yao, LI Bin, Qiao Kai(2-153)

Synthesis and Antitumor Activities of Novel 4-(5-N-substituted-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol)benzo[4,5]furo[3,2-d]pyrimidine Derivatives

ZHU Hong-mei, QIN Jun-hu, OUYANG Gui-ping(2-156)

Synthesis and Fluorescent Properties of Nove Unsymmetrical Porphyrin Ligand and Its Zinc Complex

ZHUANG Chang-fu, WANG Ying, ZHANG Jia-yan, WU Chun-hua, TIAN Heng, QING Yong-jian, SHI Tong-shun(2-161)

Synthesis and Performance Study of a Novel MQ Silicon Resin with High Heat Resist and Hydrophobic Property

LIU Fang-meng, XU Miao-jun, LI Bin(2-165)

Synthesis of Graft Copolymer of Natural Rubber by ATRP Ⅱ.Preparation of ENR-g-PS

YANG Yao-hua, LIAO Jian-he, LIAO Lu-sheng, ZHAO Wei, HUANG Xian-hong, CHEN Yong-ping(2-169)

Synthesis of Graft Copolymer of Natural Rubber by ATRP Ⅲ.Preparation of NR-g-PMMA

ZHAO Wei, LIAO Jian-he, LIAO Lu-sheng, YANG Yao-hua, HUANG Xian-hong, CHEN Yong-ping(2-174)

Synthesis and Herbicidal Activities of Novelα-Terpinene-Maleimide-Based Disulfamide Compounds

MA Xian-li, HUANG Jian-xin, DUAN Wen-gui, MO Qi-jin, LIN Gui-shan, CEN Bo, HUANG Yi(2-180)

Synthesis of 1-(2-Alkoxyl-5-methylphenyl)alkylamine

LIU Gai-ling, JIANG Lan, LI Zheng-ning(2-186)

Synthesis of Arbidol Derivatives

SONG Ping, ZHAO Jing-guo, LI Gui-jie(2-193)

Synthesis of Novel 17α-Eethynyl-5-androstene-3β,7β,17β-triol(HE3286) Derivatives

YE Ling, ZHANG Pei-yi, WANG Jia-ning, CHEN Liang-kang, CHEN Jian-xing, CHEN Hai-lin(2-200)

Synthesis of New Salen Ligands by Mannich Reaction

WANG Nuan-sheng, LI Jun-ying, LI Tian-duo(2-204)

Synthesis and Fluorescence Property of 2-(2-Carboxylphenyl)-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline

NIE Xu-liang, WU Dong-ping, WU Su-qin, TU Yong-gang, WEN Shi-he, WEN Hui-liang(2-207)

Synthesis of Lipoprotein Lipase Activator Ibrolipim Analogs

LIU Ju, WANG Yang, ZHOU Yun-peng, JIANG Ming-jun, WANG Zheng, XU Li-feng(2-210)

Synthesis and Thermal Stability of New Poly(amide-imide)s

ZHANG Tao, YAO Jin-shui, YANG Zhi-yong, WANG Dan-qing, ZHU Zheng(2-214)

Synthesis of Novel Sulfoned-polybenzimidazole

XU Yi, CHANG Guan-jun, ZHANG Lin(2-217)

Synthesis and Antioxidant Activities of Silybin Ester ofN-Carbobenzyloxyglycine

LIU Wei, XU Bin-bin, CAO Shu-wen(2-220)

Synthesis and Alkylation of (+)-(1S,7aS)-1-hydroxy-7a-methyl-1,2,3,6,7,7a-hexahydro-inden-5-one

MENG Cheng-hong, WANG Lin, PENG Tao, ZHANG Shou-guo, WEN Xiao-xue, LIU Jing, YAN Hai-yan(2-223)

Synthesis of 1,4-Bis-t-butoxycarbonyl Spermidine by One-pot

SONG Qi, ZHANG Li-li, GAO Ting, SHI Hai-jian(2-226)

Synthesis of Aminothiazole Compounds

YIN Hui-qing, CHEN Chen, CHEN Wei, HAN Shi-qing(2-228)

Synthesis of Bi2S3Crystal by EDTA-assisted Hydrothermal Method

SHEN Lin, YIN Jun-xia, WANG Chao-hui, WANG Xiao-zu(2-231)

Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution of 2-(Naphthalen-1-yloxymethyl)oxirane

ZHANG Guo-an, XIA Min(2-235)

Process Improvement on the synthesis of Difunisal

CAO Li-ping, FENG Wen, LIU Yan, XUE Lai, LI Yao, QI Sheng-chao, YUAN Li-hua(2-239)

Synthesis of Triphenylamineimine Compounds

MA Su-fang, CUI Yuan, SU Rui-fei, JIANG Shan-shan, MA Shao-bo, ZHANG Zhao(2-241)

Synthesis of Anticoagulant Rodenticide Flocoumafen

DING Wei, CHENG Chuan-Jie(2-244)

Catalytic Synthesis of Temsirolimus by Lipozyme TL IM

WAN Zhen-jiang, LU Xiao-xia(2-248)

Synthesis of Important Intermediate Bromonarwedine of Galantamine

GAO Ting, SONG Qi, QIU Yin-Hua, ZHANG Li-Li, SHI Hai-Jian(2-251)

Synthesis ofN-Boc-N′-3,3-bis(ethoxycarbonyl phosphono)propyl-glycinamide, an Important Intermediate for Bone-targeting Anticancer


LIAO Chang-jun, YUAN Li-hua, JIANG Qing-lin(2-254)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Dipyridamole

ZHANG Qiu-rong, JIANG Teng-fei, WANG Hui, SHAO Kun-peng, LIU Hong-min(2-257)

Total Synthesis of Crassifogenin A

RUAN Zhi-zhong, LEI Yang, DING Hai-xin, XIAO Qiang(2-260)


Synthesis of Novel 18β-Glycyrrhetinic Acid Derivatives Containing Heterocycle Amides and Their Antituberculosis Activities

CHEN Cou-xi, LI Xue-qiang, FENG Lei, LI Tian-cai, ZHOU Xue-zhang, DAI Jing, SUN Jian(3-263)

Synthesis of Novel Coumarin Derivatives Containing Substituted Vinyl Moieties and Their Optical Properties

ZOU Han-xun, WANG Ling-yun, YE De-cheng, CAO De-rong(3-271)

Preparation of Immobilized Heteropolyacid Functionalized Ionic Liquids Catalyst bmim-PW12/SiO2and Its Application in Esterification

WANG Ying, LUO Shi-zhong, WEN Jie, ZHOU Fu-dong(3-276)

Synthesis and Anticancer Activities of NovelN-[2-(substituted benzothiazol-2-carbamoyl)phenyl]substituted-fluoro-benzamides

ZHENG Yu-guo, XUE Wei, XIONG Zhuang, HE Yong, YANG TAO, LU Ping(3-281)

Synthesis and Antifungal Activities of Novel 2-Nitroiminoimidazolidine and 2-Cyaniminothiazolidine Derivatives

SUN Qiu, ZHAO Hao-yu, HOU Tai-ping(3-286)

Preparation of Hyperbranched Polymethylmethacrylate and Its Rheological Properties

WU Sheng-kun, LI Chao-long, WANG Yue-chuan(3-291)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of 4-(10-Acetoxy-2-decenoyl)piperazium Ammonium

SU Gui-fa, NONG Juan, ZHENG Zhi-bing, QIN Jiang-ke, TANG Huang, DENG Ye-cheng(3-296)

Synthesis and Thermal Performance of PI/BaTiO3Hybrid Films

LI Liang-rong, DING Yong-hong, OUYANG Hong-xia, SUN Wu-chen, LIU Feng(3-302)

Synthesis of Single Replace Phenylacetaldehyde and Corresponding 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives

LIU Jun-jie, GAO Jun, FU Qing-quan, TANG Zhuo(3-306)

Synthesis ofN-substituted-2-{4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothieno[3,2-c]pyridine-5-yl}acetamides and Their Anti-platelet Aggregation Activities

ZHI Shuang, ZHENG Guo, LIU Bing-ni, WANG Jing-yang, LIU Deng-ke(3-312)

Synthesis and Antivirus Activities of Novel Triazolyl-3(2H)-2H-chromen-2-ones

ZHENG Yu-guo, XUE Wei, GUO Qing-qing, LU Ping, WANG Zhen-chao, WEI Xue(3-316)

