吴 琪
(九江学院 外国语学院,江西 九江 332005)
从汉译时间来看,外国学者早于中国学者。英国汉学家里雅各(James Legge 1815-1897),译有《中国经典》,翟理斯(H.A.Giles,1845-1935)编译有《中国文学瑰宝》,韦利(A.D.Waley,1889-1966)以自由体翻译出版了《中国诗歌一百七十首》、《诗经》等。 美国有庞德(E.Pound,1885-1935)以改写法翻译出版了《华夏集》,洛厄尔(A.Lowel,1874-1925)等以自由诗体翻译了《松花笺》,詹姆斯·海陶玮(James R.Hightower,1915-2006)著有《中国文学流派和题材)》等,巴顿·华兹生(Burton Watson,1925-)翻译出版了包括《史记》在内的大量中国文学和文化典籍,史蒂芬·欧文(Stephen Owen,汉名宇文所安,1946-?)主要研究中国古典诗歌,著有《初唐诗》、《中国古典诗歌研究心得》等。其中,韦利、海陶玮、华兹生和宇文所安等汉学家都曾翻译过陶渊明的作品,《饮酒》(其五)是陶渊明二十首组诗中的第五首,此诗脍炙人口、意象深厚,表达了他隐耕后所享受到的无穷自然之趣。本文拟从功能语言学的重要概念“语法隐喻”角度,探讨这四位著名汉学家英译过程中的有关问题及带给诗歌翻译研究的启示和思考。
Halliday在《功能语法导论》(1985)中首次提出“语法隐喻”(grammatical metaphor),它体现并反映的是人们认知的世界,是言语反映世界本原的过程,是一个概念在词汇语法层中不同的体现方式:一致式和隐喻式,即“同一所指,不同能指”。在1996年,语法隐喻被重新整理为“元功能”和“层次”两个方面的新模式:“元功能”包括通常的三类:概念隐喻、人际隐喻和语篇隐喻,“层次”分为“语义层、词汇语法层、音系层”。概念隐喻功能的体现形式是反映人类社会活动经历的六个过程(即物质过程、心理过程、关系过程、言语过程、行为过程和存在过程)的及物系统,该系统通过语言来反映人类的各种“活动过程、过程参与者及与过程有关的环境因素”。 (Halliday,1985/1996);人际隐喻功能通过“语气”和“情态”这两个系统来体现;语篇隐喻主要通过“主位结构”来体现,可以根据语篇衔接、信息分布、结构平衡等需要而选用一种在特定情况下较为合适的表现形式。当我们借助及物系统反映人类各种经历时,我们可以选用一个与现实情况相一致的过程,以使语言贴近现实。然而,人们在运用语言时,并非始终只依靠这类形式,而可能改用其他的与现实不相符或不完全相符的形式(朱永生,1994)。
根据Halliday的观点,“一致式”是语义和语法之间固定的对应关系,随着一致性语法功能转化为隐喻性语法功能,一致式转化为“隐喻式”。 Thompson(2004:222-223)认为“一致式”指的是“更加靠近外部世界的事态”的表达方式,而语法隐喻是当一个“词汇语法”形式不是用于表达它原先通常所表达的意义时的表达形式。我们对翻译的语言结构的功能分析也可以从“一致式”和“隐喻式”角度入手,了解它们如何在译本中实现了语言形式和功能的统一。本文将分别对三类语法隐喻在《饮酒》(其五)四个译文中的应用情况进行初步探讨。
I Built My Hut in a Zone of Human Habitation
I built my hut in a zone of human habitation,
Yet near me there sounds no noise of horse or coach.
Would you know how that is possible?
A heart that is distant creates a wildness round it.
I pluck chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge,
Then gaze long at the distant summer hills.
The mountain air is fresh at the dusk of day;
The flying birds two by two return.
In these things there lies a deep meaning;
Yet when we would express it,words suddenly fail us.(Arthur Waley)
Poems after Drinking Wine (No.5)
I built my hut beside a traveled road
Yet hear no noise of passing carts and horses.
You would like to know how it is done?
With the mind detached,one’s place becomes remote.
Picking chrysanthemums by the eastern edge
I catch sight of the distant southern hills:
The mountain air is lovely as the sun sets.(James Robert Hightower)
Drinking Wine No 5
I built my hut in a place where people live,
and yet there’s no clatter of carriage or horse.
You ask me how that could be?
With a mind remote,the region too grows distant.
I pick chrysanthemums by the eastern hedge,
see the southern mountain,calm and still.
The mountain air is beautiful at close of day,
Birds on the wing coming home together.
In all this here’s some principle of truth,
but try to define it and you forget the words.(Burton Watson)
Drinking Wine (V)
I built a cottage right in the realm of men,
Yet there was no noise from wagon and horse.
