

新东方英语 2012年9期

赏析/ 李科

纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804~1864),是美国文学史上最伟大的小说家之一。他出生于美国马萨诸塞州塞勒姆市。霍桑大学就读于缅因州的鲍登学院,毕业后隐居故乡,专注于读书写作,蛰居长达12年之久。1837年,霍桑出版了短篇小说集《重述的故事》(Twice-Told Tales),获得了众多批评家的认可,奠定了他浪漫文学大师的文坛地位。霍桑的代表作还有《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)、《七个尖顶的阁楼》(The House of Seven Gables)和《福谷传奇》(The Blithedale Romance)等长篇小说。他擅长在小说中深入挖掘人物的内心世界,探讨人性本质。《威克菲尔德》(Wakefield)选自其短篇小说集《重述的故事》,是其中较有影响的一篇。


In some old magazine or newspaper I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man—let us call him Wakefield—who absented himself for a long time from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly stated, is not very uncommon, nor—without a proper distinction of circumstances—to be condemned either as naughty or nonsensical. Howbeit2), this, though far from the most aggravated, is perhaps the strangest instance on record of marital delinquency3); and, moreover, as remarkable a freak as may be found in the whole list of human oddities. The wedded couple lived in London. The man, under pretence of going a journey, took lodgings in the next street to his own house, and there, unheard of by his wife or friends, and without the shadow of a reason for such self-banishment, dwelt upwards of twenty years. During that period, he beheld his home every day, and frequently the forlorn4) Mrs. Wakefield. And after so great a gap in his matrimonial5) felicity6)—when his death was reckoned certain, his estate settled, his name dismissed from memory, and his wife, long, long ago, resigned to her autumnal7) widowhood—he entered the door one evening, quietly, as from a days absence, and became a loving spouse till death….

What sort of a man was Wakefield? We are free to shape out our own idea, and call it by his name. He was now in the meridian8) of life; his matrimonial affections, never violent, were sobered into a calm, habitual sentiment; of all husbands, he was likely to be the most constant, because a certain sluggishness9) would keep his heart at rest, wherever it might be placed. He was intellectual, but not actively so; his mind occupied itself in long and lazy musings10), that ended to no purpose, or had not vigor to attain it; his thoughts were seldom so energetic as to seize hold of words. Imagination, in the proper meaning of the term, made no part of Wakefields gifts. With a cold but not depraved11) nor wandering heart, and a mind never feverish with riotous thoughts, nor perplexed with originality, who could have anticipated that our friend would entitle himself to a foremost place among the doers of eccentric deeds? Had his acquaintances been asked, who was the man in London the surest to perform nothing today which should be remembered on the morrow12), they would have thought of Wakefield. Only the wife of his bosom13) might have hesitated. She, without having analyzed his character, was partly aware of a quiet selfishness that had rusted into his inactive mind; of a peculiar sort of vanity, the most uneasy attribute about him; of a disposition to craft, which had seldom produced more positive effects than the keeping of petty secrets, hardly worth revealing; and, lastly, of what she called a little strangeness, sometimes, in the good man. This latter quality is indefinable, and perhaps non-existent.

Let us now imagine Wakefield bidding adieu14) to his wife. It is the dusk of an October evening. His equipment is a drab15) great-coat, a hat covered with an oilcloth, top-boots, an umbrella in one hand and a small portmanteau16) in the other. He has informed Mrs. Wakefield that he is to take the night coach17) into the country. She would fain18) inquire the length of his journey, its object, and the probable time of his return; but, indulgent to his harmless love of mystery, interrogates him only by a look. He tells her not to expect him positively by the return coach, nor to be alarmed should he tarry19) three or four days; but, at all events, to look for him at supper on Friday evening. Wakefield himself, be it considered, has no suspicion of what is before him. He holds out his hand, she gives her own, and meets his parting kiss, in the matter-of-course way of a ten years matrimony; and forth goes the middle-aged Mr. Wakefield, almost resolved to perplex his good lady by a whole weeks absence. After the door has closed behind him, she perceives it thrust20) partly open, and a vision of her husbands face, through the aperture21), smiling on her, and gone in a moment. For the time, this little incident is dismissed without a thought. But, long afterwards, when she has been more years a widow than a wife, that smile recurs, and flickers across all her reminiscences of Wakefields visage22). In her many musings, she surrounds the original smile with a multitude of fantasies, which make it strange and awful: as, for instance, if she imagines him in a coffin, that parting look is frozen on his pale features; or, if she dreams of him in heaven, still his blessed spirit wears a quiet and crafty smile. Yet, for its sake, when all others have given him up for dead, she sometimes doubts whether she is a widow.