Synthesis of New Seven-ring-fused Benzothiophene Derivatives

WANG Jing, LI Bin(3-320)

Synthesis of Novel Asymmetric 1,1′-Bissubstitudeimidazole Ferrocenes

WANG Jian-chun, CHEN Zhen-min, QIAO Liang, LI Ya-xi, JIAO Xiao-lan, JIN Yan-ran(3-324)

9-Hydroxyl Derivation of Migrastatin Core

ZHONG Chuan-long, GU Ling-hui, WU Xiao-ai, FAN Cheng-zhong(3-328)

Improvement Method on the Synthesis of a Biotin-labelled Reagent and Its Application in the DNA Synthesis

YANG Ming-rong, TANG Zhuo, CHEN Ying-chun(3-331)

Synthesis of a Novel Macromolecular Phosphorus-nitrogen Containing Flame Retardant and Its Application in Flame

Retarded Polycarbonate

ZHANG Li-li, LI Bin, ZHAO Wei, Xu Miao-jun(3-334)

Synthesis of a Novel Hexyl-carbazole Schiff Base

ZHANG Yan-yan, LIU Wan-ding, WU Jie-ying(3-337)

Synthesis of a Novel Gemini Surface-active ATRP Initiator

CHENG Chuan-jie, LIU Er-jing, FU Quan-lei, SHEN Liang, ZHEN Yi(3-340)

Synthesis and Crytal Structure of Schiff Bsae Co(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer

ZHANG Qi-long, XIAO Song, XU Hong, YANG Xian-jiong, ZHU Bi-xue(3-342)

Synthesis of Novel Chiral Poly(amide-imide) and Its Thermostability

YANG Zhi-yong, YAO Jin-shui, GUO Rui-bao, YANG Ning, ZHANG Tao(3-346)

Synthesis of Novel 5′-Deoxynucleoside Derivatives

ZHANG Yi-wei, LIU Zi-qi, LIN Dong-en(3-349)

Synthesis of Intermediates of 1-β-Methy Carbapenem Antibiotics by Reformatsky Reaction

CHEN Zhi-dong, ZHAO Heng-jun, ZHAO Jun-li, QIAN Guang(3-352)

Synthesis of Taxol 13-C Side Chain Catalyzed by Recoverable Chiral Ligand [QN(OH)2]2PHAL

NAN Peng-juan, ZHAO Hai-kang, CHEN Jing, CUI Xin-ai(3-356)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Benzimidazoles

BAI Cui-bing, LI Jun-jian, ZHANG Peng, ZHANG You-ming, WEI Tai-bao(3-359)

A Green Method for Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds by Hydrolysis of Hydrazones

QUAN Na, DONG Jing, LÜ Xia, NIE Liang-deng, ZHU Rui-heng, SHI Xiao-xin(3-363)

Application of Pd/C-(ammonium formate) in Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenolysis

ZHANG Li-li, GAO Ting, SONG Qi, QIU Yin-hua, LIN Cheng-gang, SHI Hai-jian(3-366)

Catalyzed Oxidation of Aromatic Ethers

LI Xue, ZHANG Wen-wen, HE Ling(3-369)

Synthesis of RAFT Agents by Phase Transfer Catalytic Method

WANG Shen-zhu, WANG Pin-hua, LIU Chun-hua, TANG Long-xiang, YUAN Ling-ya(3-372)

Synthesis of Chitosan Grafted with Macrocyclic Schiff-base

YUAN Ze-li, YANG Ming-hui, WU Qing, HU Qing-hong, ZHANG Ming-qin, ZHONG Yong-ke(3-375)

One-pot Synthesis of Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Acetate

ZHU Hai-xiang, LI Jin-shan, XU Rong, CHEN Ya, YANG Shi-yuan(3-378)

Synthesis of Octupolar Molecule 2,4,6-Tris[o-(4-hydroxy-butoxy) styryl]-s-triazine

QI Xiao-yun, HU Quan-yuan, WANG Shi-min, YANG Fei, YU Ping(3-381)

