

中学生英语 2012年31期

原著:安徒生 编译:刘淑芬

1.Alice waked and walked out the cave,bruised the nettles,which burned her like the fire,with her bare feet and spun the flax.To save her dear brothers,she was glad to tolerate the sufferings.艾丽莎醒来,她走出山洞,赤着脚踏碎每一根像火一样刺人的荨麻,编制从中取出的麻。为了救出亲爱的哥哥,她乐意忍受这些苦痛。

2.At sunsets her brothers returned.They believed it must be the wicked queen when they found her dumb.But when they saw her hands they understood that she was suffering on their behalf.太阳下山后,哥哥们回来了。当他们发现她哑了的时候,起初他们认为是恶毒皇后的新妖术,看到她的手以后知道了她是在为他们受难。

3.The brothers felt worried.The youngest brother began to cry,and where his tears fell,her pain ceased.Alice tried to give them a smile.艾丽莎的哥哥们很担忧。最小的哥哥开始哭泣,他的泪珠滴到的地方艾丽莎就不那么痛了。艾丽莎努力地朝哥哥们笑了笑。

4.She kept working through the night and would never rest till her brothers were released.One cloak was finished and she began the second one.她整夜的工作着,在哥哥们得救以前,她是不会休息的。一件披甲织完了,她马上开始织第二件。

5.At this moment,there came the horn for the hunting.She put away the cloaks and hid herself in the cave.The hunters and dogs came in.The most handsome one was the king.这时山间响起了打猎的号角,她收拾好披甲和荨麻躲进山洞。猎人们和猎狗进了山洞,其中最英俊的猎人就是这个国家的国王。

6.He walked up to Alice,“How did you come here,my dear?”Alice shook her head and hid her hands under the apron.not daring to speak one word.他向艾丽莎走来,问道:“亲爱的,你怎样到这地方来了呢?”艾丽莎摇摇头,把她的手藏到围裙下面,不敢说一句话。

7.The king wanted to take her away and let her live a happy life.Alice said no word.Then the king rode on the white horse with Alice.At sunset,a beautiful palace appeared in front of them.But tears were in her eyes.国王想要带她离开这里,让她过上幸福的生活。艾丽莎一言不发。于是国王带着她骑上白马。当太阳下山的时候,他们面前出现了一座美丽的宫殿。但是她满眼泪水。

8.The girls in the palace dressed Alice,put some pearls in her hair and put gloves on her blistered hands.The king chose her to be his wife,although the archbishop said the beautiful girl from the forest was a witch.宫女们给她穿上宫廷的衣服,在她的发里插上一些珍珠,在她起了泡的手上戴上精致的手套。国王把她选为自己的新娘,虽然大主教说这位美丽的林中姑娘是一个巫婆。

9.The king didn’t believe it.He ordered his men to play the music and order palace ladies to dance around Alice.Alice was led to a magnificent hall,but there was no smile on her face and no color in her eyes.国王不理这些传言。他让人奏起音乐,让宫女们在她的周围跳起舞来。艾丽莎被领到一个华丽的大厅,可是她嘴角没有一丝笑容,眼里没有一点光彩。

10.The king pushed a room open.It was the same to the cave she lived,a bundle of nettles on the floor,a cloak she made on the ceiling.国王推开一间卧室的门。房间和她住过的那个洞子完全一样。一捆荨麻在地上,天花板下面悬着她已经织好了的那件披甲。

11.Alice smiles at the things.She thought of saving her brothers,so she kissed the king.He hugged her and ordered the bell rung in the church,declaring their wedding.艾丽莎看到这些东西的时候笑了。她想要解救她的哥哥们,于是吻了一下国王的手。他拥着她,同时命令所有的教堂敲起钟,宣布他们的婚礼。

12.The bishop put the crown on her head with contempt.The small crown touched her forehead and made her painful.However,there was a bigger sorrow in her heart—she worried about her brothers.大主教不屑地给她戴上王冠。这个窄小的王冠紧紧地箍住她的额头。不过她的心上还有一个更重的箍子——她担心她的哥哥们。

13.How she hoped to share her sadness with him.But she had to save her brothers she came to the room to weave the cloaks quietly at night.When she began the seventh one,she used up the nettles.她多么希望能够把自己的痛苦告诉他啊!然而她得救她的哥哥们。夜里她偷偷地到那个小屋子里一件一件地织着披甲。不过当她织到第七件的时候,她的麻用完了。

14.In the darkness,she walked through the treelined lane and absent street to the cemetery.She saw a group of vampires.She prayed and picked up the stinging nettles.When she came back to the palace,the bishop saw her.夜里,她走过林荫道,穿过无人的街路,一直到教堂的墓地里去。她看到一群吸血鬼,她祈祷着,采集着那些刺手的荨麻。当她回到宫的时候,大主教看到了她。

15.The bishop told the king about what he saw and what he doubted.The king pretended to be asleep at night and he followed her and found her disappearing in the room.大主教把他看到的和他疑虑的事情告诉了国王。夜里,国王假装睡着了,然后跟踪她,发现她到那个小房间去了。

16.Time went by day after day.She almost finished her task with one to weave.However,she had no nettle left.She had to go to the cemetery for the last time.The king and bishop followed her.There they saw many vampires.一天天过去了,她的工作差不多完成了,只剩下最后一件披甲了。她得再去一次墓地。艾丽莎去了,但是国王和大主教却跟在她后面。他们也看到了许多吸血鬼。

17.The bishop told the king Alice must be one of the vampires.Then the officials asked the king to sentence the queen to death.The king left her in the cavelike room,she continued her cloaks.大主教告诉国王,艾丽莎肯定是这些吸血鬼中的一员。于是大臣们一致要处死王后。国王把她丢在那个像山洞的房间里,艾丽莎继续编织她的披风。

18.The next day,when the king declared to sentence Alice to death,11 swans flew and stopped on the carriage.They surrounded her and wove their wings.She threw the cloaks to the swans and soon the swan changed into the princes.第二天,国王宣布处死艾丽莎的时候,11只白天鹅飞来了,落到车上,围着她,拍着宽大的翅膀。她急忙把这11件衣服抛向天鹅,11个王子出现了。

19.The eldest brother told the people what happened to them.The bells in the church rang and the king announced it was the wedding ceremony.From then on,the king and his queen and 11 brothers led a happy life together.大哥讲述了他们所经历的一切。教堂的钟自动地响起来了,国王宣布正式的婚礼仪式开始。从此以后,国王和她的王后及兄长过着幸福的生活。