But our business is with the husband. We must hurry after him along the street, ere23) he lose his individuality, and melt into the great mass of London life. It would be vain searching for him there. Let us follow close at his heels, therefore, until, after several superfluous turns and doublings, we find him comfortably established by the fireside of a small apartment, previously bespoken24). He is in the next street to his own, and at his journeys end. He can scarcely trust his good fortune, in having got thither25) unperceived—recollecting that, at one time, he was delayed by the throng, in the very focus of a lighted lantern; and, again, there were footsteps that seemed to tread behind his own, distinct from the multitudinous tramp around him; and, anon26), he heard a voice shouting afar, and fancied that it called his name. Doubtless, a dozen busybodies had been watching him, and told his wife the whole affair. Poor Wakefield! Little knowest thou thine own insignificance in this great world! No mortal eye but mine has traced thee.27)

1. 节选部分选自小说的前半部分,对主人公威克菲尔德进行了介绍并描述了其最初离家出走的情况。

2. howbeit [ha??bi??t] adv. [古语]尽管如此

3. delinquency [d??l??kw?nsi] n. 不端行为

4. forlorn [f?(r)?l??(r)n] adj. 被遗弃的

5. matrimonial [?m?tr??m??ni?l] adj. 婚姻的,与婚姻有关的

6. felicity [f??l?s?ti] n. 幸福,福气

7. autumnal [???t?mn(?)l] adj. 已过中年的

8. meridian [m??r?di?n] n. (健康、精力的)全盛期

9. sluggishness [?sl?ɡ??n?s] n. 懒怠

10. musing [?mju?z??] n. 沉思,冥想

11. depraved [d??pre?vd] adj. 堕落的

12. morrow [?m?r??] n. 次日

13. bosom [?b?z(?)m] n. 亲密的关系

14. adieu [??dju?] n. 告别,离别

15. drab [dr?b] adj. 土褐色的

16. portmanteau [p??(r)t?m?nt??] n. 旅行皮箱

17. coach [k??t?] n. 四轮大马车

18. fain [fe?n] adv. 欣然,乐意地

19. tarry [?t?ri] vi. 逗留;耽搁

20. thrust [θr?st] vt. (用力)推

21. aperture [??p?(r)t??(r)] n. 缝隙

22. visage [?v?z?d?] n. 容貌

23. ere [e?(r)] conj. 在……以前

24. bespoken [b??sp??k?n] adj. 预订的

25. thither [?????(r)] adv. 到那边

26. anon [??n?n] adv. 不久,之后

27. 在这句话中,有几个单词用的是古语的形式,其中knowest = knows,thou = you (主格),thine = your,thee = you (宾格)。










特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)曾经说过:“我们有时会以为贫困是没有饭吃、没有衣穿、无家可归。但最可怕的贫困其实是没有人需要我们、爱我们、关怀我们。”人类是渺小的、卑微的,所以才如此渴望被关注、被牢记、被深爱。如果没有人惦念和怀想,从这个世界消失是一件多么简单的事情,就像是在无垠的宇宙中,一颗小行星被某个黑洞所吞噬,宇宙平稳地运转着,仿佛什么也没有发生过。然而,人与人之间的惦念与怀想依靠的是心与心之间的一根线,它是如此纤细,经不住怀疑与试炼的反复拉扯。所以,珍惜身边的人,握紧彼此的手,不要轻言别离,哪怕别离的距离只隔着一条短短的街道。如果线断了,人就会被放逐在亲密关系之外,成为宇宙间无家可归的弃儿。