Synthesis of 2,7-Dibromo-4-(N,N-dimethyl acroloyl)fluorene

ZHANG Peng, WANG Xiao-meng, JIANG Shan-shan, MA Su-fang, ZHAO Yun, ZHANG Zhao(3-384)

Synthesis of Tolidine-PMBP and Its Complexes

YAN Li, CHU Tian-jie, YAN Zhi-neng, ZHAO Ji-shou(3-386)

Synthesis ofα-Fluoro-β-amino Esters

ZHANG Peng, WANG Chao, ZHOU Li, SUN Jian(3-389)

AsymmetricC-sulfinylation of Enamides Catalyzed by Cinchona Alkaloids

CHENG Ke, WANG Chao(3-393)

Process Improvement on the Total Synthesis of a Low Molecular Weight MyD88 Mimic AS-1

ZHANG Xing, ZHENG Yan-song(3-396)

Progress on the Synthesis of Acrylic Acid by Carbonylation of Coal-based Acetylene

ZHANG Xin-min, ZHOU Xi(3-399)


Progress in Ruthenium-catalyzed C-C Bond Formation by C-H Activation

WANG Xiao-wei, WANG Huan-yi, HE Zhan-feng, LIU Tao, CHEN Jun-he, JIANG Yi(4-403)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel Bisamides Derivatives Containing Benzothiazole

XUE Wei, XIONG Zhuang, ZHENG Yu-guo, HE Yong, WEI Xue, QI Hui-xue, LU Ping(4-411)

Synthesis and Anticancer Activities of Novel Oleanolic Acid Derivative

LÜ Guang-ying, MU Guan-min, YANG Hai-jun(4-416)

Synthesis and Optical Properties of Novel Perylene Diimide Derivatives

DU Bin, YU Jian-hua, LI Zhi-jun, DING Zhi-jun(4-421)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of New Isoxazoline Derivatives

ZHANG Cun-yan, LIU Deng-ke, SUN Chang-hai, LIU Mo, LIU Wei(4-425)

Synthesis of Diacetyl Curcumin Metal(Copper, Platinum) Complexes and Its Interaction with ctDNA

JIANG Bo, WEI Dong, FAN Jiu-liang, WANG Jia-feng, ZHOU Shuang-sheng(4-430)

Synthesis of Novel 2-(2-Amino-4,5-dinitrophenylimino)methyl-6-hydroxymethyl-4-methylphenol and Its Recognition

Properties on Anion

CHEN Hua-mei, HE Xiao-lu, LIANG Ming-wei, YUE Fan, SUN Du-cheng(4-434)

Synthesis of Novel C12 Sugar and Its Application in the Chiral Resolution ofβ-Amino Alcohol

HOU Xue-hui, ZHAO Li-kui, ZHANG Jing-yu(4-438)

Microwave-assisted Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of ZnFe2O4/CNT Nanocompistes

ZHU Lu-lu, NI Na, ZHANG Ning, LI Ming-ming, MAO Li, WU Hua-qiang(4-444)

Effect of Ball-milling on the Electrochemical Performance of Li2FeSiO4for Lithium-ion Battery Cathode Materials

CHEN Zhen-gan,

HUANG Xiao-bing, CHEN Hong-hui, ZHOU Shi-biao, CHEN Yuan-dao, LIU Bei-ping, YANG Ji-feng, QU Mei-zhen, YU Zuo-long(4-448)

Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermal Property of a Novel Picrate Copper(Ⅱ) Complex

FENG Jian-hua(4-452)

Synthesis and Characterization of Telechelic Liquid Natural Rubber

CONG Qin-qin, LIAO Shuang-quan, YANG Xiao-hong, ZHANG Zhe, XIE Gui-shui(4-458)

Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Ferrocenyl Phosphinosulfoxide Ligand with Planar and Central Chirality

LI Gao-wei, TANG Bei, WANG Min-can, KONG Pei-pei, ZHAO Wen-xian(4-462)

Synthesis of Novel 3,4-Disubstituted Pyrrolidine Derivatives by Three-component 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction byinsituUnstablized

Azomethine Ylides

PAN Hua, XU Liang(4-466)

Preparation of a Novel Polyacrylonitrile Fiber Grafted with Quaternary Ammonium Groups

XU Qi-chao, WANG Jing, ZHAO Dong, ZHAO Liang(4-470)

