

科技传播 2012年8期




Specialist in mechanics of structure. Born in Echeng, Hubei Province. Graduated from the Institute of Technology, Wuhan University in 1930. Received M. Sc. From the University of Liverpool, UK in 1935. Professor and deputy director, Division of Technological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Since he returned home from abroad in 1936, Zhao was professor in Hebei Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology of Beiping University and Tianjin University of Technology and Commerce as well as secretary-general of Yan’an University. He joined the revolution in 1925. After 1949, he served as secretarygeneral of Wuhan Government and director of Wuhan Construction Bureau, Zhuzhou Railway Factory and Design Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, respectively. He became deputy director of the Division of Technological Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955 and made important contributions to the development of the Division. His main monographs include“ A New Method of Stress Analyses of Bridge Design”,“ Compilation of Wuhan Dock Reform”, etc…

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.




Chemical engineering expert. Born in Minhou, Fujian Province. Enrolled in the Preparatory School of Tsinghua University for further studies abroad. Received BS from MIT, USA in 1916, MS from Columbia University in 1919 and Ph.D. in 1921.Senior engineer and vice minister, Ministry of Chemical Industry.

Hou made outstanding contributions to the exploitation,development, construction and production of Chinese chemical industry and was one of the founders of China’s modern chemical industry. Under his technical guidance, Asia’s largest alkali plant was built up in China in the 1920s and“ Red Triangle”alkali was produced. His works“ Pure Alkali Manufacture”was published worldwide in 1932 and was commonly used by chemical engineering scholars both at home and abroad. In 1937,the world advance Nanjing Ammonium Sulfate Factory of Yongli Chemical Industry Company was successfully built under his directorship, creating a new era for Chinese chemical fertilizer industry. In 1943, the associated alkali manufacture process for continuously producing pure alkali and gas ammonium chloride was completed in his laboratory and was designated as“ Hou’s alkali manufacturing process”, which opened a new approach of the alkali manufacturing technology in the world and was highly esteemed by the international academic circle.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.




Engineering mechanics specialist. Born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from China-France Institute of Technology in 1936. Received excellent engineer degree from the University Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium in 1938. Professor, president and consultant, Dalian University of Technology.

Qian was the first in China to study variational principle of complementary energy. In the early 1950s, he published two monographs, namely,“ Mechanics of Statically Determinate Structure” and“ Hyper Statically Determinate Structure”. In 1954, he was the advisor of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge Project and participated in the planning of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. In the early 1960s, he was engaged in the study of load-bearing capability of nuclear submarine shell and put forward the theory of limit analysis and stability of shell, which made an important contribution to the theory and practice of shell structures.In the early 1970s, he proposed to integrate structural mechanics with modern computer science to promote computational mechanics in China. Later, he made outstanding achievements in the research on optimal design of engineering structures applied widely in diverse engineering fields. In 1975, he was in charge of the construction of Dalian Loading Bridge over the sea which was composed of 9 spans, each being 100meters long and being made of all-welded open web truss type with parabolical top chord. It is economical in material, quick in construction, rational in structure and beautiful in shape.机械工程专家。原籍浙江绍兴,生于天津。1939




Mechanical engineering expert. Born in Tianjin. Graduated from the College of Technology, Shanghai Tongji University in 1939. Senior engineer, Ministry of Machine-Building Industry.

Tao participated in the organization and formulation of the planning, research, design and manufacturing of the equipment and facilities required for the construction of 156 projects during the First Five-Year Plan period and led the establishment of a series of scientific research institutions of machinery industry. Later, he participated in the formulation of the Chinese Long-Term Schemes for the Development of Science and Technology (1956~1967 and 1963~1973). He was the first to propose that attention should be given to self-designing the electric and machinery products. He actively generalized the application of the scientific working method for product design, prototype fabrication and evaluation. He practiced the three-phase procedure for the product design (technical task contract, technical design and construction design) and organized the application of finite element method and the value judgment project, expediting the development of the damage-free inspection technique and friction technique.He promoted research on rapture mechanics, fault analysis and design methodology as well as their application to the engineering technology in China. He set up the Training College for Mechanical Engineers, the first one in China of on-job education for engineers.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.