I ask you,how can that be so?-
When mind is far,its place becomes remote.
I picked a chrysanthemum by the eastern hedge,
Off in the distance gazed on south mountain.
Mountain vapours lovely in the twilight sun,Where birds in flight join in return.
There is some true significance here:
I want to expound it but have lost the words.(Stephen Owen)
a. 韦译:I built my hut in a zone of human habitation,Yet near me there sounds no noise of horse or coach.
b.海译:I built my hut beside a traveled road/Yet hear no noise of passing carts and horses.
c.华译:I built my hut in a place where people live,and yet there’s no clatter of carriage or horse.
d.宇译:I built a cottage right in the realm of men,Yet there was no noise from wagon and horse.
这四种译文的上半句都是对同一汉语诗句的相同语法结构表达:物质过程,就“人境”的翻译来看,海译“a traveled road”是词汇层面的“隐喻”,其他三种基本对应了原文的环境成分。而下半句,除了海译是省略了感觉者“I”的心理过程,是“隐喻式”表达外,其他三种都是与原文一致的存在过程,但是,“车马喧”的翻译在华译中是“clatter of carriage or horse”,“喧“翻译成clatter体现了动态意义,意象比“noise”更贴切更形象,总体上,华译“更贴近外部世界的事态”。四种译文在两个半句中对“而”的衔接处理基本类似。
a.韦译:Would you know how that is possible?A heart that is distant creates a wildness round it.
b.海译:You would like to know how it is done?With the mind detached,one’s place becomes remote.
c.华译:You ask me how that could be?With a mind re mote,the region too grows distant.
d.宇译:I ask you,how can that be so?-When mind is far,its place becomes remote.
这里,四种译文都采用了问句形式(原文的疑问句表达了一种委婉的“请求”,往往会期待下一步的回答,在这里是作者自问自答),但前两种用了“know”是心理过程,后两种用了“ask”是与原文一致的言语过程,但对“君”(此处是陶渊明自指)的理解不同:华译的发话者是 “You”、受话者是“me”,与原文一致,宇译颠倒了二者。而前两种直接省去了原文的“君”,做了变化。“心远地自偏”是对上面问句的回应,而且是一个有条件的答复:“只有‘心远’,‘地’才会‘自偏’”。所以,海译和华译都用with引导独立主格结构(无标记主位)对应原文的条件,这个条件在其他两个译文里被变通了。不过,相比较而言,下半句“华译”的“grows”更能突出动态变化的行为过程,与原文意境也更接近。
a.韦译:I pluck chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge,Then gaze long at the distant summer hills.
b.海译:Picking chrysanthemums by the eastern edge/I catch sight of the distant southern hills:
c.华译:I pick chrysanthemums by the eastern hedge,see the southern mountain,calm and still.
d.宇译:I picked a chrysanthemum by the eastern hedge,Off in the distance gazed on south mountain.
除了海译把上半句处理成现在分词短语作状语外 (无标记主位),其他三种译文都是物质过程小句。就表达原文的同时性来看,海译和华译有同工异曲之妙,都很贴近现实。环境成分“东篱下”表示具体地点在四种译文中大致相同;后半句都是心理过程小句,但对“悠然”(环境成分做主位)的处理却不尽相同,只有宇译的“off in the distance”与原文一致,而华译的“calm and still”是感觉对象“南山”的补足语,前两种把“悠然”变成了“南山”的定语,因此这三种是隐喻式表达。
a.韦译:The mountain air is fresh at the dusk of day;The flying birds two by two return.
b.海译:The mountain air is lovely as the sun sets.
c.华译:The mountain air is beautiful at close of day,Birds on the wing coming home together.
d.宇译:Mountain vapours lovely in the twilight sun,Where birds in flight join in return.
a.韦译:In these things there lies a deep meaning;Yet when we would express it,words suddenly fail us.
c.华译:In all this here’s some principle of truth,but try to define it and you forget the words.
d.宇译:There is some true significance here:I want to expound it but have lost the words.
上半句的主位成分在韦译和华译中都与原文保持了基本一致,但前者是存在过程,后者是关系过程。就形式而言,前者更接近原文的“有”,不过,后者更偏口语化,似与陶渊明此时的某种深沉幽默有契合之处。三位译者在下半句表现差异较大:宇译与原句结构较为对应和一致(心理过程),其他两种译文都变化较多 (如韦译下半句的感觉者是“words”取代了原文的隐去的“I”),而且,都用了转折连接词(韦译是标点符号的衔接),两者的环境成分作主位都同上一句紧密衔接。
[1]Halliday M A K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Edward Arnold,1985.
[2]Thompson,G.Introducing Functional Grammar (2nd edition)[M].London:Amold,2004.