Synthesis and Anti-cancer Activities of Novel [1,2,4]Triazolo[4,3-b][1,2,4,5]tetrazine Derivatives

CHEN Hui, ZHENG Cai-xia, YANG Yu-feng, LIN Ting-ting, YUAN Dong, XU Feng(4-475)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Schiff Bases Containing 2,4,5-Triphenyl-1H-imidazole

PENG Hua-nan, ZHENG Da-gui, ZHANG Yong, XIE Guo-hao, ZENG Xian-hua(4-479)

Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Novel Schiff Base Molecular Tweezer Artificial Receptors and Its Molecular Recognition Properties on

Neutral Molecular

ZHANG Chang, TAN Jiong, ZHAO Zhi-gang(4-482)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Nickel (Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer with Chiral Schiff-base

BAN Feng-jun, SHENG En-hong, GONG Teng-fei, YE Cheng-cheng(4-486)

Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermal Stability of a Novel Binuclear Gadolinium(Ⅲ) Complex Bridged by Cucurbit[6]uril

ZHANG Gui-ling, ZENG Jia, LUO Xu-qiang(4-490)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis ofβ-Carotene

JIN Xiao, XU liang(4-494)

Preparation of Chiral Aminophosphinyl Oxides and Their Application in Asymmetric Reduction ofN-substituted Acetophenone Ketimine

LI Yang, WU Xin-jun, WANG Chao, SUN Jian(4-497)

Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy Flavone Derivatives

YU Xiao-feng, XIA Hong-cheng, CHEN Mei-lin, LUO Ming, SU Ya(4-501)

Synthesis of the Glycosylated Artemisinin Derivatives

REN Yan-rong(4-504)

Synthesis of 2-Hexadecyloxy-5-hydroxymethyl-1,3-benzenedicarboxaldehyde

WANG Chun-shan, ZHANG Ze(4-508)

Catalytic Synthesis of Xanthenedione Derivatives by CAN/PEG-400 System

CAO Rui-wei, CHEN Zhao-hui, WU Chun-lei, ZHOU Yu-bo, GAO Xiao-zhong, HUANG Yun-yun, WANG Huan-huan(4-511)

Synthesis of Novel 2,5-Bis(substituted-benzylidene)cyclopentanones

GAO Fu-xing, CHEN Guang-hui, WANG Jin-tao, LI Zai-shun, WANG Xiao-fang(4-515)

Synthesis of Mercaptomethyl Benzophenone

CHENG Chuan-jie, SUN Jian, LIU Zhong-bin, SHEN Liang, LIU Ying-jia(4-517)

Synthesis of Hydrophobical Monomer Alkylacrylamide by Heterogeneous Method

WANG Yong-liang, GUO Yong-jun, LIU Jian-xin, FENG Ru-sen(4-520)

Synthesis of Quaternary and Tertiary Carbon Compound via Michael Addition Catalyzed by BnNH2·TFA/DABCO

LI Xue-feng, YE Ling(4-522)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Sulfasalazine

JIN Can, LIN Xiao-qing, SU Wei-ke(4-524)


Synthesis and Anti-hyperglycemic Activities oftrans-Cyclohexane-bearingC-glucosides as SGLT2 Inhibitors Ⅱ

ZHAO Wen-jing, YU Xiu-ling, SHAO Hua, WANG Yu-li, XU Wei-ren, TANG Li-da, ZHAO Gui-long, WANG Jian-wu(5-527)

Synthesis and Liquid Crystalline Properties of Liquid Crystalline Polyurethane Film with Aromatic Azo Benzene End Capping

WU Ning, ZHAO Shu, WANG Jing, HUANG Zhu-jun(5-537)

Synthesis and Diuretic Activities of Tolvaptan Analogues

YANG Chuan-wei, NIU Duan, MU Shuai, WANG Ping-bao, TAN Chu-bing, ZHOU Zhi-xing, LIU Deng-ke(5-543)

Transesterification of Dimethyl Carbonate and Phenyl Acetate to Diphenyl Carbonate Using TiO2-MoO3/SiO2as the Catalyst

WANG Li-hui, YANG Xian-gui, WANG Gong-ying(5-550)

Synthesis of Novel Cholesteric Monomers with a Double Bond and Their Liquid Crystalline Polymers

YU Yun-long, BAI Jun-wei, ZHANG Jun-hua(5-556)

Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Photocatalysts of Al2O3-doped 80TiO2·20SiO2

WANG Jian-ling, LÜ Quan-jian, WANG Guo-qing(5-560)

Preparation of CdS Nano-film and Its Optical and Electrical Properties

CHEN Hai-lian, ZHENG Du-jian, QIN Ai-miao(5-564)

Synthesis of Novel Proline Chiral Ionic Liquids

LI Zhao-zhao, ZHANG Yue-cheng, ZHAO Ji-quan(5-568)

Synthesis of (Z)-5-(2-Methylpropylidene)-3-pyrroline-2-one of Myceliothermophin E Snippet and Its Baylis-Hillman Model Reaction

JIN Ying, QU Shi-wei(5-573)

Total Synthesis of Paratocarpin B

LUO Jun-shan, YANG Jin-hui, WANG Jin-rong, HUANG Wen-qian, GUO Dong-dong, LI Hong-jun, ZHANG Yu-heng(5-578)

“One-pot” Synthesis and Inhibitory Activities of NovelN-phenylacetyl-L-valinamide Derivatives

ZHAO Jian, NING Jun, JIANG Zhi-fu, GAO Bei-bei, YUAN Hui-zhu, SHE Dong-mei(5-582)

Synthesis of Novel 1D Coordination Polymer {[Cu(H2L)(HL)](ClO4)·3H2O}nand Its Crystal Structure

ZHOU Ying-hua, CHEN Jian, SHANG Yong-jia(5-586)

Synthesis of 1-[3′-(4″-Methoxyphenyl)-5′-methylisoxazole-4′-formyl]-4-arylthiosemicarbazides and Its Derivatives

KEYUME Ablajan, ANAGU Tuoheti, LIU Fang-ming(5-591)

Synthesis of Novel N^C^N Tridentate Ligand 1,3-Bis(2′-pyrimidyl)-5-methoxybenzene

WU Yang, ZHANG Deng-qing, XIE Da-hai, LI Xian-ying, JIN Wu-song(5-596)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Chitosan Schiff-base Metal[Cu(Ⅱ), Mn(Ⅱ)] Complexes

LIU Zheng-hua, LE Xue-yi, CHEN Shi, ZHOU Xiao-hua, FAN Ling(5-599)

Synthesis of a Novel Polysquaraine and Its Optical Property

CHEN Shu-wei, ZHAN Hao-qiang(5-603)

Synthesis of Novel Rosin-based-acyl-imine-thiazolidine Derivatives

WU Yong, RAO Xiao-ping, WANG Zong-de, SONG Zhan-qian(5-606)

Synthesis of Poly{2-[(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyloxy)methyl]oxirane}

ZHENG Man, LI Zhan-xiong(5-609)

Ultrasound-promoted Synthesis of Ethyl Hexanoate Catalyzed by Lipase

SHEN Yong-mei, XIE Xiao-na, XUN Er-na, WANG Jia-xin, ZHANG Hong, WANG Lei, WANG Zhi(5-612)

Resolution of (R,S)-2-methyl-1-butanol Catalyzed by Immobilized Thermophilic Esterase

ZHANG Hong, LI Ya-wei, CAO Shu-gui, CHENG Tie-xin, WANG Zhi, WANG Lei(5-616)

Synthesis of Eight-arm Star-shaped Copolymer 8-PLGA

OUYANG Chun-ping, WANG Yu, ZHAO Shun-xin, SONG Cun-xian, ZHANG Zheng-pu(5-620)

Synthesis ofN7-alkylated Guanines and Their Applications in the Detection of DNA Damage

ZHANG Ran, XU Jie, ZHAO Li-Jiao, ZHONG Ru-gang(5-623)

Synthesis of Novel Pyrimidine Derivatives Containing Indazole

ZHANG Xiao-kai, LIU Bing-ni, WANG Ping-bao, LIU Mo, LIU Deng-ke(5-627)

Study on the Reaction Kinetics of Chlorinated Natural Rubber Prepared by the Low Concentration Latex

LI Ying, LIAO Shuang-quan, ZHONG Jie-ping, LIAO Xiao-xue, CHEN Yong-ping, LI Xin-hong(5-631)

Synthesis of 4,4′-Dimethoxy-triphenylamine and Its Optical Properties

SUN Hai-yan, SUN Shang-fei, HUANG Zhao-ge, ZHANG Lin, LIN Run-xiong(5-635)

Synthesis of Generic Haptens of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Ionic Liquid

WEN Wan-dong, LIU Xi-bao, GAO Lü-tong, YANG Run-ya, QI Zhi-jun(5-638)

Synthisis of Some Carbasugars

CHENG Jie, FANG Zhi-jie, GU Zhen-long(5-642)

Effect of Particle Size and Surface Treatment on Mechanical Properties of PPDO/CaCO3Composites

ZHONG Fei, BAI Wei, XIONG Cheng-dong(5-646)

HE ZU-hui, LIU Yong, LI Xian-zhe, FENG Ming-ke(5-649)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Aurora-A Kinases Inhibitor MLN8237

FU Ming-wei, GE Min(5-652)

Synthesis of NovelN-amino Carbonyl Vancomycin Derivatives

OUYANG Yan, FENG Wen-hua(5-656)


Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Novel Thiomethyl-containing Ferrocenylarylamines Linked by Rigid Aromatic Spacer

HE Huan-huan, LI Chang-gong, HAN Rui-jie, GUO Su-hua, WANG Liu-cheng(6-659)

Synthesis of CMC-g-(2-chloroacetate-4-methoxybenzophenone) and UV Absorption Performance

YU Shu-juan, MO Xian-zhong, Yang Fang, LIANG Chun-qun(6-664)

Synthesis ofα-Alkoxy Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by Iodobenzene Diacetate

TIAN Zong-yong, RUAN Xiao-jiao, MIAO Chun-bao, SUN Xiao-qiang, YANG Hai-tao(6-668)

Synthesis and Liquid Crystalline Property of Novel 4-(2-Allyloxy-4-octyloxy benzoate)-4′-propylbiphenyl

XIE Jian-qiang, ZHU Guang-ming, TANG Yu-sheng, DENG Deng, SONG Fei(6-674)

Synthesis of Novel Sulfonyl-containingα-Aminophosphonates

ZHANG Gai-hong, CHENG Chuan-ling(6-679)

Synthesis, Structure and Fluorescence Property of Strontium(Ⅱ) Complex with 2,3-Pyrazinedicarboxylic Acid

WU Gang, FENG Jian-hua, LI Hui-hui, WANG Xiao-feng(6-683)

Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Fluorescence Property of Calcium Complex with 2,3-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid

WU Gang, LI Hui-hui, GUO Li(6-688)

Synthesis of Novel Bispidine Derivatives with Symmetrical Structure

WEI Jiao-jiao, ZHANG Yue-cheng, ZHAO Ji-quan(6-693)

Synthesis and Anti-platelet Aggregation Activities of New gem-Dimethyl-bearing PAR-1 Antagonists

ZHANG Lin-shan, MIAO Hua-ming, ZHANG Hai-liang, TAN Chu-bing, ZHOU Zhi-xing, SHAO Hua, LI Ming, ZHAO Gui-long(6-696)

Total Synthesis of Coryfolia D

GUO Dong-dong, YANG Jin-hui, LUO Jun-shan, HUANG Wen-qian(6-701)

A Green Synthesis of 16β-Azole-substituted-3β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one

KE Xian-bing, PAN Teng, WU Jie, YANG Ming-li(6-705)

Synthesis of Calix[4]arene Derivatives Bearing Four Coumarin Units in 1,3-Alternate Conformation

WANG He-wen, FENG Ya-qing, MENG Shu-xian(6-709)

Synthesis and Optical Properties of 4,4′-Bissubstituted-2,2′-bispyridine Derivatives

LI Yang, LIU Jian-jun, ZHANG Ruo-si, LI Bao-shan, ZUO Sheng-li(6-712)

Synthesis of Novel [1,2,3]thiadiazole-7-carboxylic Acid Derivatives

WANG You-ming, TIAN Chao, TAO You-xiang(6-715)

Synthesis and Surface Activity of a Novel Dissymmetric Quaternary Ammonium Gemini Surfactant

XU Zong-hui, PEI Xiao-mei, SONG Bing-lei, SHI Hui, CUI Zheng-gang(6-718)

Preparation and Crystalline Properties of PPDO/CaCO3Composite Materials

BAI Bao-ping, BAI Wei(6-721)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Complex [Fe2(μ2-OH)(tpmc)](ClO4)3·CH3CH2OH

WANG Hong-tu, LIU Bo(6-724)

Synthesis of Novle Phosphoryl Nitrogen Mustard Derivatives Containing Sulfonyl

ZHANG Gai-hong, XUE Guo-xi(6-728)

Synthesis of Novel 3-Methylxanthine Derivatives

BAI Jie, ZHANG Yue-cheng, ZHAO Ji-quan(6-732)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel 1-Trifluoromethyl-phenyl-β-carboline-3-carbonyl-diacylhydrazine

CAI Ying, HUANG Jian-feng, ZHANG Mei-dan, ZENG Yong, ZHANG Yao-mou(6-736)

Synthesis ofN-methyl-4-hydroxy-5-phenyl-2-pyridone

LI Jing, ZHAO Sheng-yin(6-740)

Synthesis of Multi-core Quaternary Ammonium Salts Template of Function Molecular Sieve

FENG Lei, SUN Jian, WEI Meng-xue, LI Xue-qiang(6-742)

Synthesis of [4,4′-(4,4′-Diphenylamino)-dibenzamido]phenoxybenzene Catalyted by Pd2(dba)3/BINAP

SUN Shang-fei, SUN Hai-yan, HUANG Zhao-ge, LIN Run-xiong, ZHANG Lin(6-745)

Synthesis of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-[(1E)-2-(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)ethenyl]benzaldehyde

XU Jing-hua, CAI Zhi-bin, XIANG Bin(6-748)

Synthesis of Novel 3(4)(2-Thiophenylmethoxyl)Phthalonitriles

ZHANG Gu-lin, SHAO Chao-ying, ZHANG Xue-bin, LI Hong-qi(6-751)

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Ethanolamine Type Ionic Liquids

FENG Shi-de, CAO Feng-yun, SUN Tai-fan, LU Bin, CAI Qing-hai(6-754)

Synthesis of a Novelγ-Poly(glutamic acid) Absorbency Resin

YANG Xiao-li, FENG Zhi-qiang, HU Xiao-hong, HAO Ling-yun(6-758)

Synthesis of a Novle Flame Retardant Methacryloyl Oxyethyl-N-dimethyl Phosphoric Amide and Its Application in Silk Fabric

YANG Yu-mei, GUAN Jin-ping, CHEN Guo-qiang(6-761)

Preparation of Low Poly(lactic acid) and Its Depilations Performance on Poultry

TANG Shi-gui, SUN Yan-long, JIANG Yun-chen, YE Fei, GUO Kai(6-764)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Lactide with High Purity

TANG Shi-gui, JIANG Yun-chen, SUN Yan-long, YE Fei, GUO Kai(6-767)

Synthesis of Benzyltoluene Catalyzed by Quaternary Phosphonium Salt/ZnCl2

CHANG Wei-xing, WANG Guo-guo, LIU Ling-yan, LI Jing(6-771)

Solution-phase Synthesis and Configuration Elucidation of Hexahydro-pyrazino[1,2-a]pyrimidine-4,7-dione Compounds

TANG Yan-bo, XU Kai, DU Xin, XIAO Zhi-yan(6-774)

Preparation and Biocompatibility of Gold Nanoparticle/Chitosan/Graphite Nano-composite Materials

GUO Yu-wei, XU Jin-ling, CHENG Chun-ping(6-778)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Ethyl 3-(2-Pyridineamino)propanoate

ZHANG Wei-guang, CAI Zhi-qiang, LIU Hong-qiang, XU Wei-ren, TANG Li-da(6-782)

Preparation of Palmatine from Alkaloids in Coptids Rhizoma

WANG Dao-wu, ZHENG Jin-long, PANG Xue, ZHANG Long(6-784)

Contents of Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry in Vol.20(2012)



金丝草化学成分及其体外抗HBV 活性